slot0 = class("GuildMissionBattleView") slot1 = Vector3(40, -3, 40) slot2 = 10 slot3 = 1028 slot4 = Vector3(80, -3, 40) function slot5(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(ys.Battle.BattleConst.FXContainerIndex) do slot8 = slot0[slot6] end slot1._FXOffset = { [slot6] = Vector3(slot8[1], slot8[2], slot8[3]) } slot1._FXAttachPoint = GameObject() function slot1.GetFXOffsets(slot0, slot1) return slot0._FXOffset[slot1 or 1] end function slot1.GetAttachPoint(slot0) return slot0._FXAttachPoint end function slot1.GetGO(slot0) return slot0._go end function slot1.SetGo(slot0, slot1) slot0._go = slot1 slot2 = slot0._FXAttachPoint.transform slot2:SetParent(slot1.transform, false) slot2.localPosition = slot2.localEulerAngles = Vector3(330, 0, 0) end function slot1.GetSpecificFXScale(slot0) return {} end return slot1 end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.rawImage = slot1 setActive(slot0.rawImage, false) slot0.seaCameraGO = GameObject.Find("BarrageCamera") slot0.seaCameraGO.tag = "MainCamera" slot0.seaCamera = slot0.seaCameraGO:GetComponent(typeof(Camera)) slot0.seaCamera.targetTexture = slot0.rawImage.texture slot0.seaCamera.enabled = true slot0.mainCameraGO = GameObject.Find("MainCamera") end function slot0.configUI(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.nameTF = slot2 slot0.healTF = slot1 setActive(slot0.healTF, false) slot0.healTF:GetComponent("DftAniEvent"):SetEndEvent(function () setActive(uv0.healTF, false) setText(uv0.healTF:Find("text"), "") end) end function slot0.load(slot0, slot1, slot2) ys.Battle.BattleVariable.Init() slot3 = ys.Battle.BattleResourceManager.GetInstance() slot3:Init() slot3:AddPreloadResource(slot3.GetMapResource(slot1)) slot3:StartPreload(function () pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOff() uv0.seaView = ys.Battle.BattleMap.New(uv1) setActive(uv0.rawImage, true) GameObject.Find("scenes").transform.position = Vector3(0, -26, 0) uv2:Clear() if uv3 then onNextTick(uv3) end end, nil) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():LoadingOn() end function slot0.LoadShip(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) if not slot1 then slot4() return end if slot0.shipVO then slot4() return end slot0.unitList = {} slot0.bulletUnitList = {} slot0.shipVO = slot1 slot0.equipSkinId = 0 slot0.weaponIds = slot2 ys.Battle.BattleFXPool.GetInstance():Init() slot0._cldSystem = ys.Battle.BattleCldSystem.New(slot0) slot5 = ys.Battle.BattleResourceManager.GetInstance() slot5:Init() slot5:AddPreloadResource(slot5.GetDisplayCommonResource()) if slot0.equipSkinId > 0 then slot5:AddPreloadResource(slot5.GetEquipSkinPreviewRes(slot0.equipSkinId)) end slot5:AddPreloadResource(slot5.GetCharacterPath(pg.enemy_data_statistics[uv0].prefab), false) slot5:AddPreloadResource(slot5.GetCharacterPath(pg.enemy_data_statistics[uv1].prefab), false) slot5:AddPreloadResource(slot5.GetShipResource(slot1.configId, slot1.skinId), false) if slot1:getShipType() ~= ShipType.WeiXiu then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot2) do if slot12 ~= 0 then for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetWeaponDataFromID(slot12).weapon_id) do slot5:AddPreloadResource(slot5.GetWeaponResource(slot18)) end end end end slot5:StartPreload(function () function slot0(slot0) uv0.seaCharacter = slot0 slot1 = uv1:getConfig("scale") / 50 slot0.transform.localScale = Vector3(slot1 - 0.4, slot1, slot1) slot0.transform.localPosition = uv0:GetCharacterOffset() slot0.