slot0 = class("ChargeScene", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.TYPE_MENU = 1 slot0.TYPE_SKIN = 2 slot0.TYPE_DIAMOND = 3 slot0.TYPE_GIFT = 4 slot0.TYPE_ITEM = 5 slot1 = pg.skin_page_template function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "ChargeUI" end function slot0.setPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.player = slot1 slot0.resPanel:setResources(slot1) end function slot0.setFirstChargeIds(slot0, slot1) slot0.firstChargeIds = slot1 end function slot0.setChargedList(slot0, slot1) slot0.chargedList = slot1 end function slot0.setNormalList(slot0, slot1) slot0.normalList = slot1 end function slot0.setNormalGroupList(slot0, slot1) slot0.normalGroupList = slot1 slot0:addRefreshTimer(GetZeroTime()) end function slot0.init(slot0) = {} slot0.blurPanel = slot0:findTF("blur_panel") = slot0:findTF("adapt/top", slot0.blurPanel) slot0.detail = slot0:findTF("detail", slot0.blurPanel) slot0.frame = slot0:findTF("frame") slot0.viewContainer = slot0:findTF("frame/viewContainer") = slot0:findTF("frame/viewContainer/bg") slot0.painting = slot0:findTF("frame/painting") = slot0:findTF("frame/painting/chat") slot0.chatText = slot0:findTF("Text", = slot0:findTF("menu_screen") slot0.itemToggle = slot0:findTF("toggle_list/item_toggle", slot0.viewContainer) slot0.giftToggle = slot0:findTF("toggle_list/gift_toggle", slot0.viewContainer) slot0.diamondToggle = slot0:findTF("toggle_list/diamond_toggle", slot0.viewContainer) slot0.resPanel = PlayerResource.New() slot0.resPanel:setParent(slot0:findTF("res",, false) slot0.linkPage = { 1, 1, slot0:findTF("diamondPanel", slot0.viewContainer), slot0:findTF("giftPanel", slot0.viewContainer), slot0:findTF("itemPanel", slot0.viewContainer) } slot0.linkTitle = { slot0:findTF("title/title_shop",, 1, slot0:findTF("title/title_diamond",, slot0:findTF("title/title_gift",, slot0:findTF("title/title_item", } slot0.toggleList = { 1, 1, slot0.diamondToggle, slot0.giftToggle, slot0.itemToggle } slot0.cvBankName = "cv-chargeShop" slot0:createLive2D() slot0.live2dTimer = Timer.New(function () slot0 = pg.ChargeShipTalkInfo.Actions if uv0:checkBuyDone(slot0[math.random(#slot0)].action) then uv0:displayShipWord(nil, false, slot1.dialog_index) end end, 20, -1) slot0.live2dTimer:Start() slot0:jpUIInit() end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Ever_Enter_Mall_" .. Goods.CUR_PACKET_ID, 1) setActive(, false) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("back_button",, function () if uv0.prePage ~= uv1.TYPE_MENU then uv0:switchToMenu() else uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end end, SFX_CANCEL) function slot4() uv0:displayShipWord() uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.CLICK_MING_SHI) end onButton(slot0, slot0.painting, slot4, SFX_PANEL) for slot4 = 1, #slot0.toggleList do if slot0.toggleList[slot4] ~= 1 then onToggle(slot0, slot0.toggleList[slot4], function (slot0) setActive(uv0:findTF("dark", uv1), not slot0) if slot0 then uv0:goPage(uv2) end end, SFX_PANEL) end end onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("skin_shop",, function () uv0:jumpToSkinShop() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("dimond_shop",, function () uv0:switchPage(uv1.TYPE_DIAMOND) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("item_shop",, function () uv0:switchPage(uv1.TYPE_ITEM) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("gift_shop",, function () uv0:switchPage(uv1.TYPE_GIFT) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("supply_shop",, function () uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.SWITCH_TO_SHOP, { chargePage = uv1.TYPE_DIAMOND }) uv0:stopCV() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("switch_btn", slot0.frame), function () uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.SWITCH_TO_SHOP, { chargePage = uv0.prePage }) uv0:stopCV() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("skin_btn", slot0.frame), function () uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.ON_SKIN_SHOP) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0:setItemVOs() slot0:updateNoRes() if slot0.contextData.wrap ~= nil then slot0:switchPage(slot0.contextData.wrap) slot0.contextData.wrap = nil else slot0:switchPage(uv0.TYPE_MENU) end