slot0 = class("TechnologyTreeNationScene", import("..base.BaseUI")) function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "TechnologyTreeCampUI" end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0:initData() slot0:findUI() end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) slot0:addListener() slot0:updateTecItemList() end function slot0.willExit(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.timerList) do slot5:Stop() end end function slot0.initData(slot0) slot0.nationProxy = getProxy(TechnologyNationProxy) slot0.nationToPoint = slot0.nationProxy:getNationPointList() slot0.tecList = slot0.nationProxy:GetTecList() slot0.panelList = {} slot0.timerList = {} end function slot0.calculateCurBuff(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = nil if slot1 == 0 then return {}, {}, {} else slot3 = pg.fleet_tech_group[slot2].techs[slot1] end slot5 = {} slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(pg.fleet_tech_template[slot3].add) do for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot11[2]) do if slot5[slot19] then table.insert(slot5[slot19], { attr = slot11[3], value = slot11[4] }) else slot5[slot19] = { { attr = slot12, value = slot13 } } slot6[#slot6 + 1] = slot19 end end end slot7 = {} for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot5) do if not slot7[slot12] then slot7[slot12] = {} end for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot13) do if not slot7[slot12][slot18.attr] then slot7[slot12][slot19] = slot18.value slot8[slot12][#slot8[slot12] + 1] = slot19 else slot7[slot12][slot19] = slot7[slot12][slot19] + slot20 end end end table.sort(slot6, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 < slot1 end) for slot12, slot13 in pairs({ [slot12] = {} }) do table.sort(slot13, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 < slot1 end) end return slot6, slot8, slot7 end function slot0.findUI(slot0) slot0.scrollRect = slot0:findTF("Scroll View") slot0.tecItemContainer = slot0:findTF("Scroll View/Viewport/Content") slot0.scrollRectCom = GetComponent(slot0.scrollRect, "ScrollRect") slot0.tecItemTpl = slot0:findTF("CampTecItem") slot0.typeItemTpl = slot0:findTF("TypeItem") slot0.buffItemTpl = slot0:findTF("BuffItem") slot0.tecItemTplOriginWidth = slot0.tecItemTpl.rect.width end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) slot0:emit(uv0.ON_BACK) end function slot0.closeMyself(slot0) slot0:emit(uv0.ON_CLOSE) end function slot0.addListener(slot0) end function slot0.updateTecItemList(slot0) slot1 = UIItemList.New(slot0.tecItemContainer, slot0.tecItemTpl) slot1:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot3 = slot1 + 1 uv0.panelList[slot3] = slot2 uv0:updateTecItem(slot3) end end) slot1:align(#pg.fleet_tech_group.all) end function slot0.updateTecItem(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0:findTF("BaseInfo", slot0.panelList[slot1]) slot5 = slot0:findTF("BG/UpLevelColor", slot3) slot9 = slot0:findTF("UpLevelBG", slot3) slot10 = slot0:findTF("UpLevelBtn", slot9) slot11 = slot0:findTF("FinishBtn", slot9) slot13 = slot0:findTF("Text", slot0:findTF("Uping", slot3)) slot20 = pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].nation[1] setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("NationBG", slot3), GetSpriteFromAtlas("TecNation", "camptec_nation_bar_" .. slot20)) setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("NationTextImg", slot0:findTF("Code", slot3)), GetSpriteFromAtlas("TecNation", "camptec_nation_text_" .. slot20), true) setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("EnglishTextImg", slot3), GetSpriteFromAtlas("TecNation", "camp_tec_english_" .. slot20), true) setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("CampLogo", slot3), GetSpriteFromAtlas("TecNation", "camptec_logo_" .. slot20)) setText(slot0:findTF("BG/Title/Text", slot3), pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].name) slot21, slot22 = nil slot21 = not slot0.tecList[slot1] and 0 or table.indexof(pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].techs, slot0.tecList[slot1].completeID, 1) or 0 slot23 = slot0.nationToPoint[slot20] slot24 = nil slot24 = (slot21 ~= 0 or pg.fleet_tech_template[pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].techs[1]].pt) and (slot21 ~= #pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].techs or pg.fleet_tech_template[pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].techs[slot21]].pt) and pg.fleet_tech_template[pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].techs[slot21 + 1]].pt BaseUI:setImageAmount(slot0:findTF("ProgressBarBG/Progress", slot3), 0.1 + 0.8 * slot23 / slot24) setText(slot0:findTF("LevelText/Text", slot3), slot21) setText(slot0:findTF("PointTextBar", slot3), slot23 .. "/" .. slot24) if not slot0.tecList[slot1] then if slot24 <= slot23 then function (slot0, slot1, slot2) setActive(uv0, slot0) setActive(uv1, slot1) setActive(uv2, slot1) setActive(uv3, slot1) setActive(uv4, slot2) end(false, true, false) else slot25(true, false, false) end elseif slot21 == #pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].techs then slot25(true, false, false) elseif slot0.tecList[slot1].studyID ~= 0 then slot25(false, false, true) if slot0.timerList[slot1] then slot0.timerList[slot1]:Stop() end setText(slot13, pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(slot0.nationProxy:getLeftTime())) slot0.timerList[slot1] = Timer.New(function () uv0 = uv0 - 1 setText(uv1, pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(uv0)) if uv0 == 0 then uv2.timerList[uv3]:Stop() end end, 1, -1) slot0.timerList[slot1]:Start() elseif slot24 <= slot23 then slot25(false, true, false) else slot25(true, false, false) end onButton(slot0, slot10, function () uv0:emit(TechnologyConst.CLICK_UP_TEC_BTN, uv1, uv2) end, SFX_PANEL) slot26 = slot0:findTF("Mask/DetailPanel", slot2) slot27 = GetComponent(slot2, "LayoutElement") slot28 = slot0:findTF("Toggle", slot26) slot0:updateDetailPanel(slot26, slot21, slot1, slot20, false) onToggle(slot0, slot0:findTF("BG", slot3), function (slot0) if slot0 then triggerToggle(uv0, false) LeanTween.value(go(uv1), uv2.tecItemTplOriginWidth, uv2.tecItemTplOriginWidth + uv3.rect.width, 0.25):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.preferredWidth = slot0 if uv1 == #pg.fleet_tech_group.all then uv2.scrollRectCom.horizontalNormalizedPosition = 1 end end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if uv0 == #pg.fleet_tech_group.all then uv1.scrollRectCom.horizontalNormalizedPosition = 1 end end)) else LeanTween.cancel(go(uv1)) LeanTween.value(go(uv1), uv4.preferredWidth, uv2.tecItemTplOriginWidth, 0.25):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.preferredWidth = slot0 end)) end end) end function slot0.updateDetailPanel(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) slot6 = slot0:findTF("TypeItemContainer", slot1) setImageSprite(slot0:findTF("BG/Logo", slot1), GetSpriteFromAtlas("TecNation", "camptec_logo_" .. slot4)) slot8 = slot0:findTF("Toggle", slot1) if slot2 == #pg.fleet_tech_group[slot3].techs and slot5 == false then setActive(slot8, false) end function slot9(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = nil if slot0 == 0 then UIItemList.New(uv0, uv1.typeItemTpl):align(0) return else slot4 = pg.fleet_tech_group[slot1].techs[slot0] end slot5, slot6, slot7 = nil slot8 = Color.New(1, 0.9333333333333333, 0.19215686274509805) if slot2 then slot5, slot6, slot7 = uv1:calculateCurBuff(slot0 - 1, slot1) end slot10 = {} slot11 = {} for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(pg.fleet_tech_template[slot4].add) do slot17 = slot16[3] slot18 = slot16[4] for slot23, slot24 in ipairs(slot16[2]) do slot25 = nil if slot10[slot24] then table.insert(slot10[slot24], (not slot2 or (table.indexof(slot5, slot24, 1) or { attr = slot17, value = slot18, attrColor = slot8, valueColor = slot8 }) and (table.indexof(slot6[slot24], slot17, 1) or { attr = slot17, value = slot18, attrColor = slot8, valueColor = slot8 }) and (slot18 == slot7[slot24][slot17] or { attr = slot17, value = slot18, valueColor = slot8 }) and { attr = slot17, value = slot18 }) and { attr = slot17, value = slot18 }) else slot10[slot24] = { slot25 } slot11[#slot11 + 1] = slot24 end end end slot3:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot4 = uv0:findTF("BuffItemContainer", slot2) slot5 = uv1[slot1 + 1] setImageSprite(uv0:findTF("TypeIcon", slot2), GetSpriteFromAtlas("ShipType", "buffitem_tec_" .. slot5)) uv0:upBuffList(slot2, uv2[slot5]) end end) slot3:align(#slot11) end onToggle(slot0, slot8, function (slot0) if slot0 == true then uv0(uv1 + 1, uv2, true) else uv0(uv1, uv2) end end, SFX_PANEL) if slot5 == false then triggerToggle(slot8, false) end end function slot0.upBuffList(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = UIItemList.New(slot0:findTF("BuffItemContainer", slot1), slot0.buffItemTpl) slot4:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot8 = uv1[slot1 + 1].valueColor setText(uv0:findTF("AttrText", slot2), AttributeType.Type2Name(pg.attribute_info_by_type[uv1[slot1 + 1].attr].name)) setText(uv0:findTF("ValueText", slot2), "+" .. uv1[slot1 + 1].value) if uv1[slot1 + 1].attrColor then setTextColor(slot3, slot7) else setTextColor(slot3, Color.white) end if slot8 then setTextColor(slot4, slot8) else setTextColor(slot4, end end end) slot4:align(#slot2) end function slot0.updateTecListData(slot0) slot0.tecList = getProxy(TechnologyNationProxy):GetTecList() end return slot0