slot0 = class("BackYardFurnitureCard") function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0._go = slot1 slot0._tf = slot1.transform = slot0._tf:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) slot0.icon = findTF(slot0._tf, "icon"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot0.comfortableTF = findTF(slot0._tf, "comfortable") slot0.comfortable = findTF(slot0._tf, "comfortable/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) = findTF(slot0._tf, "name/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.desc = findTF(slot0._tf, "desc"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.resGold = findTF(slot0._tf, "res/gold") slot0.resGoldTxt = findTF(slot0._tf, "res/gold/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.resGemTxt = findTF(slot0._tf, "res/gem/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.resGem = findTF(slot0._tf, "res/gem") slot0.cantPurchase = findTF(slot0._tf, "res/unopen") slot0.countTxt = findTF(slot0._tf, "count"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.maskTF = findTF(slot0._tf, "mask") slot0.hotTF = findTF(slot0._tf, "hot") slot0.newTF = findTF(slot0._tf, "new") slot0.maskUnOpen = findTF(slot0._tf, "mask1") end function slot0.Update(slot0, slot1) slot0.countDownTm = findTF(slot0._tf, "time/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(ScrollText)) if then = 1 end = slot1 = slot1:getConfig("name") slot0.desc.text = slot1:getConfig("describe") slot0.comfortable.text = slot1:getConfig("comfortable") GetSpriteFromAtlasAsync("furnitureicon/" .. slot1:getConfig("icon"), "", function (slot0) uv0.icon.sprite = slot0 end) slot0.countTxt.text = slot1:getConfig("count") > 1 and slot1.count .. "/" .. slot2 or "" setActive(slot0.resGem, slot1:canPurchaseByGem()) setActive(slot0.resGold, slot1:canPurchaseByDormMoeny()) slot6 = slot1:canPurchase() if slot0.maskUnOpen then setActive(slot0.maskUnOpen, slot6 and (not slot4 and not slot5 or not slot1:inTime())) end slot0.resGoldTxt.text = slot1:getPrice(PlayerConst.ResDormMoney) slot0.resGemTxt.text = slot1:getPrice(PlayerConst.ResDiamond) setActive(slot0.maskTF, not slot6) setActive(slot0.hotTF, false) setActive(slot0.newTF, slot1:getConfig("new") and slot8 > 0) if slot8 and slot8 > 0 or slot7 then setAnchoredPosition(slot0.comfortableTF, { y = -32 }) else setAnchoredPosition(slot0.comfortableTF, { y = -6 }) end slot9, slot10 = slot1:inTime() if slot1:isTimeLimit() and slot9 then slot0:UpdateCountdown(slot10) else slot0:DestoryTimer() slot0.countDownTm:SetText("") end end function slot0.UpdateCountdown(slot0, slot1) slot0:DestoryTimer() slot3 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():Table2ServerTime(slot1) slot0.prevStr = "" slot0.updateTimer = Timer.New(function () slot0 = "" if uv1 < uv0:GetServerTime() then uv2.countDownTm:SetText("") uv2:DestoryTimer() return end if uv1 - slot1 < 0 then slot2 = 0 end if (math.floor(slot2 / 86400) > 0 and i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot3 .. i18n("word_date") or math.floor(slot2 / 3600) > 0 and i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot4 .. i18n("word_hour") or math.floor(slot2 / 60) > 0 and i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot5 .. i18n("word_minute") or i18n("time_remaining_tip") .. slot2 .. i18n("word_second")) ~= uv2.prevStr then uv2.prevStr = slot0 uv2.countDownTm:SetText(slot0) end end, 1, -1) slot0.updateTimer:Start() slot0.updateTimer.func() end function slot0.DestoryTimer(slot0) if slot0.updateTimer then slot0.updateTimer:Stop() slot0.updateTimer = nil end end function slot0.Clear(slot0) slot0:DestoryTimer() end return slot0