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3(30, 0, 0) uv0.seaAnimator = slot0.transform:GetComponent("SpineAnim") uv0.characterAction = ys.Battle.BattleConst.ActionName.MOVE uv0.seaAnimator:SetAction(uv0.characterAction, 0, true) slot2 = cloneTplTo(uv0.nameTF, slot0) slot2.localPosition = Vector3(0, -0.35, 0) setText(slot2:Find("Text"), uv2) slot4 = uv3(pg.ship_skin_template[uv1.skinId].fx_container) slot4:SetGo(slot0) slot5 = ys.Battle.BattleFXPool.GetInstance() pg.EffectMgr.GetInstance():PlayBattleEffect(slot5:GetCharacterFX("movewave", slot4), Vector3(0, 0, 0), true) uv0.seaFXPool = slot5 if uv1:getShipType() ~= ShipType.WeiXiu then uv0.boneList = {} for slot11, slot12 in pairs(pg.ship_skin_template[uv1.skinId].bound_bone) do slot13 = {} for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot12) do if type(slot18) == "table" then slot13[#slot13 + 1] = Vector3(slot18[1], slot18[2], slot18[3]) else slot13[#slot13 + 1] = end end uv0.boneList[slot11] = slot13[1] end end LeanTween.value(slot0, -20, 0, 2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.transform.position = Vector3(slot0, uv0.transform.position.y, uv0.transform.position.z) end)) end seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:InstCharacter(uv1:getPrefab(), function (slot0) uv0(slot0) uv1() end) end, function (slot0) uv0:CreateMonster(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:CreateItemBox(slot0) end }, function () uv0.loaded = true pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():ResumeBattleTimer() if uv1:getShipType() ~= ShipType.WeiXiu then uv0:onWeaponUpdate() uv0:SeaUpdate() end if uv2 then uv2() end end) end, nil) end function slot0.StartMoveOtherShips(slot0, slot1) function slot2(slot0, slot1) LeanTween.value(slot0, slot0.transform.localPosition.x, 80, math.random(5, 8)):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.transform.localPosition = Vector3(slot0, uv1.y, uv1.z) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(slot1)):setDelay(math.random(0, 5)) end slot3 = {} for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.otherShipGos) do table.insert(slot3, function (slot0) uv0(uv1, slot0) end) end parallelAsync(slot3, slot1) end function slot0.PlayOtherShipAnim(slot0, slot1, slot2) if not slot0.loaded then return end slot0.otherShipGos = {} slot3 = ys.Battle.BattleResourceManager.GetInstance() slot3:Init() slot3:AddPreloadResource(slot3.GetDisplayCommonResource()) function slot4(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot4 = pg.ship_data_statistics[].scale / 50 slot2.transform.localScale = Vector3(slot4 - 0.4, slot4, slot4) slot2.transform.localPosition = Vector3(-20, 0, slot1) slot2.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3(30, 0, 0) slot2.transform:GetComponent("SpineAnim"):SetAction(ys.Battle.BattleConst.ActionName.MOVE, 0, true) slot6 = cloneTplTo(uv0.nameTF, slot2) slot6.localPosition = Vector3(0, -0.35, 0) setText(slot6:Find("Text"), slot8 = uv1(pg.ship_skin_template[].fx_container) slot8:SetGo(slot2) pg.EffectMgr.GetInstance():PlayBattleEffect(ys.Battle.BattleFXPool.GetInstance():GetCharacterFX("movewave", slot8), Vector3(0, 0, 0), true) table.insert(uv0.otherShipGos, slot2) end slot6 = { math.random(43, 48), math.random(49, 53) } for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot1) do slot3:AddPreloadResource(slot3.GetShipResource(,, false) table.insert({}, function (slot0) uv1:InstCharacter(pg.ship_skin_template[].prefab, function (slot0) uv0(uv1, uv2[uv3], slot0) uv4() end) end) end function slot7() for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0.otherShipGos) do Destroy(slot4) end uv0.otherShipGos = nil uv1() end slot3:StartPreload(function () seriesAsync(uv0, function () uv0:StartMoveOtherShips(uv1) end) end, nil) end function slot0.PlayAttackAnim(slot0) slot0.isFinish = nil function slot1() if not uv0.animTimer then return end uv0.animTimer:Stop() uv0.animTimer = nil end seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0() uv1.seaEmenyAnimator:SetAction("move", 0, true) uv1.seaEmeny.transform.localPosition = uv2 + Vector3(40, 0, 0) setActive(uv1.seaEmeny, true) uv1.animTimer = Timer.New(function () uv0.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(uv0.localPosition, uv1, Time.deltaTime * 3) if Vector3.Distance(uv1, uv0.localPosition) <= 1 then uv2() end end, 0.033, -1) uv1.animTimer:Start() end, function (slot0) uv0() if uv1.shipVO:getShipType() ~= ShipType.WeiXiu then uv1:SeaFire() end uv1.animTimer = Timer.New(slot0, 3, 1) uv1.animTimer:Start() end, function (slot0) uv0() if not uv1.isFinish then uv1:HandleBulletHit(nil, uv1.unitList[1]) end uv1.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "finish" then uv0.seaAnimator:SetAction("move", 0, true) uv0.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(nil) uv1() end end) uv1.seaAnimator:SetAction("victory", 0, true) end }) end function slot0.PlayItemAnim(slot0) function () if not uv0.animTimer then return end uv0.animTimer:Stop() uv0.animTimer = nil end() seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0.seaItemBoxAnimator:SetAction("move", 0, true) setActive(uv0.seaItemBox, true) uv0.seaItemBox.transform.localPosition = uv1 uv0.animTimer = Timer.New(function () uv0.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(uv0.localPosition, uv1, Time.deltaTime * 3) if Vector3.Distance(uv1, uv0.localPosition) <= 1 then uv2() end end, 0.033, -1) uv0.animTimer:Start() end, function (slot0) uv0() uv1.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "finish" then uv0.seaAnimator:SetAction("move", 0, true) uv0.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(nil) uv1() end end) uv1.seaAnimator:SetAction("victory", 0, true) end }) end function slot0.CreateMonster(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 1 slot3 = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.CreateBattleUnitData(slot2, ys.Battle.BattleConst.UnitType.ENEMY_UNIT, -1, uv0, nil, {}, nil, , false, 1, 1, nil, , 1) slot3:SetPosition(uv1) slot3:ActiveCldBox() slot0._cldSystem:InitShipCld(slot3) slot4 = uv2(slot3:GetTemplate().fx_container) ys.Battle.BattleResourceManager.GetInstance():InstCharacter(slot3:GetTemplate().prefab, function (slot0) uv0:SetGo(slot0) slot1 = uv1:GetTemplate().scale / 50 slot0.transform.localScale = Vector3(slot1, slot1, slot1) slot0.transform.localPosition = uv2 slot0.