slot0 = class("DialogueStoryPlayer", import(".StoryPlayer")) function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) uv0.super.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.actorPanel = slot0:findTF("actor", slot0.dialoguePanel) slot0.actorLeft = slot0:findTF("actor_left", slot0.actorPanel) slot0.initActorLeftPos = slot0.actorLeft.localPosition slot0.actorMiddle = slot0:findTF("actor_middle", slot0.actorPanel) slot0.initActorMiddlePos = slot0.actorMiddle.localPosition slot0.actorRgiht = slot0:findTF("actor_right", slot0.actorPanel) slot0.initActorRgihtPos = slot0.actorRgiht.localPosition slot0.mainPanel = slot0:findTF("main", slot0.dialoguePanel) slot0.contentArr = slot0.mainPanel:Find("next/arrow") slot0.conentTxt = slot0:findTF("content", slot0.mainPanel):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.typewriter = slot0:findTF("content", slot0.mainPanel):GetComponent(typeof(Typewriter)) slot0.nameLeft = slot0:findTF("name_left", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.nameRight = slot0:findTF("name_right", slot0.mainPanel) slot0.nameLeftTxt = slot0:findTF("Text", slot0.nameLeft):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.nameRightTxt = slot0:findTF("Text", slot0.nameRight):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.subActorMiddle = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("actor_middle/sub", slot0.actorPanel), slot0:findTF("actor_middle/sub/tpl", slot0.actorPanel)) slot0.subActorRgiht = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("actor_right/sub", slot0.actorPanel), slot0:findTF("actor_right/sub/tpl", slot0.actorPanel)) slot0.subActorLeft = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("actor_left/sub", slot0.actorPanel), slot0:findTF("actor_left/sub/tpl", slot0.actorPanel)) slot0.glitchArtMaterial = slot0:findTF("resource/material1"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material slot0.maskMaterial = slot0:findTF("resource/material2"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material slot0.glitchArtMaterialForPainting = slot0:findTF("resource/material3"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).material slot0.typewriterSpeed = 0 slot0.defualtFontSize = slot0.conentTxt.fontSize end function slot0.OnReset(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:ResetActorTF(slot1, slot2) setActive(slot0.nameLeft, false) setActive(slot0.nameRight, false) setActive(slot0.dialoguePanel, true) slot0.conentTxt.text = "" slot0:CancelTween(slot0.contentArr) end function slot0.ResetActorTF(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0:GetSideTF(slot1:GetSide()) then slot0:CancelTween(slot4.gameObject) slot4.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) slot4.eulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 0) if slot4 == slot0.actorRgiht then slot4.localPosition = slot0.initActorRgihtPos elseif slot4 == slot0.actorMiddle then slot4.localPosition = slot0.initActorMiddlePos elseif slot4 == slot0.actorLeft then slot4.localPosition = slot0.initActorLeftPos end end if slot1:HideOtherPainting() then slot0:RecyclePainting({ "actorLeft", "actorMiddle", "actorRgiht" }) else if slot2 and slot2:IsDialogueMode() and slot1:IsSameSide(slot2) and slot1:IsDialogueMode() then slot0:RecyclePainting(slot4) end if slot3 == DialogueStep.SIDE_MIDDLE then slot0:RecyclePainting({ "actorLeft", "actorRgiht" }) end end slot0:RecyclesSubPantings(slot0.subActorMiddle) slot0:RecyclesSubPantings(slot0.subActorRgiht) slot0:RecyclesSubPantings(slot0.subActorLeft) end function slot0.OnInit(slot0, slot1, slot2) parallelAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:UpdateContent(uv1, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:UpdatePainting(uv1, slot0) end }, slot2) end function slot0.OnStartUIAnimations(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1:ShouldShakeDailogue() then