slot0 = class("LinkLinkScene", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.MAX_ROW = 6 slot0.MAX_COLUMN = 11 slot0.COUNT_DOWN = 3 slot0.RESET_CD = 5 slot0.GAME_STATE_BEGIN = 0 slot0.GAME_STATE_GAMING = 1 slot0.GAME_STATE_END = 2 slot0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL = 0 slot0.CARD_STATE_LINKED = 1 slot0.CARD_STATE_BLANK = 2 function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "LinkLinkUI" end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.backBtn = slot0:findTF("BackBtn") slot0.helpBtn = slot0:findTF("top/help_btn") slot0.resetBtn = slot0:findTF("info/reset_button") slot0.awardTxt = slot0:findTF("info/award_txt") slot0.timeTxt = slot0:findTF("info/time_txt") slot0.bestTxt = slot0:findTF("info/best_txt") slot0.layout = slot0:findTF("card_con/layout") slot0.item = slot0.layout:Find("card") slot0.bottom = slot0:findTF("card_con/bottom") slot0.line = slot0.bottom:Find("card") slot0.result = slot0:findTF("result") slot0.countDown = slot0:findTF("count_down") slot0.resource = slot0:findTF("resource") slot0.bestTitleText = slot0:findTF("info/BestTitle") slot0.curTitleText = slot0:findTF("info/CurTitle") setText(slot0.bestTitleText, i18n("LinkLinkGame_BestTime")) setText(slot0.curTitleText, i18n("LinkLinkGame_CurTime")) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end, SOUND_BACK) slot0:SetState(uv0.GAME_STATE_BEGIN) end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0:HideResult() LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.countDown)) for slot4 = 0, slot0.layout.childCount - 1 do LeanTween.cancel(go(slot0.layout:GetChild(slot4))) end if slot0.countTimer then slot0.countTimer:Stop() slot0.countTimer = nil end end function slot0.SetPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.player = slot1 end function slot0.SetActivity(slot0, slot1) slot0.activity = slot1 slot0.activityAchieved = slot1.data1 slot0.activityProgress = slot1.data2 slot0.activityStartTime = slot1.data3 slot0.activityBestRecord = slot1.data4 slot3 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance() slot0.activityRestTimes = slot3:DiffDay(slot0.activityStartTime, slot3:GetServerTime()) + 1 - slot0.activityProgress slot0.activityRestTimes = math.clamp(slot0.activityRestTimes, 0, #slot0.activity:getConfig("config_client")[3] - slot0.activityProgress) setText(slot0.awardTxt, slot0.activityRestTimes > 0 and slot2[slot0.activityProgress + 1] or 0) setText(slot0.bestTxt, slot0:FormatRecordTime(slot0.activityBestRecord)) end function slot0.SetState(slot0, slot1) if slot0.state ~= slot1 then slot0.state = slot1 if slot1 == uv0.GAME_STATE_BEGIN then slot0:GameBegin() elseif slot1 == uv0.GAME_STATE_GAMING then slot0:GameLoop() elseif slot1 == uv0.GAME_STATE_END then slot0:GameEnd() end end end function slot0.GameBegin(slot0) = {} slot1 = {} for slot5 = 0, 17 do table.insert(slot1, slot5) table.insert(slot1, slot5) end slot2 = 0 while #slot1 > 0 do slot3 = math.clamp(math.floor(math.random() * #slot1 + 1), 1, #slot1) slot5 = slot2 % (uv0.MAX_COLUMN - 2) + 1[slot4] =[math.floor(slot2 / (uv0.MAX_COLUMN - 2)) + 1] or {}[slot4][slot5] = { row = slot4, column = slot5, id = slot1[slot3], state = uv0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL } table.remove(slot1, slot3) slot2 = slot2 + 1 end for slot6 = 0, uv0.MAX_ROW - 1 do for slot10 = 0, uv0.MAX_COLUMN - 1 do[slot6] =[slot6] or {}[slot6][slot10] =[slot6][slot10] or { row = slot6, column = slot10, state = uv0.CARD_STATE_BLANK } end end slot0.list = UIItemList.New(slot0.layout, slot0.item) slot0.list:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then slot3 = math.floor(slot1 / uv0.MAX_COLUMN) slot4 = slot1 % uv0.MAX_COLUMN = slot3 .. "_" .. slot4 slot2.localScale = setActive(slot2:Find("display"),[slot3][slot4].state == uv0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL) if slot5.state == uv0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL then setImageSprite(slot2:Find("display/icon"), getImageSprite(uv1.resource:GetChild( setActive(slot2:Find("display/selected"), false) end end end) slot0.list:align(uv0.MAX_ROW * uv0.MAX_COLUMN) slot0.llist = UIItemList.New(slot0.bottom, slot0.line) slot0.llist:make(function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == UIItemList.EventUpdate then for slot7 = 0, slot2:Find("lines").childCount - 1 do setActive(slot3:GetChild(slot7), false) end end end) slot6 = uv0.MAX_COLUMN slot0.llist:align(uv0.MAX_ROW * slot6) setActive(slot0.countDown, true) for slot6 = 0, slot0.countDown.childCount - 1 do setActive(slot0.countDown:GetChild(slot6), false) end slot4 = slot0.countDown:GetChild(0) setActive(slot4, true) setImageAlpha(slot4, 0) LeanTween.value(go(slot0.countDown), 0, 1, 1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) slot0 = math.min(slot0 / 0.3, 1) setImageAlpha(uv0, slot0) setLocalScale(uv0, { x = (1 - slot0) * 2 + 1, y = (1 - slot0) * 2 + 1 }) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () setActive(uv0, false) uv1 = uv1 + 1 if uv1 < uv2.countDown.childCount then uv0 = uv2.countDown:GetChild(uv1) setActive(uv0, true) setImageAlpha(uv0, 0) else setActive(uv2.countDown, false) uv2:SetState(uv3.GAME_STATE_GAMING) end end)):setRepeat(4):setLoopType(LeanTweenType.punch):setOnCompleteOnRepeat(true):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) end function slot0.GameLoop(slot0) function slot1(slot0) slot1 = 0 slot2 = 0 for slot6 = 1, #slot0 - 1 do slot7 = slot0[slot6] slot8 = slot0[slot6 + 1] slot9 = slot8.row - slot7.row slot10 = slot8.column - slot7.column for slot15 = 0, uv0.bottom:GetChild(slot7.row * uv1.MAX_COLUMN + slot7.column):Find("lines").childCount - 1 do setActive(slot11:GetChild(slot15), false) end if slot9 ~= 0 then setActive(slot11:Find("y" .. slot9), true) elseif slot10 ~= 0 then setActive(slot11:Find("x" .. slot10), true) end if slot9 ~= slot1 and slot10 ~= slot2 then slot12 = 0 slot13 = slot11:Find("joint") setActive(slot13, true) slot13.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, (slot9 == -1 and slot2 == 1 or slot1 == 1 and slot10 == -1) and 0 or (slot10 == -1 and slot1 == -1 or slot9 == 1 and slot2 == 1) and 90 or (slot9 == 1 and slot2 == -1 or slot1 == -1 and slot10 == 1) and 180 or 270) elseif slot1 == 0 and slot9 ~= 0 or slot1 ~= 0 and slot9 == slot1 then slot12 = slot11:Find("cross") setActive(slot12, true) slot12.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 90) elseif slot2 == 0 and slot10 ~= 0 or slot2 ~= 0 and slot10 == slot2 then slot12 = slot11:Find("cross") setActive(slot12, true) slot12.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 0) end slot2 = slot10 slot1 = slot9 end end function slot2(slot0) for slot4 = 1, #slot0 - 1 do slot5 = slot0[slot4] for slot11 = 0, uv1.bottom:GetChild(slot5.row * uv0.MAX_COLUMN + slot5.column):Find("lines").childCount - 1 do setActive(slot7:GetChild(slot11), false) end end end slot3, slot4, slot5 = nil slot0.list:each(function (slot0, slot1) onButton(uv0, slot1:Find("display/icon"), function () if[math.floor(uv0 / uv1.MAX_COLUMN)][uv0 % uv1.MAX_COLUMN].state ~= uv1.CARD_STATE_NORMAL then return elseif not uv3 then uv3 = slot2 uv4 = uv5 setActive(uv5:Find("display/selected"), true) elseif uv6 then return elseif uv3 == slot2 then setActive(uv5:Find("display/selected"), false) uv4 = nil uv3 = nil elseif ~= then setActive(uv4:Find("display/selected"), false) uv4 = nil uv3 = nil elseif not uv2:LinkLink(uv3, slot2) then setActive(uv4:Find("display/selected"), false) uv4 = nil uv3 = nil else slot2.state = uv1.CARD_STATE_LINKED uv3.state = uv1.CARD_STATE_LINKED setActive(uv5:Find("display/selected"), true) uv7(slot3) uv6 = true slot5 = uv4 slot10 = 0.3 LeanTween.value(go(uv5), 1, 0.15, slot10):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInBack):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.localScale = Vector3(slot0, slot0, 1) uv1.localScale = Vector3(slot0, slot0, 1) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0(uv1) setActive(uv2:Find("display"), false) setActive(uv3:Find("display"), false) uv4 = false end)) uv4 = nil uv3 = nil slot6 = true for slot10 = 0, uv1.MAX_ROW - 1 do for slot14 = 0, uv1.MAX_COLUMN - 1 do if[slot10][slot14].state == uv1.CARD_STATE_NORMAL then slot6 = false break end end end if slot6 then