slot0 = class("ChapterProxy", import(".NetProxy")) slot0.CHAPTER_UPDATED = "ChapterProxy:CHAPTER_UPDATED" slot0.CHAPTER_TIMESUP = "ChapterProxy:CHAPTER_TIMESUP" slot0.CHAPTER_CELL_UPDATED = "ChapterProxy:CHAPTER_CELL_UPDATED" slot0.CHAPTER_EXTAR_FLAG_UPDATED = "ChapterProxy:CHAPTER_EXTAR_FLAG_UPDATED" slot0.CHAPTER_AUTO_FIGHT_FLAG_UPDATED = "CHAPTERPROXY:CHAPTER_AUTO_FIGHT_FLAG_UPDATED" slot0.CHAPTER_SKIP_PRECOMBAT_UPDATED = "CHAPTERPROXY:CHAPTER_SKIP_PRECOMBAT_UPDATED" slot0.LAST_MAP_FOR_ACTIVITY = "last_map_for_activity" slot0.LAST_MAP = "last_map" function slot0.register(slot0) slot0:on(13001, function (slot0) uv0.mapEliteFleetCache = {} uv0.mapEliteCommanderCache = {} slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.fleet_list) do slot1[slot6.map_id] = slot1[slot6.map_id] or {} table.insert(slot1[slot6.map_id], slot6) end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do uv0.mapEliteFleetCache[slot5], uv0.mapEliteCommanderCache[slot5] = Chapter.BuildEliteFleetList(slot6) end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.chapter_list) do if not pg.chapter_template[] then errorMsg("chapter_template not exist: " .. else slot7 = Chapter.New(slot6) slot7:setEliteFleetList(Clone(uv0.mapEliteFleetCache[slot7:getConfig("formation")]) or { {}, {}, {} }) slot7:setEliteCommanders({ {}, {}, {} }) uv0:updateChapter(slot7) end end if slot0.current_chapter and > 0 then slot3 = uv0:getChapterById(slot2, true) slot3:update(slot0.current_chapter) uv0:updateChapter(slot3) end uv0.repairTimes = slot0.daily_repair_count if slot0.react_chapter then uv0.remasterTickets = slot0.react_chapter.count uv0.remasterDailyCount = slot0.react_chapter.daily_count uv0.remasterTip = uv0.remasterDailyCount <= 0 end Map.lastMap = uv0:getLastMap(uv1.LAST_MAP) Map.lastMapForActivity = uv0:getLastMap(uv1.LAST_MAP_FOR_ACTIVITY) pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():UpdateFlagShips("inChapter") pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():UpdateFlagShips("inElite") end) slot0:on(13105, function (slot0) if uv0:getActiveChapter() then slot2 = 0 if _.any(slot0.ai_list, function (slot0) return slot0.item_type == ChapterConst.AttachOni end) then slot1:onOniEnter() function () if not getProxy(ContextProxy) then return end if slot0:getCurrentContext().mediator == LevelMediator2 then uv0 = bit.bor(uv0, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy) uv1:SetChapterAutoFlag(, false) return end if not slot0:getContextByMediator(LevelMediator2) then return end = true end() end if _.any(slot0.map_update, function (slot0) return slot0.item_type == ChapterConst.AttachBomb_Enemy end) then slot1:onBombEnemyEnter() slot3() end if #slot0.map_update > 0 then _.each(slot0.map_update, function (slot0) if slot0.item_type == ChapterConst.AttachStory and slot0.item_data == ChapterConst.StoryTrigger then if uv0:GetChapterCellAttachemnts()[ChapterCell.Line2Name(slot0.pos.row, slot0.pos.column)] then if slot3.flag == ChapterConst.CellFlagTriggerActive and slot0.item_flag == ChapterConst.CellFlagTriggerDisabled and pg.map_event_template[slot3.attachmentId].gametip ~= "" then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n(slot4)) end slot3.attachment = slot0.item_type slot3.attachmentId = slot0.item_id slot3.flag = slot0.item_flag = slot0.item_data else slot2[slot1] = ChapterCell.New(slot0) end elseif slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachNone and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachBorn and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachBorn_Sub and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachOni_Target and slot0.item_type ~= ChapterConst.AttachOni then uv0:mergeChapterCell(ChapterCell.New(slot0)) end end) slot2 = bit.bor(slot2, ChapterConst.DirtyAttachment, ChapterConst.DirtyAutoAction) end if #slot0.ai_list > 0 then _.each(slot0.ai_list, function (slot0) uv0:mergeChampion(ChapterChampionPackage.New(slot0)) end) slot2 = bit.bor(slot2, ChapterConst.DirtyChampion, ChapterConst.DirtyAutoAction) end