slot0 = require("jit") slot1 = require("jit.util") slot2 = require("jit.vmdef") slot3 = slot1.funcinfo slot4 = slot1.funcbc slot5 = slot1.traceinfo slot6 = slot1.traceir slot7 = slot1.tracek slot8 = slot1.tracemc slot9 = slot1.tracesnap slot10 = slot1.traceexitstub slot11 = slot1.ircalladdr slot12 = require("bit") slot13 = slot14 = slot12.rshift slot15 = slot12.tohex slot16 = string.sub slot17 = string.gsub slot18 = string.format slot19 = string.byte slot20 = string.rep slot21 = type slot22 = tostring slot23 = io.stdout slot24 = io.stderr slot25, slot26, slot27, slot28, slot29 = nil slot30 = { __index = false } slot31 = {} slot32 = 0 function slot33(slot0, slot1) uv0.__index = {} if uv1.arch:sub(1, 4) == "mips" then slot2[uv2(slot0, 0)] = "exit" return end for slot6 = 0, slot1 - 1 do if uv2(slot0, slot6) < 0 then slot7 = slot7 + 4294967296.0 end slot2[slot7] = uv3(slot6) end if uv2(slot0, slot1) then slot2[slot3] = "stack_check" end end function slot34(slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0 if uv1 == 0 then for slot7 = 0, #uv2.ircall do if uv3(slot7) ~= 0 then if slot8 < 0 then slot8 = slot8 + 4294967296.0 end slot2[slot8] = slot3[slot7] end end end if uv1 == 1000000 then uv4(slot0, slot1) elseif uv1 < slot1 then for slot6 = uv1, slot1 - 1 do if uv5(slot6) == nil then uv4(slot0, slot1) setmetatable(uv0, uv6) slot1 = 1000000 break end if slot7 < 0 then slot7 = slot7 + 4294967296.0 end slot2[slot7] = uv7(slot6) end uv1 = slot1 end return slot2 end function slot35(slot0) uv0:write(slot0) end function slot36(slot0) if not uv0(slot0) then return end slot2, slot3, slot4 = uv1(slot0) if not slot2 then return end if not uv2 then uv2 = require("jit.dis_" .. uv3.arch) end if slot3 < 0 then slot3 = slot3 + 4294967296.0 end uv4:write("---- TRACE ", slot0, " mcode ", #slot2, "\n") slot5 = uv2.create(slot2, slot3, uv5) slot5.hexdump = 0 slot5.symtab = uv6(slot0, slot1.nexit) if slot4 ~= 0 then uv7[slot3 + slot4] = "LOOP" slot5:disass(0, slot4) uv4:write("->LOOP:\n") slot5:disass(slot4, #slot2 - slot4) uv7[slot3 + slot4] = nil else slot5:disass(0, #slot2) end end slot37 = { [0] = "nil", "fal", "tru", "lud", "str", "p32", "thr", "pro", "fun", "p64", "cdt", "tab", "udt", "flt", "num", "i8 ", "u8 ", "i16", "u16", "int", "u32", "i64", "u64", "sfp" } slot38 = { [0] = "%s", "%s", "%s", "[36m%s[m", "[32m%s[m", "%s", "[1m%s[m", "%s", "[1m%s[m", "%s", "[33m%s[m", "[31m%s[m", "[36m%s[m", "[34m%s[m", "[34m%s[m", "[35m%s[m", "[35m%s[m", "[35m%s[m", "[35m%s[m", "[35m%s[m", "[35m%s[m", "[35m%s[m", "[35m%s[m", "[35m%s[m" } function slot39(slot0) return slot0 end function slot40(slot0, slot1) return uv0(uv1[slot1], slot0) end slot41 = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0(uv1[slot1], slot1) slot0[slot1] = slot2 return slot2 end }) slot42 = { [">"] = ">", ["<"] = "<", ["&"] = "&" } function slot43(slot0, slot1) return uv2("%s", uv3[slot1], uv0(slot0, "[<>&]", uv1)) end slot44 = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0(uv1[slot1], slot1) slot0[slot1] = slot2 return slot2 end }) slot45 = [[ ]] slot46, slot47 = nil slot48 = { ["SLOAD "] = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) if uv0(slot1, 1) ~= 0 then slot2 = "" .. "P" end if uv0(slot1, 2) ~= 0 then slot2 = slot2 .. "F" end if uv0(slot1, 4) ~= 0 then slot2 = slot2 .. "T" end if uv0(slot1, 8) ~= 0 then slot2 = slot2 .. "C" end if uv0(slot1, 16) ~= 0 then slot2 = slot2 .. "R" end if uv0(slot1, 32) ~= 0 then slot2 = slot2 .. "I" end slot0[slot1] = slot2 return slot2 end }), ["XLOAD "] = { [0] = "", "R", "V", "RV", "U", "RU", "VU", "RVU" }, ["CONV "] = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) if uv1(slot1, 2048) ~= 0 then slot2 = uv0[uv1(uv2(slot1, 5), 31)] .. "." .. uv0[uv1(slot1, 31)] .. " sext" end if uv2(slot1, 14) == 2 then slot2 = slot2 .. " index" elseif slot3 == 3 then slot2 = slot2 .. " check" end slot0[slot1] = slot2 return slot2 end }), ["FLOAD "] = slot2.irfield, ["FREF "] = slot2.irfield, FPMATH = slot2.irfpm, BUFHDR = { [0] = "RESET", "APPEND" }, ["TOSTR "] = { [0] = "INT", "NUM", "CHAR" } } function slot49(slot0) if slot0 == "\n" then return "\\n" elseif slot0 == "\r" then return "\\r" elseif slot0 == "\t" then return "\\t" else return uv0("\\%03d", uv1(slot0)) end end function slot50(slot0, slot1) if uv0(slot0, slot1).loc then return slot2.loc elseif slot2.ffid then return uv1.ffnames[slot2.ffid] elseif slot2.addr then return uv2("C:%x", slot2.addr) else return "(?)" end end function slot51(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3, slot4, slot5 = uv0(slot0, slot1) slot7 = nil if uv1(slot3) == "number" then if uv2(slot2 or 0, 196608) ~= 0 then slot7 = uv2(slot2, 131072) ~= 0 and "contpc" or "ftsz" elseif slot3 == 6755399441055744.0 then slot7 = "bias" else slot7 = uv3(slot3 > 0 and slot3 < 1.390671161567e-309 and "%+a" or "%+.14g", slot3) end elseif slot6 == "string" then slot7 = uv3(#slot3 > 20 and "\"%.20s\"~" or "\"%s\"", uv4(slot3, "%c", uv5)) elseif slot6 == "function" then slot7 = uv6(slot3) elseif slot6 == "table" then slot7 = uv3("{%p}", slot3) elseif slot6 == "userdata" then if slot4 == 12 then slot7 = uv3("userdata:%p", slot3) elseif uv3("[%p]", slot3) == "[NULL]" then slot7 = "NULL" end elseif slot4 == 21 then if uv7(uv7(uv8(slot3), 1, -3), 1, 1) ~= "-" then slot7 = "+" .. slot7 end elseif slot2 == 17137663 then return "----" else slot7 = uv8(slot3) end if slot5 then slot7 = uv3("%s @%d", uv9(uv3("%-4s", slot7), slot4), slot5) end return slot7 end function slot52(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 2 for slot6 = 0, slot1[1] - 1 do if uv0(slot1[slot2], 24) == slot6 then slot2 = slot2 + 1 if uv1(slot7, 65535) - 32768 < 0 then uv2:write(uv3(slot0, slot8, slot7)) elseif uv1(slot7, 524288) ~= 0 then uv2:write(uv4(uv5("%04d/%04d", slot8, slot8 + 1), 14)) else slot9, slot10, slot11, slot12 = uv6(slot0, slot8) uv2:write(uv4(uv5("%04d", slot8), uv1(slot10, 31))) end uv2:write(uv1(slot7, 65536) == 0 and " " or "|") else uv2:write("---- ") end end uv2:write("]\n") end function slot53(slot0) slot4 = slot0 uv0:write("---- TRACE ", slot4, " snapshots\n") for slot4 = 0, 1000000000 do if not uv1(slot0, slot4) then break end uv0:write(uv2("#%-3d %04d [ ", slot4, slot5[0])) uv3(slot0, slot5) end end function slot54(slot0, slot1) if not uv0 then uv0 = require("jit.dis_" .. uv1.arch) end slot3 = uv3(slot0, 8) if uv2(slot0, 255) == 253 or slot2 == 254 then return (slot3 == 0 or slot3 == 255) and " {sink" or uv4(" {%04d", slot1 - slot3) end if slot0 > 255 then return uv4("[%x]", slot3 * 4) end if slot2 < 128 then return uv0.regname(slot2) end return "" end function