slot0 = class("BlackWhiteGridLayer", import("...base.BaseUI")) slot1 = "create cell" slot2 = "reach turn cnt" slot3 = "cell type changed" slot4 = "cell check changed" slot5 = "highest score updated" slot6 = "destroy cells" slot7 = "cell tip" slot8 = "map init done" slot9 = 1 slot10 = -1 slot11 = { Color.New(1, 1, 1, 1), [-1] = Color.New(0.37, 0.37, 0.37, 1) } slot12 = Color.New(0.9725490196078431, 0.6509803921568628, 0.8509803921568627, 1) slot13 = 5 slot14 = 3 slot15 = 5 slot16 = pg.activity_event_blackwhite slot17 = nil function slot18() function slot1(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = {} slot7 = math.min(slot1 + slot4 - 1, slot2 - 1) for slot11 = slot0, math.min(slot0 + slot4 - 1, slot3 - 1) do for slot15 = slot1, slot7 do table.insert(slot5, Vector2(slot11, slot15)) end end return slot5 end function slot2(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} while slot1 > 0 do if not table.contains(slot2, math.random(1, #slot0)) then table.insert(slot2, slot4) slot3 = slot3 + 1 end end slot4 = {} for slot8 = 1, #slot0 do slot9 = slot0[slot8] table.insert(slot4, { slot9.x, slot9.y, table.contains(slot2, slot8) and -1 or 1 }) end return slot4 end return { RandomMap = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot5 = {} for slot9 = 0, slot2 - 1, slot3 do for slot13 = 0, slot1 - 1, slot3 do _.each(uv1(uv0(slot9, slot13, slot1, slot2, slot3), slot4), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, slot0) end) end end return slot5 end, Dispose = function (slot0) end } end function slot19(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { Get = function (slot0) slot1 = nil slot1 = (#slot0.stack ~= 0 or instantiate(slot0._go)) and table.remove(slot0.stack, 1) setActive(slot1, true) return slot1 end, Return = function (slot0, slot1) setActive(slot1, false) if slot0.maxCnt <= #slot0.stack then Object.Destroy(slot1) else table.insert(slot0.stack, slot1) setParent(slot1, slot0._root) end end, Dispose = function (slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.stack) do Destroy(slot5) end end } function (slot0) slot0._go = uv0 slot0._root = uv1 slot0.maxCnt = 20 slot0.stack = {} end(slot2) return slot2 end function slot20(slot0) slot1 = { Get = function (slot0, slot1) if not slot0.pools[slot1] then slot0.pools[slot1] = uv0(slot0[slot1], slot0.root) end return slot2:Get() end, Return = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.pools[slot1] then slot3:Return(slot2) else Destroy(slot2) end end, Dispose = function (slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.pools) do slot5:Dispose() end end } function (slot0) slot0.root = uv0 slot0.white = uv0:Find("white") = uv0:Find("black") slot0.pools = {} end(slot1) return slot1 end function slot21(slot0) slot1 = { AddListener = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) if not[slot1] then[slot1] = {} end table.insert([slot1], slot2) end, RemoveListener = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7 =[slot1], 1, -1 do if slot3[slot7] == slot2 then table.remove(slot3, slot7) end end end, Notify = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs([slot1]) do slot8(slot0.sender, slot2) end end } function (slot0) = {} slot0.sender = uv0 end(slot1) return slot1 end function slot22(slot0) slot1 = { Reset = function (slot0) slot0.x = slot0.initData.x slot0.y = slot0.initData.y slot0.color = slot0.initData.color slot0.check = slot0.initData.check slot0:Notify(uv0, { type = slot0.color }) end, GetType = function (slot0) return slot0.color end, GetPosition = function (slot0) return Vector2(slot0.x, slot0.y) end, OnAnimDone = function (slot0) if slot0.animCb then slot0.animCb() end end, SetAnimDoneCallback = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.animCb = slot1 end, Reverse = function (slot0) if uv0 == slot0.color then slot0.color = uv1 elseif uv1 == slot0.color then slot0.color = uv0 end slot0:Notify(uv2, { anim = true, type = slot0.color }) end, GetCellColorStr = function (slot0) if uv0 == slot0.color then return "white" elseif uv1 == slot0.color then return "black" end end, ClearCheck = function (slot0) slot0.check = false slot0:Notify(uv0, slot0.check) end, Check = function (slot0) slot0.check = true slot0:Notify(uv0, slot0.check) end, IsSame = function (slot0, slot1) return slot0.x == slot1.x and slot0.y == slot1.y end, GetScore = function (slot0) if uv0 == slot0.color then return 1 elseif uv1 == slot0.color then return -1 end return 0 end, Serialize = function (slot0) return string.format("{%d,%d,%d}", slot0.x, slot0.y, slot0:GetType() == uv0 and 1 or -1) end, Dispose = function (slot0) end } function (slot0) slot0.x = uv0.x slot0.y = uv0.y slot0.color = uv0.color slot0.check = false slot0.initData = { check = false, x = slot0.x, y = slot0.y, color = slot0.color } end(slot1) return setmetatable(slot1, { __index = uv4(slot1) }) end function slot23(slot0) slot1 = { id =, maxCount = slot0.maxCount, calcStep = slot0.calcStep, condition = slot0.condition, maps = slot0.maps, started = slot0.started or false, UpdateData = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.highestScore = slot1.highestScore or 0 slot0.isUnlock = slot1.isUnlock slot0.isFinished = slot1.isFinished end, Init = function (slot0) slot0.isInited = true slot0.randomer = uv0() if not slot0.maps or #slot1 == 0 then slot1 = slot0:GenRandomMap() end slot0:CreatNewMap(slot1) slot0:Notify(uv1) end, CreatNewMap = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.cells = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do slot7 = slot0:CreateCell(slot6[1], slot6[2], slot6[3]) table.insert(slot0.cells, slot7) slot0:Notify(uv0, slot7) end end, GenRandomMap = function (slot0) slot2 = uv0[].theme return slot0.randomer:RandomMap(slot2[1], slot2[2], uv1, uv2) end, TriggerTip = function (slot0) slot0:Notify(uv0, slot0.primaryCell) end, NeedTip = function (slot0) return slot0.primaryCell ~= nil end, UpdateTurnCnt = function (slot0, slot1) slot0.calcStep = slot1 slot0:Notify(uv0, slot0.calcStep) if slot0.calcStep == 0 then if slot0.highestScore < slot0:CalcScore() then slot0.highestScore = slot2 if slot0.isFinished then slot0:Notify(uv1, slot2) end end slot0.isFinished = true end end, CalcScore = function (slot0) _.each(slot0.cells, function (slot0) uv0 = uv0 + slot0:GetScore() end) return 0 end, CreateCell = function (slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) return uv0({ x = slot1, y = slot2, color = slot3 }) end, GetCellByPosition = function (slot0, slot1) return _.detect(slot0.cells, function (slot0) return slot0:IsSame(uv0) end) end, GetAroundCells = function (slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot1:GetPosition() _.each({ Vector2(slot3.x + 1, slot3.y), Vector2(slot3.x - 1, slot3.y), Vector2(slot3.x, slot3.y - 1), Vector2(slot3.x, slot3.y + 1), Vector2(slot3.x - 1, slot3.y - 1), Vector2(slot3.x + 1, slot3.y + 1), Vector2(slot3.x + 1, slot3.y - 1), Vector2(slot3.x - 1, slot3.y + 1), Vector2(slot3.x, slot3.y) }, function (slot0) if uv0:GetCellByPosition(slot0) then table.insert(uv1, slot1) end end) return {} end, inProcess = function (slot0) return slot0.started end, Start = function (slot0) slot0.started = true end, Reverse = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = #slot0.primaryCells slot3 = 0 _.each(slot0.primaryCells, function (slot0) slot0:SetAnimDoneCallback(function () uv0 = uv0 + 1 if uv0 == uv1 then uv2() end uv3:SetAnimDoneCallback(nil) end) slot0:Reverse() end) end, Primary = function (slot0, slot1) if slot0.isStartReverse then return end function slot2() _.each(uv0.primaryCells or {}, function (slot0) slot0:ClearCheck() end) end if slot0.primaryCells and slot0.primaryCell and slot1:IsSame(slot0.primaryCell) then slot0.isStartReverse = true slot0:Reverse(function () uv0() uv1.primaryCell = nil uv1.primaryCells = nil uv1:UpdateTurnCnt(uv1.calcStep - 1) uv1.isStartReverse = false end) return