uv2:SetState(uv1.GAME_STATE_END) end end end, SFX_PANEL) end) if Application.isEditor and AUTO_LINKLINK then setActive(slot0.helpBtn, true) onButton(slot0, slot0.helpBtn, function () uv0 = nil uv1 = nil for slot3 = 0, uv2.MAX_ROW - 1 do for slot7 = 0, uv2.MAX_COLUMN - 1 do slot8 =[slot3][slot7] slot10 = uv3.layout:GetChild(slot8.row * uv2.MAX_COLUMN + slot8.column) if slot8.state == uv2.CARD_STATE_NORMAL then for slot14 = 0, uv2.MAX_ROW - 1 do for slot18 = 0, uv2.MAX_COLUMN - 1 do if slot3 ~= slot14 or slot7 ~= slot18 then slot19 =[slot14][slot18] if == then triggerButton(slot10:Find("display/icon")) triggerButton(uv3.layout:GetChild(slot19.row * uv2.MAX_COLUMN + slot19.column):Find("display/icon")) if uv4 then Timer.New(function () triggerButton(uv0.helpBtn) end, 0.4, 1):Start() return end end end end end end end end end) end slot6 = 0 onButton(slot0, slot0.resetBtn, function () if uv0.state ~= uv1.GAME_STATE_GAMING then return elseif Time.realtimeSinceStartup - uv2 < uv1.RESET_CD then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("common_wait")) else if uv3 then setActive(uv4:Find("display/selected"), false) uv4 = nil uv3 = nil end slot0 = {} slot1 = {} for slot5 = 0, uv1.MAX_ROW - 1 do for slot9 = 0, uv1.MAX_COLUMN - 1 do if[slot5][slot9].state == uv1.CARD_STATE_NORMAL then table.insert(slot0, { row = slot5, column = slot9 }) table.insert(slot1, end end end slot2 = 1 while #slot1 > 0 do slot3 = math.clamp(math.floor(math.random() * #slot1 + 1), 1, #slot1)[slot0[slot2].row][slot0[slot2].column].id = slot1[slot3] table.remove(slot1, slot3) slot2 = slot2 + 1 end uv0.list:each(function (slot0, slot1) if[math.floor(slot0 / uv0.MAX_COLUMN)][slot0 % uv0.MAX_COLUMN].state == uv0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL then setImageSprite(slot1:Find("display/icon"), getImageSprite(uv1.resource:GetChild( end end) uv2 = Time.realtimeSinceStartup end end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.startTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup slot0.countTimer = Timer.New(function () setText(uv0.timeTxt, uv0:FormatRecordTime(math.floor((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - uv0.startTime) * 1000))) end, 0.033, -1) slot0.countTimer:Start() slot0.countTimer.func() end function slot0.GameEnd(slot0) slot0.countTimer:Stop() slot0.countTimer = nil slot0.lastRecord = math.floor((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - slot0.startTime) * 1000) if slot0.activityRestTimes > 0 or slot0.lastRecord < slot0.activityBestRecord then slot0:emit(LinkLinkMediator.EVENT_OPERATION, { cmd = 1, activity_id =, arg1 = slot0.activityProgress + (slot0.activityRestTimes > 0 and 1 or 0), arg2 = slot0.lastRecord }) else slot0:DisplayResult(slot0.activity) end end function slot0.DisplayResult(slot0, slot1) setActive(slot0.result, true) setActive(slot0.result:Find("bg"):Find("pic_new_record"), slot1.data4 < slot0.activityBestRecord) setActive(slot2:Find("pic_win"), slot0.activityBestRecord <= slot1.data4) setText(slot2:Find("time_txt"), slot0:FormatRecordTime(slot0.lastRecord)) setText(slot2:Find("award_txt"), slot0.activityProgress < slot1.data2 and slot1:getConfig("config_client")[3][slot1.data2] or 0) onButton(slot0, slot2:Find("button"), function () uv0:HideResult() uv0:SetActivity(uv1) uv0:SetState(uv2.GAME_STATE_BEGIN) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.result, function () triggerButton(uv0.backBtn) end, SFX_CANCEL) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():BlurPanel(slot0.result) end function slot0.HideResult(slot0) if isActive(slot0.result) then setActive(slot0.result, false) pg.UIMgr.GetInstance():UnblurPanel(slot0.result, slot0._tf) end end function slot0.FormatRecordTime(slot0, slot1) return (math.floor(slot1 / 60000) >= 10 and slot2 or "0" .. slot2) .. "'" .. (math.floor(slot1 % 60000 / 1000) >= 10 and slot3 or "0" .. slot3) .. "'" .. (math.floor(slot1 % 1000 / 10) >= 10 and slot4 or "0" .. slot4) end function slot0.LinkLink(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = { row = slot1.row, column = slot1.column } table.insert({}, slot3) table.insert({}, slot3) for