slot0 = class("FormationMediator", import("..base.ContextMediator")) slot0.OPEN_SHIP_INFO = "FormationMediator:OPEN_SHIP_INFO" slot0.ON_CHANGE_FLEET = "FormationMediator:ON_CHANGE_FLEET" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_NAME = "FormationMediator:CHANGE_FLEET_NAME" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP = "FormationMediator:CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP" slot0.REMOVE_SHIP = "FormationMediator:REMOVE_SHIP" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_FORMATION = "FormationMediator:CHANGE_FLEET_FORMATION" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIPS_ORDER = "FormationMediator:CHANGE_FLEET_SHIPS_ORDER" slot0.COMMIT_FLEET = "FormationMediator:COMMIT_FLEET" slot0.ON_SELECT_COMMANDER = "FormationMediator:ON_SELECT_COMMANDER" slot0.ON_CMD_SKILL = "FormationMediator:ON_CMD_SKILL" slot0.COMMANDER_FORMATION_OP = "FormationMediator:COMMANDER_FORMATION_OP" function slot0.register(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot1:setSelectShipId(nil) slot0.ships = slot1:getRawData() slot0.viewComponent:setShips(slot0.ships) slot2 = getProxy(FleetProxy) slot3 = slot2:getData() if slot2.EdittingFleet ~= nil then slot3[] = slot2.EdittingFleet end slot0.viewComponent:SetFleets(slot3) slot0.viewComponent:setCommanderPrefabFleet(getProxy(CommanderProxy):getPrefabFleet()) slot0:bind(uv0.ON_CMD_SKILL, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:addSubLayers(Context.New({ mediator = CommanderSkillMediator, viewComponent = CommanderSkillLayer, data = { skill = slot1 } })) end) slot0:bind(uv0.COMMIT_FLEET, function (slot0, slot1) uv0.commitEdit(slot1) end) slot0:bind(uv0.CHANGE_FLEET_NAME, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.commitEdit(function () uv0:sendNotification(GAME.RENAME_FLEET, { id = uv1, name = uv2 }) end) end) slot0:bind(uv0.OPEN_SHIP_INFO, function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) uv0.commitEdit(function () uv0.contextData.number = uv0.contextData.toggle = uv2 slot0 = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(uv1:getShipIds()) do table.insert(slot0, uv0.ships[slot5]) end uv0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.SHIPINFO, { shipId = uv3, shipVOs = slot0 }) end) end) slot0:bind(uv0.ON_CHANGE_FLEET, function (slot0, slot1) uv0.commitEdit(function () uv0.viewComponent:SetFleets(uv1:getData()) uv0.viewComponent:SetCurrentFleetID(uv2) uv0.viewComponent:UpdateFleetView(true) end) end) slot0:bind(uv0.CHANGE_FLEET_FORMATION, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot2.formation = slot1 uv0:refreshEdit(slot2) end) slot0:bind(uv0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIPS_ORDER, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:refreshEdit(slot1) end) slot0:bind(uv0.REMOVE_SHIP, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.removeShipFromFleet(slot2, slot1) uv1:refreshEdit(slot2) end) slot0:bind(uv0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP, function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) uv0.contextData.number = uv0.contextData.toggle = slot3 uv0.saveEdit() slot5 = 0 if == 1 and #slot2.ships <= 1 and slot1 ~= nil then slot5 = 1 end slot6 = {} for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot2.ships) do if not slot1 or slot11 ~= then table.insert(slot6, slot11) end end slot7, slot8, slot9 = uv1.getDockCallbackFuncs(uv0, slot1, slot2, slot4) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.DOCKYARD, { useBlackBlock = true, selectedMax = 1, selectedMin = slot5, leastLimitMsg = i18n("ship_formationMediator_leastLimit"), quitTeam = slot1 ~= nil, teamFilter = slot4, leftTopInfo = i18n("word_formation"), onShip = slot7, confirmSelect = slot8, onSelected = slot9, hideTagFlags = ShipStatus.TAG_HIDE_FORMATION, otherSelectedIds = slot6, preView = uv0.viewComponent.