slot55(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil if slot1 > 0 then slot3, slot4, slot1, slot6 = uv0(slot0, slot1) if uv1(slot4, 31) == 0 then slot2 = uv2(slot0, slot6) end end if slot1 < 0 then uv3:write(uv4("[0x%x](", tonumber(uv5(slot0, slot1)))) else uv3:write(uv4("%04d (", slot1)) end return slot2 end function slot56(slot0, slot1) if slot1 < 0 then uv0:write(uv1(slot0, slot1)) else slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5 = uv2(slot0, slot1) slot6 = 6 * uv3(slot3, 8) if uv4(uv5.irnames, slot6 + 1, slot6 + 6) == "CARG " then uv6(slot0, slot4) if slot5 < 0 then uv0:write(" ", uv1(slot0, slot5)) else uv0:write(" ", uv7("%04d", slot5)) end else uv0:write(uv7("%04d", slot1)) end end end function slot57(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not uv0(slot0) then return end slot4 = slot3.nins uv1:write("---- TRACE ", slot0, " IR\n") slot5 = uv2.irnames slot6 = 65536 slot7, slot8 = nil if slot1 then slot6 = uv3(slot0, 0)[0] slot8 = 0 end for slot12 = 1, slot4 do if slot6 <= slot12 then if slot2 then uv1:write(uv4(".... SNAP #%-3d [ ", slot8)) else uv1:write(uv4(".... SNAP #%-3d [ ", slot8)) end uv5(slot0, slot7) slot6 = uv3(slot0, slot8 + 1) and slot7[0] or 65536 end slot13, slot14, slot15, slot16, slot17 = uv6(slot0, slot12) slot18 = 6 * uv7(slot14, 8) slot19 = uv8(slot14, 31) if uv9(slot5, slot18 + 1, slot18 + 6) == "LOOP " then if slot2 then uv1:write(uv4("%04d ------------ LOOP ------------\n", slot12)) else uv1:write(uv4("%04d ------ LOOP ------------\n", slot12)) end elseif slot20 ~= "NOP " and slot20 ~= "CARG " and (slot2 or slot20 ~= "RENAME") then slot21 = uv8(slot17, 255) if slot2 then uv1:write(uv4("%04d %-6s", slot12, uv10(slot17, slot12))) else uv1:write(uv4("%04d ", slot12)) end uv1:write(uv4("%s%s %s %s ", (slot21 == 254 or slot21 == 253) and "}" or uv8(slot14, 128) == 0 and " " or ">", uv8(slot14, 64) == 0 and " " or "+", uv11[slot19], slot20)) slot22 = uv8(slot13, 3) if uv9(slot20, 1, 4) == "CALL" then slot24 = nil if uv8(slot13, 12) == 4 then uv1:write(uv4("%-10s (", uv2.ircall[slot16])) else slot24 = uv12(slot0, slot16) end if slot15 ~= -1 then uv13(slot0, slot15) end uv1:write(")") if slot24 then uv1:write(" ctype ", slot24) end elseif slot20 == "CNEW " and slot16 == -1 then uv1:write(uv14(slot0, slot15)) elseif slot22 ~= 3 then if slot15 < 0 then uv1:write(uv14(slot0, slot15)) else uv1:write(uv4(slot22 == 0 and "%04d" or "#%-3d", slot15)) end if slot23 ~= 12 then if slot23 == 4 then if uv15[slot20] and slot24[slot16] then uv1:write(" ", slot24[slot16]) elseif slot20 == "UREFO " or slot20 == "UREFC " then uv1:write(uv4(" #%-3d", uv7(slot16, 8))) else uv1:write(uv4(" #%-3d", slot16)) end elseif slot16 < 0 then uv1:write(" ", uv14(slot0, slot16)) else uv1:write(uv4(" %04d", slot16)) end end end uv1:write("\n") end end if slot7 then if slot2 then uv1:write(uv4(".... SNAP #%-3d [ ", slot8)) else uv1:write(uv4(".... SNAP #%-3d [ ", slot8)) end uv5(slot0, slot7) end end slot58 = "" slot59 = 0 function slot60(slot0, slot1) if uv0(slot0) == "number" then if uv0(slot1) == "function" then slot1 = uv1(slot1) end slot0 = uv2(uv3.traceerr[slot0], slot1) end return slot0 end function slot61(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) if slot0 == "stop" or slot0 == "abort" and uv0.a then if uv0.i then uv1(slot1, uv0.s, uv0.r and slot0 == "stop") elseif uv0.s then uv2(slot1) end if uv0.m then uv3(slot1) end end if slot0 == "start" then if uv0.H then uv4:write("
