slot0 = class("AttireProxy", import(".NetProxy")) slot0.ATTIREFRAME_UPDATED = "AttireProxy:ATTIREFRAME_UPDATED" slot0.ATTIREFRAME_ADDED = "AttireProxy:ATTIREFRAME_ADDED" slot0.ATTIREFRAME_EXPIRED = "AttireProxy:ATTIREFRAME_EXPIRED" slot1 = pg.item_data_frame slot2 = pg.item_data_chat slot3 = false function slot0.register(slot0) = {} slot0.timers = {} slot0.expiredChaces = {} = {} = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(uv0.all) do if slot5 == 0 then[slot5] = IconFrame.New({ end_time = 0, id = slot5 }) else[slot5] = IconFrame.New({ id = slot5 }) end end for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(uv1.all) do if slot5 == 0 then[slot5] = ChatFrame.New({ end_time = 0, id = slot5 }) else[slot5] = ChatFrame.New({ id = slot5 }) end end slot0:on(11003, function (slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.icon_frame_list) do slot6 =[] slot6:updateData(slot5) uv0:updateAttireFrame(slot6) uv0:addExpiredTimer(slot6) end for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.chat_frame_list or {}) do slot6 =[] slot6:updateData(slot5) uv0:updateAttireFrame(slot6) uv0:addExpiredTimer(slot6) end end) if uv2 then slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () slot0 = {} for slot5 = 1, 5 do slot7 = Item.New({ count = 1, type = slot5 % 2 == 0 and DROP_TYPE_ICON_FRAME or DROP_TYPE_CHAT_FRAME, id = ({ 101, 102, 201, 301 })[math.random(1, 4)] }) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.ADD_ITEM, slot7) table.insert(slot0, slot7) end table.insert(slot0, Item.New({ id = 1, count = 1000, type = 1 })) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.ACT_NEW_PT_DONE, { awards = slot0 }) end, 10, 1) slot0.timer:Start() end end function slot0.getDataAndTrophys(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:getData() if slot1 then slot0:clearNew() end slot2.trophys = getProxy(CollectionProxy):getTrophys() return slot2 end function slot0.clearNew(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs( do slot5:clearNew() end for slot4, slot5 in pairs( do slot5:clearNew() end end function slot0.getExpiredChaces(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.expiredChaces) do table.insert(slot1, slot6) end slot0.expiredChaces = {} return slot1 end function slot0.getAttireFrame(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = nil if slot1 == AttireConst.TYPE_ICON_FRAME then slot3 =[slot2] elseif slot1 == AttireConst.TYPE_CHAT_FRAME then slot3 =[slot2] end return slot3 end function slot0.addAttireFrame(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0:getAttireFrame(slot1:getType(), if slot1:expiredType() and slot3 and not slot3:isExpired() then slot1:updateEndTime(slot3:getExpiredTime() + slot1:getConfig("time_second")) end if slot2 == AttireConst.TYPE_ICON_FRAME then[] = slot1 elseif slot2 == AttireConst.TYPE_CHAT_FRAME then[] = slot1 end slot0:addExpiredTimer(slot1) slot0:sendNotification(uv0.ATTIREFRAME_ADDED, slot1:clone()) end function slot0.updateAttireFrame(slot0, slot1) if slot1:getType() == AttireConst.TYPE_ICON_FRAME then[] = slot1 elseif slot2 == AttireConst.TYPE_CHAT_FRAME then[] = slot1 end slot0:sendNotification(uv0.ATTIREFRAME_UPDATED, slot1:clone()) end function slot0.addExpiredTimer(slot0, slot1) slot0:removeExpiredTimer(slot1) if not slot1:expiredType() then return end function slot2() if getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():getAttireByType(uv0:getType()) == then slot1:updateAttireFrame(slot2, 0) slot0:updatePlayer(slot1) end table.insert(uv1.expiredChaces, uv0) uv1:sendNotification(uv2.ATTIREFRAME_EXPIRED, uv0:clone()) end if slot1:getExpiredTime() - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() > 0 then slot5 = slot1:getTimerKey() slot0.timers[slot5] = Timer.New(function () uv0() uv1:removeExpiredTimer(uv2) end, slot4, 1) slot0.timers[slot5]:Start() else slot2() end end function slot0.removeExpiredTimer(slot0, slot1) if slot0.timers[slot1:getTimerKey()] then slot0.timers[slot2]:Stop() slot0.timers[slot2] = nil end end function slot0.remove(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.timers) do slot5:Stop() end slot0.timers = {} end function slot0.needTip(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = slot0:getDataAndTrophys() for slot8, slot9 in ipairs({ slot2.iconFrames, slot2.chatFrames, slot2.trophys }) do if slot8 == 1 or slot8 == 2 then table.insert(slot1, function (slot0) slot1 = false for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0) do if slot6:isNew() then slot1 = true break end end return slot1 end(slot9)) else table.insert(slot1, false) end end return slot1 end function slot0.IsShowRedDot(slot0) return _.any(slot0:needTip(), function (slot0) return slot0 == true end) end return slot0