slot0 = class("WorldBossItemList") slot1 = 19 slot2 = -15 slot3 = 100 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.tpl = slot2 slot0.container = slot1 slot0.angle = uv0 = uv1 slot0.distance = uv2 slot0.tplHeight = slot0.tpl.rect.height slot0.trigger = slot0.container:GetComponent(typeof(EventTriggerListener)) slot0.hrzOffset = (slot0.tplHeight + / math.tan((90 - slot0.angle) * math.rad(1)) slot6 = slot0.capacity = math.ceil(slot0.container.parent.parent.rect.height / (slot0.tplHeight + slot6)) for slot6 = 1, slot0.capacity do cloneTplTo(slot0.tpl, slot0.container, slot6) end slot0.OnSwitch = nil slot0.OnRelease = nil setActive(slot0.tpl, false) slot0:AddListener() end function slot0.Make(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0.OnInit = slot1 slot0.OnSwitch = slot2 slot0.OnRelease = slot3 end function slot0.Align(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.childs = {} slot0.padding = 0 slot0.animFlag = false slot0.totalCnt = slot1 slot0.index = 0 slot0.value = slot2 and slot2 or 0 slot0.midIndex = math.ceil(slot0.capacity * 0.5) slot0.ranges = { math.huge, math.huge, slot0.capacity - slot0.midIndex + 1, slot0.midIndex - 1 } if slot1 < slot0.capacity then slot3 = math.floor(slot1 * 0.5) + 1 slot0.ranges[1] = slot1 - slot3 slot0.ranges[2] = slot3 end slot0:InitList() end function slot0.InitList(slot0) for slot4 = 1, slot0.capacity do slot5 = slot0.container:GetChild(slot4 - 1) slot5.localScale = slot5.gameObject:SetActive(true) table.insert(slot0.childs, { index = -9999, tr = slot5 }) end slot0.animTime = 0 slot0:Switch() slot1 = slot0.value - 1 slot2 = 1 if slot0.totalCnt < slot0.capacity and slot0.ranges[2] < slot0.value then slot2 = -1 slot1 = slot0.totalCnt - slot0.value + 1 end for slot6 = 1, slot1 do slot0:Switch(slot2) end slot0:Release() slot0.animTime = 0.05 end function slot0.AddListener(slot0) slot1 = slot2 = 0 slot3 = 0 slot4 = 0 slot5 = true function slot6(slot0) if slot0 > 0 then return uv0.index < uv0.ranges[2] - 1 else return uv0.index > -uv0.ranges[1] end end slot0.trigger:AddBeginDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.animFlag then return end uv2 = 0 uv1 = 0 uv3 = slot1.position uv4 = uv3.y uv5 = true end) slot0.trigger:AddDragFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if uv0.animFlag then return end if slot1.position.y < uv1 and uv2 ~= 0 then uv2 = 0 uv3 = slot1.position end if uv1 < slot1.position.y and uv4 ~= 0 then uv4 = 0 uv3 = slot1.position end if not uv5(slot1.position.y - uv3.y) then uv6 = false return end if uv4 < math.abs(slot2 / uv0.distance) then uv4 = slot3 uv0:Switch(slot2) end if slot3 < uv2 then uv2 = slot3 uv0:Switch(slot2) end uv1 = uv3.y end) slot0.trigger:AddDragEndFunc(function (slot0, slot1) if not uv0 then return end uv1:Release() end) end function slot0.RefreshChildPos(slot0, slot1) slot0.padding = 0 slot0.animFlag = true slot2 = slot0.midIndex for slot6 = 1, #slot0.childs do slot7 = slot0.childs[slot6].tr slot8 = slot6 - 1 if slot6 == slot2 or slot6 == slot2 + 1 then slot0.padding = slot0.padding + math.abs( * 2 end if slot0.totalCnt == 0 then slot0.padding = 0 end slot11 = Vector3(-slot0.hrzOffset * slot8 - slot0.padding / math.tan((90 - slot0.angle) * math.rad(1)), -1 * (slot0.tplHeight + * slot8 - slot0.padding, 0) if slot1 and slot10.y < slot7.localPosition.y then slot11 = Vector3(slot0.hrzOffset, slot0.tplHeight +, 0) elseif not slot1 and slot7.localPosition.y < slot10.y then slot7.localPosition = Vector3(slot0.hrzOffset, slot0.tplHeight +, 0) end if slot6 == slot2 or slot0.animTime <= 0 then slot7:SetAsLastSibling() slot7.localPosition = slot10 end LeanTween.moveLocal(slot7.gameObject, slot11, slot0.animTime):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.localPosition = uv1 uv2.animFlag = false end)) end end function slot0.Switch(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then table.insert(slot0.childs, slot1 > 0 and #slot0.childs + 1 or 1, table.remove(slot0.childs, slot1 > 0 and 1 or #slot0.childs)) slot0.index = (slot1 > 0 and 1 or -1) + slot0.index end slot2 = 0 slot3 = 0 if slot0.totalCnt < slot0.capacity then slot3 = math.min(slot0.ranges[4] - slot0.ranges[1] - slot0.index, slot0.ranges[4]) slot2 = math.min(slot0.ranges[3] - slot0.ranges[2] + slot0.index, slot0.ranges[3]) end slot4 = slot0.index % slot0.totalCnt for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0.childs) do slot10 = slot9.index slot11 = slot8 - slot0.midIndex if slot3 > 0 and slot8 <= slot3 or slot2 > 0 and slot2 > slot0.capacity - slot8 then slot9.index = -1 else slot9.index = (slot11 + slot4) % slot0.totalCnt end if slot10 ~= slot9.index and slot0.OnInit then slot0.OnInit(, slot9.index) end end slot0:RefreshChildPos((slot1 or 0) > 0) slot5 = slot0.childs[slot0.midIndex] if slot0.OnSwitch ~= nil then slot0.OnSwitch(, slot5.index) end end function slot0.SliceTo(slot0, slot1) if slot0.animFlag then return end slot2 = -1 for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.childs) do if == slot1 then slot2 = slot6 break end end if slot2 == -1 then return end slot3 = slot2 - slot0.midIndex slot4 = Mathf.Sign(slot3) slot5 = {} for slot9 = 1, math.abs(slot3) do table.insert(slot5, function (slot0) uv0:Switch(uv1) Timer.New(slot0, uv0.animTime * 2, 1):Start() end) end seriesAsync(slot5, function () uv0:Release() end) end function slot0.Release(slot0) slot1 = slot0.childs[slot0.midIndex] if slot0.OnRelease ~= nil then slot0.OnRelease(, slot1.index) end end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) slot0.OnSwitch = nil slot0.OnRelease = nil slot0.OnInit = nil end return slot0