if #slot0.add_flag_list > 0 or #slot0.del_flag_list > 0 then slot2 = bit.bor(slot2, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategy, ChapterConst.DirtyCellFlag, ChapterConst.DirtyFloatItems) uv0:updateExtraFlag(slot1, slot0.add_flag_list, slot0.del_flag_list) end if #slot0.buff_list > 0 then slot2 = bit.bor(slot2, ChapterConst.DirtyStrategyComboPanel) slot1:UpdateBuffList(slot0.buff_list) end if #slot0.cell_flag_list > 0 then _.each(slot0.cell_flag_list, function (slot0) if uv0:getChapterCell(slot0.pos.row, slot0.pos.column) then slot1:updateFlagList(slot0) else slot1 = ChapterCell.New(slot0) end uv0:updateChapterCell(slot1) end) slot2 = bit.bor(slot2, ChapterConst.DirtyCellFlag) end uv0:updateChapter(slot1, slot2) end end) slot0.timers = {} slot0.escortChallengeTimes = 0 slot0.subNextReqTime = 0 slot0.subRefreshCount = 0 slot0.subProgress = 1 slot0.defeatedEnemiesBuffer = {} slot0.comboHistoryBuffer = {} slot0.justClearChapters = {} slot0.chaptersExtend = {} slot0:buildMaps() end function slot0.buildMaps(slot0) slot0:initChapters() slot0:buildBaseMaps() slot0:buildRemasterMaps() end function slot0.initChapters(slot0) uv0.MapToChapters = {} uv0.FormationToChapters = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(pg.chapter_template.all) do slot6 = pg.chapter_template[slot5] uv0.MapToChapters[] = uv0.MapToChapters[] or {} table.insert(uv0.MapToChapters[], slot5) if slot6.type == Chapter.CustomFleet then uv0.FormationToChapters[slot6.formation] = uv0.FormationToChapters[slot6.formation] or {} table.insert(uv0.FormationToChapters[slot6.formation], slot5) end end end function slot0.buildBaseMaps(slot0) uv0.ActToMaps = {} uv0.TypeToMaps = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.expedition_data_by_map.all) do slot7 = Map.New({ id = slot6, chapterIds = uv0.MapToChapters[slot6] }) if slot7:getConfig("on_activity") ~= 0 then uv0.ActToMaps[slot8] = uv0.ActToMaps[slot8] or {} table.insert(uv0.ActToMaps[slot8], end uv0.TypeToMaps[slot9] = uv0.TypeToMaps[slot7:getMapType()] or {} table.insert(uv0.TypeToMaps[slot9], end slot0.baseMaps = { [slot6] = slot7 } end function slot0.buildRemasterMaps(slot0) uv0.RemasterToMaps = {} slot1 = {} _.each(pg.re_map_template.all, function (slot0) _.each(pg.re_map_template[slot0].config_data, function (slot0) if not uv1[uv0.baseMaps[pg.chapter_template[slot0].map].id] then uv1[] = uv2 slot1:setRemaster(uv2) uv3.RemasterToMaps[uv2] = uv3.RemasterToMaps[uv2] or {} table.insert(uv3.RemasterToMaps[uv2], end end) end) end function slot0.IsChapterInRemaster(slot0, slot1) return _.detect(pg.re_map_template.all, function (slot0) return _.any(pg.re_map_template[slot0].config_data, function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) end) end function slot0.getMaxEscortChallengeTimes(slot0) return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityParameter("escort_daily_count") or 0 end function slot0.getEscortChapterIds(slot0) return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityParameter("escort_exp_id") or {} end function slot0.resetEscortChallengeTimes(slot0) slot0.escortChallengeTimes = 0 end function slot0.addChapterListener(slot0, slot1) if not slot1.dueTime or not slot0.timers then return end if slot0.timers[] then slot0.timers[]:Stop() slot0.timers[] = nil end function slot3()[].dueTime = nil[]:display("times'up") uv0:sendNotification(uv2.CHAPTER_UPDATED, { dirty = 0, chapter =[]:clone() }) uv0:sendNotification(uv2.CHAPTER_TIMESUP) end if slot1.dueTime - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() > 0 then slot0.timers[] = Timer.New(function () uv0() uv1.timers[]:Stop() uv1.timers[] = nil end, slot2, 1) slot0.timers[]:Start() else slot3() end end function slot0.removeChapterListener(slot0, slot1) if slot0.timers[slot1] then slot0.timers[slot1]:Stop() slot0.timers[slot1] = nil end end function slot0.remove(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.timers) do slot5:Stop() end slot0.timers = nil end