slot0 = class("BackyardFurnitureVO") slot0.FLOOR = 1 slot0.WALL_DIR_ALL = 2 slot0.WALL_DIR_RIGHT = 4 slot0.WALL_DIR_LEFT = 3 slot0.INTERACTION_LOOP_TYPE_ALL = 1 slot0.INTERACTION_LOOP_TYPE_LAST_ONE = 2 function slot0.getWallDir(slot0) if slot0.y - slot0.x >= 1 then return BackYardConst.BACKYARD_WALL_DIR_LEFT else return BackYardConst.BACKYARD_WALL_DIR_RIGHT end end function slot0.getCloneId(slot0, slot1) if BackYardConst.SAME_ID_MODIFY_ID < slot0.configId then return slot0.configId + slot1 else return slot0.configId * 10000000 + slot1 end end function slot0.isRightWall(slot0) return uv0.getWallDir(slot0) == BackYardConst.BACKYARD_WALL_DIR_RIGHT end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = tonumber( slot0.configId = slot1.configId or tonumber( slot0.position = slot1.position slot0.dir = slot1.dir or 1 slot0.parent = slot1.parent or 0 slot0.preGrids = {} slot0.bottomGrids = {} slot0.child = slot1.child or {} slot0.shipIds = slot1.ships or {} = or 0 slot0.floor = slot1.floor slot0.spineId = nil slot0.spineExtra = {} slot0.stageShips = {} end function slot0.NeedAlphaCheck(slot0) return slot0.configId ~= 27108 end function slot0.hasChild(slot0) return table.getCount(slot0.child) > 0 end function slot0.existVoice(slot0) if slot0:isShowDesc() then return slot0:getConfig("can_trigger")[2] ~= nil end end function slot0.getVoice(slot0) if slot0:existVoice() then slot3, slot4 = nil return (type(slot0:getConfig("can_trigger")[2]) ~= "table" or slot1[2][math.random(1, #slot1[2])]) and slot1[2], { action = (type(slot1[3]) ~= "table" or slot1[3][1]) and slot1[3], effect = slot1[4] } end end function slot0.getShipExtra(slot0) return slot0.spineExtra end function slot0.isTransPort(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_TRANSPORT end function slot0.IsRandomController(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_RANDOM_CONTROLLER end function slot0.getTransportPoint(slot0) if slot0:isTransPort() then slot1 = slot0:getConfig("spine")[3][1] if slot0.dir == 1 then return Vector2(slot0.position.x + slot1[1], slot0.position.y + slot1[2]) elseif slot0.dir == 2 then return Vector2(slot0.position.x + slot1[2], slot0.position.y + slot1[1]) end end end function slot0.getTransportAnims(slot0, slot1) if slot0:isTransPort() then return slot0:getConfig("spine")[3][2][slot1] end end function slot0.canInterActionSpineExtra(slot0) return slot0:getCurrSpineCnt() < slot0:getSpineMaxCnt() end function slot0.getSpineMaxCnt(slot0) if slot0:isTransPort() then return 2 end if slot0:IsRandomController() then return #slot0:getConfig("animator")[1] end if slot0:isSpine() then if slot0:getConfig("spine_extra") and type(slot2) == "table" then slot1 = 0 + 1 + table.getCount(slot2) end end return slot1 end function slot0.getCurrSpineCnt(slot0) if slot0.spineId then slot1 = 0 + 1 end return slot1 + table.getCount(slot0.spineExtra) end function slot0.addSpineExtra(slot0, slot1) slot3 = -1 for slot7 = 1, slot0:getSpineMaxCnt() do if not slot0.spineExtra[slot7] then slot3 = slot7 break end end slot0.spineExtra[slot3] = slot1 return slot3 end function slot0.getUniqueShipAction(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:getConfig("spine_action_replace") == "" or #slot3 == 0 then return end if _.detect(slot3, function (slot0) return _.any(slot0[2], function (slot0) slot1 = nil return slot0 == ((uv0[5] and uv0[5] ~= 1 or uv1.skinId) and uv1.gruopId) end) and uv1 == slot0[1] end) then return slot4[3], slot4[4] or 0 end end slot1 = pg.furniture_specail_action function slot0.GetSpecailActiont(slot0, slot1) if uv0[slot0.configId] and _.detect(slot2.actions, function (slot0) return slot0[1] == uv0 end) then return slot3[2] end return -1 end function slot0.getSpineExtraConfig(slot0, slot1) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getConfig("spine_extra")[slot1] end end function slot0.removeSpineExtra(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.spineExtra) do if slot7 == slot1 then slot0.spineExtra[slot6] = nil slot2 = slot6 end end return slot2 end function