slot0:jpUIEnter() slot1 = MonthCardOutDateTipPanel.GetShowMonthCardTag() setActive(slot0:findTF("dimond_shop/monthcard_tag",, slot1) if slot1 then slot2 = getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext() slot3 = slot2.onRemoved function slot2.onRemoved() MonthCardOutDateTipPanel.SetMonthCardTagDate() if uv0 then uv0() end end end end function slot0.triggerPageToggle(slot0, slot1) if == slot1 then return end slot0:switchPage(slot1) end function slot0.jumpToSkinShop(slot0) slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.ON_SKIN_SHOP) end, 0.2, 1):Start() end function slot0.switchPage(slot0, slot1) if slot0.toggleList[slot1] ~= 1 then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.toggleList) do if slot6 ~= 1 then triggerToggle(slot6, slot5 == slot1) end end elseif slot1 == uv0.TYPE_MENU then slot0:switchToMenu() else slot0:goPage(slot1) end end function slot0.switchToMenu(slot0) slot0:unBlurView() setActive(slot0.frame, false) setActive(, true) slot0.prePage = uv0.TYPE_MENU = uv0.TYPE_MENU slot0:ChangeTitle(slot0.prePage) end function slot0.goPage(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == uv0.TYPE_MENU then return end = slot1 if slot0.prePage and slot0.prePage == slot1 then return end if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_JP then setActive(slot0.userAgreeBtn3, slot1 == uv0.TYPE_DIAMOND) setActive(slot0.userAgreeBtn4, slot1 == uv0.TYPE_DIAMOND) end setActive(slot0.frame, true) setActive(, false) slot0:blurView() if slot1 == uv0.TYPE_DIAMOND then if not slot0.isInitDamonds then slot0:initDamonds() end if slot0.chargedList and slot0.firstChargeIds then slot0:sortDamondItems(0) end elseif slot1 == uv0.TYPE_GIFT then if not slot0.isInitDamonds then slot0:initDamonds() end if slot0.chargedList and slot0.firstChargeIds then slot0:sortDamondItems(0) end elseif slot1 == uv0.TYPE_SKIN then slot0:jumpToSkinShop() elseif slot1 == uv0.TYPE_ITEM and not slot0.isInitItems then slot0:initItems() end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.linkPage) do if slot6 ~= 1 then setActive(slot6, slot5 == slot1) end end slot0:ChangeTitle(slot1) slot0.prePage = slot1 end function slot0.ChangeTitle(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.linkTitle) do if slot6 ~= 1 then setActive(slot6, slot5 == slot1) end end end function slot0.initRect(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot1:GetComponent("LScrollRect") function slot4.onInitItem(slot0) uv0(slot0) end function slot4.onUpdateItem(slot0, slot1) uv0(slot0, slot1) end return slot4 end function slot0.initDamondsData(slot0) slot0.damondItemVOs = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(pg.pay_data_display.all) do if (PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_JP or PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_US) and pg.SdkMgr.GetInstance():CheckAudit() and slot6 == 1 then -- Nothing elseif not pg.SdkMgr.GetInstance():IgnorePlatform(slot1[slot6].ignorePlatform) then table.insert(slot0.damondItemVOs, Goods.Create({ shop_id = slot6 }, Goods.TYPE_CHARGE)) end end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(pg.shop_template.all) do if slot2[slot7].genre == "gift_package" then table.insert(slot0.damondItemVOs, Goods.Create({ shop_id = slot7 }, Goods.TYPE_GIFT_PACKAGE)) end end end function slot0.initDamonds(slot0) slot0.isInitDamonds = true slot0:initDamondsData() slot0.damondItems = {} slot0.diamondUIItemList = slot0:initDiamondList(slot0.viewContainer:Find("diamondPanel")) slot0.giftRect = slot0:initRect(slot0.viewContainer:Find("giftPanel"), function (slot0) slot1 = uv0:createGoods(slot0) onButton(uv0,, function () uv0:confirm(uv1.goods) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(uv0, slot1.mask, function () end, SFX_PANEL) uv0.damondItems[slot0] = slot1 end, function (slot0, slot1) if not uv0.damondItems[slot1] then uv1(slot1) slot2 = uv0.damondItems[slot1] end if uv0.tempDamondVOs[slot0 + 1] then slot2:update(slot3, uv0.player, uv0.firstChargeIds) end end) end function slot0.initDiamondList(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:findTF("content/ItemList", slot1) slot3 = slot0:findTF("ItemTpl", slot1) if (PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_JP or PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_US) and pg.SdkMgr.GetInstance():CheckAudit() then setActive(slot0:findTF("content/ItemMonth", slot1), false) else setActive(slot4, true) end function slot5(slot0) slot1 = ChargeDiamondCard.New(slot0, uv0, uv1) onButton(uv1,, function () uv0:confirm(uv1.goods) end, SFX_PANEL) uv1.damondItems[slot0] = slot1 end function slot6(slot0, slot1) if not uv0.damondItems[slot1] then uv1(slot1) slot2 = uv0.damondItems[slot1] end if uv0.tempDamondVOs[slot0 + 1] then slot2:update(slot3, uv0.player, uv0.firstChargeIds) end end slot7 = UIItemList.New(slot2, slot3) slot7:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventInit then uv0(go(slot2)) elseif slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then uv1(slot1, go(slot2)) end end) return slot7 end function slot0.confirm(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return end if Clone(slot1):isChargeType() then slot4 = (table.contains(slot0.firstChargeIds, or slot1:firstPayDouble()) and 4 or slot1:getConfig("tag") if slot1:isMonthCard() or slot1:isGiftBox() or slot1:isItemBox() then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1:getConfig("extra_service_item")) do table.insert({}, { type = slot12[1], id = slot12[2], count = slot12[3] }) end slot8 = slot1:getConfig("gem") + slot1:getConfig("extra_gem") if not slot5 and slot8 > 0 then table.insert(slot6, { id = 4, type = 1, count = slot8 }) end slot9 = nil if slot5 then slot9 = { id = 4, type = 1, count = slot8 } end slot0:showItemDetail({ isChargeType = true, icon = "chargeicon/" .. slot1:getConfig("picture"), name = slot1:getConfig("name"), tipExtra = slot5 and i18n("charge_title_getitem_month") or i18n("charge_title_getitem"), extraItems = slot6, price = slot1:getConfig("money"), tagType = slot4, isMonthCard = slot5, tipBonus = slot5 and i18n("charge_title_getitem_soon") or "", bonusItem = slot9, descExtra = slot1:getConfig("descrip_extra"), onYes = function () if uv0:checkSetBirth() then uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.CHARGE, SetActive(uv0.detail, false) uv0:revertDetailBlur() end end }) elseif slot1:isGem() then slot7 = slot1:getConfig("gem") slot0:showItemDetail({ isChargeType = true, icon = "chargeicon/" .. slot1:getConfig("picture"), name = slot1:getConfig("name"), price = slot1:getConfig("money"), tagType = slot4, normalTip = i18n("charge_start_tip", slot1:getConfig("money"), slot3 and slot7 + slot1:getConfig("gem") or slot7 + slot1:getConfig("extra_gem")), onYes = function () if uv0:checkSetBirth() then uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.CHARGE, SetActive(uv0.detail, false) uv0:revertDetailBlur() end end }) end else slot2 = {} if type(pg.item_data_statistics[slot1:getConfig("effect_args")[1]].display_icon) == "table" then for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot5) do table.insert(slot2, { type = slot10[1], id = slot10[2], count = slot10[3] }) end end slot0:showItemDetail({ isChargeType = false, isMonthCard = false, icon = slot4.icon, name =, tipExtra = i18n("charge_title_getitem"), extraItems = slot2, price = slot1:getConfig("resource_num"), tagType = slot1:getConfig("tag"), onYes = function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("charge_scene_buy_confirm", uv0:getConfig("resource_num"),, onYes = function () uv0:revertDetailBlur() uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.BUY_ITEM,, 1) SetActive(uv0.detail, false) end }) end }) end end function slot0.sortDamondItems(slot0, slot1) if slot0.damondItemVOs == nil then return end if ~= uv0.TYPE_DIAMOND and slot2 ~= uv0.TYPE_GIFT then return end slot0.tempDamondVOs = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.damondItemVOs) do if slot7:isChargeType() then slot7:updateBuyCount(slot0:getBuyCount(slot0.chargedList, if slot2 == uv0.TYPE_DIAMOND and (slot7:isMonthCard() or slot7:isGem() or slot7:isGiftBox()) then if slot7:canPurchase() and slot7:inTime() then table.insert(slot0.tempDamondVOs, slot7) end elseif slot2 == uv0.TYPE_GIFT and slot7:isItemBox() and slot7:canPurchase() and slot7:inTime() then table.insert(slot0.tempDamondVOs, slot7) end elseif not slot7:isChargeType() and slot2 == uv0.TYPE_GIFT and not slot7:isLevelLimit(slot0.player.level, true) then