__cname }) end) slot0:bind(uv0.ON_SELECT_COMMANDER, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.contextData.toggle = FormationUI.TOGGLE_FORMATION uv0.contextData.number = slot2 uv1.onSelectCommander(slot1, slot2) end) slot0:bind(uv0.COMMANDER_FORMATION_OP, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.COMMANDER_FORMATION_OP, { data = slot1 }) end) slot0.viewComponent:setPlayer(getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData()) end function slot0.onSelectCommander(slot0, slot1) slot2 = getProxy(FleetProxy) slot4 = getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetById(slot1):getCommanderByPos(slot0) for slot9, slot10 in ipairs({}) do if slot4 and slot10 == then table.remove(slot5, slot9) break end end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.COMMANDROOM, { maxCount = 1, mode = CommandRoomScene.MODE_SELECT, fleetType = CommandRoomScene.FLEET_TYPE_COMMON, activeCommander = slot4, ignoredIds = slot5, onCommander = function (slot0) return true end, onSelected = function (slot0, slot1) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.SELECT_FLEET_COMMANDER, { fleetId = uv0, pos = uv1, commanderId = slot0[1], callback = function () if uv0.EdittingFleet then uv0.EdittingFleet.commanderIds = getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetById( end uv1() end }) end, onQuit = function (slot0) pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.COOMMANDER_EQUIP_TO_FLEET, { commanderId = 0, fleetId = uv0, pos = uv1, callback = function (slot0) if uv0.EdittingFleet then uv0.EdittingFleet.commanderIds = slot0.commanderIds end uv1() end }) end }) end function slot0.refreshEdit(slot0, slot1) slot2 = getProxy(FleetProxy) slot2.EdittingFleet = slot1 slot3 = slot2:getData() slot3[] = slot1 slot0.viewComponent:SetFleets(slot3) slot0.viewComponent:UpdateFleetView(false) end function slot0.commitEdit(slot0) if getProxy(FleetProxy).EdittingFleet == nil or slot2:isFirstFleet() or slot2:isLegalToFight() == true or #slot2.ships == 0 then slot1:commitEdittingFleet(slot0) else pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("ship_formationMediaror_trash_warning", slot2.defaultName), onYes = function () slot2 = uv0.ships slot3 = #slot2 for slot7 = #slot2, 1, -1 do uv0:removeShip(getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData()[slot2[slot7]]) end uv1:commitEdittingFleet(uv2) getProxy(PlayerProxy).combatFleetId = 1 end, onNo = function () end }) end end function slot0.listNotificationInterests(slot0) return { FleetProxy.FLEET_UPDATED, FleetProxy.FLEET_RENAMED, FleetProxy.FLEET_COMMIT, GAME.UPDATE_FLEET_DONE, PlayerProxy.UPDATED, CommanderProxy.PREFAB_FLEET_UPDATE, GAME.COOMMANDER_EQUIP_TO_FLEET_DONE } end function slot0.handleNotification(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot1:getBody() if slot1:getName() == FleetProxy.FLEET_UPDATED then slot0.viewComponent:SetFleets(getProxy(FleetProxy):getData()) elseif slot2 == FleetProxy.FLEET_RENAMED then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_formationMediator_changeNameSuccess")) slot0.viewComponent:SetFleets(getProxy(FleetProxy):getData()) slot0.viewComponent:UpdateFleetView(true) slot0.viewComponent:DisplayRenamePanel(false) elseif slot2 == CommanderProxy.PREFAB_FLEET_UPDATE then slot0.viewComponent:setCommanderPrefabFleet(getProxy(CommanderProxy):getPrefabFleet()) slot0.viewComponent:updateCommanderFormation() elseif slot2 == GAME.COOMMANDER_EQUIP_TO_FLEET_DONE then slot0.viewComponent:updateCommanderFormation() end end function slot0.checkChangeShip(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot5 = getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData() slot6 = slot2.configId if not (getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetByShip(slot2) and == and (not slot1 or not slot1:isSameKind(slot2)) then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do if slot5[slot13]:isSameKind(slot2) then return false, i18n("ship_formationMediator_changeNameError_sameShip") end end end return true end function slot0.removeShipFromFleet(slot0, slot1) if not slot0:canRemove(slot1) then slot2, slot3 = slot0:getShipPos(slot1) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_formationUI_removeError_onlyShip", slot1:getConfigTable().name,, Fleet.C_TEAM_NAME[slot3])) return false end slot0:removeShip(slot1) getProxy(FleetProxy).EdittingFleet = slot0 return true end function