slot0 = class("MonopolyCarGame") slot1 = 100 slot2 = 50 slot3 = "redcar" slot4, slot5 = nil slot6 = { "gaoxiong_5", "aidang_5", "dafeng_5", "yuekegongjue_2", "weiershiqinwang_3", "xianghe_3", "ruihe_3" } slot7 = { "gaoxiong_5", "aidang_5", "dafeng_5", "yuekegongjue_2", "weiershiqinwang_3", "xianghe_3", "ruihe_3" } slot8 = 0.6 slot9 = "B-stand" slot10 = "F-stand" slot11 = "B-walk" slot12 = "F-walk" slot13 = "typeMoveUp" slot14 = "typeMoveDown" slot15 = "typeMoveLeft" slot16 = "typeMoveRight" function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0._binder = slot1 slot0._tf = slot2 slot0._event = slot3 slot0:initData() slot0:initUI() slot0:initEvent() end function slot0.initData(slot0) slot0.leftCount = 0 slot0.inAnimatedFlag = false slot0.mapCells = {} slot1 = math.random(1, #uv0) uv1 = uv0[slot1] uv2 = uv3[slot1] end function slot0.initUI(slot0) slot0.tplMapCell = findTF(slot0._tf, "tplMapCell") slot0.mapContainer = findTF(slot0._tf, "mapContainer") slot0.char = findTF(slot0._tf, "mapContainer/char") slot0.showChar = findTF(slot0._tf, "showChar") setActive(slot0.char, false) slot0.btnStart = findTF(slot0._tf, "btnStart") slot0.btnHelp = findTF(slot0._tf, "btnHelp") slot0.btnRp = findTF(slot0._tf, "btnRp") slot0.commonAnim = findTF(slot0.btnRp, "rpAni"):GetComponent(typeof(Animator)) slot0.labelLeftCountTip = findTF(slot0.btnStart, "labelLeftCountTip") setActive(slot0.labelLeftCountTip, false) slot0.labelLeftCount = findTF(slot0.btnStart, "labelLeftCount") slot0.labelDropShip = findTF(slot0._tf, "labelDropShip") slot0.labelLeftRpCount = findTF(slot0._tf, "labelLeftRpCount") slot0.rollStep = findTF(slot0._tf, "step") setActive(slot0.rollStep, false) slot0.mcTouzi = findTF(slot0._tf, "mcTouzi") slot0.imgTouzi = findTF(slot0._tf, "imgTouzi") setActive(slot0.mcTouzi, false) slot0:initMap() slot0:initChar() end function slot0.initEvent(slot0) onButton(slot0._binder, slot0.btnStart, function () if uv0.inAnimatedFlag then return end if uv0.leftCount and uv0.leftCount <= 0 then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_count_noenough")) return end uv0:changeAnimeState(true) setActive(uv0.btnStart, true) uv0._event:emit(MonopolyCarPage.ON_START,, function (slot0) if slot0 and slot0 > 0 then uv0:showRollAnimated(slot0) end end) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0._binder, slot0.btnHelp, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.help_monopoly_car.tip }) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0._binder, slot0.showChar, function () uv0._event:emit(ActivityMediator.EVENT_GO_SCENE, SCENE.SKINSHOP) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0._binder, slot0.btnRp, function () if uv0.leftAwardCnt > 0 then uv0._event:emit(MonopolyCarPage.ON_AWARD) end end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot0.showRollAnimated(slot0, slot1) findTF(slot0.rollStep, "stepArrow").localEulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 0) findTF(slot0.rollStep, "progress/bg"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).fillAmount = 0.1 findTF(slot0.rollStep, "select/bg"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).fillAmount = 0.1 setText(findTF(slot0.rollStep, "labelRoll"), "0") seriesAsync({ function (slot0) LeanTween.value(go(uv0._tf), 1, 0, 0.2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.btnStart:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () setActive(uv0.btnStart, false) uv0.btnStart:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha = 1 uv1() end)) end, function (slot0) LeanTween.value(go(uv0._tf), 0, 1, 0.2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.rollStep:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha = slot0 setActive(uv0.rollStep, true) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0() end)) end, function (slot0) slot2 = uv0 / 6 * 0.62 / uv0 slot3 = -uv0 * 31 LeanTween.value(go(uv1._tf), 0, 1, 0.7 + uv0 / 5):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutCirc):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) findTF(uv0.rollStep, "progress/bg"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).fillAmount = uv1 * slot0 + 0.13 findTF(uv0.rollStep, "select/bg"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).fillAmount = uv2 * math.floor(slot0 / (1 / uv3)) + 0.17 setText(findTF(uv0.rollStep, "labelRoll"), math.floor(slot0 / (1 / uv3))) uv5.