slot0.hasSpineExtra(slot0) return table.getCount(slot0.spineExtra) ~= 0 end function slot0.clearInterActions(slot0) slot0.spineId = nil slot0.stageShips = {} slot0.shipIds = {} slot0.spineExtra = {} end function slot0.canInterActionShipGroup(slot0, slot1) if #slot0:interActionGroup() == 0 then return true end return table.contains(slot2, slot1) end function slot0.getBgm(slot0) if type(slot0:getConfig("interaction_bgm")) == "string" then if slot1 and slot1 ~= "" then return slot1, 0 end elseif type(slot1) == "table" then return slot1[2], slot1[1] end end function slot0.interActionGroup(slot0) slot1 = {} if slot0:getConfig("interAction_group") and type(slot2) == "table" then slot1 = slot2 end return slot1 end function slot0.setStageShip(slot0, slot1) if not table.contains(slot0.stageShips, slot1) then table.insert(slot0.stageShips, slot1) end end function slot0.clearStageShip(slot0, slot1) if table.indexof(slot0.stageShips, slot1) then table.remove(slot0.stageShips, slot2) end end function slot0.getStageShip(slot0) return slot0.stageShips end function slot0.hasStageShip(slot0) return #slot0.stageShips > 0 end function slot0.isLock(slot0) return slot0.spineId ~= nil end function slot0.setSpineId(slot0, slot1) slot0.spineId = slot1 end function slot0.getSpineId(slot0) return slot0.spineId end function slot0.isSpine(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("spine") ~= nil end function slot0.getInterActionSpineCfg(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getConfig("spine")[3] end end function slot0.isInterActionSpine(slot0) if slot0:isTransPort() then return true end return slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg() ~= nil and #slot1 > 0 end function slot0.canInterActionSpine(slot0) return slot0:isInterActionSpine() and not slot0.spineId end function slot0.getSpineAnims(slot0) if slot0:isInterActionSpine() then return slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg()[2] end end function slot0.canRotate(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("can_rotate") == 0 end function slot0.getBreakAnim(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg()[3][1] end end function slot0.isFollowFurnitrueAnim(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg()[3][2] end end function slot0.getPreheatAnim(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg()[3][3] end end function slot0.hasTailAction(slot0) return slot0:getTailAction() ~= nil end function slot0.getTailAction(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg()[3][4] end end function slot0.hasEndAnimName(slot0) return slot0:getEndAnimName() ~= nil end function slot0.getEndAnimName(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg()[3][5] end end function slot0.hasAnimatorMask(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("animator") and slot1[3] end function slot0.getAnimatorMaskConfig(slot0) if slot0:hasAnimatorMask() then return slot0:getConfig("animator")[3] end end function slot0.getSpineName(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then slot1 = slot0:getConfig("spine")[1] return slot1[1], slot1[2] end end function slot0.getSpineMaskName(slot0) if slot0:hasSpineMask() then slot1 = slot0:getConfig("spine")[2] return slot1[1], slot1[2] end end function slot0.hasSpineMask(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getConfig("spine")[2] ~= nil and #slot1 > 0 end end function slot0.hasSpineShipBodyMask(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getConfig("spine")[4] ~= nil and #slot1 > 0 end end function slot0.getSpineShipBodyMask(slot0) if slot0:hasSpineShipBodyMask() then return slot0:getConfig("spine")[4] end end function slot0.getSpineExtraBodyMask(slot0, slot1) if slot0:hasSpineExtra() then return slot0:getConfig("spine_extra")[slot1][1] end end function slot0.getSpineAinTriggerPos(slot0) if slot0:isInterActionSpine() then slot1 = slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg()[1] if slot0.dir == 1 then return Vector2(slot0.position.x + slot1[1], slot0.position.y + slot1[2]) elseif