end slot0.primaryCell = slot1 slot2() slot0.primaryCells = slot0:GetAroundCells(slot1) _.each(slot0.primaryCells, function (slot0) slot0:Check() end) end, ReStart = function (slot0) slot0:Notify(uv0) slot1 = nil slot0:CreatNewMap((#uv1[].map ~= 0 or slot0:GenRandomMap()) and uv1[].map) slot0:UpdateTurnCnt(slot0.maxCount) slot0.started = false end, Serialize = function (slot0) if not slot0.isInited then return "" end _.each(slot0.cells, function (slot0) uv0 = uv0 .. slot0:Serialize() .. "," end) return "{" .. "}#" .. slot0.calcStep .. "#" .. (slot0.started and "1" or "0") end, Dispose = function (slot0) _.each(slot0.cells, function (slot0) slot0:Dispose() end) slot0.started = false end } return setmetatable(slot1, { __index = uv11(slot1) }) end function slot24(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { onCellTypeChanged = function (slot0, slot1) uv0(uv1, slot0, slot1) end, onCellCheckChanged = function (slot0, slot1) uv0(uv1, slot0, slot1) end, SetCheck = function (slot0, slot1) setActive(slot0.checkTF, slot1) end, GetSprite = function (slot0) slot1 = slot0.cell slot3 = slot1.y if slot0.maxSpriteIndexX < slot1.x and slot1.x % slot0.maxSpriteIndexX == 0 then slot2 = 0 elseif slot0.maxSpriteIndexX < slot2 then slot2 = slot0.maxSpriteIndexX - slot1.x % slot0.maxSpriteIndexX end if slot0.maxSpriteIndexY < slot3 then slot3 = slot0.maxSpriteIndexY - slot3 % (slot0.maxSpriteIndexY + 1) end return uv0[slot2][slot3] end, GetAnimationKey = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = "" if slot1 == uv0 then slot2 = "b2w" elseif slot1 == uv1 then slot2 = "w2b" end return slot2 end, SetScale = function (slot0) slot2 = slot0.cell.x / slot0.maxSpriteIndexX > 1 and -1 or 1 slot3 = slot1.y / slot0.maxSpriteIndexY > 1 and -1 or 1 slot0.cellImage.localScale = Vector3(slot2, slot3, 1) slot4 = slot0.cellImage.anchoredPosition setAnchoredPosition(slot0.cellImage, Vector2(slot4.x * slot2, slot4.y * slot3)) end, ResetAlhpa = function (slot0) slot1 = slot0.img.color slot0.img.color = Color.New(slot1.r, slot1.g, slot1.b, 1) end, SetPosition = function (slot0) slot1 = slot0.cell:GetPosition() go(slot0._tf).name = slot1.x .. "_" .. slot1.y slot2 = slot0.width slot3 = slot0.height if slot0.maxSpriteIndexX < slot1.x then slot2 = slot0.width - slot0.offsetX end if slot0.maxSpriteIndexY < slot1.y then slot3 = slot0.height - slot0.offsetY end slot0._tf.localPosition = Vector3(slot1.x * slot2, -(slot1.y * slot3), 0) if slot0.cellImage.localScale.x == -1 and slot0.cellImage.localScale.y == -1 then anchorMax = Vector2(1, 0) anchorMin = Vector2(1, 0) elseif slot6 == 1 and slot7 == -1 then anchorMax = Vector2(0, 0) anchorMin = Vector2(0, 0) elseif slot6 == -1 and slot7 == 1 then anchorMax = Vector2(1, 1) anchorMin = Vector2(1, 1) else anchorMax = Vector2(0, 1) anchorMin = Vector2(0, 1) end slot0.cellImage.anchorMax = anchorMax slot0.cellImage.anchorMin = anchorMin end, AddListener = function (slot0) slot0.cell:AddListener(uv0, slot0.onCellTypeChanged) slot0.cell:AddListener(uv1, slot0.onCellCheckChanged) end, RemoveListener = function (slot0) slot0.cell:RemoveListener(uv0, slot0.onCellTypeChanged) slot0.cell:RemoveListener(uv1, slot0.onCellCheckChanged) end, Dispose = function (slot0) slot0:ResetAlhpa() slot0.animation:Stop() slot0._tf.localPosition = Vector3(0, 0, 0) slot0._tf.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) slot0.cellImage.localPosition = Vector3(0, 0, 0) slot0.cellImage.localScale = Vector3(1, 1, 1) slot0.img.sprite = nil slot0.img.color = uv0[1] slot0:RemoveListener() removeOnButton(slot0._tf) setActive(slot0.checkTF, false) end } function slot3(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2.anim then slot0.dftAniEvent:SetEndEvent(function () uv0.dftAniEvent:SetEndEvent(nil) uv0.cell:OnAnimDone() end) slot0.animation:Stop() slot0.animation:Play(slot0:GetAnimationKey(slot2.type)) else slot0.img.color = uv0[slot2.type] end end function