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, uv4 * slot0 - 13) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0() end)) end, function (slot0) LeanTween.value(go(uv0._tf), 1, 0, 0.3):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0() end)) end, function (slot0) LeanTween.value(go(uv0._tf), 1, 0, 0.3):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.rollStep:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () setActive(uv0.rollStep, false) uv0.rollStep:GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)).alpha = 1 uv1() end)) end }, function () setActive(uv0.mcTouzi, true) setActive(uv0.mcTouzi, false) uv0.useCount = uv0.useCount + 1 uv0.step = uv1 if uv0.step > 0 then setActive(uv0.imgTouzi, true) uv0.imgTouzi:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/activityuipage/monopolycar_atlas", uv0.step) end uv0:updataUI() uv0:checkCharActive() end) end function slot0.checkCountStory(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot0.useCount if _.detect(slot0.activity:getDataConfig("story") or {}, function (slot0) return slot0[1] == uv0 end) then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot5[2], slot1) else slot1() end end function slot0.changeAnimeState(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then slot0.btnStart:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).raycastTarget = false slot0.inAnimatedFlag = true slot0._event:emit(ActivityMainScene.LOCK_ACT_MAIN, true) else slot0.inAnimatedFlag = false slot0.btnStart:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).raycastTarget = true setActive(slot0.imgTouzi, false) slot0._event:emit(ActivityMainScene.LOCK_ACT_MAIN, false) end setActive(slot0.btnStart, not slot1) end function slot0.initMap(slot0) slot0.mapCells = {} for slot5 = 1, #MonopolyCarConst.map_dic do slot6 = slot5 - 1 slot7 = { x = -slot6 * uv0, y = -slot6 * uv1 } for slot12 = 1, #slot1[slot5] do slot13 = slot12 - 1 if slot8[slot12] > 0 then slot15 = cloneTplTo(slot0.tplMapCell, slot0.mapContainer, tostring(slot14)) slot16 = Vector2(uv0 * slot13 + slot7.x, -uv1 * slot13 + slot7.y) slot15.localPosition = slot16 slot17 = pg.activity_event_monopoly_map[slot14].icon findTF(slot15, "image"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = GetSpriteFromAtlas("ui/activityuipage/monopolycar_atlas", slot17) findTF(slot15, "image"):GetComponent(typeof(Image)):SetNativeSize() table.insert(slot0.mapCells, { col = slot13, row = slot6, mapId = slot14, tf = slot15, icon = slot17, position = slot16 }) end end end table.sort(slot0.mapCells, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0.mapId < slot1.mapId end) end function slot0.initChar(slot0) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetSpineChar(uv0, true, function (slot0) uv0.model = slot0 uv0.model.transform.localScale = uv0.model.transform.localPosition = uv0.model.transform:SetParent(uv0.char, false) uv0.anim = uv0.model:GetComponent(typeof(SpineAnimUI)) uv0:checkCharActive() if uv0.pos then uv0:updataCharDirect(uv0.pos, false) end end) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetSpineChar(uv1, true, function (slot0) uv0.showModel = slot0 uv0.showModel.transform.localScale = uv0.showModel.transform.localPosition = uv0.showModel.transform:SetParent(uv0.showChar, false) uv0.showAnim = uv0.showModel:GetComponent(typeof(SpineAnimUI)) uv0.showAnim:SetAction("stand", 0) end) end function slot0.updataCharDirect(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.model then slot3 = slot0.mapCells[slot1].position slot4 = slot1 + 1 > #slot0.mapCells and 1 or slot1 + 1 slot5 = slot0.mapCells[slot4] slot6, slot7 = slot0:getMoveType(slot0.mapCells[slot1].mapId, slot0.mapCells[slot4].mapId, slot2) slot0.char.localScale = Vector3(slot7, slot0.char.localScale.y, slot0.char.localScale.z) slot0.anim:SetActionCallBack(nil) slot0.anim:SetAction(slot6, 0) end end function slot0.getMoveType(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot5 = {} slot6 = {} for slot10 = 1, #MonopolyCarConst.map_dic do for slot15 = 1, #slot4[slot10] do if slot11[slot15] == slot1 then slot5 = { x = slot15, y = slot10 } end if slot16 == slot2 then slot6 = { x = slot15, y = slot10 } end end end slot7, slot8 = nil if slot5.y < slot6.y then slot7 = slot3 and uv0 or uv1 slot8 = uv2 elseif slot6.y < slot5.y then slot7 = slot3 and uv3 or uv4 slot8 = uv2 elseif slot5.x < slot6.x then slot7 = slot3 and uv0 or uv1 slot8 = -uv2 elseif slot6.x < slot5.x then slot7 = slot3 and uv3 or uv4 slot8 = -uv2 end return slot7, slot8 end function slot0.checkCharActive(slot0) if slot0.anim then if slot0.effectId and slot0.effectId > 0 then slot0:changeAnimeState(true) slot0:checkEffect(function () uv0:changeAnimeState(false) uv0:checkCharActive() end) elseif slot0.step and slot0.step > 0 then slot0:changeAnimeState(true) slot0:checkStep(function () uv0:changeAnimeState(false) uv0:checkCharActive() end) end end end function slot0.firstUpdata(slot0, slot1) slot0:activityDataUpdata(slot1) slot0:updataUI() slot0:updataChar() slot0:checkCharActive() end function slot0.updataActivity(slot0, slot1) slot0:activityDataUpdata(slot1) slot0:updataUI() end function slot0.activityDataUpdata(slot0, slot1) slot0.activity = slot1 slot0.totalCnt = math.ceil((pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() - slot0.activity.data1) / 86400) * slot0.activity:getDataConfig("daily_time") + slot0.activity.data1_list[1] slot0.useCount = slot0.activity.data1_list[2] slot0.leftCount = slot0.totalCnt - slot0.useCount slot0.turnCnt = slot0.activity.data1_list[3] - 1 slot0.leftDropShipCnt = 8 - slot0.turnCnt slot0.advanceTotalCnt = #slot1:getDataConfig("reward") slot0.isAdvanceRp = slot0.advanceTotalCnt - slot0.activity.data2_list[2] > 0 slot9 = slot0.activity.data2_list[1] slot0.leftAwardCnt = slot9 - slot8 slot0.advanceRpCount = math.max(0, math.min(slot9, slot0.advanceTotalCnt) - slot8) slot0.commonRpCount = math.max(0, slot9 - slot0.advanceTotalCnt) - math.max(0, slot8 - slot0.advanceTotalCnt) slot10 = slot1:getDataConfig("reward_time") slot0.nextredPacketStep = slot10 - slot0.useCount % slot10 slot0.pos = slot0.activity.data2 slot0.step = slot0.activity.data3 slot0.effectId = slot0.activity.data4 end function slot0.checkStep(slot0, slot1) if slot0.step > 0 then slot0._event:emit(MonopolyCarPage.ON_MOVE,, function (slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.step = slot0 uv0.pos = slot1[#slot1] uv0.effectId = slot2 seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv1:moveCharWithPaths(uv0, #uv0 > 3 and stateRun or stateJump, slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:checkEffect(slot0) end }, function () if uv0 then uv0() end end) end) elseif slot1 then slot1() end end function slot0.updataUI(slot0) setText(slot0.labelLeftRpCount, "" .. slot0.leftAwardCnt) slot0.commonAnim:SetInteger("count", slot0.leftAwardCnt) setText(slot0.labelDropShip, "" .. slot0.turnCnt + 1) setText(slot0.labelLeftCountTip, i18n("monopoly_left_count")) setText(slot0.labelLeftCount, slot0.leftCount) end function slot0.updataChar(slot0) slot0.char.localPosition = slot0.mapCells[slot0.pos].position if not isActive(slot0.char) then SetActive(slot0.char, true) slot0.char:SetAsLastSibling() end if slot0.model then slot0:updataCharDirect(slot0.pos, false) end end function slot0.checkEffect(slot0, slot1) if slot0.effectId > 0 then slot2 = slot0.mapCells[slot0.pos] slot3 = pg.activity_event_monopoly_event[slot0.effectId].story seriesAsync({ function (slot0) if uv0 and tonumber(uv0) ~= 0 then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(uv0, slot0, true, true) else slot0() end end, function (slot0) uv0:triggerEfeect(slot0) end, function (slot0) uv0:checkCountStory(slot0) end }, slot1) return