slot0 = class("ChatProxy", import(".NetProxy")) slot0.NEW_MSG = "ChatProxy public msg" function slot0.InjectPublic(slot0, slot1, slot2) if == 0 then slot0.text = slot1.args[1] and slot1.args[1].string or "" return end slot3 = i18n("ad_" .. for slot7 = 1, #slot1.args do slot9 = nil if slot1.args[slot7].type == PublicArg.TypePlayerName then slot9 = slot8.string elseif slot8.type == PublicArg.TypeShipId then slot10 = pg.ship_data_statistics[] slot0:AddSprite("shiptype" .. slot7, GetSpriteFromAtlas("shiptype", shipType2print(slot10.type))) slot3 = string.gsub(slot3, "shipcolor" .. slot7, ShipRarity.Rarity2HexColor(slot10.rarity)) if slot2 then slot14 = false if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_JP then slot14, slot9 = contentWrap(, 18, 1.65) end if slot14 then slot9 = slot9 .. "..." or slot9 end end else slot9 = (slot8.type ~= PublicArg.TypeEquipId or pg.equip_data_statistics[].name) and (slot8.type ~= PublicArg.TypeItemId or pg.item_data_statistics[].name) and (slot8.type ~= PublicArg.TypeNums or and (slot8.type ~= PublicArg.TypeWorldBoss or slot8.string) and slot8.string end slot3 = string.gsub(slot3, "$" .. slot7, slot9) end slot0.text = slot3 end function slot0.register(slot0) slot0:on(50101, function (slot0) if slot0.type == ChatConst.CODE_BANED then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot0.content) elseif slot0.type == ChatConst.CODE_ACTOBSS_MSG_WORD then slot1 = { name =, score = slot0.content } uv0:sendNotification(GAME.ACTIVITY_BOSS_MSG_ADDED, slot1) table.insert(uv0.actBossMsg, slot1) if #uv0.actBossMsg > 6 then table.remove(uv0.actBossMsg, 1) end else slot1, slot2 = wordVer(slot0.content, { isReplace = true }) string.gsub(slot2, ChatConst.EmojiCodeMatch, function (slot0) uv0 = tonumber(slot0) end) if nil then if pg.emoji_template[slot3] then slot2 = slot4.desc else slot3 = nil end end uv0:addNewMsg(ChatMsg.New(ChatConst.ChannelWorld, { player = Player.New(slot0.player), content = slot2, emojiId = slot3, timestamp = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() })) end end) slot0:on(50103, function (slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.arg_list) do table.insert(slot1, PublicArg.New(slot6)) end uv0:addNewMsg(ChatMsg.New(ChatConst.ChannelPublic, { id = slot0.ad_id, args = slot1, timestamp = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() })) end) slot0.informs = {} slot0.actBossMsg = {} end function slot0.addNewMsg(slot0, slot1) if == 0 then = slot1 _.each(slot1.args, function (slot0) if slot0.string then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(slot0.string) end end) else table.insert(, slot1) if > 100 then table.remove(, 1) end end slot0:sendNotification(uv0.NEW_MSG, slot1) end function slot0.UpdateMsg(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs( do if slot6:IsSame(slot1.uniqueId) then[slot5] = slot1 end end end function slot0.GetMessagesByUniqueId(slot0, slot1) return, function (slot0) return slot0.uniqueId == uv0 end) end function slot0.clearMsg(slot0) = {} end function slot0.loadUsedEmoji(slot0) slot0.usedEmoji = {} if #string.split(PlayerPrefs.GetString(ChatConst.EMOJI_SAVE_TAG .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id) or "", ":") > 0 then _.each(slot2, function (slot0) if #string.split(slot0, "|") == 2 then uv0.usedEmoji[tonumber(slot1[1])] = tonumber(slot1[2]) end end) end end function slot0.saveUsedEmoji(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.usedEmoji) do table.insert(slot1, slot5 .. "|" .. slot6) end PlayerPrefs.SetString(ChatConst.EMOJI_SAVE_TAG .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id, table.concat(slot1, ":")) end function slot0.getUsedEmoji(slot0) if not slot0.usedEmoji then slot0:loadUsedEmoji() end return slot0.usedEmoji end function slot0.addUsedEmoji(slot0, slot1) slot2[slot1] = (slot0:getUsedEmoji()[slot1] or 0) + 1 slot0:saveUsedEmoji() end function slot0.loadUsedEmojiIcon(slot0) slot0.usedEmojiIcon = {} for slot4 = 1, 6 do slot0.usedEmojiIcon[slot4] = pg.emoji_small_template.all[slot4] end if #string.split(PlayerPrefs.GetString(ChatConst.EMOJI_ICON_SAVE_TAG .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id) or "", ":") > 0 then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2) do slot0.usedEmojiIcon[slot6] = tonumber(slot7) end end end function slot0.saveUsedEmojiIcon(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.usedEmojiIcon) do table.insert(slot1, slot6) end PlayerPrefs.SetString(ChatConst.EMOJI_ICON_SAVE_TAG .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id, table.concat(slot1, ":")) end function slot0.getUsedEmojiIcon(slot0) if not slot0.usedEmojiIcon then slot0:loadUsedEmojiIcon() end return slot0.usedEmojiIcon end function slot0.addUsedEmojiIcon(slot0, slot1) if table.indexof(slot0:getUsedEmojiIcon(), slot1, 1) then table.remove(slot2, slot3) else table.remove(slot2, #slot2) end table.insert(slot2, 1, slot1) slot0:saveUsedEmojiIcon() end return slot0