slot0 = class("ShoppingCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot3 = slot4 = slot2.count slot5 = pg.shop_template[slot3] slot7 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData() slot8 = getProxy(NavalAcademyProxy) if not slot3 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_shopId_noFound")) return end if slot5.type == DROP_TYPE_WORLD_ITEM and not nowWorld:IsActivate() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("world_shop_bag_unactivated")) return end if slot5.type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM then for slot15, slot16 in pairs(pg.item_data_statistics[slot5.effect_args[1]].display_icon) do if slot16[1] == 1 then if slot16[2] == 1 and slot7:GoldMax(slot16[3]) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("gold_max_tip_title") .. i18n("resource_max_tip_shop")) return end if slot16[2] == 2 and slot7:OilMax(slot16[3]) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("oil_max_tip_title") .. i18n("resource_max_tip_shop")) return end end end end if slot5.type == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then if slot5.effect_args[1] == 1 and slot7:GoldMax(slot5.num * slot4) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("gold_max_tip_title") .. i18n("resource_max_tip_shop")) return end if slot5.effect_args[1] == 2 then if slot5.num == -1 and slot5.genre == ShopArgs.BuyOil then slot9 = ShopArgs.getOilByLevel(slot7.level) end if slot7:OilMax(slot9 * slot4) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("oil_max_tip_title") .. i18n("resource_max_tip_shop")) return end end end if slot4 == 0 then return end slot10 = getProxy(ShopsProxy):getShopStreet() slot11 = false if slot5.resource_num ~= -1 then if slot10 and slot5.genre == ShopArgs.ShoppingStreetLimit then slot11 = true slot12 = math.ceil(slot10:getGoodsById(slot3).discount / 100 * slot5.resource_num * slot4) end elseif slot12 == -1 and slot5.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectShopStreetLevel then slot12 = pg.navalacademy_shoppingstreet_template[slot10.level].lv_up_cost[2] * slot4 elseif slot12 == -1 and (slot5.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectTradingPortLevel or slot5.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectOilFieldLevel or slot5.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectClassLevel) then slot13 = nil if slot5.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectTradingPortLevel then slot13 = slot8._goldVO elseif slot5.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectOilFieldLevel then slot13 = slot8._oilVO elseif slot5.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectClassLevel then slot13 = slot8._classVO end slot12 = slot13:bindConfigTable()[slot13:GetLevel()].use[2] * slot4 end if slot5.limit_args then for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(slot5.limit_args) do if type(slot17) == "table" and slot17[1] == "level" and slot7.level < slot17[2] then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_limit_level", slot17[2])) return end end end if ~= 0 and CommonCommodity.InCommodityDiscountTime( then slot12 = slot12 * (100 - / 100 end if slot7[id2res(slot5.resource_type)] < slot12 then slot13 = pg.item_data_statistics[id2ItemId(slot5.resource_type)].name if slot5.resource_type == 1 then GoShoppingMsgBox(i18n("switch_to_shop_tip_2", i18n("word_gold")), ChargeScene.TYPE_ITEM, { { 59001, slot12 - slot7[id2res(slot5.resource_type)], slot12 } }) elseif slot5.resource_type == 4 or slot5.resource_type == 14 then GoShoppingMsgBox(i18n("switch_to_shop_tip_3", i18n("word_gem")), ChargeScene.TYPE_DIAMOND) elseif not ItemTipPanel.ShowItemTip(DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, slot5.resource_type) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("buyProp_noResource_error", slot13)) end return end function slot13() pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(16001, { id = uv0, number = uv1 }, 16002, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then slot1 = {} if uv0.type ~= 0 then if uv0.is_auto_use == 1 then slot1 = PlayerConst.addTranDrop(slot0.drop_list) else slot2 = uv0.num if uv0.num == -1 and uv0.genre == ShopArgs.BuyOil then slot2 = ShopArgs.getOilByLevel(uv1:getData().level) end slot3 = Item.New({ type = uv0.type, id = uv0.effect_args[1], count = slot2 * uv2 }) uv3:sendNotification(GAME.ADD_ITEM, slot3) table.insert(slot1, slot3) end if uv4 == GoldExchangeView.itemid1 or uv4 == GoldExchangeView.itemid2 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_buy_gold_success", pg.shop_template[uv4].num * uv2)) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_buy_success")) end elseif uv0.type == 0 then uv3:sendNotification(GAME.EXTEND, { id = uv4, count = uv2 }) end uv1:getData():consume({ [id2res(uv0.resource_type)] = uv5 }) if uv0.genre == ShopArgs.BuyOil then slot2:increaseBuyOilCount() end uv1:updatePlayer(slot2) slot3 = nil if uv6 then slot4 = uv7:getShopStreet() slot3 = slot4.type slot4:getGoodsById(uv4):reduceBuyCount() uv7:UpdateShopStreet(slot4) if