slot0 = class("FormationDetailCard") slot1 = 0 slot2 = 1 slot3 = 2 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.go = slot1 = slot1.transform slot0.lockTF ="lock") slot0.addTF ="add") slot0.content ="content") slot0.bgImage = slot0.content:Find("bg"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot0.paintingTr = slot0.content:Find("ship_icon/painting") slot0.detailTF = slot0.content:Find("detail") slot0.lvTxtTF = slot0.detailTF:Find("top/level") slot0.lvTxt = slot0.lvTxtTF:GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.shipType = slot0.detailTF:Find("top/type") slot0.propsTr = slot0.detailTF:Find("info") slot0.propsTr1 = slot0.detailTF:Find("info1") slot0.nameTxt = slot0.detailTF:Find("name_mask/name") slot0.frame = slot0.content:Find("front/frame") slot0.UIlist = UIItemList.New(slot0.content:Find("front/stars"), slot0.content:Find("front/stars/star_tpl")) slot0.shipState = slot0.content:Find("front/flag") slot0.otherBg = slot0.content:Find("front/bg_other") setActive(slot0.propsTr1, false) setActive(slot0.shipState, false) end function slot0.update(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.shipVO = slot1 slot0.isLocked = slot2 slot0:flush() end function slot0.getState(slot0) if slot0.isLocked then return uv0 elseif slot0.shipVO then return uv1 elseif not slot0.isLocked and not slot0.shipVO then return uv2 end end function slot0.flush(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getState() if slot0.otherBg then eachChild(slot0.otherBg, function (slot0) setActive(slot0, false) end) end if slot1 == uv0 then -- Nothing elseif slot1 == uv1 then slot2 = slot0.shipVO slot0.lvTxt.text = "Lv." .. slot2.level slot4 = slot2:getStar() slot0.UIlist:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then setActive(slot2:Find("star"), slot1 < uv0) end end) slot0.UIlist:align(slot2:getMaxStar()) setScrollText(slot0.nameTxt, slot2:getName()) slot0:updateProps({}) setPaintingPrefabAsync(slot0.paintingTr, slot2:getPainting(), "biandui") slot5 = slot0.shipVO:rarity2bgPrint() slot6 = nil setRectShipCardFrame(slot0.frame, slot5, slot2.propose and "prop" .. ((slot2:isBluePrintShip() or slot2:isMetaShip()) and slot5 or "") or nil) GetSpriteFromAtlasAsync("bg/star_level_card_" .. slot5, "", function (slot0) uv0.bgImage.sprite = slot0 end) setImageSprite(slot0.shipType, GetSpriteFromAtlas("shiptype", shipType2print(slot0.shipVO:getShipType()))) slot8 = nil slot9 = false if slot2.propose then if slot2:isMetaShip() then slot8 = "duang_meta_jiehun_1" else slot8 = "duang_6_jiehun" .. (slot2:isBluePrintShip() and "_tuzhi" or "") .. "_1" end elseif slot2:isMetaShip() then slot8 = "duang_meta_1" elseif slot2:getRarity() == 6 then slot8 = "duang_6_1" end if slot8 then eachChild(slot0.otherBg, function (slot0) setActive(slot0, == uv0 .. "(Clone)") uv1 = uv1 or == uv0 .. "(Clone)" end) if not slot9 then PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab("effect/" .. slot8, "", true, function (slot0) setParent(slot0, uv0.otherBg) end) end end setActive(slot0.otherBg, slot8) elseif slot1 == uv2 then -- Nothing end setActive(slot0.lockTF, slot1 == uv0) setActive(slot0.addTF, slot1 == uv2) setActive(slot0.content, slot1 == uv1) end function slot0.updateProps(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = 0, 2 do slot6 = slot0.propsTr:GetChild(slot5) if slot5 < #slot1 then slot6.gameObject:SetActive(true) slot6:GetChild(0):GetComponent("Text").text = slot1[slot5 + 1][1] slot6:GetChild(1):GetComponent("Text").text = slot1[slot5 + 1][2] else slot6.gameObject:SetActive(false) end end end function slot0.clear(slot0) if slot0.shipVO then retPaintingPrefab(slot0.paintingTr, slot1:getPainting()) end end return slot0