slot2() return end slot3 = slot1:GetShakeDailogueData() slot0:TweenMovex(slot0.dialoguePanel, slot3.x, slot0.dialoguePanel.localPosition.x, slot3.speed, slot3.delay, slot3.number, slot2) end function slot0.OnEnter(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) parallelAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:FadeInPaiting(uv1, uv2, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:StartMovePrevPaitingToSide(uv1, uv2, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:FadeOutPrevPaiting(uv1, uv2, uv3) end }, slot3) end function slot0.FadeOutPrevPaiting(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot1 or not slot1:IsDialogueMode() then slot3() return end if slot0:GetSideTF(slot2:GetPrevSide(slot1)) and slot2 and slot2:IsDialogueMode() and slot2:GetPainting() ~= nil and not slot2:IsSameSide(slot1) then slot5 = slot1:GetPaintingData() slot0:fadeTransform(slot4, slot1:GetPaintingAlpha() and slot1:GetPaintingAlpha() or 1, slot5.alpha, slot5.time, false, slot3) else slot3() end end function slot0.FadeInPaiting(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot2 and slot2:IsDialogueMode() and slot2:GetPainting() ~= nil and not slot1:IsSameSide(slot2) then slot5 = slot1:GetPaintingData() if not IsNil(slot0:GetSideTF(slot1:GetSide())) and not slot1:GetPaintingAlpha() then slot0:fadeTransform(slot4, slot5.alpha, 1, slot5.time, false) end end slot3() end function slot0.UpdateTypeWriter(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1:GetTypewriter() then slot2() return end function slot0.typewriter.endFunc() uv0.typewriterSpeed = 0 uv0.typewriter.endFunc = nil removeOnButton(uv0._tf) uv1() end slot0.typewriterSpeed = math.max((slot3.speed or 0.1) * slot0.timeScale, 0.001) slot4 = slot3.speedUp or slot0.typewriterSpeed slot0.typewriter:setSpeed(slot0.typewriterSpeed) slot0.typewriter:Play() onButton(slot0, slot0._tf, function () if uv0.puase or uv0.stop then return end uv0.typewriterSpeed = math.min(uv0.typewriterSpeed, uv1) uv0.typewriter:setSpeed(uv0.typewriterSpeed) end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.UpdatePainting(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7 = slot0:GetSideTF(slot1:GetSide()) if slot1:GetPainting() then if slot1:IsShowNPainting() and PathMgr.FileExists(PathMgr.getAssetBundle("painting/" .. slot3 .. "_n")) then slot3 = slot3 .. "_n" end if slot1:IsShowWJZPainting() and PathMgr.FileExists(PathMgr.getAssetBundle("painting/" .. slot3 .. "_wjz")) then slot3 = slot3 .. "_wjz" end setPaintingPrefab(slot4, slot3, "duihua") slot8 = slot1:GetPaintingDir() slot4.localScale = Vector3(slot8, math.abs(slot8), 1) slot10 = findTF(slot4, "fitter"):GetChild(0) = slot3 slot0:UpdateActorPostion(slot4, slot1) slot0:UpdateExpression(slot10, slot1) slot0:StartPatiningActions(slot4, slot1) slot0:AddGlitchArtEffectForPating(slot4, slot10, slot1) slot0:InitSubPainting(slot7, slot1) slot4:SetAsLastSibling() if slot1:ShouldGrayPainting() then setGray(slot10, true, true) end if findTF(slot10, "shadow") then setActive(slot11, slot1:ShouldFaceBlack()) end if slot1:GetPaintingAlpha() then slot0:setPaintingAlpha(slot4, slot12) end end if slot5 then setActive(slot5, slot1:GetNameWithColor() and slot8 ~= "") slot6.text = slot8 end slot2() end function slot0.InitSubPainting(slot0, slot1, slot2) function slot3(slot0, slot1) slot2 = if slot0.showNPainting and PathMgr.FileExists(PathMgr.getAssetBundle("painting/" .. slot2 .. "_n")) then slot2 = slot2 .. "_n" end setPaintingPrefab(slot1, slot2, "duihua") slot4 = findTF(findTF(slot1, "fitter"):GetChild(0), "face") slot5 = slot0.expression if not slot0.expression and and ShipExpressionHelper.DefaultFaceless( then slot5 = ShipExpressionHelper.GetDefaultFace( end if slot5 then