slot7:updateBuyCount(slot0:getBuyCount(slot0.normalList, slot9 = false if (slot7:getConfig("group") or 0) > 0 then slot7:updateGroupCount(slot0:getGroupLimit(slot8)) slot9 = slot7:getConfig("group_limit") > 0 and slot10 <= slot11 end slot10, slot11 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot7:getConfig("time")) if slot11 then slot0:addUpdateTimer(slot11) end if slot10 and slot7:canPurchase() and not slot9 then table.insert(slot0.tempDamondVOs, slot7) end end end table.sort(slot0.tempDamondVOs, function (slot0, slot1) slot3 = not table.contains(uv0.firstChargeIds, and slot0:firstPayDouble() and 1 or 0 slot5 = not table.contains(uv0.firstChargeIds, and slot1:firstPayDouble() and 1 or 0 slot6 = 0 slot7 = 0 slot8 = nil if slot0:isChargeType() and slot0:isMonthCard() and uv0.player:getCardById(VipCard.MONTH) then slot6 = math.floor((slot9:getLeftDate() - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime()) / 86400) > (slot0:getConfig("limit_arg") or 0) and 1 or 0 end if slot1:isChargeType() and slot1:isMonthCard() and uv0.player:getCardById(VipCard.MONTH) then slot7 = math.floor((slot9:getLeftDate() - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime()) / 86400) > (slot1:getConfig("limit_arg") or 0) and 1 or 0 end if slot6 ~= slot7 then return slot6 < slot7 end if slot3 == slot5 and (slot0:getConfig("tag") == 2 and 1 or 0) == (slot1:getConfig("tag") == 2 and 1 or 0) then return < else return slot5 < slot3 or slot3 == slot5 and slot10 < slot9 end end) if slot2 == uv0.TYPE_DIAMOND then slot0.diamondUIItemList:align(#slot0.tempDamondVOs) elseif slot2 == uv0.TYPE_GIFT then slot0.giftRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.tempDamondVOs, slot0.giftRect.value) end end function slot0.createGoods(slot0, slot1) return ChargeCard.New(slot1) end function slot0.setItemVOs(slot0) slot0.itemVOs = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(pg.shop_template.all) do if slot1[slot6].genre == "gem_shop" then slot7 = slot1[slot6].effect_args slot8, slot9, slot10 = nil if type(slot1[slot6].limit_args[1]) == "table" then for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot1[slot6].limit_args) do if slot16[1] == "level" then slot8 = slot16[2] elseif slot17 == "count" then slot9 = slot16[2] slot10 = slot16[3] end end elseif type(slot11) == "string" then if slot11 == "level" then slot8 = slot1[slot6].limit_args[2] elseif slot11 == "count" then slot9 = slot1[slot6].limit_args[2] slot10 = slot1[slot6].limit_args[3] end end if slot7 == "ship_bag_size" and slot9 and slot10 then if slot9 <= slot0.player:getMaxShipBag() and slot0.player:getMaxShipBag() <= slot10 then print("ship_bag_size type shop id", slot6) table.insert(slot0.itemVOs, Goods.Create({ count = 0, shop_id = slot6 }, Goods.TYPE_MILITARY)) end elseif slot7 == "equip_bag_max" and slot9 and slot10 then if slot9 <= slot0.player:getMaxEquipmentBag() and slot0.player:getMaxEquipmentBag() <= slot10 then print("equip_bag_max type shop id", slot6) table.insert(slot0.itemVOs, Goods.Create({ count = 0, shop_id = slot6 }, Goods.TYPE_MILITARY)) end elseif slot7 == "commander_bag_size" and slot9 and slot10 then if slot9 <= slot0.player.commanderBagMax and slot0.player.commanderBagMax <= slot10 then print("commander_bag_size shop id", slot6) table.insert(slot0.itemVOs, Goods.Create({ count = 0, shop_id = slot6 }, Goods.TYPE_MILITARY)) end else table.insert(slot0.itemVOs, Goods.Create({ count = 0, shop_id = slot6 }, Goods.TYPE_MILITARY)) end end end end function slot0.initItems(slot0) slot0.isInitItems = true slot0.itemGos = {} slot0.itemRect = slot0:initRect(slot0.viewContainer:Find("itemPanel"), function (slot0) slot1 = GoodsCard.New(slot0) table.insert(, slot1) onButton(uv0,, function () if uv0.goodsVO:isLevelLimit(uv1.player.level) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("charge_level_limit")) return end slot1 = {} slot2 = nil if uv0.goodsVO:getConfig("effect_args") == "ship_bag_size" then if Player.MAX_SHIP_BAG <= uv1.player:getMaxShipBag() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("charge_ship_bag_max")) return end slot2 = ({ count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = Goods.SHIP_BAG_SIZE_ITEM }).id elseif slot0 == "equip_bag_size" then if Player.MAX_EQUIP_BAG <= uv1.player:getMaxEquipmentBag() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("charge_equip_bag_max")) return end slot2 = ({ count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = Goods.EQUIP_BAG_SIZE_ITEM }).id elseif slot0 == "commander_bag_size" then if Player.MAX_COMMANDER_BAG <= uv1.player.commanderBagMax then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("charge_commander_bag_max")) return end slot2 = ({ count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = Goods.COMMANDER_BAG_SIZE_ITEM }).id else slot1 = { id = uv0.goodsVO:getConfig("effect_args")[1], type = uv0.goodsVO:getConfig("type"), count = uv0.goodsVO:getConfig("num") } slot2 = (uv0.goodsVO:getConfig("type") ~= DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE or id2ItemId( and end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ hideLine = true, yesText = "text_buy", type = MSGBOX_TYPE_SINGLE_ITEM, drop = slot1, onYes = function () if uv0 then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("charge_scene_buy_confirm", uv1.goodsVO:getConfig("resource_num"), Item.New({ id = uv0 }):getConfig("name")), onYes = function () uv0:emit(ChargeMediator.BUY_ITEM,, 1) end }) end end }) end) uv0.itemGos[slot0] = slot1 end, function (slot0, slot1) if not uv0.itemGos[slot1] then uv1(slot1) slot2 = uv0.itemGos[slot1] end slot3 = uv0.itemVOs[slot0 + 1] slot2:update(slot3) slot2:setLevelMask(uv0.player.level) slot2:setGroupMask(uv0:getGroupLimit(slot3:getConfig("group"))) end) slot0:sortItems() end function slot0.sortItems(slot0) table.sort(slot0.itemVOs, function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0:isLevelLimit(uv0.player.level) and 1 or 0 slot3 = slot1:isLevelLimit(uv0.player.level) and 1 or 0 if slot0:getConfig("order") == slot1:getConfig("order") then if slot2 == slot3 then return < end return slot2 < slot3 else return slot4 < slot5 end end) slot0.itemRect:SetTotalCount(#slot0.itemVOs, -1) end function slot0.closeItemDetail(slot0) if slot0.detail and isActive(slot0.detail) then SetActive(slot0.detail, false) slot0:revertDetailBlur() end end function slot0.showItemDetail(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1.icon slot3 = and or "" slot4 = slot1.tipBonus or "" slot5 = slot1.bonusItem slot6 = slot1.tipExtra and slot1.tipExtra or "" slot7 = slot1.extraItems and slot1.extraItems or {} slot8 = slot1.price and slot1.price or 0 slot9 = slot1.isChargeType slot10 = slot1.isMonthCard slot11 = slot1.tagType slot12 = slot1.normalTip setActive(slot0:findTF("window2", slot0.detail), slot12) setActive(slot0:findTF("window", slot0.detail), not slot12) slot0:bindDetailTF(slot12 and slot0:findTF("window2", slot0.detail) or slot0:findTF("window", slot0.detail)) if slot0.detailNormalTip then setActive(slot0.detailNormalTip, slot12) end if slot0.detailContain then setActive(slot0.detailContain, not slot12) end if slot12 then if slot0.detailNormalTip:GetComponent("Text") then setText(slot0.detailNormalTip, slot12) else setButtonText(slot0.detailNormalTip, slot12) end end setActive(slot0.detailTag, slot11 > 0) if slot11 > 0 then for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(slot0.detailTags) do setActive(slot17, slot16 == slot11) end end slot0.detailIconTF.sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("chargeicon/1", "") LoadSpriteAsync(slot2, function (slot0) if slot0 then uv0.detailIconTF.sprite = slot0 end end) setText(slot0.detailName, slot3) setActive(slot0.detailRmb, slot9) setActive(slot0.detailGem, not slot9) setText(slot0.detailPrice, slot8) if slot0.detailDescExtra ~= nil then setActive(slot0.detailDescExtra, slot1.descExtra and slot1.descExtra ~= "") setText(slot0.detailDescExtra, slot1.descExtra or "") end if slot0.detailContain then SetActive(slot0.normal, slot10) if slot10 then updateDrop(slot0.detailItem, slot5) onButton(slot0, slot0.detailItem, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_DROP, uv2) end, SFX_PANEL) slot13, slot14 = contentWrap(, 10, 2) if slot13 then slot14 = slot14 .. "..." end setText(slot0.detailItem:Find("name"), slot14) setText(slot0.detailTip, slot4) end setText(slot0.detailTip2, slot6) for slot16 = #slot7, slot0.detailItemList.childCount - 1 do Destroy(slot0.detailItemList:GetChild(slot16)) end for slot16 = slot0.detailItemList.childCount, #slot7 - 1 do cloneTplTo(slot0.detailItem, slot0.detailItemList) end for slot16 = 1, #slot7 do updateDrop(slot0.detailItemList:GetChild(slot16 - 1), slot7[slot16]) slot18, slot19 = contentWrap(slot7[slot16], 8, 2) if slot18 then slot19 = slot19 .. "..." end setText(slot17:Find("name"), slot19) onButton(slot0, slot17, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ hideNo = true, type = MSGBOX_TYPE_SINGLE_ITEM, drop = uv0[uv1] }) end, SFX_PANEL) end end onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("back_sign", slot0.detail), function () SetActive(uv0.detail, false) uv0:revertDetailBlur() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("button_container/button_cancel", slot0.detailWindow), function () SetActive(uv0.detail, false) uv0:revertDetailBlur() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("button_container/button_ok", slot0.detailWindow), slot1.onYes or function () end, SFX_PANEL) setActive(slot0.detail, true) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0.blurPanel) end function slot0.bindDetailTF(slot0, slot1) slot0.detailWindow = slot1 slot0.detailName = slot0:findTF("goods/name", slot0.detailWindow) slot0.detailIcon = slot0:findTF("goods/icon", slot0.detailWindow) slot0.detailIconTF = slot0.detailIcon:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot0.detailRmb = slot0:findTF("prince_bg/contain/icon_rmb", slot0.detailWindow) slot0.detailGem = slot0:findTF("prince_bg/contain/icon_gem", slot0.detailWindow) slot0.detailPrice = slot0:findTF("prince_bg/contain/Text", slot0.detailWindow) slot0.detailTag = slot0:findTF("goods/tag", slot0.detailWindow) slot0.detailTags = {} table.insert(slot0.detailTags, slot0:findTF("hot", slot0.detailTag)) table.insert(slot0.detailTags, slot0:findTF("new", slot0.detailTag)) table.insert(slot0.detailTags, slot0:findTF("advice", slot0.detailTag)) table.insert(slot0.detailTags, slot0:findTF("double", slot0.detailTag)) table.insert(slot0.detailTags, slot0:findTF("discount", slot0.detailTag)) slot0.detailTagDoubleTF = slot0:findTF("double", slot0.detailTag) slot0.detailTagAdviceTF = slot0:findTF("advice", slot0.detailTag) slot0.detailContain = slot0:findTF("container", slot0.detailWindow) if slot0.detailContain then slot0.extra = slot0:findTF("container/items", slot0.detailWindow) slot0.detailTip2 = slot0:findTF("Text", slot0.extra) slot0.detailItemList = slot0:findTF("scrollview/list", slot0.extra) slot0.normal = slot0:findTF("container/normal_items", slot0.detailWindow) slot0.detailTip = slot0:findTF("Text", slot0.normal) slot0.detailItem = slot0:findTF("item_tpl", slot0.normal) slot0.detailDescExtra = slot0:findTF("container/Text", slot0.detailWindow) end slot0.detailNormalTip = slot0:findTF("NormalTips", slot0.detailWindow) end function slot0.getBuyCount(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot1 then return 0 end return slot1[slot2] and slot3.buyCount or 0 end function slot0.getGroupLimit(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.normalGroupList then return 0 end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.normalGroupList) do if slot6.shop_id == slot1 then return slot6.pay_count end end return 0 end function slot0.updateNoRes(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then slot1 = slot0.contextData.noRes else slot0.contextData.noRes = slot1 end if not slot1 or #slot1 <= 0 then return end slot0.contextData.noRes = {} slot3 = getProxy(BagProxy):getData() slot4 = "" for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot9[2] > 0 then if slot9[1] == 59001 then slot1[slot8][2] = slot9[3] - else slot1[slot8][2] = slot9[3] - (slot3[slot9[1]] and slot3[slot9[1]].count or 0) end end if slot1[slot8][2] > 0 then table.insert(slot0.contextData.noRes, slot1[slot8]) end end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0.contextData.noRes) do if slot8 < #slot0.contextData.noRes then slot4 = slot4 .. i18n(slot9[1] == 59001 and "text_noRes_info_tip" or "text_noRes_info_tip2", pg.item_data_statistics[slot9[1]].name, slot9[2]) .. i18n("text_noRes_info_tip_link") end end if slot4 == "" then slot0:displayShipWord(i18n("text_shop_enoughRes_tip"), false) else slot0:displayShipWord(i18n("text_shop_noRes_tip", slot4), true) end end function slot0.displayShipWord(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0.chatFlag then if not slot1 and slot0.contextData.noRes and #slot0.contextData.noRes > 0 then setActive(, false) = Vector3(0, 0, 1) end slot0.chatFlag = true setActive(, true) slot5 = slot3 or math.random(1, slot0.player:getChargeLevel()) slot6 = nil slot6 = (not slot3 or pg.pay_level_award[slot5].dialog) and (slot1 or pg.pay_level_award[slot5].dialog) if not slot1 then slot0:playCV(slot5) end setText(slot0.chatText, HXSet.hxLan(slot6)) if CHAT_POP_STR_LEN_SHORT < #slot0.chatText:GetComponent(typeof(Text)).text then slot7.