slot1 = class("MapBuilderNormal", import(".MapBuilder")) function slot1.Ctor(slot0, ...) uv0.super.Ctor(slot0, ...) slot0.mapItemTimer = {} slot0.chapterTFsById = {} slot0.chaptersInBackAnimating = {} end function slot1.GetType(slot0) return uv0.TYPENORMAL end function slot1.getUIName(slot0) return "levels" end function slot1.Load(slot0) if slot0._state ~= uv0.STATES.NONE then return end slot0._state = uv0.STATES.LOADING pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() slot0:Loaded(slot0.float:Find("levels").gameObject) slot0:Init() end function slot1.Destroy(slot0) if slot0._state == uv0.STATES.DESTROY then return end if not slot0:GetLoaded() then slot0._state = uv0.STATES.DESTROY return end slot0:Hide() slot0:OnDestroy() pg.DelegateInfo.Dispose(slot0) slot0._go = nil slot0:disposeEvent() slot0:cleanManagedTween() slot0._state = uv0.STATES.DESTROY end function slot1.OnInit(slot0) slot0.tpl = slot0._tf:Find("level_tpl") setActive(slot0.tpl, false) slot0.itemHolder = slot0._tf:Find("items") end function slot1.OnHide(slot0) table.clear(slot0.chaptersInBackAnimating) slot0:StopMapItemTimers() for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.chapterTFsById) do LeanTween.cancel(rtf(findTF(slot5, "main/info/bk"))) end uv0.super.OnHide(slot0) end function slot1.OnDestroy(slot0) slot0.mapItemTimer = nil uv0.super.OnDestroy(slot0) end function slot1.StartTimer(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot0.mapItemTimer[slot1] then slot0.mapItemTimer[slot1] = Timer.New(slot2, slot3) else slot0.mapItemTimer[slot1]:Reset(slot2, slot3) end slot0.mapItemTimer[slot1]:Start() end function slot1.StopMapItemTimers(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.mapItemTimer) do slot5:Stop() end table.clear(slot0.mapItemTimer) end function slot1.Update(slot0, slot1) slot0.float.pivot = Vector2(0.5, 0.5) slot0.float.localPosition = Vector2(0, 0) uv0.super.Update(slot0, slot1) end function slot1.UpdateMapItems(slot0) uv0.super.UpdateMapItems(slot0) table.clear(slot0.chapterTFsById) slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs( do if (slot8:isUnlock() or slot8:activeAlways()) and slot8:isValid() and (not slot8:ifNeedHide() or getProxy(ChapterProxy):GetJustClearChapters( then table.insert(slot3, slot8) end end slot0:StopMapItemTimers() function slot8(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot3 = uv0[slot1 + 1] uv1:UpdateMapItem(slot2, slot3) = "Chapter_" .. uv1.chapterTFsById[] = slot2 end end UIItemList.StaticAlign(slot0.itemHolder, slot0.tpl, #slot3, slot8) slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot3) do slot10 = slot9:getConfigTable() slot4[slot10.pos_x] = slot4[slot10.pos_x] or {} slot11[slot10.pos_y] = slot4[slot10.pos_x][slot10.pos_y] or {} table.insert(slot11[slot10.pos_y], slot9) end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot4) do for slot13, slot14 in pairs(slot9) do slot15 = {} seriesAsync({ function (slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0) do if slot6:ifNeedHide() and uv1:GetJustClearChapters( then slot1 = 0 + 1 setActive(uv2.chapterTFsById[], true) uv2:PlayChapterItemAnimationBackward(uv2.chapterTFsById[], slot6, function () uv0 = uv0 - 1 setActive(uv1.chapterTFsById[], false) uv3:RecordJustClearChapters(, nil) if uv0 <= 0 then uv4() end end) uv3[] = true else setActive(uv2.chapterTFsById[], false) end end if slot1 <= 0 then slot0() end end, function (slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0) do if not uv1[] then slot1 = 0 + 1 setActive(uv2.chapterTFsById[], true) uv2:PlayChapterItemAnimation(uv2.chapterTFsById[], slot6, function () uv0 = uv0 - 1 if uv0 <= 0 then uv1() end end) end end end }) end end end function