slot0 = class("AnswerScene", import("..base.BaseUI")) slot0.Idle = "stand" slot0.HandsUp = "attack" function slot0.getUIName(slot0) return "AnswerUI" end function slot0.setActivity(slot0, slot1) slot0.activity = slot1 end function slot0.init(slot0) = slot0:findTF("top") slot0.btnBack = slot0:findTF("back", slot0.btnHelp = slot0:findTF("btnHelp") slot0.layerSelection = slot0:findTF("layer_selection") slot0.layerProcess = slot0:findTF("layer_process") slot0.layerResult = slot0:findTF("layer_result") slot0.resources = slot0:findTF("resources") setActive(slot0.layerSelection, false) setActive(slot0.layerProcess, false) setActive(slot0.layerResult, false) end function slot0.didEnter(slot0) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnBack, function () if uv0.isTweening then return end if isActive(uv0.layerProcess) then pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n("answer_exit_tip"), onYes = function () uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end }) else uv0:emit(uv1.ON_BACK) end end, SFX_CANCEL) onButton(slot0, slot0.btnHelp, function () pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ type = MSGBOX_TYPE_HELP, helps = i18n("answer_help_tip") }) end, SFX_PANEL) slot0:displaySelection() end function slot0.onBackPressed(slot0) if slot0.isTweening then return end pg.CriMgr.GetInstance():PlaySoundEffect_V3(SFX_CANCEL) triggerButton(slot0.btnBack) end function slot0.displaySelection(slot0) setActive(slot0.layerSelection, true) slot1 = slot0.layerSelection:Find("panel") slot2 = slot1:Find("name") slot4 = slot1:Find("confirm") slot5 = slot1:Find("cancel") slot6 = getProxy(AnswerProxy) for slot10 = 0, slot1:Find("subjects").childCount - 1 do slot13 = slot6:isSubjectOpen(slot0.activity, slot10) setText(slot3:GetChild(slot10):Find("score"), slot6:getScore(slot10) or "--") setToggleEnabled(slot11, slot13) setActive(slot11:Find("lock"), not slot13) end setText(slot2, getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().name) slot0.isTweening = true LeanTween.value(go(slot1), 0, 1, 0.7):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.localScale = Vector3(slot0, slot0, 1) uv0.localEulerAngles = Vector3(0, 0, 720 * slot0) end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0.isTweening = false end)):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeInOutSine) onButton(slot0, slot4, function () for slot3 = 0, uv0.childCount - 1 do if getToggleState(uv0:GetChild(slot3)) then uv1:hideSelection() uv1:emit(AnswerMediator.ANSWER_START,, slot3) break end end end, SFX_CONFIRM) onButton(slot0, slot5, function () triggerButton(uv0.btnBack) end, SFX_CANCEL) end function slot0.hideSelection(slot0) setActive(slot0.layerSelection, false) end function slot0.startProcess(slot0, slot1, slot2) setActive(slot0.layerProcess, true) slot4 = slot0.layerProcess:Find("prepare"):Find("tips") slot5 = slot0.layerProcess:Find("count_down") slot6 = slot5:Find("progress") slot7 = slot5:Find("time") slot8 = slot5:Find("question") slot9 = slot5:Find("answer1") slot10 = slot5:Find("answer2") slot11 = slot0.layerProcess:Find("ship_left") slot12 = slot0.layerProcess:Find("ship_right") slot13 = nil process = coroutine.create(function () slot0 = uv0.activity:getConfig("config_client") slot1 = slot0.pretime slot2 = slot0.answertime slot3 = slot0.endtime slot4 = uv0.activity:getConfig("config_data")[1][1] slot6 = Ship.New({ id = 2, configId = Answer.Ship2 }) if uv1.childCount == 1 then uv0:loadShip(Ship.New({ id = 1, configId = Answer.Ship1 }):getPrefab(), uv1, function () onNextTick(uv0) end) coroutine.yield() end if uv3.childCount == 1 then uv0:loadShip(slot6:getPrefab(), uv3, function () onNextTick(uv0) end) coroutine.yield() end slot7 = uv1:GetChild(0):GetComponent(typeof(SpineAnimUI)) slot8 = uv3:GetChild(0):GetComponent(typeof(SpineAnimUI)) slot9 = 1 while slot9 <= #uv4 do if uv0.exited then return end slot13 = slot10.type == 0 and slot7 or slot8 slot14 = math.random() >= 0.5 setActive(uv5, true) setActive(uv6, false) setText(uv7, i18n("answer_answer_role", (uv4[slot9].type == 0 and slot5 or slot6):getName())) setImageAlpha(uv1:Find("spot_light"), 0) setImageAlpha(uv3:Find("spot_light"), 0) slot7:SetAction(uv8.Idle, 0) slot8:SetAction(uv8.Idle, 0) slot15 = 0.3 LeanTween.textAlpha(uv7, 1, slot15) LeanTween.textAlpha(uv7, 0, slot15):setDelay(slot1 - slot15):setOnComplete(System.Action(uv2)) LeanTween.alpha((slot10.type == 0 and uv1 or uv3):Find("spot_light"), 1, 0.3):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0:SetAction(uv1.HandsUp, 