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft else slot7.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter end function () slot0 = 3 LeanTween.scale(rtf(, Vector3.New(1, 1, 1), 0.3):setFrom(Vector3.New(0, 0, 0)):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutBack):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () if not uv0 then LeanTween.scale(rtf(, Vector3.New(0, 0, 1), uv2):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInBack):setDelay(uv2 + uv3):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.chatFlag = nil setActive(, false) if uv0.contextData.noRes and #uv0.contextData.noRes > 0 then uv0:updateNoRes() end end)) else uv1.chatFlag = nil end end)) end() end end function slot0.playHeartEffect(slot0) if slot0.heartsTimer then slot0.heartsTimer:Stop() end setActive(slot0.painting:Find("heartsfly"), true) slot0.heartsTimer = Timer.New(function () setActive(uv0, false) end, 1, 1) slot0.heartsTimer:Start() end function slot0.addRefreshTimer(slot0, slot1) function () if uv0.refreshTimer then uv0.refreshTimer:Stop() uv0.refreshTimer = nil end end() slot0.refreshTimer = Timer.New(function () if uv0 + 1 - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() <= 0 then uv1() uv2:emit(ChargeMediator.GET_CHARGE_LIST) else slot1 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():DescCDTime(slot0) end end, 1, -1) slot0.refreshTimer:Start() slot0.refreshTimer.func() end function slot0.addUpdateTimer(slot0, slot1) if slot0.refreshTime and slot2:Table2ServerTime(slot0.refreshTime) < pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():Table2ServerTime(slot1) then return end slot0.refreshTime = slot1 slot0:removeUpdateTimer() slot0.updateTimer = Timer.New(function () if uv1 < uv0:GetServerTime() then uv2:removeUpdateTimer() uv2:sortDamondItems() end end, 1, -1) slot0.updateTimer:Start() slot0.updateTimer.func() end function slot0.removeUpdateTimer(slot0) if slot0.updateTimer then slot0.updateTimer:Stop() slot0.updateTimer = nil end end function slot0.createLive2D(slot0) slot0.live2dChar = Live2D.New(Live2D.live2dData({ ship = Ship.New({ configId = 312011 }), scale = Vector3(75, 75, 75), position = Vector3(0, 0, 100), parent = slot0:findTF("frame/painting/live2d") })) end function slot0.checkBuyDone(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.live2dChar then return end slot2 = nil if type(slot1) == "string" then if slot1 == "damonds" then slot2 = "diamond" else slot2 = slot1 end elseif pg.shop_template[slot1] and slot3.effect_args and type(slot3.effect_args) == "table" then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot3.effect_args) do if slot8 == 1 then slot2 = "gold" end end end slot3 = slot0.preAniName == "gold" or slot0.preAniName == "diamond" slot5 = slot3 and (slot2 == "gold" or slot2 == "diamond") or not slot3 if slot2 then if slot0.preAniName == slot2 then slot5 = false end end if slot5 then slot0.preAniName = slot2 slot0.live2dChar:TriggerAction(slot2, nil, true) end return slot5 end function slot0.playCV(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nil if pg.pay_level_award[slot1] and slot2.cv_key ~= "" then slot3 = "event:/cv/chargeShop/" .. slot2.cv_key end if slot3 then slot0:stopCV() slot0._currentVoice = slot3 pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(slot3) end end function slot0.stopCV(slot0) if slot0._currentVoice then pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():UnloadSoundEffect_V3(slot0._currentVoice) end slot0._currentVoice = nil end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if slot0.detail and isActive(slot0.detail) then setActive(slot0.detail, false) slot0:revertDetailBlur() elseif