\n") end uv4:write("---- TRACE ", slot1, " ", slot0) if slot4 then uv4:write(" ", slot4, "/", slot5 == -1 and "stitch" or slot5) end uv4:write(" ", uv5(slot2, slot3), "\n") elseif slot0 == "stop" or slot0 == "abort" then uv4:write("---- TRACE ", slot1, " ", slot0) if slot0 == "abort" then uv4:write(" ", uv5(slot2, slot3), " -- ", uv6(slot4, slot5), "\n") else slot6 = uv7(slot1) if == slot1 or slot7 == 0 then uv4:write(" -> ", slot6.linktype, "\n") elseif slot8 == "root" then uv4:write(" -> ", slot7, "\n") else uv4:write(" -> ", slot7, " ", slot8, "\n") end end if uv0.H then uv4:write("\n\n") else uv4:write("\n") end else if slot0 == "flush" then uv9 = 0 uv8 = {} end uv4:write("---- TRACE ", slot0, "\n\n") end uv4:flush() end function slot62(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if slot3 ~= uv0 then uv0 = slot3 uv1 = uv2(" .", slot3) end slot5 = nil if slot2 >= 0 then if uv4.H then slot5 = uv5(uv3(slot1, slot2, uv1), "[<>&]", uv6) end else slot5 = "0000 " .. uv1 .. " FUNCC \n" slot4 = slot1 end if slot2 <= 0 then uv7:write(uv8(slot5, 1, -2), " ; ", uv9(slot1), "\n") else uv7:write(slot5) end if slot2 >= 0 and uv10(uv11(slot1, slot2), 255) < 16 then uv7:write(uv3(slot1, slot2 + 1, uv1)) end end function slot63(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, ...) uv0:write("---- TRACE ", slot0, " exit ", slot1, "\n") if uv1.X then slot4 = { ... } if uv2.arch == "x64" then for slot8 = 1, slot2 do uv0:write(uv3(" %016x", slot4[slot8])) if slot8 % 4 == 0 then uv0:write("\n") end end else for slot8 = 1, slot2 do uv0:write(" ", uv4(slot4[slot8])) if slot8 % 8 == 0 then uv0:write("\n") end end end if uv2.arch == "mips" or uv2.arch == "mipsel" then for slot8 = 1, slot3, 2 do uv0:write(uv3(" %+17.14g", slot4[slot2 + slot8])) if slot8 % 8 == 7 then uv0:write("\n") end end else for slot8 = 1, slot3 do uv0:write(uv3(" %+17.14g", slot4[slot2 + slot8])) if slot8 % 4 == 0 then uv0:write("\n") end end end end end function slot65(slot0, slot1) if uv0 then uv1() end slot3 = (os.getenv("TERM") and slot2:match("color") or os.getenv("COLORTERM")) and "A" or "T" slot4 = { b = true, i = true, m = true, t = true } if slot0 and uv2(slot0, "[TAH]", function (slot0) uv0 = slot0 return "" end) and slot0 ~= "" then if uv3(slot0, 1, 1) ~= "+" and slot5 ~= "-" then slot4 = {} end for slot9 = 1, #slot0 do slot4[uv3(slot0, slot9, slot9)] = slot5 ~= "-" end end uv4 = slot4 if slot4.t or slot4.b or slot4.i or slot4.s or slot4.m then uv5.attach(uv6, "trace") end if slot4.b then uv5.attach(uv7, "record") if not uv8 then uv8 = require("jit.bc").line end end if slot4.x or slot4.X then uv5.attach(uv9, "texit") end if slot1 or os.getenv("LUAJIT_DUMPFILE") then uv10 = slot1 == "-" and uv11 or assert(, "w")) else uv10 = uv11 end slot4[slot3] = true if slot3 == "A" then uv12 = uv13 uv14 = uv15 elseif slot3 == "H" then uv12 = uv16 uv14 = uv17 uv10:write(uv18) else uv12 = uv19 uv14 = uv20 end uv0 = true end return { on = slot65, off = function () if uv0 then uv0 = false uv1.attach(uv2) uv1.attach(uv3) uv1.attach(uv4) if uv5 and uv5 ~= uv6 and uv5 ~= uv7 then uv5:close() end uv5 = nil end end, start = slot65 }