slot0 = class("WorldAtlas", import("...BaseEntity")) slot0.Fields = { achEntranceList = "table", sairenEntranceList = "table", entranceDic = "table", replaceDic = "table", costMapDic = "table", mapDic = "table", config = "table", taskPortDic = "table", pressingMapList = "table", portEntranceList = "table", activeMapId = "number", taskMarkDic = "table", world = "table", transportDic = "table", treasureMarkDic = "table", id = "number", activeEntranceId = "number", areaEntranceList = "table", mapEntrance = "table" } slot0.EventUpdateProgress = "WorldAtlas.EventUpdateProgress" slot0.EventUpdateActiveEntrance = "WorldAtlas.EventUpdateActiveEntrance" slot0.EventUpdateActiveMap = "WorldAtlas.EventUpdateActiveMap" slot0.EventAddPressingMap = "WorldAtlas.EventAddPressingMap" slot0.EventAddPressingEntrance = "WorldAtlas.EventAddPressingEntrance" slot0.EventUpdatePortTaskMark = "WorldAtlas.EventUpdatePortTaskMark" slot0.ScaleShrink = 1 slot0.ScaleFull = 2 slot0.ScaleExpand = 3 slot0.ScaleHalf = 4 slot0.Scales = { slot0.ScaleShrink, slot0.ScaleHalf, slot0.ScaleFull } function slot0.Build(slot0) slot0.entranceDic = {} slot0.mapDic = {} slot0.taskMarkDic = {} slot0.treasureMarkDic = {} slot0.sairenEntranceList = {} slot0.costMapDic = {} slot0.pressingMapList = {} slot0.transportDic = {} slot0.taskPortDic = {} end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) WPool:ReturnMap(slot0.entranceDic) WPool:ReturnMap(slot0.mapDic) slot0:Clear() end function slot0.Setup(slot0, slot1) = slot1 slot0.config = pg.world_expedition_data_by_map[] slot0:BuildEntranceDic() end function slot0.NewEntrance(slot0, slot1) slot2 = WPool:Get(WorldEntrance) slot2:Setup(slot1, slot0) slot0.entranceDic[slot1] = slot2 return slot2 end function slot0.NewMap(slot0, slot1) slot2 = WPool:Get(WorldMap) slot2:Setup(slot1) slot0.mapDic[slot1] = slot2 return slot2 end function slot0.BuildEntranceDic(slot0) slot1 = { { name = "step", field = "stage_chapter" }, { name = "task", field = "task_chapter" }, { name = "treasure", field = "teasure_chapter" } } slot0.mapEntrance = {} slot0.areaEntranceList = {} slot0.portEntranceList = {} slot0.achEntranceList = {} slot0.replaceDic = { step = {}, task = {}, treasure = {}, open = { {}, {} } } _.each(pg.world_chapter_colormask.all, function (slot0) if pg.world_chapter_colormask[slot0].world ~= then return end uv0.areaEntranceList[slot3] = uv0.areaEntranceList[uv0:NewEntrance(slot0):GetAreaId()] or {} table.insert(uv0.areaEntranceList[slot3], slot0) if slot2:HasPort() then uv0.portEntranceList[slot4] = uv0.portEntranceList[slot2:GetPortId()] or {} table.insert(uv0.portEntranceList[slot4], slot0) end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(uv1) do for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot2.config[slot8.field]) do if == "step" then for slot17 = slot13[1], slot13[2] do uv0.replaceDic[][slot17] = uv0.replaceDic[][slot17] or {} uv0.replaceDic[][slot17][slot0] = slot2 end else uv0.replaceDic[][slot13[1]] = uv0.replaceDic[][slot13[1]] or {} uv0.replaceDic[][slot13[1]][slot0] = slot2 end end end if #slot2.config.normal_target > 0 or #slot2.config.cryptic_target > 0 then table.insert(uv0.achEntranceList, slot2) end slot4 = slot1.chapter slot5 = uv0:NewMap(slot4) uv0.mapEntrance[slot4] = slot2[1][slot5.config.open_stage[1]] =[1][slot5.config.open_stage[1]] or {}[1][slot5.config.open_stage[1]][slot0] = 1[2][slot5.config.open_stage[2]] =[2][slot5.config.open_stage[2]] or {}[2][slot5.config.open_stage[2]][slot0] = 1 end) end function slot0.GetEntrance(slot0, slot1) return slot0.entranceDic[slot1] end function slot0.SetActiveEntrance(slot0, slot1) if slot0.activeEntranceId ~= then slot0.activeEntranceId = slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateActiveEntrance, slot1) end end function slot0.GetActiveEntrance(slot0) return slot0.activeEntranceId and slot0:GetEntrance(slot0.activeEntranceId) end function slot0.GetMap(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.mapDic[slot1] then slot0:NewMap(slot1) end return slot0.mapDic[slot1] end function slot0.SetActiveMap(slot0, slot1) if slot0.activeMapId ~= then slot0.activeMapId = slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateActiveMap, slot1) end end function slot0.GetActiveMap(slot0) return slot0.activeMapId and slot0:GetMap(slot0.activeMapId) end function slot0.GetDiscoverRate(slot0) return 0 end function slot0.CheckMapActive(slot0, slot1) return slot0:GetMap(slot1).active or _.any(_.values(slot0:GetPartMaps(slot1)), function (slot0) return end) end function slot0.GetAtlasPixelSize(slot0) return Vector2(slot0.config.size[1], slot0.config.size[2]) end function slot0.GetAchEntranceList(slot0) return slot0.achEntranceList end function slot0.GetOpenEntranceDic(slot0, slot1) return[nowWorld:GetRealm()][slot1] or {} end function slot0.GetStepDic(slot0, slot1) return slot0.replaceDic.step[slot1] or {} end function slot0.GetTaskDic(slot0, slot1) return slot0.replaceDic.task[slot1] or {} end function slot0.GetTreasureDic(slot0, slot1) return