function slot0.GetRawChapterById(slot0, slot1) return[slot1] end function slot0.getChapterById(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not[slot1] then if Chapter.New({ id = slot1 }):getConfig("type") == Chapter.CustomFleet then slot3:setEliteFleetList(Clone(slot0.mapEliteFleetCache[slot3:getConfig("formation")]) or { {}, {}, {} }) slot3:setEliteCommanders(Clone(slot0.mapEliteCommanderCache[slot4]) or { {}, {}, {} }) end[slot1] = slot3 end return slot2 and slot3 or slot3:clone() end function slot0.updateChapter(slot0, slot1, slot2)[] = slot1:clone() if[] then slot0:removeChapterListener( end slot0:addChapterListener(slot4) slot0.facade:sendNotification(uv0.CHAPTER_UPDATED, { chapter = slot4, dirty = defaultValue(slot2, 0) }) if slot4.fleet then slot4.fleet:clearShipHpChange() end if tobool(checkExist(slot3, { "active" })) ~= tobool( then pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():UpdateFlagShips("inChapter") end end function slot0.getMapById(slot0, slot1) return slot0.baseMaps[slot1] end function slot0.getNormalMaps(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.baseMaps) do table.insert(slot1, slot6) end return slot1 end function slot0.getMapsByType(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} if uv0.TypeToMaps[slot1] then return[slot1], function (slot0) return uv0:getMapById(slot0) end) else return {} end return slot2 end function slot0.getMapsByActId(slot0, slot1) if uv0.ActToMaps[slot1] then return[slot1], function (slot0) return uv0:getMapById(slot0) end) else return {} end end function slot0.getRemasterMaps(slot0, slot1) if uv0.RemasterToMaps[slot1] then return[slot1], function (slot0) return uv0:getMapById(slot0) end) else return {} end end function slot0.getMapsByActivities(slot0) underscore.each(getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivitiesByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_ZPROJECT), function (slot0) if not slot0:isEnd() then uv0 = table.mergeArray(uv0, uv1:getMapsByActId( end end) return {} end function slot0.getLastUnlockMap(slot0) slot1 = nil for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getNormalMaps()) do if not slot6:isUnlock() then break end slot1 = slot6 end return slot1 end function slot0.updateExtraFlag(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if not slot4 and not slot1:updateExtraFlags(slot2, slot3) then return end slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot2) do table.insert(slot6, slot11) end slot0.chaptersExtend[] = slot0.chaptersExtend[] or {} slot0.chaptersExtend[].extraFlagUpdate = slot6 slot0.facade:sendNotification(uv0.CHAPTER_EXTAR_FLAG_UPDATED, slot6) return true end function slot0.extraFlagUpdated(slot0, slot1) slot0:removeExtendChapterData(slot1, "extraFlagUpdate") end function slot0.removeExtendChapterData(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] then return end slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2] = nil if next(slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1]) then return end slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] = nil end function slot0.getUpdatedExtraFlags(slot0, slot1) return slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] and slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1].extraFlagUpdate end function slot0.SetExtendChapterData(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] = slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] or {} slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2] = slot3 end function slot0.AddExtendChapterDataArray(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] = slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] or {} if type(slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2]) ~= "table" then slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2] = {} end slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2][slot4 or #slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2] + 1] = slot3 end function