slot4(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 then slot0.animation:Stop() slot0.animation:Play("blink") else slot0:ResetAlhpa() slot0.animation:Stop("blink") end end function (slot0) slot0.maxSpriteIndexX = #uv0 slot0.maxSpriteIndexY = #uv0[#uv0] slot0.cell = uv1 slot0._tf = uv2 slot0.cellImage = slot0._tf:Find("image") slot0.checkTF = slot0.cellImage:Find("check") slot0.dftAniEvent = slot0.cellImage:GetComponent(typeof(DftAniEvent)) slot0.animation = slot0.cellImage:GetComponent(typeof(Animation)) slot0.animation:Stop() slot0.img = slot0.cellImage:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot0.width = slot0._tf.sizeDelta.x slot0.height = slot0._tf.sizeDelta.y slot0.offsetX = 2 slot0.offsetY = 0 slot0:AddListener() slot0.img.color = uv3[slot0.cell:GetType()] slot0.img.sprite = slot0:GetSprite() slot0.img:SetNativeSize() setAnchoredPosition(slot0.cellImage, Vector2(slot0.cellImage.sizeDelta.x / 2, -slot0.cellImage.sizeDelta.y / 2)) slot0:SetScale() slot0:SetPosition() end(slot2) return slot2 end function slot25(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = { poolMgr = slot2, onFirstFinished = function (slot0, slot1) end, onHighestScore = function (slot0, slot1) end, onShowResult = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) end, onCellCreate = function (slot0, slot1) uv0(uv1, slot0, slot1) end, onTurnCntUpdated = function (slot0, slot1) uv0(uv1, slot0, slot1) end, onHighestUpdated = function (slot0, slot1) uv0(uv1, slot0, slot1) end, onDestoryCells = function (slot0) uv0(uv1, slot0) end, onCellTip = function (slot0, slot1) uv0(uv1, slot0, slot1) end, onMapInitDone = function (slot0) uv0(uv1, slot0) end, Reset = function (slot0) setActive(slot0.startBg, true) setActive(slot0.cellContainer, false) slot0.currScoreTxt.text = "-" end, ResetMap = function (slot0) if == then return end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("black_white_grid_reset"), onYes = function () uv0:Reset() end }) end, AddTipTimer = function (slot0) if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Stop() end slot0.timer = Timer.New(function () if then end end, uv0, 1) slot0.timer:Start() end, StopTipTimer = function (slot0) if slot0.timer then slot0.timer:Stop() slot0.timer = nil end end, ShouldShowStartBg = function (slot0) return not end, RecordStartBg = function (slot0) end, GetCellTpl = function (slot0, slot1) return slot0.poolMgr:Get(slot1:GetCellColorStr()) end, AddListener = function (slot0), slot0.onCellCreate), slot0.onTurnCntUpdated), slot0.onHighestUpdated), slot0.onDestoryCells), slot0.onCellTip), slot0.onMapInitDone) end, RemoveListener = function (slot0), slot0.onCellCreate), slot0.onTurnCntUpdated), slot0.onHighestUpdated), slot0.onDestoryCells), slot0.onCellTip), slot0.onMapInitDone) end, Dispose = function (slot0) removeOnButton(slot0.restartBtn) slot0:RemoveListener() uv0(slot0, nil) slot0:StopTipTimer() slot0.tipCellView = nil end } function slot4(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = slot0:GetCellTpl(slot2).transform setParent(slot3, slot0.cellContainer) table.insert(slot0.cells, uv0(slot3, slot2)) onButton(nil, slot3, function () if uv0.tipCellView then uv0.tipCellView:SetCheck(false) uv0.tipCellView = nil end if == 0 then uv0:ResetMap() return end if not or and ~= uv1 then uv0:AddTipTimer() else uv0:StopTipTimer() end end, SFX_PANEL) end function slot5(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.leftCountTxt.text = slot2 slot3 = if slot2 == 0 then if not then slot0.onFirstFinished(, slot3) slot0.highestScoreTxt.text = slot3 end slot0.onShowResult(, slot3, function () uv0:Reset() end) slot0.currScoreTxt.text = "-" else slot0.currScoreTxt.text = slot3 end end function slot6(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.highestScoreTxt.text = slot2 slot0.onHighestScore(, slot2) end function slot7(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.cells) do