slot0 = class("CommanderCatteryOPCommand", pm.SimpleCommand) function slot0.execute(slot0, slot1) slot4 = getProxy(CommanderProxy):GetCommanderHome() pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(25028, { type = slot1:getBody().op }, 25029, function (slot0) if slot0.result == 0 then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.awards) do slot7 = Item.New({ type = slot6.type, id =, count = slot6.number }) table.insert({}, slot7) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.ADD_ITEM, slot7) end slot2 = 0 slot3 = 0 slot4 = {} if uv1 == 1 then uv2:IncCleanValue() elseif uv1 == 2 then slot4 = uv0:AddCommanderExpByFeed() elseif uv1 == 3 then -- Nothing end slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in pairs(uv2:GetCatteries()) do if slot11:ExistOP(uv1) and slot11:CommanderCanOP(uv1) then slot12 = slot11:GetCommander() slot11:ClearOP(uv1) slot12:UpdateHomeOpTime(uv1, slot0.op_time) getProxy(CommanderProxy):updateCommander(slot12) table.insert(slot6, end end uv2:UpdateExpAndLevel(slot0.level, slot0.exp) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.COMMANDER_CATTERY_OP_DONE, { awards = slot1, cmd = uv1, opCatteries = slot6, commanderExps = slot4, homeExp = Clone(uv2).level < uv2.level and slot7:GetNextLevelExp() - slot7.exp + uv2.exp or uv2.exp - slot7.exp }) else pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(ERROR_MESSAGE[slot0.result] .. slot0.result) end end) end function slot0.AddCommanderExpByFeed(slot0) slot1 = {} slot3 = getProxy(CommanderProxy):GetCommanderHome() for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot3:GetCatteries()) do if slot10:ExistCommander() and slot10:ExiseFeedOP() then function (slot0, slot1) if getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot0:GetCommanderId()):isMaxLevel() then slot1 = 0 end slot4:addExp(slot1) if not slot5 and slot4:isMaxLevel() then slot1 = slot1 - slot4.exp end table.insert(uv0, { id =, value = slot1 }) slot3:updateCommander(slot4) end(slot10, slot3:getConfig("feed_level")[2]) end end return slot1 end return slot0