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3(30, 0, 0) pg.EffectMgr.GetInstance():PlayBattleEffect(ys.Battle.BattleFXPool.GetInstance():GetCharacterFX(uv1:GetTemplate().wave_fx, uv0), Vector3(0, 0, 0), true) uv3.seaEmeny = slot0 uv3.seaEmenyAnimator = slot0.transform:GetComponent("SpineAnim") setActive(slot0, false) uv4() end) slot0.unitList[slot2] = slot3 end function slot0.CreateItemBox(slot0, slot1) ys.Battle.BattleResourceManager.GetInstance():InstCharacter(pg.enemy_data_statistics[uv0].prefab, function (slot0) slot1 = uv0.scale / 50 slot0.transform.localScale = Vector3(slot1, slot1, slot1) slot0.transform.localPosition = uv1 slot0.transform.localEulerAngles = Vector3(30, 0, 0) uv2.seaItemBox = slot0 uv2.seaItemBoxAnimator = slot0.transform:GetComponent("SpineAnim") setActive(slot0, false) uv3() end) end function slot0.playShipAnims(slot0) if slot0.loaded and slot0.seaAnimator then slot1 = { "attack", "victory", "dead" } function slot2(slot0) if uv0.seaAnimator then uv0.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(nil) end uv0.seaAnimator:SetAction(uv1[slot0], 0, false) uv0.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "finish" then uv0.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(nil) uv0.seaAnimator:SetAction("stand", 0, false) end end) end if slot0.palyAnimTimer then slot0.palyAnimTimer:Stop() slot0.palyAnimTimer = nil end slot0.palyAnimTimer = Timer.New(function () uv0(math.random(1, #uv1)) end, 5, -1) slot0.palyAnimTimer:Start() slot0.palyAnimTimer.func() end end function slot0.onWeaponUpdate(slot0) if slot0.loaded and slot0.weaponIds then if slot0.seaAnimator then slot0.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(nil) end function slot1() for slot3, slot4 in pairs(uv0.weaponList or {}) do for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot4.emitterList or {}) do slot9:Destroy() end end for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0.bulletList or {}) do Object.Destroy(slot4._go) end for slot3, slot4 in pairs(uv0.aircraftList or {}) do Object.Destroy(slot4.obj) end uv0.bulletList = {} uv0.aircraftList = {} end if #slot0.weaponIds == 0 and slot0.playRandomAnims then if slot0._fireTimer then slot0._fireTimer:Stop() end if slot0._delayTimer then slot0._delayTimer:Stop() end if slot0.shipVO:getShipType() ~= ShipType.WeiXiu then slot1() elseif slot0.buffTimer then pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveBattleTimer(slot0.buffTimer) slot0.buffTimer = nil end slot0:playShipAnims() elseif slot0.shipVO:getShipType() ~= ShipType.WeiXiu then slot1() slot0:MakeWeapon(slot0.weaponIds) elseif slot0.weaponIds[1] then slot0:MakeBuff(pg.equip_data_statistics[slot2].skill_id[1]) end end end function slot0.SeaFire(slot0) slot1 = 1 slot2 = nil function () if uv0.weaponList[uv1] then function slot1() slot0 = 1 slot1 = 0 for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(uv0.emitterList) do slot6:Ready() end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(uv0.emitterList) do slot6:Fire(nil, slot0, slot1) end uv1 = uv1 + 1 end if slot0.tmpData.action_index ~= "" then uv0.characterAction = slot0.tmpData.action_index uv0.seaAnimator:SetAction(uv0.characterAction, 0, false) uv0.seaAnimator:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "action" then uv0() end end) else slot1() end if slot0.tmpData.type == ys.Battle.BattleConst.EquipmentType.PREVIEW_ARICRAFT then uv0.timer = Timer.New(uv2, 1.5, 1) uv0.timer:Start() end return end if uv0.characterAction ~= ys.Battle.BattleConst.ActionName.MOVE then uv0.characterAction = ys.Battle.BattleConst.ActionName.MOVE uv0.seaAnimator:SetAction(uv0.characterAction, 0, true) uv1 = 1 end end() end function slot0.MakeBuff(slot0, slot1) slot2 = getSkillConfig(slot1) slot4 = slot2.effect_list[1].arg_list.time slot5 = require("GameCfg.skill.skill_" .. slot2.effect_list[1].arg_list.skill_id) if slot0.buffTimer then pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveBattleTimer(slot0.buffTimer) slot0.buffTimer = nil end slot0.buffTimer = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():AddBattleTimer("buffTimer", -1, slot4, function () setActive(uv0.healTF, true) setText(uv0.healTF:Find("text"), uv1.effect_list[1].arg_list.number) end) end function slot0.MakeWeapon(slot0, slot1) slot0.weaponList = {} slot0.bulletList = {} slot0.aircraftList = {} slot2 = 0 slot3 = ys.Battle.BattleConst for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1) do for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(pg.equip_data_statistics[slot8].weapon_id) do if slot14 <= 0 then break end if ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetWeaponPropertyDataFromID(slot14).type == slot3.EquipmentType.MAIN_CANNON or slot15.type == slot3.EquipmentType.SUB_CANNON or slot15.type == slot3.EquipmentType.TORPEDO or slot15.type == slot3.EquipmentType.MANUAL_TORPEDO or slot15.type == slot3.EquipmentType.POINT_HIT_AND_LOCK then if type(slot15.barrage_ID) == "table" then slot0.weaponList[slot2 + 1] = { tmpData = slot15, emitterList = {} } for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot15.barrage_ID) do slot0.weaponList[slot2].emitterList[slot19] = slot0:createEmitterCannon(slot20, slot15.bullet_ID[slot19], slot15.spawn_bound) end end elseif slot15.type == slot3.EquipmentType.PREVIEW_ARICRAFT and type(slot15.barrage_ID) == "table" then slot0.weaponList[slot2] = { tmpData = slot15, emitterList = {} } for slot19, slot20 in ipairs(slot15.barrage_ID) do slot0.weaponList[slot2].emitterList[slot19] = slot0:createEmitterAir(slot20, slot15.bullet_ID[slot19], slot15.spawn_bound) end end end end end function slot0.createEmitterCannon(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) return ys.Battle.BattleBulletEmitter.New(function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = ys.Battle.BattlePlayerUnit.New(1, ys.Battle.BattleConfig.FRIENDLY_CODE) slot5:SetSkinId(uv0.shipVO.skinId) slot5:SetTemplate(uv0.shipVO.configId, { speed = 0 }) slot9, slot10 = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.CreateBattleBulletData(uv1, uv1, slot5, nil, uv0:GetCharacterOffset() + Vector3(40, 0, 0)) if slot10 then uv0._cldSystem:InitBulletCld(slot9) end slot9:SetOffsetPriority(slot3) slot9:SetShiftInfo(slot0, slot1) slot9:SetRotateInfo(nil, 0, slot2) if uv0.equipSkinId > 0 then slot11 = pg.equip_skin_template[uv0.equipSkinId] slot12, slot13, slot14, slot15 = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetEquipSkin(uv0.equipSkinId) slot18 = nil if slot9:GetType() == ys.Battle.BattleConst.BulletType.CANNON or slot16 == slot17.BOMB then if _.any({ EquipType.CannonQuZhu, EquipType.CannonQingXun, EquipType.CannonZhongXun, EquipType.CannonZhanlie, EquipType.CannonZhongXun2 }, function (slot0) return table.contains(uv0.equip_type, slot0) end) then slot9:SetModleID(slot12) elseif slot13 and #slot13 > 0 then slot9:SetModleID(slot13) elseif slot15 and #slot15 > 0 then slot9:SetModleID(slot15) end elseif slot16 == slot17.TORPEDO then if table.contains(slot11.equip_type, EquipType.Torpedo) then slot9:SetModleID(slot12) elseif slot14 and #slot14 > 0 then slot9:SetModleID(slot14) end end end slot13 = nil slot13 = (slot9:GetType() ~= ys.Battle.BattleConst.BulletType.CANNON or ys.Battle.BattleCannonBullet.New()) and (slot11 ~= slot12.BOMB or ys.Battle.BattleBombBullet.New()) and (slot11 ~= slot12.TORPEDO or ys.Battle.BattleTorpedoBullet.New()) and