slot1.UpdateMapItem(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot2:getConfigTable() setAnchoredPosition(slot1, { x = slot0.mapWidth * slot3.pos_x, y = slot0.mapHeight * slot3.pos_y }) slot5 = findTF(slot1, "sub") if slot2:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeMainSub then setActive(findTF(slot1, "main"), false) setActive(slot5, true) slot6 = findTF(slot5, "mask/count_down") function slot7() if uv0 then if (uv1.expireTime and math.max(uv1.expireTime - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime(), 0) or 0) > 0 then setText(uv0, slot0:DescCDTime(slot1)) elseif not then uv1:clearSubChapter() getProxy(ChapterProxy):updateChapter(uv1) end end end slot0.mapItemTimer[slot1] = Timer.New(slot7, 1, -1) slot0.mapItemTimer[slot1]:Start() slot7() slot0:DeleteTween("fighting" .. slot8 = findTF(slot5, "fighting") setText(findTF(slot8, "Text"), i18n("tag_level_fighting")) slot9 = findTF(slot5, "oni") setText(findTF(slot9, "Text"), i18n("tag_level_oni")) slot10 = findTF(slot5, "narrative") setText(findTF(slot10, "Text"), i18n("tag_level_narrative")) setActive(slot8, false) setActive(slot9, false) setActive(slot10, false) slot11, slot12 = nil if slot2:getConfig("chapter_tag") == 1 then slot11 = slot10 end if then slot11 = slot8 if slot2:existOni() then slot11 = slot9 end end if slot11 then setActive(slot11, true) slot12 = GetOrAddComponent(slot11, "CanvasGroup") slot12.alpha = 1 slot0:RecordTween("fighting" .., LeanTween.alphaCanvas(slot12, 0, 0.5):setFrom(1):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setLoopPingPong().uniqueId) end else setActive(slot4, true) setActive(slot5, false) setActive(findTF(slot4, "circle/fordark"), slot3.icon_outline == 1) setActive(findTF(slot4, "info/bk/fordark"), slot3.icon_outline == 1) slot8 = findTF(slot4, "circle/clear_flag") slot12 = string.split(, "|") setText(findTF(slot4, "info/bk/title_form/title_index"), slot3.chapter_name .. " ") setText(findTF(slot4, "info/bk/title_form/title"), slot12[1]) setText(findTF(slot4, "info/bk/title_form/title_en"), slot12[2] or "") setFillAmount(findTF(slot4, "circle/progress"), slot2.progress / 100) setText(findTF(slot4, "circle/progress_text"), string.format("%d%%", slot2.progress)) setActive(findTF(slot4, "circle/stars"), slot2:existAchieve()) if slot2:existAchieve() then for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(slot2.achieves) do setActive(slot11:Find("star" .. slot16 .. "/light"), ChapterConst.IsAchieved(slot17)) end end slot13 = not and slot2:isClear() setActive(slot8, slot13) setActive(slot10, not slot13) slot0:DeleteTween("fighting" .. slot14 = findTF(slot4, "circle/fighting") setText(findTF(slot14, "Text"), i18n("tag_level_fighting")) slot15 = findTF(slot4, "circle/oni") setText(findTF(slot15, "Text"), i18n("tag_level_oni")) slot16 = findTF(slot4, "circle/narrative") setText(findTF(slot16, "Text"), i18n("tag_level_narrative")) setActive(slot14, false) setActive(slot15, false) setActive(slot16, false) slot17, slot18 = nil if slot2:getConfig("chapter_tag") == 1 then slot17 = slot16 end if then slot17 = slot2:existOni() and slot15 or slot14 end if slot17 then setActive(slot17, true) slot18 = GetOrAddComponent(slot17, "CanvasGroup") slot18.alpha = 1 slot0:RecordTween("fighting" .., LeanTween.alphaCanvas(slot18, 0, 0.5):setFrom(1):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine):setLoopPingPong().uniqueId) end setActive(findTF(slot4, "triesLimit"), false) if slot2:isTriesLimit() then slot21 = slot2:getConfig("count") setText(slot19:Find("label"), i18n("levelScene_chapter_count_tip")) setText(slot19:Find("Text"), setColorStr(slot21 - slot2:getTodayDefeatCount() .. "/" .. slot21, slot21 <= slot2:getTodayDefeatCount() and COLOR_RED or