slot6:Dispose() slot0.poolMgr:Return(slot6.cell:GetType(), slot6._tf.gameObject) end slot0.cells = {} end function slot8(slot0, slot1, slot2) if _.detect(slot0.cells, function (slot0) return slot0.cell:IsSame(uv0) end) then slot0.tipCellView = slot3 slot3:SetCheck(true) end end function slot9(slot0, slot1) slot0.highestScoreTxt.text = slot0.leftCountTxt.text = slot0.currScoreTxt.text = slot0:ShouldShowStartBg() and "-" or setActive(slot0.startBg, slot3) onButton(nil, slot0.startBg, function () if not then return end setActive(uv0.startBg, false) uv0:RecordStartBg() uv0.currScoreTxt.text = uv1 setActive(uv0.cellContainer, true) end) if not slot3 then setActive(slot0.cellContainer, true) end end function (slot0) slot0._tf = uv0 slot0.cellWhite = slot0._tf:Find("cell") slot0.cellContainer = slot0._tf:Find("container") slot0.restartBtn = slot0._tf:Find("restart") slot0.leftCountTxt = slot0._tf:Find("left_count"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.highestScoreTxt = slot0._tf:Find("highest"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.currScoreTxt = slot0._tf:Find("curr_score"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.startBg = slot0._tf:Find("start_bg") slot0.startBgText = slot0.startBg:Find("Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) slot0.startLabel = slot0.startBg:Find("Image") = uv1 slot0.cells = {} slot0:AddListener() slot0.startBgText.text = and "" or setActive(slot0.startLabel, setActive(slot0.cellContainer, false) onButton(nil, slot0.restartBtn, function () uv0:ResetMap() end, SFX_PANEL) end(slot3) return slot3 end function slot26(slot0) slot1 = { _tf = slot0, Show = function (slot0, slot1, slot2) setActive(slot0._tf, true) slot0.scoreTxt.text = slot1 slot0.cb = slot2 end, Hide = function (slot0) if slot0.cb then slot0.cb() end setActive(slot0._tf, false) slot0.scoreTxt.text = "" slot0.cb = nil end, Dispose = function (slot0) slot0:Hide() end } function (slot0) setActive(slot0._tf, false) slot0.scoreTxt = slot0._tf:Find("score/Text"):GetComponent(typeof(Text)) onButton(nil, slot0._tf, function () uv0:Hide() end, SFX_PANEL) end(slot1) return slot1 end function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "BlackWhiteGridUI" end function slot0.preload(slot0, slot1) uv0 = {} ResourceMgr.Inst:loadAssetBundleAsync("ui/blackwhitegrid_atlas", function (slot0) for slot4 = 0, 4 do uv0[slot4] = {} for slot8 = 0, 2 do uv0[slot4][slot8] = ResourceMgr.Inst:LoadAssetSync(slot0, slot4 .. "_" .. slot8, nil, true, false) end end end) slot0.bgSprite = nil LoadSpriteAsync("clutter/blackwhite_bg", function (slot0) uv0.bgSprite = slot0 uv1() end) end function slot0.setActivity(slot0, slot1) slot0.activityVO = slot1 slot0.passIds = slot1.data1_list slot0.scores = slot1.data2_list slot0:updateFur() end function slot0.setPlayer(slot0, slot1) slot0.player = slot1 end function slot0.init(slot0) slot0.mapTF = slot0:findTF("map") slot0.backBtn = slot0:findTF("back") slot0.toggleTFs = slot0:findTF("toggles") slot0.poolMgr = uv0(slot0.mapTF:Find("root")) slot0.successMsgbox = uv1(slot0:findTF("success_bg")) slot0.failedMsgbox = uv1(slot0:findTF("failed_bg")) slot0.furGot = slot0:findTF("fur/got") slot0.helpBtn = slot0:findTF("help") slot0._tf:GetComponent(typeof(Image)).sprite = slot0.bgSprite end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.backBtn, function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_CLOSE) end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.helpBtn, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = pg.gametip.black_white_grid_notice.tip }) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.selecteds = {} function slot2(slot0) eachChild(slot0, function (slot0) if go(slot0).name ~= "text" and go(slot0).activeSelf then slot1 = slot0:GetComponent(typeof(Image)) slot1.color = uv0 table.insert(uv1.selecteds, slot1) end end) end function slot3() for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(uv0.selecteds) do slot4.color = Color.New(1, 