ys.Battle.BattleBullet.New() slot13:SetBulletData(slot9) table.insert(uv0.bulletUnitList, slot9) function slot14(slot0) uv0:SetGO(slot0) uv0:AddRotateScript() if tf(slot0).parent then tf(slot0).parent = nil end uv0:SetSpawn(uv1:GetCharacterOffset() + (uv1.boneList[uv2] or if uv1.bulletList then table.insert(uv1.bulletList, uv0) end end ys.Battle.BattleResourceManager.GetInstance():InstBullet(slot13:GetModleID(), function (slot0) uv0(slot0) end) end, function () end, slot1) end function slot0.createEmitterAir(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) return ys.Battle.BattleBulletEmitter.New(function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = { id = uv0, tmpData = slot6 } slot6 = pg.aircraft_template[uv0] slot7 = math.deg2Rad * slot2 slot8 = Vector3(math.cos(slot7), 0, math.sin(slot7)) function slot9(slot0) slot1 = uv0:GetCharacterOffset() slot2 = slot1 + Vector3(uv1.position_offset[1] + uv2, uv1.position_offset[2], uv1.position_offset[3] + uv3) slot0.transform.localPosition = slot2 slot0.transform.localScale = Vector3(0.1, 0.1, 0.1) uv4.obj = slot0 = slot0.transform uv4.pos = slot2 uv4.baseVelocity = ys.Battle.BattleFormulas.ConvertAircraftSpeed(uv4.tmpData.speed) uv4.speed = uv5 * uv4.baseVelocity uv4.speedZ = (math.random() - 0.5) * 0.5 uv4.targetZ = slot1.z if uv0.aircraftList then table.insert(uv0.aircraftList, uv4) end end slot10 = slot6.model_ID if uv1.equipSkinId > 0 and table.contains(pg.equip_skin_template[uv1.equipSkinId].equip_type, ({ EquipType.FighterAircraft, EquipType.TorpedoAircraft, EquipType.BomberAircraft })[slot6.type]) then slot10 = ys.Battle.BattleDataFunction.GetEquipSkin(uv1.equipSkinId) end ys.Battle.BattleResourceManager.GetInstance():InstAirCharacter(slot10, function (slot0) uv0(slot0) end) end, function () end, slot1) end function slot0.RemoveBullet(slot0, slot1, slot2) table.remove(slot0.bulletUnitList, slot1) Object.Destroy(slot0.bulletList[slot1]._go) table.remove(slot0.bulletList, slot1) if slot2 and slot3:GetMissFXID() and slot4 ~= "" then slot5, slot6 = slot0.seaFXPool:GetFX(slot4) pg.EffectMgr.GetInstance():PlayBattleEffect(slot5, slot3:GetPosition() + slot6, true) end end function slot0.SeaUpdate(slot0) if not slot0.bulletList then return end slot1 = 0 slot2 = -20 slot3 = 60 slot4 = 0 slot5 = 60 slot6 = ys.Battle.BattleConfig slot7 = ys.Battle.BattleConst pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():AddBattleTimer("barrageUpdateTimer", -1, 0.033, function () for slot3 = #uv0.bulletUnitList, 1, -1 do uv0._cldSystem:UpdateBulletCld(uv0.bulletUnitList[slot3]) end for slot3 = #uv0.bulletList, 1, -1 do slot4 = uv0.bulletList[slot3] slot5 = slot4._bulletData:GetSpeed()() if uv1 < slot4:GetPosition().x and slot5.x > 0 or slot6.z < uv2 and slot5.z < 0 then uv0:RemoveBullet(slot3, false) elseif slot6.x < uv3 and slot5.x < 0 and slot4:GetType() ~= uv4.BulletType.BOMB then uv0:RemoveBullet(slot3, false) else slot4._bulletData:Update(pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetCombatTime()) slot4:Update(uv5) if uv6 < slot6.z and slot5.z > 0 or slot4._bulletData:IsOutRange(uv5) then uv0:RemoveBullet(slot3, true) end end end for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0.aircraftList) do if (slot4.pos + slot4.speed).y < uv7.AircraftHeight + 5 then slot4.speed.y = math.max(0.4, 1 - slot5.y / uv7.AircraftHeight) slot6 = math.min(1, slot5.y / uv7.AircraftHeight) = Vector3(slot6, slot6, slot6) end slot4.speed.z = slot4.baseVelocity * slot4.speedZ if slot4.baseVelocity < slot4.targetZ - slot5.z then slot4.speed.z = slot4.baseVelocity * 0.5 elseif slot6 < -slot4.baseVelocity then slot4.speed.z = -slot4.baseVelocity * 0.5 else slot7 = uv0:GetCharacterOffset() slot4.targetZ = slot7.z + slot7.z * (math.random() - 0.5) * 0.6 end if uv1 < slot5.x or slot5.x < uv3 then Object.Destroy(slot4.obj) table.remove(uv0.aircraftList, slot3) else = slot5 slot4.pos = slot5 end end uv5 = uv5 + 1 end) end function slot0.GetCharacterOffset(slot0) return Vector3(0, -3, 40) end function slot0.GetTotalBounds(slot0) slot1 = { -70, 20, 90, 70 } return slot1[2] + slot1[4], slot1[2], slot1[1], slot1[1] + slot1[3] end function slot0.HandleShipCrashDecelerate(slot0) end function slot0.HandleShipCrashDecelerate(slot0) end function slot0.HandleShipCrashDamageList(slot0) end function slot0.HandleBulletHit(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6 = #slot0.bulletUnitList, 1, -1 do if slot0.bulletUnitList[slot6] == slot1 then slot0:RemoveBullet(slot6, true) end end if not slot0.isFinish then slot0.isFinish = true setActive(slot0.seaEmeny, false) slot3, slot4 = ys.Battle.BattleFXPool.GetInstance():GetFX("Bomb") pg.EffectMgr.GetInstance():PlayBattleEffect(slot3, slot4:Add(slot2:GetPosition()), true) end end function slot0.HandleWallHitByBullet(slot0) end function slot0.GetUnitList(slot0) return slot0.unitList end function slot0.GetAircraftList(slot0) return {} end function slot0.GetBulletList(slot0) return slot0.bulletUnitList end function slot0.GetAOEList(slot0) return {} end function slot0.GetFriendlyCode(slot0) return 1 end function slot0.GetFoeCode(slot0) return -1 end function slot0.clear(slot0) if slot0.animTimer then slot0.animTimer:Stop() slot0.animTimer = nil end if slot0._cldSystem then slot0._cldSystem:Dispose() end if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Stop() slot0.timer = nil end pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():RemoveAllBattleTimer() if slot0.seaCharacter then Destroy(slot0.seaCharacter) slot0.seaCharacter = nil end if slot0.otherShipGos then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.otherShipGos) do Destroy(slot5) end slot0.otherShipGos = nil end if slot0.aircraftList then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.aircraftList) do Destroy(slot5.obj) end slot0.aircraftList = nil end if slot0.seaView then slot0.seaView:Dispose() slot0.seaView = nil end if slot0.weaponList then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.weaponList) do for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot5.emitterList) do slot10:Destroy() end end slot0.weaponList = nil end if slot0.bulletList then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.bulletList) do Destroy(slot5._go) end slot0.bulletList = nil end if slot0.seaFXPool then slot0.seaFXPool:Clear() slot0.seaFXPool = nil end if slot0.seaEmeny then Destroy(slot0.seaEmeny) slot0.seaEmeny = nil end if slot0.seaItemBox then Destroy(slot0.seaItemBox) slot0.seaItemBox = nil end if slot0.seaFXContainersPool then slot0.seaFXContainersPool:Clear() slot0.seaFXContainersPool = nil end ys.Battle.BattleResourceManager.GetInstance():Clear() slot0.seaCameraGO.tag = "Untagged" slot0.seaCameraGO = nil slot0.seaCamera = nil slot0.mainCameraGO:SetActive(true) slot0.mainCameraGO = nil slot0.loaded = false if slot0.palyAnimTimer then slot0.palyAnimTimer:Stop() slot0.palyAnimTimer = nil end end return slot0