setActive(slot4, true) setImageSprite(slot4, GetSpriteFromAtlas("paintingface/" .., slot0.expression)) end if slot0.pos then setAnchoredPosition(slot1, slot0.pos) end if slot0.dir then slot1.transform.localScale = Vector3(slot0.dir, 1, 1) end if slot0.paintingNoise then uv0:AddGlitchArtEffectForPating(slot1, slot3, uv1) end end slot1:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then uv0(uv1[slot1 + 1], slot2) end end) slot1:align(#slot2:GetSubPaintings()) end function slot0.UpdateActorPostion(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2:GetPaitingOffst() then slot1.localPosition = Vector3(slot1.localPosition.x + (slot3.x or 0), slot4.y + (slot3.y or 0), 0) end end function slot0.UpdateExpression(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2:GetExPression() then slot4 = findTF(slot1, "face") setActive(slot4, true) setImageSprite(slot4, GetSpriteFromAtlas("paintingface/" .. slot2:GetPainting(), slot3)) end end function slot0.StartPatiningActions(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) parallelAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:StartPatiningMoveAction(uv1, uv2, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:StartPatiningShakeAction(uv1, uv2, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:StartPatiningZoomAction(uv1, uv2, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:StartPatiningRotateAction(uv1, uv2, slot0) end }, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end) end function slot0.StartPatiningShakeAction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot2:GetPaintingAction(DialogueStep.PAINTING_ACTION_SHAKE) then slot3() return end function slot5(slot0, slot1) slot7 = tf(uv0).localPosition uv1:TweenMove(uv0, Vector3(slot7.x + (slot0.x or 0), slot7.y + (slot0.y or 10), 0), slot0.dur or 1, slot0.number or 1, slot0.delay or 0, slot1) end slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot4) do table.insert(slot6, function (slot0) uv0(uv1, slot0) end) end parallelAsync(slot6, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end) end function slot0.StartPatiningZoomAction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot2:GetPaintingAction(DialogueStep.PAINTING_ACTION_ZOOM) then slot3() return end function slot5(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.from or { 0, 0, 0 } slot3 = or { 1, 1, 1 } uv0:TweenScale(uv1, Vector3(slot3[1], slot3[2], slot3[3]), slot0.dur or 0, slot0.delay or 0, slot1) end slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot4) do table.insert(slot6, function (slot0) uv0(uv1, slot0) end) end parallelAsync(slot6, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end) end function slot0.StartPatiningRotateAction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot2:GetPaintingAction(DialogueStep.PAINTING_ACTION_ROTATE) then slot3() return end function slot5(slot0, slot1) uv0:TweenRotate(uv1, slot0.value, slot0.dur or 1, slot0.number or 1, slot0.delay or 0, slot1) end slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot4) do table.insert(slot6, function (slot0) uv0(uv1, slot0) end) end parallelAsync(slot6, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end) end function slot0.StartPatiningMoveAction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot2:GetPaintingAction(DialogueStep.PAINTING_ACTION_MOVE) then slot3() return end function slot5(slot0, slot1) slot6 = tf(uv0).localPosition uv1:TweenMove(uv0, Vector3(slot6.x + (slot0.x or 0), slot6.y + (slot0.y or 0), 0), slot0.dur or 1, 1, slot0.delay or 0, slot1) end slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot4) do table.insert(slot6, function (slot0) uv0(uv1, slot0) end) end parallelAsync(slot6, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end) end function slot0.StartMovePrevPaitingToSide(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot1:GetPaintingMoveToSide() or