slot0 = class("DefenseFormationMedator", import("..base.ContextMediator")) slot0.OPEN_SHIP_INFO = "DefenseFormationMedator:OPEN_SHIP_INFO" slot0.ON_CHANGE_FLEET = "DefenseFormationMedator:ON_CHANGE_FLEET" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_NAME = "DefenseFormationMedator:CHANGE_FLEET_NAME" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP = "DefenseFormationMedator:CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP" slot0.REMOVE_SHIP = "DefenseFormationMedator:REMOVE_SHIP" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_FORMATION = "DefenseFormationMedator:CHANGE_FLEET_FORMATION" slot0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIPS_ORDER = "DefenseFormationMedator:CHANGE_FLEET_SHIPS_ORDER" slot0.COMMIT_FLEET = "DefenseFormationMedator:COMMIT_FLEET" function slot0.register(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot1:setSelectShipId(nil) slot0.ships = slot1:getRawData() slot0.viewComponent:setShips(slot0.ships) slot5 = getProxy(FleetProxy):getFleetById(1) slot0.viewComponent:SetFleet(getProxy(MilitaryExerciseProxy):getExerciseFleet()) slot0:bind(uv0.OPEN_SHIP_INFO, function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) uv0.contextData.number = uv0.contextData.toggle = slot3 slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2:getShipIds()) do table.insert(slot4, uv0.ships[slot9]) end uv0:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.SHIPINFO, { shipId = slot1, shipVOs = slot4 }) end) slot0:bind(uv0.COMMIT_FLEET, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:save(nil, slot1) end) slot0:bind(uv0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIPS_ORDER, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:save(slot1) uv0:refreshView() end) slot0:bind(uv0.REMOVE_SHIP, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot2:removeShip(slot1) uv0:save(slot2) uv0:refreshView() end) slot0:bind(uv0.CHANGE_FLEET_SHIP, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot1 and or nil slot4 = uv0:getSeasonInfo() slot5 = slot4:getMainShipIds() slot6 = slot4:getVanguardShipIds() for slot11 = #pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():FilterShips({ isActivityNpc = true, inExercise = true }), 1, -1 do if slot7[slot11] == slot3 then table.remove(slot7, slot11) break end end slot8, slot9 = uv1.configDockYardFunc(uv1.ships, slot5, slot6, slot3, slot2, function (slot0, slot1) uv0:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_EXERCISE_FLEET, { fleet = slot0, callback = slot1 }) slot0 = nil end) uv1:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.DOCKYARD, { callbackQuit = true, selectedMax = 1, quitTeam = slot1 ~= nil, teamFilter = slot2, ignoredIds = slot7, hideTagFlags = ShipStatus.TAG_HIDE_DEFENSE, leftTopInfo = i18n("word_formation"), onShip = slot9, onSelected = slot8 }) end) end function slot0.refreshView(slot0, slot1) slot0.viewComponent:UpdateFleetView(slot1) end function, slot1, slot2) if slot1 then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.UPDATE_EXERCISE_FLEET, { fleet = slot1, callback = slot2 }) elseif slot2 then slot2() end end function slot0.configDockYardFunc(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) return function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} function slot4(slot0) if uv0 == TeamType.Main then uv1.mainShips = slot0 and uv2 or uv3 uv1.vanguardShips = uv4 elseif uv0 == TeamType.Vanguard then uv1.mainShips = uv3 uv1.vanguardShips = slot0 and uv2 or uv4 end if uv5 then uv5(uv1, uv6) end end if uv1 == TeamType.Main then function (slot0) if not uv0 then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(_.reverse(slot0)) do if not table.contains(uv1, slot5) then table.insert(uv1, 1, slot5) end end elseif uv0 and table.getCount(uv1) == 0 then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0) do if slot5 ~= uv0 and not table.contains(uv1, slot5) then table.insert(uv1, slot5) end end elseif uv0 then for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0) do if slot5 == uv0 then slot0[slot4] = uv1[1] end end uv1 = slot0 end end(uv2) elseif uv1 == TeamType.Vanguard then slot3(uv3) end if #slot0 > 0 then slot4(true) else pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("exercise_clear_fleet_tip"), onYes = function () uv0(true) end, onNo = function () uv0(false) end }) end end, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = pg.ship_data_template[slot0.configId].group_type if uv2 == TeamType.Main then if not function (slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0) do slot6 = pg.ship_data_template[uv0[slot5].configId].group_type if (not uv1 or uv1 ~= slot5 or slot6 ~= uv2) and slot6 == uv2 then return false end end return true end(uv3) then return false, i18n("ship_vo_mainFleet_exist_same_ship") end elseif uv2 == TeamType.Vanguard and not slot4(uv4) then return false, i18n("ship_vo_vanguardFleet_exist_same_ship") end return true end end function slot0.listNotificationInterests(slot0) return { GAME.EXERCISE_FLEET_RESET } end function slot0.handleNotification(slot0, slot1) if GAME.EXERCISE_FLEET_RESET == slot1:getName() then slot0.viewComponent:SetFleet(slot1:getBody()) slot0.viewComponent:UpdateFleetView(true) end end return slot0