slot0 = require("jit") slot1 = require("jit.profile") slot2 = require("jit.vmdef") slot4 = pairs slot5 = ipairs slot6 = tonumber slot7 = math.floor slot8 = table.sort slot9 = string.format slot10 = io.stdout slot11, slot12, slot13, slot14, slot15, slot16, slot17, slot18, slot19, slot20, slot21, slot22, slot23 = nil slot24 = { G = "Garbage Collector", C = "C code", N = "Compiled", J = "JIT Compiler", I = "Interpreted" } function slot25(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0 = uv0 + slot1 slot3, slot4, slot5 = nil if uv1 then slot5 = uv1 == "v" and (uv2[slot2] or slot2) or uv3:get() or "(none)" end if uv4 then if uv9 == 2 then slot3, slot7 = uv5.dumpstack(slot0, uv4, uv6):gsub("%[builtin#(%d+)%]", function (slot0) return uv0.ffnames[uv1(slot0)] end):match("(.-) [<>] (.*)") if slot7 then slot4 = slot7 end elseif uv9 == 3 then slot4 = uv5.dumpstack(slot0, "l", 1) end end slot6, slot7 = nil if uv9 == 1 then if slot5 then slot6 = slot5 if slot3 then slot7 = slot3 end end elseif slot3 then slot6 = slot3 if slot4 then slot7 = slot4 elseif slot5 then slot7 = slot5 end end if slot6 then slot8[slot6] = (uv10[slot6] or 0) + slot1 if slot7 then if not uv11[slot6] then slot9[slot6] = {} end if not slot10[slot7] then slot11 = 0 end slot10[slot7] = slot11 + slot1 end end end function slot26(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot5 = 0 for slot9 in uv0(slot0) do -- Nothing end uv1({ [slot5 + 1] = slot9 }, function (slot0, slot1) return uv0[slot1] < uv0[slot0] end) for slot9 = 1, slot5 do if uv2(slot0[slot4[slot9]] * 100 / slot2 + 0.5) < uv3 then break end if not uv4 then uv5:write(uv6("%s%2d%% %s\n", slot3, slot12, slot10)) elseif uv4 == "r" then uv5:write(uv6("%s%5d %s\n", slot3, slot11, slot10)) else uv5:write(uv6("%s %d\n", slot10, slot11)) end if slot1 and slot1[slot10] then uv7(slot13, nil, slot11, (uv8 == 3 or uv8 == 1) and " -- " or uv9 < 0 and " -> " or " <- ") end end end function slot27(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} for slot7, slot8 in uv0(slot0) do slot3 = uv2.max(0, slot8) if uv3 <= uv1(slot8 * 100 / slot1 + 0.5) then slot10, slot11 = slot7:match("^(.*):(%d+)$") if not slot10 then slot10 = slot7 slot11 = 0 end if not slot2[slot10] then slot2[slot10] = {} slot2[#slot2 + 1] = slot10 end slot12[uv4(slot11)] = uv5 and slot8 or slot9 end end uv6(slot2) slot4 = " %3d%% | %s\n" slot5 = " | %s\n" if uv5 then slot6 = uv2.max(5, uv2.ceil(uv2.log10(slot3))) slot4 = "%" .. slot6 .. "d | %s\n" slot5 = (" "):rep(slot6) .. " | %s\n" end slot6 = uv7 for slot10, slot11 in uv8(slot2) do if slot11:byte() == 40 or slot12 == 91 then uv9:write(uv10([[ ====== %s ====== [Cannot annotate non-file] ]], slot11)) break end slot13, slot14 = if not slot13 then uv9:write(uv10("====== ERROR: %s: %s\n", slot11, slot14)) break end uv9:write(uv10("\n====== %s ======\n", slot11)) slot15 = slot2[slot11] slot16 = 1 slot17 = false if slot6 ~= 0 then for slot21 = 1, slot6 do if slot15[slot21] then slot17 = true uv9:write("@@ 1 @@\n") break end end end for slot21 in slot13:lines() do if slot21:byte() == 27 then uv9:write("[Cannot annotate bytecode file]\n") break end slot22 = slot15[slot16] if slot6 ~= 0 then if slot17 then if slot15[slot16 + slot6] then slot17 = slot16 + slot6 elseif slot22 then slot17 = slot16 elseif slot16 > slot17 + slot6 then slot17 = false end elseif slot23 then slot17 = slot16 + slot6 uv9:write(uv10("@@ %d @@\n", slot16)) end if not slot17 then -- Nothing end elseif slot22 then uv9:write(uv10(slot4, slot22, slot21)) else uv9:write(uv10(slot5, slot21)) end slot16 = slot16 + 1 end slot13:close() end end function slot29(slot0) slot1 = "" uv0 = 3 uv2 = 1 slot2 = { [slot6] = slot6 } for slot6 in slot0:gsub("i%d*", function (slot0) uv0 = slot0 return "" end):gsub("m(%d+)", function (slot0) uv0 = uv1(slot0) return "" end):gsub("%-?%d+", function (slot0) uv0 = uv1(slot0) return "" end):gmatch(".") do -- Nothing end uv3 = slot2.z or slot2.v if uv3 == "z" then uv4 = require("") end slot3 = slot2.l or slot2.f or slot2.F or uv3 and "" or "f" slot4 = slot2.p or "" uv5 = slot2.r if slot2.s then uv6 = 2 if uv2 == -1 or slot2["-"] then uv2 = -2 elseif uv2 == 1 then uv2 = 2 end elseif slot0:find("[fF].*l") then slot3 = "l" uv6 = 3 else uv6 = (slot3 == "" or slot0:find("[zv].*[lfF]")) and 1 or 0 end uv7 = slot2.A and 0 or slot2.a and 3 if uv7 then slot3 = "l" uv8 = "pl" uv6 = 0 uv2 = 1 elseif slot2.G and slot3 ~= "" then uv8 = slot4 .. slot3 .. "Z;" uv2 = -100 uv5 = true uv0 = 0 elseif slot3 == "" then uv8 = false else uv8 = slot4 .. (uv6 == 3 and slot2.f or slot2.F or slot3) .. (uv2 >= 0 and "Z < " or "Z > ") end uv9 = {} uv10 = {} uv11 = 0 uv12.start(slot3:lower() .. slot1, uv13) uv14 = newproxy(true) getmetatable(uv14).__gc = uv15 end return { start = function (slot0, slot1) if slot1 or os.getenv("LUAJIT_PROFILEFILE") then uv0 = slot1 == "-" and uv1 or assert(, "w")) else uv0 = uv1 end uv2(slot0 or "f") end, stop = function () if uv0 then uv1.stop() if uv2 == 0 then if uv3 ~= true then uv4:write("[No samples collected]\n") end return end if uv5 then uv6(uv7, slot0) else uv8(uv7, uv9, slot0, "") end uv7 = nil uv9 = nil uv0 = nil end end }