ys = ys or {} slot0 = ys slot1 = slot0.Battle.BattleFormulas slot2 = slot0.Battle.BattleUnitEvent slot0.Battle.BattleSkillEffect = class("BattleSkillEffect") slot0.Battle.BattleSkillEffect.__name = "BattleSkillEffect" slot3 = slot0.Battle.BattleSkillEffect function slot3.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0._tempData = slot1 slot0._type = slot0._tempData.type slot0._targetChoise = slot0._tempData.target_choise or "TargetNull" slot0._casterAniEffect = slot0._tempData.casterAniEffect slot0._targetAniEffect = slot0._tempData.targetAniEffect slot0._delay = slot0._tempData.arg_list.delay or 0 slot0._lastEffectTarget = {} slot0._timerList = {} slot0._timerIndex = 0 slot0._level = slot2 end function slot3.SetCommander(slot0, slot1) slot0._commander = slot1 end function slot3.Effect(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot2 and #slot2 > 0 then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do slot0:AniEffect(slot1, slot8) slot0:DataEffect(slot1, slot8, slot3) end else slot0:DataEffectWithoutTarget(slot1, slot3) end end function slot3.AniEffect(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot2:GetPosition() slot4 = slot1:GetPosition() if slot0._casterAniEffect and slot0._casterAniEffect ~= "" then slot6 = nil if slot0._casterAniEffect.posFun then function slot6(slot0) return uv0.posFun(uv1, uv2, slot0) end end slot1:DispatchEvent(uv0.Event.New(uv1.ADD_EFFECT, { effect = slot5.effect, offset = slot5.offset, posFun = slot6 })) end if slot0._targetAniEffect and slot0._targetAniEffect ~= "" then slot6 = nil if slot0._targetAniEffect.posFun then function slot6(slot0) return uv0.posFun(uv1, uv2, slot0) end end slot2:DispatchEvent(uv0.Event.New(uv1.ADD_EFFECT, { effect = slot5.effect, offset = slot5.offset, posFun = slot6 })) end end function slot3.DataEffect(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0._delay > 0 then slot4 = nil slot5 = slot0._timerIndex + 1 slot0._timerIndex = slot5 slot0._timerList[slot5] = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():AddBattleTimer("BattleSkill", -1, slot0._delay, function () if uv0 and uv0:IsAlive() then uv1:DoDataEffect(uv0, uv2, uv3) end pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveBattleTimer(uv4) uv1._timerList[uv5] = nil end, true) return end slot0:DoDataEffect(slot1, slot2, slot3) end function slot3.DoDataEffect(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) end function slot3.DataEffectWithoutTarget(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0._delay > 0 then slot3 = nil slot4 = slot0._timerIndex + 1 slot0._timerIndex = slot4 slot0._timerList[slot4] = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():AddBattleTimer("BattleSkill", -1, slot0._delay, function () if uv0 and uv0:IsAlive() then uv1:DoDataEffectWithoutTarget(uv0, uv2) end pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveBattleTimer(uv3) uv1._timerList[uv4] = nil end, true) return end slot0:DoDataEffectWithoutTarget(slot1, slot2) end function slot3.DoDataEffectWithoutTarget(slot0, slot1, slot2) end function slot3.GetTarget(slot0, slot1, slot2) if type(slot0._targetChoise) == "string" then if slot0._targetChoise == "TargetSameToLastEffect" then return slot2._lastEffectTarget else return uv0.Battle.BattleTargetChoise[slot0._targetChoise](slot1, slot0._tempData.arg_list) end elseif type(slot0._targetChoise) == "table" then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0._targetChoise) do slot3 = uv0.Battle.BattleTargetChoise[slot8](slot1, slot0._tempData.arg_list, nil) end return slot3 end end function slot3.Interrupt(slot0) end function slot3.Clear(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0._timerList) do pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveBattleTimer(slot5) slot0._timerList[slot4] = nil end slot0._commander = nil end function slot3.calcCorrdinate(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = nil if slot0.absoulteCorrdinate then slot3 = Vector3(slot0.absoulteCorrdinate.x, 0, slot0.absoulteCorrdinate.z) elseif slot0.absoulteRandom then slot3 = uv0.RandomPos(slot0.absoulteRandom) elseif slot0.casterRelativeCorrdinate then slot4 = slot1:GetIFF() slot5 = slot1:GetPosition() slot3 = Vector3(slot4 * slot0.casterRelativeCorrdinate.hrz + slot5.x, 0, slot4 * slot0.casterRelativeCorrdinate.vrt + slot5.z) elseif slot0.casterRelativeRandom then slot4 = slot1:GetIFF() slot5 = slot1:GetPosition() slot3 = uv0.RandomPos({ X1 = slot4 * slot0.casterRelativeRandom.front + slot5.x, X2 = slot4 * slot0.casterRelativeRandom.rear + slot5.x, Z1 = slot0.casterRelativeRandom.upper + slot5.z, Z2 = slot0.casterRelativeRandom.lower + slot5.z }) elseif slot0.targetRelativeCorrdinate then if slot2 then slot4 = slot2:GetIFF() slot5 = slot2:GetPosition() slot3 = Vector3(slot4 * slot0.targetRelativeCorrdinate.hrz + slot5.x, 0, slot4 * slot0.targetRelativeCorrdinate.vrt + slot5.z) end elseif slot0.targetRelativeRandom and slot2 then slot4 = slot2:GetIFF() slot5 = slot2:GetPosition() slot3 = uv0.RandomPos({ X1 = slot4 * slot0.targetRelativeRandom.front + slot5.x, X2 = slot4 * slot0.targetRelativeRandom.rear + slot5.x, Z1 = slot0.targetRelativeRandom.upper + slot5.z, Z2 = slot0.targetRelativeRandom.lower + slot5.z }) end return slot3 end function slot3.GetDamageSum(slot0) return 0 end