COLOR_GREEN)) end slot21 = slot2:GetDailyBonusQuota() slot22 = findTF(slot4, "mark") setActive(slot22:Find("bonus"), slot21) setActive(slot22, slot21) if slot21 then slot0.sceneParent.loader:GetSprite("ui/levelmainscene_atlas","type") == Map.ACTIVITY_HARD and "bonus_us_hard" or "bonus_us", slot22:Find("bonus")) LeanTween.cancel(go(slot22), true) slot26 = slot22.anchoredPosition.y slot22:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha = 0 LeanTween.value(go(slot22), 0, 1, 0.2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.alpha = slot0 slot1 = uv1.anchoredPosition slot1.y = uv2 * slot0 uv1.anchoredPosition = slot1 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.alpha = 1 slot0 = uv1.anchoredPosition slot0.y = uv2 uv1.anchoredPosition = slot0 end)):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutSine):setDelay(0.7) end end onButton(slot0.sceneParent, isActive(slot4) and slot4 or slot5, function () if uv0:InvokeParent("isfrozen") then return end if uv0.chaptersInBackAnimating[] then return end if not uv1:isUnlock() then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("levelScene_tracking_error_pre", uv1:getPrevChapterName())) return end if uv0.sceneParent.player.level < uv1:getConfig("unlocklevel") then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("levelScene_chapter_level_limit", slot0)) return end if getProxy(ChapterProxy):getActiveChapter() and ~= then uv0:InvokeParent("emit", LevelMediator2.ON_STRATEGYING_CHAPTER) return end if then uv0:InvokeParent("switchToChapter", uv1) else slot2 = uv2.localPosition uv0:InvokeParent("displayChapterPanel", uv1, Vector3(slot2.x - 10, slot2.y + 150)) end end, SFX_UI_WEIGHANCHOR_SELECT) end function slot1.PlayChapterItemAnimation(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = findTF(slot1, "main") slot5 = findTF(slot1, "sub") if slot2:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeMainSub then slot5:GetComponent("Animator").enabled = true slot5:GetComponent("DftAniEvent"):SetEndEvent(function (slot0) uv0.enabled = false if uv1 then uv1() end end) return end slot7 = findTF(slot4, "circle") slot8 = findTF(slot4, "info/bk") LeanTween.cancel(go(slot7)) slot7.localScale = slot0:RecordTween(LeanTween.scale(slot7,, 0.3):setDelay(0.3).uniqueId) LeanTween.cancel(go(slot8)) setAnchoredPosition(slot8, { x = -1 * slot4:Find("info").rect.width }) shiftPanel(slot8, 0, nil, 0.4, 0.4, true, true, nil, function () if uv0:isTriesLimit() then setActive(findTF(uv1, "triesLimit"), true) end if uv2 then uv2() end end) end function slot1.PlayChapterItemAnimationBackward(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = findTF(slot1, "main") slot5 = findTF(slot1, "sub") if slot2:getPlayType() == ChapterConst.TypeMainSub then if slot3 then slot3() end else slot7 = findTF(slot4, "circle") slot8 = findTF(slot4, "info/bk") LeanTween.cancel(go(slot7)) slot7.localScale = slot0:RecordTween(LeanTween.scale(go(slot7),, 0.3):setDelay(0.3).uniqueId) slot0.chaptersInBackAnimating[] = true LeanTween.cancel(go(slot8)) setAnchoredPosition(slot8, { x = 0 }) shiftPanel(slot8, -1 * slot4:Find("info").rect.width, nil, 0.4, 0.4, true, true, nil, function () uv0.chaptersInBackAnimating[] = nil if uv2 then uv2() end end) if slot2:isTriesLimit() then setActive(findTF(slot4, "triesLimit"), false) end end end function slot1.UpdateChapterTF(slot0, slot1) if slot0.chapterTFsById[slot1] then slot3 = getProxy(ChapterProxy):getChapterById(slot1) slot0:UpdateMapItem(slot2, slot3) slot0:PlayChapterItemAnimation(slot2, slot3) end end function slot1.TryOpenChapter(slot0, slot1) if slot0.chapterTFsById[slot1] then triggerButton(isActive(slot2:Find("main")) and slot3 or slot2:Find("sub")) end end return slot1