slot0 = class("WorldFleetSelectMediator", import("..base.ContextMediator")) slot0.OnSelectShip = "WorldFleetSelectMediator.OnSelectShip" slot0.OnGO = "WorldFleetSelectMediator.OnGO" slot0.OnShipDetail = "WorldFleetSelectMediator.OnShipDetail" slot0.OnSelectEliteCommander = "WorldFleetSelectMediator.OnSelectEliteCommander" slot0.OnCommanderFormationOp = "WorldFleetSelectMediator.OnCommanderFormationOp" slot0.OnCommanderSkill = "WorldFleetSelectMediator.OnCommanderSkill" function slot0.register(slot0) slot0:bind(uv0.OnSelectShip, function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = tobool(slot2[slot3]) slot5 = {} slot6, slot7, slot8 = pairs(uv0.contextData.fleets) for slot9, slot10 in slot6, slot7, slot8 do slot11, slot12, slot13 = ipairs(slot10) for slot14, slot15 in slot11, slot12, slot13 do for slot19 = 1, 3 do if slot15[slot1][slot19] then table.insert(slot5, slot15[slot1][slot19]) end end end end slot13.onShip, slot13.confirmSelect, slot13.onSelected = uv0:GetDockCallbackFuncs(slot2, slot3, slot5) slot13.leastLimitMsg = i18n("ship_formationMediator_leastLimit") slot13.quitTeam = slot4 slot13.teamFilter = slot1 slot13.leftTopInfo = i18n("word_formation") slot13.hideTagFlags = ShipStatus.TAG_HIDE_WORLD slot13.otherSelectedIds = slot5 uv0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.DOCKYARD, { selectedMin = 0, useBlackBlock = true, selectedMax = 1 }) end) slot0:bind(uv0.OnGO, function (slot0) slot1 = nowWorld if uv0.contextData.mapId then = uv0.contextData.mapId slot6.enter_map_id = uv0.contextData.entranceId slot6.elite_fleet_list = slot1:FormationIds2NetIds(uv0.contextData.fleets) = slot1.realm uv0:sendNotification(GAME.WORLD_ACTIVATE, {}) else if not slot1:CompareRedeploy(slot2) then table.insert({}, function (slot0) slot3.content = i18n("world_redeploy_not_change") slot3.onYes = slot0 pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({}) end) end if #slot1:GetPortShips() > 0 then table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) slot3.content = i18n("world_redeploy_warn") slot3.onYes = slot0 pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({}) end) end table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) slot1 = uv0:CalcOrderCost(WorldConst.OpReqRedeploy) slot2 = uv0.staminaMgr:GetTotalStamina() pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("world_redeploy_cost_tip", setColorStr(slot1, COLOR_GREEN), setColorStr(slot2, slot1 <= slot2 and COLOR_GREEN or COLOR_RED)), onYes = function () if uv0.staminaMgr:GetTotalStamina() < uv1 then uv0.staminaMgr:Show() else uv2() end end }) end) seriesAsync(slot3, function () slot3.elite_fleet_list = uv1:FormationIds2NetIds(uv2) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.WORLD_FLEET_REDEPLOY, {}) end) end end) slot0:bind(uv0.OnShipDetail, function (slot0, slot1) slot6.shipId = slot1.shipId slot6.shipVOs = slot1.shipVOs uv0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.SHIPINFO, {}) end) slot0:bind(uv0.OnCommanderFormationOp, function (slot0, slot1) = slot1 uv0:sendNotification(GAME.COMMANDER_FORMATION_OP, {}) end) slot0:bind(uv0.OnCommanderSkill, function (slot0, slot1) slot5.mediator = CommanderSkillMediator slot5.viewComponent = CommanderSkillLayer slot6.skill = slot1 = { isWorld = true } uv0:addSubLayers(Context.New({})) end) slot0:bind(uv0.OnSelectEliteCommander, function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot6.ship_list = {} slot6.commanders = uv0.contextData.fleets[slot1][slot2].commanders slot11.mode = CommandRoomScene.MODE_SELECT slot11.fleetType = CommandRoomScene.FLEET_TYPE_WORLD slot11.fleets = uv0.contextData.fleets slot11.activeCommander = Fleet.New({}):getCommanders()[slot3] slot11.ignoredIds = {} function slot11.onCommander(slot0) return true end function slot11.onSelected(slot0, slot1) slot5, slot6, slot7 = pairs(uv0.contextData.fleets) for slot8, slot9 in slot5, slot6, slot7 do slot10, slot11, slot12 = ipairs(slot9) for slot13, slot14 in slot10, slot11, slot12 do if slot8 == uv1 and slot13 == uv2 then slot15, slot16, slot17 = pairs(uv3) for slot18, slot19 in slot15, slot16, slot17 do if slot19.groupId == getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot0[1]).groupId and slot18 ~= uv4 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("commander_can_not_select_same_group")) return end end else slot15, slot16, slot17 = pairs(slot14.commanders) for slot18, slot19 in slot15, slot16, slot17 do if slot2 == then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("commander_is_in_fleet_already")) return end end end end end uv5:updateCommanderByPos(uv4, slot4) uv6.commanders = uv5:outputCommanders() slot1() end function slot11.onQuit(slot0) uv0:updateCommanderByPos(uv1, nil) uv2.commanders = uv0:outputCommanders() slot0() end uv0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.COMMANDROOM, { maxCount = 1 }) uv0.contextData.editFleet = true end) slot0.viewComponent:setCommanderPrefabs(getProxy(CommanderProxy):getPrefabFleet()) end function slot0.listNotificationInterests(slot0) slot1[1] = GAME.WORLD_ACTIVATE_DONE slot1[2] = GAME.WORLD_FLEET_REDEPLOY_DONE slot1[3] = CommanderProxy.PREFAB_FLEET_UPDATE slot1[4] = GAME.COMMANDER_WORLD_FORMATION_OP_DONE return {} end function slot0.handleNotification(slot0, slot1) if slot1:getName() == GAME.WORLD_ACTIVATE_DONE then if slot1:getBody().result == 0 then slot0:SetFleetSuccess() end elseif slot2 == GAME.WORLD_FLEET_REDEPLOY_DONE then slot0:SetFleetSuccess() elseif slot2 == CommanderProxy.PREFAB_FLEET_UPDATE then slot0.viewComponent:setCommanderPrefabs(getProxy(CommanderProxy):getPrefabFleet()) slot0.viewComponent:updateCommanderPrefab() elseif slot2 == GAME.COMMANDER_WORLD_FORMATION_OP_DONE then slot0.viewComponent:UpdateFleets() slot0.viewComponent:updateCommanderFleet(slot3.fleet) end end function slot0.GetDockCallbackFuncs(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = getProxy(BayProxy) return function (slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3 = ShipStatus.ShipStatusCheck("inWorld", slot0, slot1) if not slot2 then return slot2, slot3 end slot4, slot5, slot6 = ipairs(uv0) for slot7, slot8 in slot4, slot5, slot6 do if ~= slot8 then if slot0:isSameKind(uv1:getShipById(slot8)) then return false, i18n("event_same_type_not_allowed") end end end return true end, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot1() end, function (slot0) slot1, slot2, slot3 = pairs(uv0.contextData.fleets) for slot4, slot5 in slot1, slot2, slot3 do slot6, slot7, slot8 = ipairs(slot5) for slot9, slot10 in slot6, slot7, slot8 do slot11, slot12, slot13 = pairs(slot10) for slot14, slot15 in slot11, slot12, slot13 do for slot19 = 3, 1, -1 do if uv1 == slot15 then if slot19 == uv2 then slot15[slot19] = slot0[1] end elseif slot15[slot19] == slot0[1] then slot15[slot19] = nil end end end end end end end function slot0.SetFleetSuccess(slot0) slot1 = { inPort = true } if slot0.contextData.mapId then if WorldConst.IsRookieMap(slot0.contextData.mapId) then slot1 = { inMap = true } elseif nowWorld:IsReseted() then slot1 = { inShop = true } end end if getProxy(ContextProxy):getContextByMediator(WorldMediator) then slot2:extendData(slot1) slot0.viewComponent:closeView() else slot0:sendNotification(GAME.CHANGE_SCENE, SCENE.WORLD, slot1) end end return slot0