slot0 = class("WorldBossInformationLayer", import("view.base.BaseUI")) slot1 = { [99.0] = true } slot2 = 25 slot3 = 7.2 function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "WorldBossInformationUI" end function slot0.init(slot0) = slot0:findTF("bg") slot0.layer = slot0:findTF("fixed") = slot0:findTF("top", slot0.layer) slot0.backBtn ="back_btn") slot0.homeBtn ="option") slot0.playerResOb ="playerRes") slot0.resPanel = WorldResource.New() tf(slot0.resPanel._go):SetParent(tf(slot0.playerResOb), false) slot0.startBtn = slot0.layer:Find("battle") slot0.retreatBtn = slot0.layer:Find("retreat") slot0.hpbar = slot0.layer:Find("hp") slot1 = slot0.layer:Find("drop") slot0.dropitems = slot0.Clone2Full(slot1:Find("items"), 5) slot0.dropright = slot1:Find("right") slot0.dropleft = slot1:Find("left") slot0.weaknesstext = slot0.layer:Find("text") slot0.weaknessbg = slot0.layer:Find("boss_ruodian") slot0.downBG = slot0.layer:Find("BlurBG") slot0.buffs = slot0.Clone2Full(slot0.layer:Find("tezhuangmokuai/buff"), 3) slot0.attributeRoot = slot0.layer:Find("attributes") slot0.attributeRootAnchorY = slot0.attributeRoot.anchoredPosition.y slot5 = "attributes" slot0.attributes = slot0.Clone2Full(slot0.layer:Find(slot5), 3) for slot5 = 1, #slot0.attributes do slot0.attributes[slot5]:Find("extra").gameObject:SetActive(false) setText(slot0.attributes[slot5]:Find("extra/desc"), i18n("world_mapbuff_compare_txt") .. ":") end slot2 = slot0.layer:Find("bossname") slot0.bossnameText = slot2:Find("name"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.bossNameBanner = slot2:Find("name/banner") slot0.bosslevel = slot0.bossNameBanner:Find("level") slot0.bosslogos = { slot2:Find("name/bosslogo_01"), slot2:Find("name/bosslogo_02") } slot0.saomiaoxian = slot0.layer:Find("saomiao") slot0.bosssprite = slot0.saomiaoxian:Find("qimage") slot0.dangerMark = slot0.layer:Find("danger_mark") slot0.loader = BundleLoaderPort.New() slot0.dungeonDict = {} end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.homeBtn, function () uv0:quickExitFunc() end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.startBtn, function () uv0:emit(WorldBossInformationMediator.OnOpenSublayer, Context.New({ mediator = WorldPreCombatMediator, viewComponent = WorldPreCombatLayer }), true, function () uv0:closeView() end) end, SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR) onButton(slot0, slot0.retreatBtn, function () uv0:emit(WorldBossInformationMediator.RETREAT_FLEET) uv0:closeView() end, SFX_CANCEL) slot0:updateStageView() slot0.loader:LoadPrefab("ui/xuetiao01", "", nil, function (slot0) setParent(slot0, uv0.layer) slot1 = tf(slot0):Find("qipao") setParent(slot1, uv0.hpbar:Find("hp"), false) setLocalPosition(slot1, { x = 0, y = 0 }) slot2 = tf(slot0):Find("xuetiao01") uv0.hpeffectmat = slot2:GetComponent(typeof(Renderer)).material setParent(slot2, uv0.hpbar, false) setLocalPosition(slot2, { x = 0, y = 0 }) uv0:UpdateHpbar() end) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():OverlayPanel(slot0._tf, { interactableAlways = true }) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():OverlayPanelPB(slot0.layer, { pbList = { slot0.downBG, slot0.attributes[1], slot0.attributes[2], slot0.attributes[3], }, groupName = LayerWeightConst.GROUP_BOSSINFORMATION }) end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_CANCEL) triggerButton(slot0.backBtn) end function slot0.setPlayerInfo(slot0, slot1) slot0.resPanel:setPlayer(slot1) setActive(slot0.resPanel._tf, nowWorld:IsSystemOpen(WorldConst.SystemResource)) end function slot0.getCurrentFleet(slot0) return nowWorld:GetFleet() end function slot0.GetCurrentAttachment(slot0) slot1 = nowWorld:GetActiveMap() slot2 = slot1:GetFleet() return slot1:GetCell(slot2.row, slot2.column):GetAliveAttachment(), slot1.config.difficulty end function slot0.GetEnemyLevel(slot0, slot1) if slot1.difficulty == ys.Battle.BattleConst.Difficulty.WORLD then return WorldConst.WorldLevelCorrect(nowWorld:GetActiveMap().config.expedition_level, slot1.type) else return slot1.level end end function slot0.UpdateHpbar(slot0) slot1 = slot0:GetCurrentAttachment() slot2 = slot0:GetBossTotalHP(slot1) slot4 = math.ceil(slot2 * (slot1:GetHP() or 10000) / 10000) setSlider(slot0.hpbar, 0, slot2, slot4) setText(slot0.hpbar:Find("hpcur"), string.format("%d", slot4)) setText(slot0.hpbar:Find("hpamount"), slot2) slot5 = slot0.hpbar:Find("hp/mask") if slot0.hpeffectmat then slot0.hpeffectmat:SetFloat("_Mask", slot3 / 100) slot6 = slot0.hpbar:Find("hp").rect slot5.localScale = Vector3(slot6.width * uv0, slot6.height * uv0, 1) slot5.localPosition = setLocalScale(slot0.hpbar:Find("xuetiao01"), { x = math.clamp(Screen.width / Screen.height, 1.7777777777777777, 2) / 1.7777777777777777 }) end slot6 = slot0.hpbar:Find("rewards") slot9 = pg.world_expedition_data[slot1:GetBattleStageId()] and slot8.phase_drop setActive(slot6, slot9 and #slot9 > 0) UIItemList.StaticAlign(slot6, slot6:GetChild(0), slot9 and #slot9 or 0, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot4 = uv0[slot1 + 1][1] / 10000 slot2.anchorMin = Vector2(slot4, 0.5) slot2.anchorMax = Vector2(slot4, 0.5) setAnchoredPosition(slot2, { x = 0 }) uv3.loader:GetSprite("ui/worldbossinformationui_atlas", slot4 >= uv1 / uv2 and "reward_empty" or "reward", slot2) end end) slot10 = slot0.hpbar:Find("kedu") setLocalScale(slot10, { x = slot0.hpbar.rect.width / slot10.rect.width }) end function slot0.GetBossTotalHP(slot0, slot1) _.detect(slot0:GetDungeonFile(slot1.config.dungeon_id).stages[1].waves, function (slot0) if not slot0.spawn then return end return _.detect(slot0.spawn, function (slot0) if slot0.bossData then uv0 = slot0 return true end end) end) return nil and slot5.bossData.hpBarNum end function slot0.GetDungeonFile(slot0, slot1) if slot0.dungeonDict[slot1] then return slot0.dungeonDict[slot1] end slot2 = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetDungeonTmpDataByID(slot1) slot0.dungeonDict[slot1] = slot2 return slot2 end slot4 = 212 slot5 = 40 slot6 = "fe2222" slot7 = "92fc63" slot8 = 70 function slot0.updateStageView(slot0) slot1, slot2 = slot0:GetCurrentAttachment() slot3 = slot1:GetBattleStageId() slot4 = pg.expedition_data_template[slot3] slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(pg.world_expedition_data[slot3].award_display_world) do if slot2 == slot11[1] then slot6 = slot11[2] end end slot7 = 0 onButton(slot0, slot0.dropright, function () uv0 = uv0 + 1 uv1() end) onButton(slot0, slot0.dropleft, function () uv0 = uv0 - 1 uv1() end) function () for slot3 = 1, #uv0.dropitems do setActive(uv0.dropitems[slot3]:Find("item_tpl"), uv1[slot3 + uv2] ~= nil) if slot5 then updateDrop(slot4, { type = slot5[1], id = slot5[2] }) onButton(uv0, slot4, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_DROP, uv2) end, SFX_PANEL) end end setActive(uv0.dropleft, uv2 > 0) setActive(uv0.dropright, #uv1 - uv2 > #uv0.dropitems) end() setActive(slot0.weaknesstext, pg.world_SLGbuff_data[slot1:GetWeaknessBuff()] ~= nil) setActive(slot0.weaknessbg, slot10 ~= nil) if slot10 then setText(slot0.weaknesstext, i18n("word_weakness") .. ": " .. slot10.desc) end setAnchoredPosition(slot0.attributeRoot, { y = slot0.attributeRootAnchorY - (slot10 == nil and uv1 or 0) }) for slot16 = 1, #slot0.buffs do slot17 = _.filter(slot1:GetBuffList(), function (slot0) return slot0 ~= uv0 end)[slot16] setActive(slot0.buffs[slot16], slot17) if slot17 then slot19 = pg.world_SLGbuff_data[slot17] slot0.loader:GetSprite("world/buff/" .. slot19.icon, "", slot18:Find("icon")) setText(slot18:Find("desc"), slot19.desc) end end slot0:UpdateHpbar() slot13 = ys.Battle.BattleFormulas slot14 = nowWorld slot15 = slot14:GetWorldMapDifficultyBuffLevel() slot16 = { slot15[1] * (1 + slot5.expedition_sairenvalueA / 10000), slot15[2] * (1 + slot5.expedition_sairenvalueB / 10000), slot15[3] * (1 + slot5.expedition_sairenvalueC / 10000) } slot17 = slot14:GetWorldMapBuffLevel() slot18, slot19, slot20 = slot13.WorldMapRewardAttrEnhance(slot16, slot17) slot22 = { slot18, slot19, 1 - slot13.WorldMapRewardHealingRate(slot16, slot17) } for slot26 = 1, #slot0.attributes do