0) end)) coroutine.yield() slot16, slot17 = nil slot18 = uv9.sizeDelta slot18.x = 746 uv9.sizeDelta = slot18 setActive(uv5, false) setActive(uv6, true) setText(uv11, slot10:getConfig("qusetion")) setActive(uv12:Find("correct"), false) setActive(uv12:Find("wrong"), false) setActive(uv13:Find("correct"), false) setActive(uv13:Find("wrong"), false) setButtonEnabled(uv12, true) setButtonEnabled(uv13, true) setText(uv12:Find("text"), "A." .. (slot14 and slot10:getConfig("incorrect_answer") or slot10:getConfig("correct_answer"))) setText(uv13:Find("text"), "B." .. (slot14 and slot10:getConfig("correct_answer") or slot10:getConfig("incorrect_answer"))) onButton(uv0, uv12, function () uv0 = 0 uv1() end, SFX_PANEL) onButton(uv0, uv13, function () uv0 = 1 uv1() end, SFX_PANEL) coroutine.yield() LeanTween.cancel(LeanTween.value(go(uv9), slot2, 0, slot2):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) slot1 = uv0.sizeDelta slot1.x = slot0 / uv1 * 746 uv0.sizeDelta = slot1 uv2 = slot0 setText(uv3, math.ceil(slot0) .. "s") end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(function () uv0 = 0 uv1() end)).uniqueId) setButtonEnabled(uv12, false) setButtonEnabled(uv13, false) if (slot10.type == 0 and 0 or 1) + (slot14 and 1 or 0) == 1 then setActive(uv12:Find("wrong"), true) setActive(uv13:Find("correct"), true) else setActive(uv12:Find("correct"), true) setActive(uv13:Find("wrong"), true) end if not slot16 then = slot10.type == 0 and 1 or 0 else = slot14 and 1 - slot16 or slot16 end slot4 = slot4 + _.reduce(uv0.activity:getConfig("config_data")[2], 0, function (slot0, slot1) return slot1[1] < uv0 and math.max(slot0, slot1[2]) or slot0 end) slot10.restTime = math.floor(slot17 * 10) Timer.New(uv2, slot3, 1):Start() coroutine.yield() if uv0.exited then return end slot9 = slot9 + 1 end uv0:emit(AnswerMediator.ANSWER_SUBMIT,, uv14,, function (slot0) return { id =, answer =, time = slot0.restTime } end), slot4) end) function () slot0, slot1 = coroutine.resume(process) end() end function slot0.loadShip(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetSpineChar(slot1, true, function (slot0) if uv0.exited then PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnSpineChar(uv1, slot0) else setParent(slot0, uv2, false) slot0.transform:SetAsFirstSibling() slot0.transform.localScale = Vector3.New(0.8, 0.8, 1) slot0:GetComponent(typeof(SpineAnimUI)):SetAction(uv3.Idle, 0) uv4() end end) end function slot0.displayResult(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) setActive(slot0.layerProcess, false) setActive(, false) setActive(slot0.btnHelp, false) setActive(slot0.layerResult, true) slot5 = slot0.layerResult:Find("top") slot6 = slot0.layerResult:Find("left") slot7 = slot0.layerResult:Find("right") slot8 = slot0.layerResult:Find("alpha"):GetComponent(typeof(CanvasGroup)) slot9 = slot0.layerResult:Find("score") slot10 = slot0.layerResult:Find("btnReset") setImageSprite(slot0.layerResult:Find("subject/name"), getImageSprite(slot0.resources:Find(tostring(slot1)))) slot11 = nil slot11 = coroutine.create(function () uv0.alpha = 0 setText(uv1, "") setActive(uv2, false) setAnchoredPosition(uv3, { y = uv3.rect.height }) setAnchoredPosition(uv4, { x = -uv4.rect.width }) setAnchoredPosition(uv5, { x = uv5.rect.width }) uv6.isTweening = true LeanTween.moveY(uv3, 0, 0.5):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) LeanTween.moveX(uv4, 0, 0.5):setDelay(0.5):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) LeanTween.moveX(uv5, 0, 0.5):setDelay(0.6):setEase(LeanTweenType.easeOutSine) LeanTween.value(go(uv0), 0, 1, 0.5):setDelay(1.1):setOnUpdate(System.Action_float(function (slot0) uv0.alpha = slot0 end)):setOnComplete(System.Action(uv7)) coroutine.yield() setText(uv1, uv8) setActive(uv2, true) onButton(uv6, uv2, function () setActive(uv0.layerResult, false) setActive(, true) setActive(uv0.btnHelp, true) uv0:displaySelection() end, SFX_PANEL) if uv9 then uv9() end uv6.isTweening = false end) function () slot0, slot1 = coroutine.resume(uv0) end() end function slot0.willExit(slot0) slot2 = slot0.layerProcess:Find("ship_right") if slot0.layerProcess:Find("ship_left").childCount > 1 then PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnSpineChar(Ship.New({ id = 1, configId = Answer.Ship1 }):getPrefab(), slot1:GetChild(0).gameObject) end if slot2.childCount > 1 then PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnSpineChar(Ship.New({ id = 2, configId = Answer.Ship2 }):getPrefab(), slot2:GetChild(0).gameObject) end end return slot0