1, 1, 1) end uv0.selecteds = {} end slot0.btns = {} slot0.maps = {} slot7 = "config_data" for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.activityVO:getConfig(slot7)) do slot10 = slot0.toggleTFs:GetChild(slot7 - 1) slot0.maps[slot8] = slot0:GetMapVO(uv2[slot8]) onButton(slot0, slot10, function () if == uv1 then return end if uv0.mapView and then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("black_white_grid_switch_tip")) return end = uv1 uv0:loadMap(uv0:GetMapVO(uv2)) if #uv0.selecteds > 0 then uv3() end uv4(uv5) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0.btns[slot8] = slot10 end if slot0:GetLastestUnlockMap() then triggerButton(slot4) end slot0:updateBtnsState() end function slot0.updateFur(slot0) if slot0.furGot then slot1 = slot0.activityVO:getConfig("config_data") setActive(slot0.furGot, table.contains(slot0.passIds, slot1[#slot1 - 1])) end end function slot0.isUnlock(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1.unlock[1] return getProxy(ChapterProxy):getChapterById(slot1.unlock[2]) and slot4:isUnlock() and slot4:isAllAchieve() and (slot2 == 0 or table.contains(slot0.passIds, slot2)) end function slot0.GetLastestUnlockMap(slot0) if slot0.btns[slot0:GetMapIndex()] then return slot0.btns[slot1] else slot2 = nil for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.btns) do if slot0:isUnlock(uv0[slot7]) or 0 + 1 == 1 then slot2 = slot8 end end return slot2 end end function slot0.updateBtnsState(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.btns) do slot6 = table.contains(slot0.passIds, slot4) setActive(slot5:Find("finished"), slot6) setActive(slot5:Find("locked"), not slot0:isUnlock(uv0[slot4])) setActive(slot5:Find("opening"), not slot6 and slot7) end end function slot0.GetMapVO(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil if slot0.maps[] then slot0.maps[]:UpdateData({ highestScore = table.indexof(slot0.passIds, and slot0.scores[slot3] or 0, isFinished = table.contains(slot0.passIds,, isUnlock = slot0:isUnlock(slot1) }) else slot7, slot8, slot9 = slot0:parseMap(slot1) uv0({ id =, maps = slot7, calcStep = slot8, maxCount = slot1.num, condition = slot1.condition, started = slot9 }):UpdateData(slot6) end return slot2 end function slot0.parseMap(slot0, slot1) if not PlayerPrefs.GetString("BlackWhiteGridMapData-" .. .. "-" .., "") or slot2 == "" then return, slot1.num, false else slot3 = slot2:split("#") return loadstring("return " .. slot3[1])(), tonumber(slot3[2]), slot3[3] == "1" end end function slot0.SaveMapsData(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.maps) do if slot6:Serialize() and slot7 ~= "" then PlayerPrefs.SetString("BlackWhiteGridMapData-" .. .. "-" .., slot7) end end PlayerPrefs.Save() end function slot0.GetMapIndex(slot0) return PlayerPrefs.GetInt("BlackWhiteGridMapIndex-" .., 1) end function slot0.SaveMapIndex(slot0) PlayerPrefs.SetInt("BlackWhiteGridMapIndex-" .., or 1) PlayerPrefs.Save() end function slot0.loadMap(slot0, slot1) if slot0.mapView then slot0.mapView:Dispose() end slot0.mapView = uv0(slot0.mapTF, slot1, slot0.poolMgr) function slot0.mapView.onFirstFinished(slot0, slot1) uv0:emit(BlackWhiteGridMediator.ON_FINISH, slot0, slot1) end function slot0.mapView.onHighestScore(slot0, slot1) uv0:emit(BlackWhiteGridMediator.ON_UPDATE_SCORE, slot0, slot1) end function slot0.mapView.onShowResult(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1 >= 0 then uv0.successMsgbox:Show(slot1, slot2) else uv0.failedMsgbox:Show(slot1, slot2) end end slot1:Init() end function slot0.playStory(slot0, slot1) if uv0[].story and slot2 ~= "" then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot2, slot1, true, true) else slot1() end end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot0:SaveMapsData() slot0:SaveMapIndex() if slot0.mapView then slot0.mapView:Dispose() end slot0.successMsgbox:Dispose() slot0.failedMsgbox:Dispose() slot0.poolMgr:Dispose() uv0 = nil end return slot0