slot0.replaceDic.treasure[slot1] or {} end function slot0.UpdateProgress(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} for slot7 = slot1 + 1, slot2 do slot11 = slot7 for slot11 in pairs(slot0:GetOpenEntranceDic(slot11)) do slot3[slot11] = 1 end end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateProgress, slot3) slot3 = { [slot7] = 1 } slot7 = slot2 for slot7 in pairs(slot0:GetStepDic(slot7)) do -- Nothing end slot7 = slot1 for slot7 in pairs(slot0:GetStepDic(slot7)) do slot3[slot7] = (slot3[slot7] or 0) - 1 end for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot3) do if slot8 ~= 0 then slot0.entranceDic[slot7]:UpdateDisplayMarks("step", slot8 > 0) end end end function slot0.UpdateTask(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getState() == WorldTask.STATE_ONGOING slot3 = (slot2 and 1 or 0) - (slot0.taskMarkDic[] and 1 or 0) slot0.taskMarkDic[] = slot2 slot7 = for slot7 in pairs(slot0:GetTaskDic(slot7)) do if slot1.config.type == 0 then slot0.entranceDic[slot7]:UpdateDisplayMarks("task_main", slot3 > 0) else slot0.entranceDic[slot7]:UpdateDisplayMarks("task", slot3 > 0) end end slot4 = slot1:GetFollowingEntrance() if slot3 ~= 0 and slot4 then if slot1.config.type == 0 then slot0.entranceDic[slot4]:UpdateDisplayMarks("task_following_main", slot3 > 0) else slot0.entranceDic[slot4]:UpdateDisplayMarks("task_following", slot3 > 0) end end end function slot0.UpdateTreasure(slot0, slot1) slot0.treasureMarkDic[slot1] = slot4 > 0 if (nowWorld:GetInventoryProxy():GetItemCount(slot1) > 0 and 1 or 0) - (slot0.treasureMarkDic[slot1] and 1 or 0) ~= 0 then if pg.world_item_data_template[slot1].usage_arg[1] == 1 then slot2:FindTreasureEntrance(slot1):UpdateDisplayMarks("treasure_sairen", slot5 > 0) else slot6:UpdateDisplayMarks("treasure", slot5 > 0) end end end function slot0.SetPressingMarkList(slot0, slot1) _.each(slot0.pressingMapList, function (slot0) uv0:GetMap(slot0):UpdatePressingMark(false) end) slot0.pressingMapList = slot1 _.each(slot0.pressingMapList, function (slot0) uv0:GetMap(slot0):UpdatePressingMark(true) end) slot0:BuildTransportDic() end function slot0.BuildTransportDic(slot0) slot0.transportDic = {} for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.entranceDic) do if slot5:IsPressing() then slot0.transportDic[slot4] = true for slot9 in pairs(slot5.transportDic) do slot0.transportDic[slot9] = true end end end if nowWorld:IsReseted() then slot0:AddPortTransportDic() end end function slot0.AddPortTransportDic(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.portEntranceList) do for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot5) do slot0.transportDic[slot10] = true end end end function slot0.MarkMapTransport(slot0, slot1) if slot0.mapEntrance[slot1] then slot0.transportDic[] = true end end function slot0.AddPressingMap(slot0, slot1) if _.any(slot0.pressingMapList, function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) then return else slot0:GetMap(slot1):UpdatePressingMark(true) table.insert(slot0.pressingMapList, slot1) if slot0.mapEntrance[slot1] then slot0.transportDic[] = true for slot7 in pairs(slot2.transportDic) do if not slot0.transportDic[slot7] then slot0.transportDic[slot7] = true end end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventAddPressingEntrance, { [] = true, [slot7] = true }) end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventAddPressingMap, slot1) end end function slot0.SetSairenEntranceList(slot0, slot1) _.each(slot0.sairenEntranceList, function (slot0) slot1 = uv0:GetEntrance(slot0) slot1:UpdateSairenMark(false) slot1:UpdateDisplayMarks("sairen", false) end) slot0.sairenEntranceList = slot1 _.each(slot0.sairenEntranceList, function (slot0) slot1 = uv0:GetEntrance(slot0) slot1:UpdateSairenMark(true) slot1:UpdateDisplayMarks("sairen", true) end) end function slot0.RemoveSairenEntrance(slot0, slot1) if table.indexof(slot0.sairenEntranceList, then table.remove(slot0.sairenEntranceList, slot2) slot1:UpdateSairenMark(false) slot1:UpdateDisplayMarks("sairen", false) end end function slot0.SetCostMapList(slot0, slot1) for slot5 in pairs(slot0.costMapDic) do slot0:GetMap(slot5).isCost = false end slot0.costMapDic = {} _.each(slot1, function (slot0) uv0.costMapDic[slot0.random_id] = true uv0:GetMap(slot0.random_id).isCost = true end) end function slot0.UpdateCostMap(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.costMapDic[slot1] and slot2 then nowWorld:ClearAllFleetDefeatEnemies() end slot0.costMapDic[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.SetPortTaskList(slot0, slot1) slot0.taskPortDic = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do slot0.taskPortDic[slot6] = true end end function slot0.UpdatePortTaskMark(slot0, slot1, slot2) if tobool(slot0.taskPortDic[slot1]) ~= slot2 then slot0.taskPortDic[slot1] = slot2 for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.portEntranceList[slot1]) do -- Nothing end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdatePortTaskMark, { [slot8] = true }) end end return slot0