setText(slot0.attributes[slot26]:Find("digit"), string.format("%d", slot16[slot26])) setText(slot27:Find("desc"), i18n("world_mapbuff_attrtxt_" .. slot26) .. string.format(" %d%%", (slot26 == 3 and 1 - slot22[slot26] or slot22[slot26] + 1) * 100)) slot29 = GetOrAddComponent(slot27, typeof(UILongPressTrigger)) slot29.onPressed:RemoveAllListeners() slot29.onReleased:RemoveAllListeners() slot30, slot31 = nil slot29.onPressed:AddListener(function () uv0 = go(uv1:Find("extra")).activeSelf setActive(uv1:Find("extra"), true) uv2 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup end) slot29.onReleased:AddListener(function () slot0 = false if not uv0 or Time.realtimeSinceStartup - uv0 < 0.3 then setActive(uv1:Find("extra"), not uv2) else setActive(uv1:Find("extra"), false) end end) setText(slot27:Find("extra/enemy"), slot16[slot26]) setText(slot27:Find("extra/ally"), slot17[slot26]) setText(slot27:Find("extra/result"), string.format("%d%%", slot22[slot26] * 100)) setTextColor(slot27:Find("extra/result"), slot22[slot26] > 0 and slot0.TransformColor(uv2) or slot0.TransformColor(uv3)) setText(slot27:Find("extra/result/arrow"), slot22[slot26] == 0 and "" or slot22[slot26] > 0 and "↑" or "↓") if slot22[slot26] ~= 0 then setTextColor(slot27:Find("extra/result/arrow"), slot22[slot26] > 0 and slot0.TransformColor(uv2) or slot0.TransformColor(uv3)) end slot32 = slot27:Find("extra/allybar") slot33 = slot27:Find("extra/enemybar") slot34 = math.clamp(1 + slot22[slot26], 0.75, 3) slot35 = slot27:Find("extra").rect.width slot33.sizeDelta = Vector2(slot34 * slot35 / (slot34 + 1) + uv4 * 0.5, slot33.sizeDelta.y) slot32.sizeDelta = Vector2(1 * slot35 / (slot34 + 1) + uv4 * 0.5, slot32.sizeDelta.y) end slot24 = slot5.battle_character and #slot24 > 0 and slot24 or "world_boss_0" = true setImageSprite(, GetSpriteFromAtlas("commonbg/" .. slot24, slot24)) slot0.bossnameText.text = slot26 = false if slot0.bossnameText.transform.rect.width < slot0.bossnameText.preferredWidth then slot0.bossnameText.text = string.gsub(slot25, "「.-」", "\n%1") slot26 = true end setAnchoredPosition(slot0.bossNameBanner, { y = slot26 and -18 or 0 }) setText(slot0.bosslevel, i18n("world_level_prefix", slot0:GetEnemyLevel(slot4) or 1)) setActive(slot0.bosslogos[1], slot23) setActive(slot0.bosslogos[2], not slot23) setActive(slot0.saomiaoxian, not slot23) slot27 = ys.Battle.BattleAttr.IsWorldMapRewardAttrWarning(slot16, slot17) setActive(slot0.dangerMark, slot27) if slot27 then setAnchoredPosition(slot0.dangerMark, { x = slot23 and uv5 or uv6 }) end if not slot23 then if slot4.icon_type == 1 then slot0.loader:GetSprite("enemies/" .. slot4.icon, nil, slot0.bosssprite) elseif slot28 == 2 then slot0.bosssprite:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).enabled = false slot0.loader:GetSpine(slot4.icon, function (slot0) slot1 = uv0.battle_spine_size * 0.01 slot0.transform.localScale = Vector3(slot1, slot1, 1) slot0.transform.anchoredPosition = Vector3.New(0, -150, 0) slot0.transform:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI"):SetAction(ChapterConst.ShipIdleAction, 0) slot0.transform:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic").raycastTarget = false setParent(slot0, uv1.bosssprite, false) end, slot0.bosssprite) end end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0.layer, slot0._tf) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnOverlayPanel(slot0._tf) if slot0.resPanel then slot0.resPanel:exit() slot0.resPanel = nil end for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.dungeonDict) do ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.ClearDungeonCfg(slot4) end table.clear(slot0.dungeonDict) slot0.loader:Clear() end function slot0.Clone2Full(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0:GetChild(0) for slot8 = 0, slot0.childCount - 1 do table.insert({}, slot0:GetChild(slot8)) end for slot8 = slot4, slot1 - 1 do table.insert(slot2, tf(cloneTplTo(slot3, slot0))) end return slot2 end function slot0.TransformColor(slot0) return Color.New(tonumber(string.sub(slot0, 1, 2), 16) / 255, tonumber(string.sub(slot0, 3, 4), 16) / 255, tonumber(string.sub(slot0, 5, 6), 16) / 255) end return slot0