slot1[1].type == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and slot6:isEquipmentSkinBox() then uv3:sendNotification(GAME.USE_ITEM, { skip_check = true, count = 1, id = }) end elseif uv0.genre == ShopArgs.ArenaShopLimit then slot4 = getProxy(ShopsProxy) slot5 = slot4:getMeritorousShop() slot6 = slot5:getGoodsById(uv4) slot6:increaseBuyCount() slot5:updateGoods(slot6) slot3 = slot5.type slot4:updateMeritorousShop(slot5) elseif uv0.genre == ShopArgs.GiftPackage then uv7:GetNormalByID(uv4):increaseBuyCount() elseif uv0.genre == ShopArgs.SkinShop then getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):addSkin(ShipSkin.New({ id = uv0.effect_args[1] })) elseif uv0.genre == ShopArgs.SkinShopTimeLimit then if getProxy(ShipSkinProxy):getSkinById(uv0.effect_args[1]) and slot6:isExpireType() then slot5:addSkin(ShipSkin.New({ id = slot4, end_time = uv0.time_second * uv2 + slot6.endTime })) elseif not slot6 then slot5:addSkin(ShipSkin.New({ id = slot4, end_time = uv0.time_second * uv2 + pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() })) end elseif uv0.genre == ShopArgs.guildShop then slot4 = getProxy(ShopsProxy):getGuildShop() slot4:getGoodsById(uv4):reduceBuyCount() uv7:updateGuildShop(slot4) elseif uv0.genre == ShopArgs.WorldShop then nowWorld:UpdateWorldShopGoods({ { goods_id = uv4, count = uv2 } }) end if > 0 then uv7:updateNormalGroupList(, uv0.group_buy_count) end if uv0.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffecetShipBagSize then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("shop_extendship_success")) end if uv0.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffecetEquipBagSize then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("shop_extendequip_success")) end if uv0.effect_args == ShopArgs.EffectCommanderBagSize then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("shop_extendcommander_success")) end uv3:sendNotification(GAME.SHOPPING_DONE, { id = uv4, shopType = slot3, normalList = uv7:GetNormalList(), normalGroupList = uv7:GetNormalGroupList(), awards = uv0.is_auto_use == 1 and slot1 or {} }) else print(slot0.result) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(errorTip("", slot0.result)) end end) end slot14, slot15 = slot0:CheckGiftPackage(slot5) if slot14 == uv0.GIFT_CHECK_FAIL then slot15() return elseif slot14 == uv0.GIFT_CHECK_USER then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = slot15(), onYes = slot13 }) else slot13() end end slot0.GIFT_CHECK_FAIL = 0 slot0.GIFT_CHECK_PASS = 1 slot0.GIFT_CHECK_USER = 2 function slot0.CheckGiftPackage(slot0, slot1) if slot1.genre == ShopArgs.GiftPackage then slot6, slot7, slot8, slot9, slot10 = function (slot0) slot1 = 0 slot3 = 0 slot4 = 0 slot5 = 0 slot6 = false for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot0) do if DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE == slot11[1] then if slot11[2] == 1 then slot2 = 0 + slot11[3] elseif slot13 == 2 then slot1 = slot1 + slot14 end elseif DROP_TYPE_EQUIP == slot12 then slot3 = slot3 + slot14 elseif DROP_TYPE_SHIP == slot12 then slot4 = slot4 + slot14 elseif DROP_TYPE_ITEM == slot12 and uv0[slot13].type == Item.EXP_BOOK_TYPE then slot6 = pg.item_data_statistics[slot13].max_num < getProxy(BagProxy):getItemCountById(slot13) + slot5 + slot14 end end return slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot6 end(pg.item_data_statistics[slot1.effect_args[1]].display_icon) slot11 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData() if slot6 > 0 and slot11:OilMax(slot6) then return uv0.GIFT_CHECK_FAIL, function () pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("oil_max_tip_title") .. i18n("resource_max_tip_shop")) end end if slot7 > 0 and slot11:GoldMax(slot7) then return uv0.GIFT_CHECK_FAIL, function () pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("gold_max_tip_title") .. i18n("resource_max_tip_shop")) end end if slot8 > 0 and slot11:getMaxEquipmentBag() < getProxy(EquipmentProxy):getCapacity() + slot8 then return uv0.GIFT_CHECK_FAIL, function () NoPosMsgBox(i18n("switch_to_shop_tip_noPos"), openDestroyEquip, gotoChargeScene) end end if slot9 > 0 and slot11:getMaxShipBag() < getProxy(BayProxy):getShipCount() + slot9 then return uv0.GIFT_CHECK_FAIL, function () NoPosMsgBox(i18n("switch_to_shop_tip_noDockyard"), openDockyardClear, gotoChargeScene, openDockyardIntensify) end end if slot10 then return uv0.GIFT_CHECK_USER, function () return i18n("player_expResource_mail_fullBag") end end end return uv0.GIFT_CHECK_PASS end function slot0.IsOverflowShipExpItem(slot0) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig("award_display")) do slot10 = slot8[2] if slot8[1] == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and pg.item_data_statistics[slot10].type == Item.EXP_BOOK_TYPE and function (slot0, slot1) return pg.item_data_statistics[slot0].max_num < getProxy(BagProxy):getItemCountById(slot0) + slot1 end(slot10, slot8[3]) then return true end end return false end return slot0