slot0.dir == 2 then return Vector2(slot0.position.x + slot1[2], slot0.position.y + slot1[1]) end end end function slot0.getSpineAniPos(slot0) if slot0:isInterActionSpine() then if slot0:getConfig("spine")[5] and #slot1 > 0 then return Vector3(slot1[1], slot1[2], 0) end return nil end end function slot0.getSpineAniScale(slot0) if slot0:isInterActionSpine() and slot0:getConfig("spine")[6] and #slot1 > 0 then return slot1[1] end return 1 end function slot0.getSpineSpeed(slot0) if slot0:isInterActionSpine() then return slot0:getConfig("spine")[7] or 1 end return 1 end function slot0.isLoopSpineInterAction(slot0) if slot0:isInterActionSpine() then return slot0:getInterActionSpineCfg()[4][1] > 0, slot1 end end function slot0.hasInterActionMask(slot0) return table.getCount(slot0:getInterActionMaskNames()) > 0 end function slot0.getInterActionMaskNames(slot0) slot2 = {} if slot0:getConfig("interAction") then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot7 ~= nil and slot7 ~= "" then slot2[slot6] = slot7[4] end end end return slot2 end function slot0.getIntetActionMaskName(slot0) if slot0:hasInterActionMask() then return slot0:getConfig("interAction")[1][4] end end function slot0.hasInterActionData(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("interAction") ~= nil end function slot0.getInterActionData(slot0, slot1) if slot0:hasInterActionData() then slot2 = slot0:getConfig("interAction")[slot1] return slot2[1], slot2[2], slot2[3], slot2[4], slot2[5], slot2[6] end end function slot0.getDate(slot0) if > 0 then return pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():STimeDescS(, "%Y/%m/%d") end end function slot0.hasInterActionShipId(slot0) return table.getCount(slot0.shipIds) ~= 0 end function slot0.getInterActionCount(slot0) return table.getCount(slot0.shipIds or {}) end function slot0.getInterActionShipIds(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.shipIds) do table.insert(slot1, slot6) end return slot1 end function slot0.setInterActionShipId(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not table.contains(slot0.shipIds, slot1) then slot0.shipIds[slot2] = slot1 end end function slot0.getInterActionOrder(slot0) for slot5 = 1, table.getCount(slot0:getConfig("interAction")) do if not slot0.shipIds[slot5] then return slot5 end end end function slot0.getOrderByShipId(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.shipIds) do if slot6 == slot1 then return slot5 end end end function slot0.clearInterAction(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.shipIds) do if slot1 == slot6 then slot0.shipIds[slot5] = nil break end end end function slot0.GetPicture(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("picture") end function slot0.setPosition(slot0, slot1) slot0.position = slot1 end function slot0.getPosition(slot0) return slot0.position end function slot0.setDir(slot0, slot1) slot0.dir = slot1 end function slot0.isSameDir(slot0, slot1) return slot0.dir == slot1 end function slot0.getConfig(slot0, slot1) if pg.furniture_data_template[slot0.configId][slot1] then return slot3[slot1] elseif pg.furniture_shop_template[slot0.configId] then return slot5[slot1] end end function slot0.updatePosition(slot0, slot1) slot0.position = slot1 end function slot0.setPreGrids(slot0, slot1) slot0.preGrids = slot1 end function slot0.getPerGrids(slot0) return slot0.preGrids end function slot0.updateDir(slot0) if slot0.dir == 1 then slot0.dir = 2 elseif slot0.dir == 2 then slot0.dir = 1 end end function slot0.getReverseDir(slot0) return slot0.dir == 1 and 2 or 1 end function slot0.clearPosition(slot0) slot0.position = nil slot0.dir = 1 slot0.child = {} slot0.parent = 0 end function slot0.getOccupyGrid(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3, slot4 = slot0:getSize() if slot0:isFloor() then for slot8 = slot1.x, slot1.x + slot3 - 1 do for slot12 = slot1.y, slot1.y + slot4 - 1 do table.insert(slot2, Vector2(slot8, slot12)) end end elseif slot1.y - slot1.x >= 1 then for slot8 = slot1.x, slot1.x + slot3 - 1, 2 do