slot0 = class("VotePreRaceRankPage", import("....base.BaseSubView")) slot0.RANK_DISPLAY_COUNT = 15 function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "PreRaceRank" end function slot0.OnInit(slot0) slot0.uiitemlist = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("content"), slot0:findTF("content/tpl")) slot0.prevBtn = slot0:findTF("prev") slot0.nextBtn = slot0:findTF("next") slot0.title1 = slot0:findTF("stages/title1") slot0.title2 = slot0:findTF("stages/title2") slot0.unrise = slot0:findTF("titles/unrise") slot0.rise = slot0:findTF("titles/rise") slot0.rankTitle = slot0:findTF("titles/rank_title") onButton(slot0, slot0.nextBtn, function () if uv0.maxPage < + 1 then slot0 = 1 end = slot0 uv0:initRank( end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.prevBtn, function () if - 1 <= 0 then slot0 = uv0.maxPage end = slot0 uv0:initRank( end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot0._tf, true) end function slot0.initRank(slot0, slot1) slot2 = (slot1 - 1) * uv0.RANK_DISPLAY_COUNT slot3 = slot0.voteShips slot0.uiitemlist:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then if uv1[uv0 + slot1 + 1] then setText(slot2:Find("Text"), slot4:getShipName()) setText(slot2:Find("number"), slot3) end setActive(slot2, slot4) end end) slot0.uiitemlist:align(uv0.RANK_DISPLAY_COUNT) slot0:UpdateTitle() end function slot0.UpdateTitle(slot0) setActive(slot0.unrise, slot0.phase == VoteGroup.DISPLAY_STAGE and >= 11) setActive(slot0.rise, slot0.phase == VoteGroup.DISPLAY_STAGE and < 11) setActive(slot0.rankTitle, slot0.phase == VoteGroup.VOTE_STAGE or slot0.phase == VoteGroup.STTLEMENT_STAGE) end function slot0.Update(slot0, slot1) slot0.voteShips = slot1:getList() = 1 slot0.maxPage = math.ceil(#slot0.voteShips / uv0.RANK_DISPLAY_COUNT) slot0.phase = slot1:GetStage() setActive(slot0.title1, slot0.phase == VoteGroup.VOTE_STAGE or slot0.phase == VoteGroup.STTLEMENT_STAGE) setActive(slot0.title2, slot0.phase == VoteGroup.DISPLAY_STAGE) slot0:UpdateTitle() slot0:initRank( end function slot0.OnDestroy(slot0) end return slot0