end if slot1 then slot1() end end function slot0.triggerEfeect(slot0, slot1) slot0._event:emit(MonopolyCarPage.ON_TRIGGER,, function (slot0, slot1) if slot0 and #slot0 >= 0 then uv0.effectId = slot1 uv0.pos = slot0[#slot0] seriesAsync({ function (slot0) uv0:moveCharWithPaths(uv1, nil, slot0) end }, function () uv0() end) end end) end function slot0.moveCarWithPaths(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if not slot1 or #slot1 <= 0 then if slot3 then slot3() end return end slot4 = {} slot5 = slot0.char.localPosition for slot11 = 1, #slot1 do if slot0:checkPathTurn(slot1[slot11]) then table.insert({}, slot0.mapCells[slot1[slot11]].position) table.insert({}, slot1[slot11]) elseif slot11 == #slot1 then table.insert(slot6, slot0.mapCells[slot1[slot11]].position) table.insert(slot7, slot1[slot11]) end end slot0.speedX = 0 slot0.speedY = 0 slot0.baseSpeed = 6 slot0.baseASpeed = 0.1 if not slot0.timer then slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () uv0:toMoveCar() end, 0.016666666666666666, -1) slot0.timer:Start() end for slot11 = 1, #slot6 do table.insert(slot4, function (slot0) uv0.moveComplete = slot0 uv0.stopOnEnd = false uv0.targetPosition = uv1[uv2] uv0.targetPosIndex = uv3[uv2] uv0.moveX = uv0.targetPosition.x - uv0.char.localPosition.x uv0.moveY = uv0.targetPosition.y - uv0.char.localPosition.y uv0.baseSpeedX = uv0.baseSpeed * uv0.moveX / math.abs(uv0.moveX) uv0.baseASpeedX = uv0.baseASpeed * uv0.moveX / math.abs(uv0.moveX) uv0.baseSpeedY = math.abs(uv0.baseSpeedX) / (math.abs(uv0.moveX) / uv0.moveY) uv0.baseASpeedY = math.abs(uv0.baseASpeedX) / (math.abs(uv0.moveX) / uv0.moveY) if uv2 == 1 then uv0.speedX = 0 uv0.speedY = 0 else uv0.speedX = uv0.baseSpeedX uv0.speedY = uv0.baseSpeedY end end) end table.insert(slot4, function (slot0) uv0.moveComplete = nil uv0:updataCharDirect(uv1[#uv1], false) slot0() end) table.insert(slot4, function (slot0) LeanTween.value(go(uv0._tf), 1, 0, 0.1):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0() end)) end) seriesAsync(slot4, slot3) end function slot0.toMoveCar(slot0) if not slot0.targetPosition then return end if math.abs(slot0.targetPosition.x - slot0.char.localPosition.x) <= 6.5 and math.abs(slot0.targetPosition.y - slot0.char.localPosition.y) <= 6.5 then slot0.targetPosition = nil if slot0.moveComplete then slot0:updataCharDirect(slot0.targetPosIndex, true) slot0.moveComplete() end end slot0.speedX = math.abs(slot0.baseSpeedX) < math.abs(slot0.speedX + slot0.baseASpeedX) and slot0.baseSpeedX or slot0.speedX + slot0.baseASpeedX slot0.speedY = math.abs(slot0.baseSpeedY) < math.abs(slot0.speedY + slot0.baseASpeedY) and slot0.baseSpeedY or slot0.speedY + slot0.baseASpeedY slot3 = slot0.char.localPosition slot0.char.localPosition = Vector3(slot3.x + slot0.speedX, slot3.y + slot0.speedY, 0) end function slot0.checkPathTurn(slot0, slot1) if slot0.mapCells[slot1 + 1 > #slot0.mapCells and 1 or slot1 + 1].col == slot0.mapCells[slot1 - 1 < 1 and #slot0.mapCells or slot1 - 1].col or slot0.mapCells[slot2].row == slot0.mapCells[slot3].row then return false end return true end function slot0.moveCharWithPaths(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot0:moveCarWithPaths(slot1, slot2, slot3) return if not slot1 or #slot1 <= 0 then if slot3 then slot3() end return end slot4 = {} slot5 = slot1[1] - 1 < 1 and #slot0.mapCells or slot1[1] - 1 for slot9 = 1, #slot1 do slot10 = slot0.mapCells[slot1[slot9]] table.insert(slot4, function (slot0) uv0:updataCharDirect(uv1, true) uv1 = uv2[uv3] LeanTween.moveLocal(go(uv0.char),, 0.35):setEase(LeanTweenType.linear):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0() end)) end) if slot9 == #slot1 then table.insert(slot4, function (slot0) uv0:updataCharDirect(uv1[uv2], false) slot0() end) end end seriesAsync(slot4, slot3) end function slot0.dispose(slot0) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnSpineChar(uv0, slot0.showModel) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnSpineChar(show, slot0.showSkinId) end return slot0