slot10 = 1, 3 do if slot0:IterateByOneSnap({ row = slot2.row, column = slot2.column },, slot5, slot6) then slot12 = { slot11 } while slot11 and slot11.from do if slot11.row ~= slot11.from.row then slot13 = slot11.from.row < slot11.row and -1 or 1 for slot17 = slot11.row + slot13, slot11.from.row, slot13 do table.insert(slot12, { row = slot17, column = slot11.column }) end elseif slot11.from.column ~= slot11.column then slot13 = slot11.from.column < slot11.column and -1 or 1 for slot17 = slot11.column + slot13, slot11.from.column, slot13 do table.insert(slot12, { row = slot11.row, column = slot17 }) end end slot11 = slot11.from end return slot12 end end end function slot0.IterateByOneSnap(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) for slot8 = 1, #slot3 do slot13 = slot4 for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot0:FindDirectLinkPoint(slot2, slot3[slot8], slot13)) do if slot14.row == slot1.row and slot14.column == slot1.column then return slot14 end table.insert(slot3, slot14) end end _.each(slot3, function (slot0) uv0[slot0.row .. "_" .. slot0.column] = true end) end function slot0.FindDirectLinkPoint(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = {} for slot8 = slot2.row - 1, 0, -1 do if[slot8][slot2.column].state == uv0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL and ~= slot1 or slot3[slot8 .. "_" .. slot2.column] then break end table.insert(slot4, { row = slot8, column = slot2.column, from = slot2 }) end for slot8 = slot2.row + 1, uv0.MAX_ROW - 1 do if[slot8][slot2.column].state == uv0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL and ~= slot1 or slot3[slot8 .. "_" .. slot2.column] then break end table.insert(slot4, { row = slot8, column = slot2.column, from = slot2 }) end for slot8 = slot2.column - 1, 0, -1 do if[slot2.row][slot8].state == uv0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL and ~= slot1 or slot3[slot2.row .. "_" .. slot8] then break end table.insert(slot4, { row = slot2.row, column = slot8, from = slot2 }) end for slot8 = slot2.column + 1, uv0.MAX_COLUMN - 1 do if[slot2.row][slot8].state == uv0.CARD_STATE_NORMAL and ~= slot1 or slot3[slot2.row .. "_" .. slot8] then break end table.insert(slot4, { row = slot2.row, column = slot8, from = slot2 }) end return slot4 end function slot0.LinkLink1(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = nil slot4 = { [slot1.row .. "_" .. slot1.column] = { rdir = 0, cdir = 0, snap = 0, row = slot1.row, column = slot1.column, path = {} } } slot6 = { row = slot2.row, column = slot2.column } slot7 = { { row = slot1.row, column = slot1.column } } slot8 = {} while #slot7 > 0 do if table.remove(slot7, 1).row == slot6.row and slot9.column == slot6.column then return slot4[slot9.row .. "_" .. slot9.column].path end table.insert(slot8, slot9) _.each({ { row = 1, column = 0 }, { row = -1, column = 0 }, { row = 0, column = 1 }, { row = 0, column = -1 } }, function (slot0) slot0.row = uv0.row + slot0.row slot0.column = uv0.column + slot0.column slot2 =[slot0.row] and[slot0.row][slot0.column] or nil if not (_.any(uv1, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column end) or _.any(uv2, function (slot0) return slot0.row == uv0.row and slot0.column == uv0.column end)) and (not slot2 or slot2.state == uv4.CARD_STATE_LINKED or slot2.state == uv4.CARD_STATE_BLANK or == and slot0.row >= 0 and slot0.row < uv4.MAX_ROW and slot0.column >= 0 and slot0.column < uv4.MAX_COLUMN then slot3 = uv6[uv0.row .. "_" .. uv0.column] if slot3.rdir ~= 0 and slot3.rdir ~= slot0.row - uv0.row or slot3.cdir ~= 0 and slot3.cdir ~= slot0.column - uv0.column then slot4 = slot3.snap + 1 end if slot4 <= 2 then slot7 = Clone(slot3.path) table.insert(slot7, slot0) uv6[slot0.row .. "_" .. slot0.column] = { row = slot0.row, column = slot0.column, snap = slot4, rdir = slot5, cdir = slot6, path = slot7 } slot8 = 0 for slot12 = #uv1, 1, -1 do slot13 = uv1[slot12] if uv6[slot13.row .. "_" .. slot13.column].snap < slot4 or slot4 == slot14.snap and #slot7 > #slot14.path then slot8 = slot12 break end end table.insert(uv1, slot8 + 1, slot0) end end end) end end return slot0