slot0 = class("SelectFleetCommanderCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:getBody() slot5 = slot2.commanderId slot6 = slot2.callback slot7 = getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetById(slot2.fleetId) slot9 = slot7:getCommanders() if not slot7:getCommanderByPos(slot2.pos) or ~= slot5 then for slot14, slot15 in pairs(slot9) do if slot15.groupId == getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot5).groupId and slot14 ~= slot4 and slot5 ~= then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("commander_can_not_select_same_group")) return end end end function slot11(slot0) if uv1[uv0 == 2 and 1 or 2] and == slot0 then return true, slot1 end return false end slot13 = true slot14, slot15 = function (slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(getProxy(FleetProxy):getCommanders()) do if slot6.fleetId ~= uv0 and slot6.commanderId == slot0 then return true, slot6 end end return false end(slot5) if slot14 then table.insert({}, function (slot0) pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("comander_repalce_tip", Fleet.DEFAULT_NAME[uv0.fleetId], uv0.pos == 1 and i18n("commander_main_pos") or i18n("commander_assistant_pos")), onYes = function () pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.COOMMANDER_EQUIP_TO_FLEET, { commanderId = 0, fleetId = uv0.fleetId, pos = uv0.pos, callback = uv1 }) end, onNo = function () uv0 = false uv1() end }) end) end slot16, slot17 = slot11(slot5) if slot16 then table.insert(slot12, function (slot0) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.COOMMANDER_EQUIP_TO_FLEET, { commanderId = 0, fleetId = uv0, pos = uv1, callback = slot0 }) end) end table.insert(slot12, function (slot0) if uv0 then pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.COOMMANDER_EQUIP_TO_FLEET, { fleetId = uv1, pos = uv2, commanderId = uv3, callback = function (slot0) uv0() end }) else slot0() end end) seriesAsync(slot12, slot6) end return slot0