slot0.AddExtendChapterDataTable(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] = slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] or {} if type(slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2]) ~= "table" then slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2] = {} end slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2][slot3] = slot4 end function slot0.GetExtendChapterData(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot2 or not slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] then return end return slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2] end function slot0.RemoveExtendChapterData(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot2 or not slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] then return end slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1][slot2] = nil if next(slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1]) then return end slot0:RemoveExtendChapter(slot1) end function slot0.GetExtendChapter(slot0, slot1) return slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] end function slot0.RemoveExtendChapter(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] then return end slot0.chaptersExtend[slot1] = nil end function slot0.duplicateEliteFleet(slot0, slot1) if slot1:getConfig("type") == Chapter.CustomFleet then slot4 = slot1:getConfig("formation") slot0.mapEliteFleetCache[slot4] = Clone(slot1:getEliteFleetList()) slot0.mapEliteCommanderCache[slot4] = Clone(slot1:getEliteFleetCommanders()) pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():UpdateFlagShips("inElite") for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(uv0.FormationToChapters[slot4]) do if slot0:getChapterById(slot9, true).configId ~= slot1.configId then slot10:setEliteFleetList(Clone(slot2)) slot10:setEliteCommanders(Clone(slot3)) slot0:updateChapter(slot10) end end end end function slot0.getActiveChapter(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs( do if then return slot1 and slot6 or slot6:clone() end end end function slot0.getLastMapForActivity(slot0) slot1, slot2 = nil if slot0:getActiveChapter() and slot0:getMapById(slot2:getConfig("map")):isActivity() and not slot1:isRemaster() then return, end if Map.lastMapForActivity and slot0:getMapById(Map.lastMapForActivity) and not slot1:isRemaster() and slot1:isUnlock() then return Map.lastMapForActivity end if Map.lastMapForActivity then Map.lastMapForActivity = nil slot0:recordLastMap(uv0.LAST_MAP_FOR_ACTIVITY, 0) end slot3 = slot0:getMapsByActivities() table.sort(slot3, function (slot0, slot1) return < end) slot4 = {} if _.all(slot3, function (slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Map.EVENT end) then slot4 = slot3 else for slot8, slot9 in ipairs({ Map.ACTIVITY_EASY, Map.ACTIVITY_HARD }) do if #underscore.filter(slot3, function (slot0) return slot0:getMapType() == uv0 end) > 0 and underscore.any(slot10, function (slot0) return not slot0:isClearForActivity() end) then break end end end for slot8 = #slot4, 1, -1 do if slot4[slot8]:isUnlock() then return end end if #slot3 > 0 then return slot3[1].id end end function slot0.updateActiveChapterShips(slot0) if slot0:getActiveChapter(true) then _.each(slot1.fleets, function (slot0) slot0:flushShips() end) slot0:updateChapter(slot1, ChapterConst.DirtyFleet) end end function slot0.resetRepairTimes(slot0) slot0.repairTimes = 0 end function slot0.getUseableEliteMap(slot0) slot1 = {} slot5 = Map.ELITE for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getMapsByType(slot5)) do if slot6:isEliteEnabled() then slot1[#slot1 + 1] = slot6 end end return slot1 end function slot0.getUseableMaxEliteMap(slot0) if #slot0:getUseableEliteMap() == 0 then return false else slot2 = nil for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do if not slot2 or < then slot2 = slot7 end end return slot2 end end function slot0.getHigestClearChapterAndMap(slot0) slot1 = slot0.baseMaps[1] for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getNormalMaps()) do