not slot2 then slot3() return end if not slot0:GetSideTF(slot2:GetSide()) then slot3() return end slot6 = slot4.time if not slot0:GetSideTF(slot4.side) then slot3() return end if slot1.side ~= slot2.side then if slot5:Find("fitter").childCount > 0 then removeAllChildren(slot8:Find("fitter")) setParent(slot5:Find("fitter"):GetChild(0), slot8:Find("fitter")) slot10 = slot2:GetPaintingDir() slot8.localScale = Vector3(slot10, math.abs(slot10), 1) end elseif slot2:GetPainting() then setPaintingPrefab(slot8, slot9, "duihua") end slot0:TweenValue(slot8, slot5.localPosition.x, tf(slot8).localPosition.x, slot6, 0, function (slot0) setAnchoredPosition(uv0, { x = slot0 }) end, slot3) end function slot0.AddGlitchArtEffectForPating(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot3:ShouldAddGlitchArtEffect() and slot3:GetExPression() ~= nil and not slot3:IsNoHeadPainting() then slot6 = slot2:Find("face") cloneTplTo(slot6, slot6.parent, "temp_mask"):SetAsFirstSibling() for slot12 = 0, slot1:GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Image)).Length - 1 do if slot8[slot12] == "temp_mask" then slot13.material = slot0.maskMaterial elseif == "face" then slot13.material = slot0.glitchArtMaterial else slot13.material = slot0.glitchArtMaterialForPainting end end elseif slot4 then for slot10 = 0, slot1:GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Image)).Length - 1 do slot6[slot10].material = slot0.glitchArtMaterial end end end function slot0.UpdateContent(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.conentTxt.fontSize = slot1:GetFontSize() or slot0.defualtFontSize slot3 = slot1:GetContent() slot0.conentTxt.text = slot3 slot4 = 999 if slot3 and slot3 ~= "" then slot4 = System.String.New(slot3).Length end if slot3 and slot3 ~= "" and slot3 ~= "…" and #slot3 > 1 and slot4 > 1 then slot0:UpdateTypeWriter(slot1, slot2) slot0:TweenMovey(slot0.contentArr, 0, 10, 0.5, 0, -1, nil) else slot2() end end function slot0.GetSideTF(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5 = nil if DialogueStep.SIDE_LEFT == slot1 then slot5 = slot0.subActorLeft slot4 = slot0.nameLeftTxt slot3 = slot0.nameLeft slot2 = slot0.actorLeft elseif DialogueStep.SIDE_RIGHT == slot1 then slot5 = slot0.subActorRgiht slot4 = slot0.nameRightTxt slot3 = slot0.nameRight slot2 = slot0.actorRgiht elseif DialogueStep.SIDE_MIDDLE == slot1 then slot5 = slot0.subActorMiddle slot4 = slot0.nameLeftTxt slot3 = slot0.nameLeft slot2 = slot0.actorMiddle end return slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5 end function slot0.RecyclesSubPantings(slot0, slot1) slot1:each(function (slot0, slot1) uv0:RecyclePainting(slot1) end) end function slot0.RecyclePainting(slot0, slot1) function slot2(slot0) if slot0:Find("fitter").childCount == 0 then return end if slot0:Find("fitter"):GetChild(0) then for slot6 = 0, slot0:GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Image)).Length - 1 do slot7 = slot2[slot6] if slot7.material ~= slot7.defaultGraphicMaterial then slot7.material = slot7.defaultGraphicMaterial slot7.material:SetColor("_Color", Color.white) end end setGray(slot0, false, true) retPaintingPrefab(slot0, if slot1:Find("temp_mask") then Destroy(slot3) end end end if type(slot1) == "table" then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do slot2(slot0[slot7]) end else slot2(slot1) end end function slot0.Resume(slot0) uv0.super.Resume(slot0) if slot0.typewriterSpeed ~= 0 then slot0.typewriter:setSpeed(slot0.typewriterSpeed) end end function slot0.Puase(slot0) uv0.super.Puase(slot0) if slot0.typewriterSpeed ~= 0 then slot0.typewriter:setSpeed(100000000) end end function slot0.OnEnd(slot0) slot0:RecyclePainting({ "actorLeft", "actorMiddle", "actorRgiht" }) slot0.conentTxt.text = "" slot0.nameLeftTxt.text = "" slot0.nameRightTxt.text = "" end return slot0