table.insert(slot2, Vector2(slot8, slot1.y)) end else for slot8 = slot1.y, slot1.y + slot3 - 1, 2 do table.insert(slot2, Vector2(slot1.x, slot8)) end end return slot2 end function slot0.getOccupyGridForShip(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:getOccupyGrid(slot1) if slot0:isArch() then slot3 = slot0:getCanPutOnGrid(slot1) for slot7 = #slot2, 1, -1 do slot8 = slot2[slot7] for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot3) do if slot8.x == slot13.x and slot8.y == slot13.y then table.remove(slot2, slot7) end end end end return slot2 end function slot0.getCanPutOnGrid(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:getConfig("canputonGrid") slot3 = {} if slot0.dir == 1 then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do table.insert(slot3, Vector2(slot8[1] + slot1.x, slot8[2] + slot1.y)) end else for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do table.insert(slot3, Vector2(slot8[2] + slot1.x, slot8[1] + slot1.y)) end end return slot3 end function slot0.getChildPosById(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.child[slot1] if slot0.dir == 1 then return Vector2(slot0.position.x + slot2.x, slot0.position.y + slot2.y) elseif slot0.dir == 2 then return Vector2(slot0.position.x + slot2.y, slot0.position.y + slot2.x) end end function slot0.setFather(slot0, slot1) slot0.parent = slot1 end function slot0.getOccupyGridCount(slot0) if slot0:isArch() then return #slot0:getOccupyGrid(slot0.position) else return (slot0:getConfig("size")[1] or 0) * (slot1[2] or 0) end end function slot0.isChild(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.child) do if == slot5 then return true end end return false end function slot0.hasParent(slot0) return slot0.parent ~= 0 end function slot0.is3DObject(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("is_3d_obj") == 1 end function slot0.isFloor(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("belong") == uv0.FLOOR end function slot0.isAllWall(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("belong") == uv0.WALL_DIR_ALL end function slot0.isRightType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("belong") == uv0.WALL_DIR_RIGHT end function slot0.isLeftType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("belong") == uv0.WALL_DIR_LEFT end function slot0.isFurniture(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") ~= 0 end function slot0.isMapItem(slot0) if slot0:isFloor() and slot0:getConfig("type") ~= Furniture.TYPE_MAT then return true end return false end function slot0.checkBoundItem(slot0) if slot0:isFloor() and not slot0:hasParent() and not slot0:isPaper() then return true end return false end function slot0.getSize(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getConfig("size") if slot0.dir == 1 then return slot1[1], slot1[2] else return slot1[2], slot1[1] end end function slot0.isOccupy(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.position then return end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:getOccupyGrid(slot0.position)) do if slot1 == slot8.x and slot2 == slot8.y then return true end end return false end function slot0.isSameParent(slot0, slot1) if slot1:hasParent() and slot0:hasParent() and slot1.parent == slot0.parent then return true end return false end function slot0.isWallMat(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_WALL_MAT end function slot0.isMat(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_MAT end function slot0.canputon(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("canputon") == 1 end function slot0.getMapSize(slot0) return 30, 30 end function slot0.isSelf(slot0, slot1) return == slot1 end function slot0.isPaper(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_WALLPAPER or slot1 == Furniture.TYPE_FLOORPAPER then return true end return false end function slot0.isWallPaper(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_WALLPAPER then return true end return false end function slot0.canInterAction(slot0) if not slot0:getConfig("interAction") then return false end return