if not slot6:isAnyChapterClear(true) then break end slot1 = slot6 end slot2 = slot0:getChapterById(slot1.chapterIds[1]) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1:getChapters()) do if not slot7:isClear() then break end slot2 = slot7 end return slot2, slot1 end function slot0.eliteFleetRecommend(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot4 = slot1:getEliteFleetList()[slot2] function slot6(slot0) table.sort(slot0, function (slot0, slot1) if type(slot0) == type(slot1) then return slot3 < slot2 elseif slot2 == "string" then return slot1 == 0 else return slot0 ~= 0 end end) end slot6(slot1:getConfig("limitation")[slot2] and Clone(slot5[1]) or { 0, 0, 0 }) slot6(slot5 and Clone(slot5[2]) or { 0, 0, 0 }) slot6({ 0, 0, 0 }) slot10 = {} for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot1:getEliteFleetList()) do for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot15) do slot10[#slot10 + 1] = slot20 end end slot11 = { [TeamType.Main] = slot7, [TeamType.Vanguard] = slot8, [TeamType.Submarine] = slot9 } function slot12(slot0, slot1) if type(slot1) == "string" then return table.contains(ShipType.BundleList[slot1], slot0) elseif type(slot1) == "number" then return slot1 == 0 or slot0 == slot1 end end slot13 = getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData() for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot4) do slot22 = 0 for slot27, slot28 in ipairs(slot11[pg.ship_data_by_type[slot13[slot18]:getShipType()].team_type]) do if slot12(slot20, slot28) then slot22 = slot28 break end end for slot27, slot28 in ipairs(slot23) do if slot28 == slot22 then table.remove(slot23, slot27) break end end end function slot14(slot0) if uv0:getEliteRecommendShip(slot0, uv1, uv2:getConfig("formation")) then slot2 = uv1[#uv1 + 1] = slot2 uv3[#uv3 + 1] = slot2 end end if slot2 >= 1 and slot2 <= 2 then for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot7) do slot20 = nil if type(slot19) == "string" then slot20 = Clone(ShipType.BundleList[slot19]) elseif type(slot19) == "number" then slot20 = (slot19 ~= 0 or TeamType.MainShipType) and { slot19 } end slot14(slot20) end for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot8) do slot20 = nil if type(slot19) == "string" then slot20 = Clone(ShipType.BundleList[slot19]) elseif type(slot19) == "number" then slot20 = (slot19 ~= 0 or TeamType.VanguardShipType) and { slot19 } end slot14(slot20) end else for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot9) do slot20 = nil if type(slot19) == "string" then slot20 = Clone(ShipType.BundleList[slot19]) elseif type(slot19) == "number" then slot20 = (slot19 ~= 0 or TeamType.SubShipType) and { slot19 } end slot14(slot20) end end end function slot0.isClear(slot0, slot1) return slot0:getChapterById(slot1):isClear() end function slot0.getEscortShop(slot0) return Clone(slot0.escortShop) end function slot0.updateEscortShop(slot0, slot1) slot0.escortShop = slot1 end function slot0.recordLastMap(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = false if slot1 == uv0.LAST_MAP_FOR_ACTIVITY then Map.lastMapForActivity = slot2 slot3 = true elseif slot1 == uv0.LAST_MAP and slot2 ~= Map.lastMap then Map.lastMap = slot2 slot3 = true end if slot3 then PlayerPrefs.SetInt(slot1 .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id, slot2) PlayerPrefs.Save() end end function slot0.getLastMap(slot0, slot1) if PlayerPrefs.GetInt(slot1 .