slot0.prePage ~= uv0.TYPE_MENU then slot0:switchToMenu() else pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_CANCEL) slot0:emit(uv0.ON_BACK) end end function slot0.revertDetailBlur(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0.blurPanel, slot0._tf) end function slot0.blurView(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():OverlayPanelPB(slot0.viewContainer, { pbList = { slot0:findTF("blurBg", slot0.viewContainer) } }) end function slot0.unBlurView(slot0) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnOverlayPanel(slot0.viewContainer, slot0.frame) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0:unBlurView() for slot4, slot5 in ipairs( do slot5:dispose() end if slot0.resPanel then slot0.resPanel:exit() slot0.resPanel = nil end for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.damondItems or {}) do if slot5.skinPainting then retPaintingPrefab(slot5.painting, slot5.skinPainting) slot5.skinPainting = nil end slot5:destoryTimer() end if slot0.tweens then cancelTweens(slot0.tweens) end slot0:removeUpdateTimer() if slot0.heartsTimer then slot0.heartsTimer:Stop() slot0.heartsTimer = nil end if slot0.live2dChar then slot0.live2dChar:Dispose() end if slot0.live2dTimer then slot0.live2dTimer:Stop() slot0.live2dTimer = nil end slot0:stopCV() end function slot0.checkSetBirth(slot0) if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_JP and pg.SdkMgr.GetInstance():GetIsPlatform() and not pg.SdkMgr.GetInstance():GetIsBirthSet() then setActive(slot0.birthWin, true) slot0.birthTxt.text = "" return false end return true end function slot0.jpUIInit(slot0) if PLATFORM_CODE ~= PLATFORM_JP then return end slot0.birthWin = slot0:findTF("blur_panel/birthday_win") slot0.birthTxt = slot0:findTF("window/birthday_input_panel/InputField", slot0.birthWin):GetComponent(typeof(InputField)) slot0.birthCancelBtn = slot0:findTF("window/birthday_input_panel/btns/cancel_btn", slot0.birthWin) slot0.birthOkBtn = slot0:findTF("window/birthday_input_panel/btns/confirm_btn", slot0.birthWin) slot0.birthBackBtn = slot0:findTF("window/top/btnBack", slot0.birthWin) setActive(slot0.birthWin, false) slot0.userAgreeContainer = slot0:findTF("frame/agreement") slot0.userAgreeBtn3 = slot0:findTF("frame/raw1Btn") slot0.userAgreeBtn4 = slot0:findTF("frame/raw2Btn") end function slot0.jpUIEnter(slot0) if PLATFORM_CODE ~= PLATFORM_JP then return end onButton(slot0, slot0.birthWin, function () setActive(uv0.birthWin, false) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.birthCancelBtn, function () setActive(uv0.birthWin, false) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.birthBackBtn, function () setActive(uv0.birthWin, false) end) onButton(slot0, slot0.birthOkBtn, function () if not checkBirthFormat(uv0.birthTxt.text) then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("set_birth_empty_tip")) else pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ modal = true, title = i18n("set_birth_title"), content = i18n("set_birth_confirm_tip", uv0.birthTxt.text), onYes = function () pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(, uv0.frame) setActive(uv0.birthWin, false) pg.SdkMgr.GetInstance():SetBirth(uv0.birthTxt.text) end }) end end) onButton(slot0, slot0.userAgreeBtn3, function () uv0:activeUserAgree(require("ShareCfg.UserAgreement3").content, true) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.userAgreeBtn4, function () uv0:activeUserAgree(require("ShareCfg.UserAgreement4").content, true) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("frame/agreement"), function () uv0:activeUserAgree("", false) end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0:findTF("frame/agreement/window/top/btnBack"), function () uv0:activeUserAgree("", false) end, SFX_CANCEL) end function slot0.activeUserAgree(slot0, slot1, slot2) SetActive(slot0.userAgreeContainer, slot2) if slot2 then pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0.userAgreeContainer) setText(slot0:findTF("container/scrollrect/content/Text", slot0.userAgreeContainer), slot1) scrollTo(slot0:findTF("container/scrollrect", slot0.userAgreeContainer), 0, 1) else pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0.userAgreeContainer, slot0.frame) end end return slot0