slot0.saveEdit() getProxy(FleetProxy):saveEdittingFleet() end function slot0.getDockCallbackFuncs(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = getProxy(FleetProxy) slot5 = getProxy(BayProxy) return function (slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3 = ShipStatus.ShipStatusCheck("inFleet", slot0, slot1) if not slot2 then return slot2, slot3 end slot4, slot5 = uv0.checkChangeShip(uv1, uv2, slot0) if not slot4 then return false, slot5 end if uv3:getFleetByShip(slot0) ~= nil and ~= and ~= FleetProxy.PVP_FLEET_ID then if uv2 == nil and not slot6:canRemove(slot0) then slot7, slot8 = slot6:getShipPos(slot0) return false, i18n("ship_formationMediator_replaceError_onlyShip", slot6.defaultName, Fleet.C_TEAM_NAME[slot8]) end if uv2 == nil then return true else slot7, slot5 = uv0.checkChangeShip(slot6, slot0, uv2) if not slot7 then return false, slot5 end end end return true end, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if not uv0:getShipById(slot0[1]) then slot1() return end if not uv1:getFleetByShip(slot3) or == or == FleetProxy.PVP_FLEET_ID then slot1() return end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ hideNo = false, content = i18n("ship_formationMediator_quest_replace", slot4.defaultName), onYes = slot1 }) end, function (slot0) if not uv0:getShipById(slot0[1]) then if uv1 == nil then return end uv2.removeShipFromFleet(uv3, uv1) return end slot3 = uv3:getShipPos(uv1) if uv4:getFleetByShip(slot1) == nil or == FleetProxy.PVP_FLEET_ID then if uv1 == nil then uv3:insertShip(slot1, nil, uv5) else uv3:removeShip(uv1) uv3:insertShip(slot1, slot3, uv5) end uv4.EdittingFleet = uv3 return end slot4 = slot2:getShipPos(slot1) if == then if uv1 == nil then uv3:removeShip(slot1) uv3:insertShip(slot1, nil, uv5) uv4.EdittingFleet = uv3 return end if == then return end uv3:removeShip(uv1) uv3:removeShip(slot1) if slot4 < slot3 then uv3:insertShip(uv1, slot4, uv5) uv3:insertShip(slot1, slot3, uv5) else uv3:insertShip(slot1, slot3, uv5) uv3:insertShip(uv1, slot4, uv5) end uv4.EdittingFleet = uv3 return end if not slot2:canRemove(slot1) and uv1 == nil then slot5, slot6 = slot2:getShipPos(slot1) pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("ship_formationMediator_replaceError_onlyShip", slot2.defaultName, Fleet.C_TEAM_NAME[slot6])) else slot2:removeShip(slot1) if uv1 then slot2:insertShip(uv1, slot4, uv5) uv6:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_FLEET, { fleet = slot2 }) uv3:removeShip(uv1) uv3:insertShip(slot1, slot3, uv5) uv4.EdittingFleet = uv3 uv2.saveEdit() uv6:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_FLEET, { fleet = uv3 }) else uv6:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_FLEET, { fleet = slot2 }) uv3:insertShip(slot1, nil, uv5) uv4.EdittingFleet = uv3 uv2.saveEdit() uv6:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_FLEET, { fleet = uv3 }) end end end end function slot0.getDockCallbackFuncsForExercise(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = getProxy(FleetProxy) slot5 = getProxy(BayProxy) return function (slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(getProxy(EventProxy):getActiveShipIds()) do if == slot7 then return false, i18n("ship_vo_event") end end slot3, slot4 = uv0.checkChangeShip(uv1, uv2, slot0) if not slot3 then return false, slot4 end return true end, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot1() end, function (slot0) if not uv0:getShipById(slot0[1]) then if uv1 == nil then return end uv2.removeShipFromFleet(uv3, uv1) return end slot3 = uv3:getShipPos(uv1) if uv4:inPvPFleet(slot1) then slot4 = uv3:getShipPos(slot1) if uv1 == nil then uv3:removeShip(slot1) uv3:insertShip(slot1, nil, uv5) uv4.EdittingFleet = uv3 return end if == then return end uv3:removeShip(uv1) uv3:removeShip(slot1) if slot4 < slot3 then uv3:insertShip(uv1, slot4, uv5) uv3:insertShip(slot1, slot3, uv5) else uv3:insertShip(slot1, slot3, uv5) uv3:insertShip(uv1, slot4, uv5) end uv4.EdittingFleet = uv3 else if uv1 == nil then uv3:insertShip(slot1, nil, uv5) else uv3:removeShip(uv1) uv3:insertShip(slot1, slot3, uv5) end uv4.EdittingFleet = uv3 return end end end return slot0