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id) ~= 0 then return slot3 end end function slot0.getSubAidFlag(slot0, slot1) slot2 = ys.Battle.BattleConst.SubAidFlag slot3 = slot0.fleet slot4 = false if _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine and slot0:isValid() end) then if slot5:inHuntingRange(slot3.line.row, slot3.line.column) then slot4 = true elseif _.detect(slot5:getStrategies(), function (slot0) return == ChapterConst.StrategyCallSubOutofRange end) and slot7.count > 0 then slot4 = true end end if slot4 then slot7 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData() slot8, slot9 = slot0:getFleetCost(slot3, slot1) slot10, slot11 = slot0:getFleetAmmo(slot5) slot16 = slot0 slot17 = slot5 for slot16, slot17 in ipairs({ slot0.getFleetCost(slot16, slot17, slot1) }) do slot12 = 0 + slot17.oil end if slot11 <= 0 then return slot2.AMMO_EMPTY elseif slot7.oil < slot12 + slot9.oil then return slot2.OIL_EMPTY else return true, slot5 end else return slot2.AID_EMPTY end end function slot0.GetChapterAuraBuffs(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.fleets) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot6:getMapAura()) do table.insert(slot1, slot12) end end return slot1 end function slot0.GetChapterAidBuffs(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.fleets) do if slot6 ~= slot0.fleet then for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot6:getMapAid()) do slot1[slot11] = slot12 end end end return slot1 end function slot0.RecordComboHistory(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1 or slot1 <= 0 then return end slot0.comboHistoryBuffer[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.GetComboHistory(slot0, slot1) return slot0.comboHistoryBuffer[slot1] end function slot0.RecordJustClearChapters(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1 or slot1 <= 0 then return end slot0.justClearChapters[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.GetJustClearChapters(slot0, slot1) return slot0.justClearChapters[slot1] end function slot0.RecordLastDefeatedEnemy(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1 or slot1 <= 0 then return end slot0.defeatedEnemiesBuffer[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.GetLastDefeatedEnemy(slot0, slot1) return slot0.defeatedEnemiesBuffer[slot1] end function slot0.ifShowRemasterTip(slot0) return slot0.remasterTip end function slot0.setRemasterTip(slot0, slot1) slot0.remasterTip = slot1 end function slot0.updateRemasterTicketsNum(slot0, slot1) slot0.remasterTickets = slot1 end function slot0.resetDailyCount(slot0) slot0.remasterDailyCount = 0 end function slot0.updateDailyCount(slot0) slot0.remasterDailyCount = slot0.remasterDailyCount + pg.gameset.reactivity_ticket_daily.key_value end function slot0.GetSkipPrecombat(slot0) if slot0.skipPrecombat == nil then slot0.skipPrecombat = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("chapter_skip_precombat", 0) end return slot0.skipPrecombat > 0 and true or false end function slot0.UpdateSkipPrecombat(slot0, slot1) if (tobool(slot1) and 1 or 0) ~= slot0:GetSkipPrecombat() then PlayerPrefs.SetInt("chapter_skip_precombat", slot1) slot0.skipPrecombat = slot1 slot0:sendNotification(uv0.CHAPTER_SKIP_PRECOMBAT_UPDATED, slot1) end end function slot0.GetChapterAutoFlag(slot0, slot1) return slot0:GetExtendChapterData(slot1, "AutoFightFlag") end function slot0.SetChapterAutoFlag(slot0, slot1, slot2) if tobool(slot2) == (slot0:GetChapterAutoFlag(slot1) == 1) then return end slot0:SetExtendChapterData(slot1, "AutoFightFlag", slot2 and 1 or 0) if slot2 then slot0:UpdateSkipPrecombat(true) if AutoBotCommand.autoBotSatisfied() then PlayerPrefs.SetInt("autoBotIsAcitve" .. AutoBotCommand.GetAutoBotMark(), 1) end getProxy(MetaCharacterProxy):setMetaTacticsInfoOnStart() pg.BrightnessMgr.GetInstance():SetScreenNeverSleep(true) if not LOCK_BATTERY_SAVEMODE and PlayerPrefs.GetInt(AUTOFIGHT_BATTERY_SAVEMODE, 0) == 1 then pg.BrightnessMgr.GetInstance():EnterManualMode() if PlayerPrefs.GetInt(AUTOFIGHT_DOWN_FRAME, 0) == 1 then getProxy(SettingsProxy):RecordFrameRate() Application.targetFrameRate = 30 end end else pg.BrightnessMgr.GetInstance():SetScreenNeverSleep(false) if not LOCK_BATTERY_SAVEMODE then pg.BrightnessMgr.GetInstance():ExitManualMode() getProxy(SettingsProxy):RestoreFrameRate() end end slot0.facade:sendNotification(uv0.CHAPTER_AUTO_FIGHT_FLAG_UPDATED, slot2 and 1 or 0) end function slot0.StopAutoFight(slot0) if not slot0:getActiveChapter(true) then return end slot0:SetChapterAutoFlag(, false) end return slot0