table.getCount(slot0.shipIds) < table.getCount(slot1) end function slot0.isSame(slot0, slot1) if slot0.position.x == slot1.position.x and slot0.position.y == slot1.position.y and slot0.dir == slot1.dir and slot0.parent == slot1.parent then return true end return false end function slot0.isConflictPos(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot1:getOccupyGrid(slot1.position) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:getOccupyGrid(slot0.position)) do for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot3) do if slot8.x == slot13.x and slot8.y == slot13.y then return true end end end return false end function slot0.isShowDesc(slot0) return #slot0:getConfig("can_trigger") > 0 and slot1[1] > 0 end function slot0.descVoiceType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("can_trigger")[1] end function slot0.isTouchSpine(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getConfig("spine")[1][3] ~= nil end end function slot0.isSpineCar(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then return slot0:getConfig("spine")[1][4] == true end end function slot0.getTouchSpineConfig(slot0) if slot0:isSpine() then slot2 = slot0:getConfig("spine")[1][3] or {} slot4 = slot2[1] if Clone(slot2[3]) then table.insert(slot3, slot2[1]) slot4 = slot3[math.random(1, #slot3)] end return slot4, slot2[2], slot2[4], slot2[5], slot2[6], slot2[7] end end function slot0.canBeTouch(slot0) return slot0:isShowDesc() or slot0:isTouchSpine() end slot0.FURNITURE_TYPE = { i18n("word_wallpaper"), i18n("word_furniture"), i18n("word_decorate"), i18n("word_floorpaper"), i18n("word_mat"), i18n("word_wall"), i18n("word_collection") } function slot0.getChineseType(slot0) return uv0.FURNITURE_TYPE[slot0:getConfig("type")] end function slot0.getGainby(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("gain_by") end function slot0.isStageFurniture(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_STAGE end function slot0.hasAnimator(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("animator") ~= nil end function slot0.getAnimatorData(slot0) if slot0:hasAnimator() then return slot0:getConfig("animator")[1] end end function slot0.getAnimtorControlName(slot0, slot1) if slot0:hasAnimator() then if type(slot0:getConfig("animator")[1][slot1] or slot3[1] or {}) == "string" then table.insert({}, slot4) else slot2 = slot4 end end return slot2 end function slot0.getAnimtorControlGoName(slot0, slot1, slot2) return "Animator" .. slot1 .. slot2 end function slot0.isArch(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_ARCH end function slot0.getArchMask(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("picture") .. "_using" end function slot0.isMoveable(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_MOVEABLE end function slot0.canTriggerInteraction(slot0, slot1) if not slot0:canInterActionShipGroup(slot1) then return false end return slot0:isInterActionSpine() and slot0:canInterActionSpine() or slot0:canInterAction() or slot0:isStageFurniture() or slot0:isArch() or slot0:isTransPort() end function slot0.getSurroundGrid(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getPosition() slot2 = {} table.insert(slot2, Vector2(slot1.x, slot1.y + 1)) table.insert(slot2, Vector2(slot1.x, slot1.y - 1)) table.insert(slot2, Vector2(slot1.x - 1, slot1.y)) table.insert(slot2, Vector2(slot1.x + 1, slot1.y)) return slot2 end function slot0.IsFollower(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == Furniture.TYPE_FOLLOWER end function slot0.IsSpineRandomType(slot0) return slot0:IsFollower() end function slot0.GetFollowerInterActionData(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("spine")[3] end function slot0.ExistFollowBoneNode(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("followBone") ~= nil end function slot0.GetFollowBone(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getConfig("followBone") return slot1[1], slot1[2] or 1 end function slot0.HasFollower(slot0) return slot0:hasAnimator() or slot0:ExistFollowBoneNode() end return slot0