pg = pg or {} pg.SeriesGuideMgr = singletonClass("SeriesGuideMgr") slot0 = pg.SeriesGuideMgr slot1 = false slot2 = 29 function log(...) if uv0 then print(...) end end slot3 = { IDLE = 1, BUSY = 2 } slot0.CODES = { GUIDER = 1, CONDITION = 4, MAINUI = 2 } function slot0.isRunning(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0.BUSY end function slot0.isNotFinish(slot0) if getProxy(PlayerProxy) then return slot1:getRawData().guideIndex < 28 end end function slot0.loadGuide(slot0, slot1) return require("" .. slot1) end function slot0.getStepConfig(slot0, slot1) return slot0.guideCfgs[slot1] end function slot0.Init(slot0, slot1) slot0.state = uv0.IDLE slot0.guideCfgs = slot0:loadGuide("SG001") slot0.guideMgr = pg.GuideMgr.GetInstance() slot0.protocols = {} slot0.onReceiceProtocol = nil slot1() end function slot0.dispatch(slot0, slot1) if slot0:canPlay(slot1) then slot0.guideMgr:mask() end end function slot0.start(slot0, slot1) if slot0:canPlay(slot1) then slot0.state = uv0.BUSY slot0.guideMgr:unMask() slot0.stepConfig = slot0:getStepConfig(slot0.currIndex) function slot2(slot0) uv0.state = uv1.IDLE uv0.protocols = {} if not uv0.stepConfig.interrupt then uv0:doNextStep(uv0.currIndex, slot0) end end slot0:doGuideStep(slot1, function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.stepConfig.end_segment and slot1 then uv0.guideMgr:play(uv0.stepConfig.end_segment, uv1.code, function () uv0(uv1) end) else uv2(slot0) end end) end end function slot0.doGuideStep(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.stepConfig.condition then slot3, slot4 = slot0:checkCondition(slot1) slot5 = slot0.currIndex < slot4 slot0:updateIndex(slot4, function () uv0({ uv1 }, uv2) end) return end slot3 = slot0.stepConfig.segment[slot0:getSegmentIndex()] slot4 = slot3[1] slot5 = slot3[2] seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0.guideMgr:play(uv1, uv2.code, slot0, function () uv0:updateIndex(uv1) end) uv0.guideMgr:mask() end, function (slot0) if _.any(uv0.protocols, function (slot0) return slot0.protocol == uv0 end) then slot0() return end function uv0.onReceiceProtocol(slot0) if slot0 == uv0 then uv1.onReceiceProtocol = nil uv2() end end end, function (slot0) uv0.guideMgr:unMask() uv0:increaseIndex(slot0) end }, function () uv0({ uv1.CODES.GUIDER }, true) end) end function slot0.getSegmentIndex(slot0) slot1 = 1 if slot0.stepConfig.getSegment then slot1 = slot0.stepConfig.getSegment() end return slot1 end slot4 = 1 slot5 = 2 function slot0.checkCondition(slot0, slot1) slot3, slot4 = nil if slot0.stepConfig.condition.arg[1] == uv0 then slot4, slot3 = slot0:checkPtotocol({ protocol = slot5[2], func = slot2.condition.func }, slot1) elseif slot5[1] == uv1 then slot4, slot3 = slot2.condition.func(getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().character)) slot0.stepConfig.condition = nil end return slot4, slot3 end function slot0.checkPtotocol(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot1.protocol return slot1.func(slot2.view, (, function (slot0) return slot0.protocol == uv0 end)[1] or {}).args) end function slot0.increaseIndex(slot0, slot1) slot0:updateIndex(slot0.currIndex + 1, slot1) end function slot0.updateIndex(slot0, slot1, slot2) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_GUIDE_INDEX, { index = slot1, callback = slot2 }) end function slot0.doNextStep(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.stepConfig = nil if slot0:isEnd() then return end slot3 = slot0.guideCfgs[slot1] if slot0:canPlay({ view = slot3.view[#slot3.view], code = slot2 }) then slot0:start(slot4) end end function slot0.isEnd(slot0) return slot0.currIndex > #slot0.guideCfgs or not ENABLE_GUIDE end function slot0.receiceProtocol(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) table.insert(slot0.protocols, { protocol = slot1, args = slot2, data = slot3 }) if slot0.onReceiceProtocol then slot0.onReceiceProtocol(slot1) end end function slot0.canPlay(slot0, slot1) if slot0.state ~= uv0.IDLE then log("guider is busy") return false end if not ENABLE_GUIDE then log("ENABLE is false") return false end if not slot0.guideMgr then log("guideMgr is nil") return false end if not slot0.player then log("player is nil") return false end if slot0:isEnd() then log("guider is end") return false end if not table.contains(slot0:getStepConfig(slot0.currIndex).view, slot1.view) then log("view is erro", slot0.currIndex, slot1.view, slot2.view[1], slot2.view[2]) return false end return true end function slot0.setPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.player = slot1 slot0.currIndex = slot0.player.guideIndex slot0:compatibleOldPlayer() end function slot0.dispose(slot0) slot0.player = nil slot0.protocols = {} slot0.state = uv0.IDLE end function slot0.compatibleOldPlayer(slot0) if not slot0.player then return end if slot0.player.level >= 5 and slot0.player.guideIndex < uv0 then function () slot0 = getProxy(PlayerProxy) slot1 = slot0:getData() slot1.guideIndex = uv0 slot0:updatePlayer(slot1) uv1:setPlayer(slot1) uv1:updateIndex(slot1.guideIndex) end() return end if slot0.player.guideIndex ~= uv0 then pg.SystemGuideMgr.GetInstance():FixGuide(function () if uv0.player.guideIndex > 1 and uv0.player.guideIndex < 101 then uv1() end end) end end