slot0 = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" }) slot1 = getmetatable(GameObject) slot2 = slot1.__index function slot1.__index(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "transform" then if uv0[slot0] then return slot2 end slot2 = uv1(slot0, slot1) uv0[slot0] = slot2 return slot2 elseif slot1 == "gameObject" then return slot0 else return uv1(slot0, slot1) end end slot3 = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" }) slot4 = getmetatable(Transform) slot5 = slot4.__index function slot4.__index(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "gameObject" then if uv0[slot0] then return slot2 end slot2 = uv1(slot0, slot1) uv0[slot0] = slot2 return slot2 elseif slot1 == "transform" then return slot0 else return uv1(slot0, slot1) end end function gcAll(slot0) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ExcessPainting() ResourceMgr.Inst:unloadUnusedAssetBundles() if not slot0 then Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets() end GCThread.GetInstance():GC(slot0) end slot6 = print function print(...) if Application.isEditor then uv0(debug.traceback(table.concat({ ... }, function (slot0) return tostring(slot0) end), " "), 2)) else uv0(...) end end function RemoveTableItem(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = 0 for slot7 = 1, #slot0 do if slot0[slot7 - slot3] == slot1 then table.remove(slot0, slot7 - slot3) if slot2 then slot3 = slot3 + 1 else break end end end end function IsNil(slot0) return slot0 == nil or slot0:Equals(nil) end function isnan(slot0) return slot0 ~= slot0 end function GetDir(slot0) return string.match(slot0, ".*/") end function GetFileName(slot0) return string.match(slot0, ".*/(.*)") end function DumpTable(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0) do if slot5 ~= nil then Debugger.Log("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", tostring(slot4), tostring(slot5)) else Debugger.Log("Key: {0}, Value nil", tostring(slot4)) end end end function PrintTable(slot0) slot1 = {} function (slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0) do if type(slot7) == "table" then table.insert(slot1, slot2 .. tostring(slot6) .. ":\n") uv0(slot7, slot1, slot2 .. " ") else table.insert(slot1, slot2 .. tostring(slot6) .. ": " .. tostring(slot7) .. "\n") end end end(slot0, slot1, "") return table.concat(slot1, "") end function PrintLua(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil for slot6 in string.gmatch(slot0, "%w+") do slot1 = (slot1 or _G)[slot6] end if slot1 == nil then Debugger.Log("Lua Module {0} not exists", slot0) return end Debugger.Log("-----------------Dump Table {0}-----------------", slot0) if type(slot2) == "table" then for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot2) do Debugger.Log("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", slot6, tostring(slot7)) end end slot3 = getmetatable(slot2) Debugger.Log("-----------------Dump meta {0}-----------------", slot0) while slot3 ~= nil and slot3 ~= slot2 do for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot3) do if slot7 ~= nil then Debugger.Log("Key: {0}, Value: {1}", tostring(slot7), tostring(slot8)) end end slot3 = getmetatable(slot3) end Debugger.Log("-----------------Dump meta Over-----------------") Debugger.Log("-----------------Dump Table Over-----------------") end function IsString(slot0) return type(slot0) == "string" end function IsNumber(slot0) return type(slot0) == "number" end function tobool(slot0) return slot0 and true or false end function warning(...) if Application.isEditor then Debugger.LogWarning(debug.traceback(table.concat({ ... }, function (slot0) return tostring(slot0) end), " "), 2)) else uv0(...) end end function errorMsg(...) if Application.isEditor then Debugger.LogError(debug.traceback(table.concat({ ... }, function (slot0) return tostring(slot0) end), " "), 2)) else uv0(...) end end function BuildVector3(slot0) return Vector3(slot0[1], slot0[2], slot0[3]) end function ShowFuncInfo(slot0) slot1 = debug.getinfo(slot0) return string.format("file:%s#%d", slot1.source, slot1.linedefined) end function String2Table(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5 in slot0:gmatch(".") do table.insert(slot1, slot5) end return slot1 end slot7 = require("bit") function unicode_to_utf8(slot0) if type(slot0) ~= "string" then return slot0 end slot1 = "" slot2 = 1 while true do slot4 = nil if string.byte(slot0, slot2) ~= nil and string.sub(slot0, slot2, slot2 + 1) == "\\u" then slot4 = tonumber("0x" .. string.sub(slot0, slot2 + 2, slot2 + 5)) slot2 = slot2 + 6 elseif slot3 ~= nil then slot4 = slot3 slot2 = slot2 + 1 else break end if slot4 <= 127 then slot1 = slot1 .. string.char(, 127)) elseif slot4 >= 128 and slot4 <= 2047 then slot1 = slot1 .. string.char(uv0.bor(192,, 6), 31))) .. string.char(uv0.bor(128,, 63))) elseif slot4 >= 2048 and slot4 <= 65535 then slot1 = slot1 .. string.char(uv0.bor(224,, 12), 15))) .. string.char(uv0.bor(128,, 6), 63))) .. string.char(uv0.bor(128,, 63))) end end return slot1 .. "" end function utf8_to_unicode(slot0) if type(slot0) ~= "string" then return slot0 end slot1 = "" slot3 = string.byte(slot0, 1) slot4 = 0 while slot3 ~= nil do slot5, slot6 = nil if slot3 >= 0 and slot3 <= 127 then slot5 = slot3 slot6 = 0 elseif, 224) == 192 then slot7 = 0 slot8 = 0 slot7 =, uv0.rshift(255, 3)) slot5 = uv0.bor(, slot2 + 1), uv0.rshift(255, 2)), uv0.lshift(, uv0.rshift(255, 6)), 6)) slot6 = uv0.rshift(slot7, 2) elseif, 240) == 224 then slot7 = 0 slot8 = 0 slot9 = 0 slot2 = slot2 + 1 slot8 =, slot2), uv0.rshift(255, 2)) slot5 = uv0.bor(uv0.lshift(, uv0.rshift(255, 6)), 6),, slot2 + 1), uv0.rshift(255, 2))) slot6 = uv0.bor(uv0.lshift(, uv0.rshift(255, 3)), 4), uv0.rshift(slot8, 2)) end slot1 = slot1 .. string.format("\\u%02x%02x", slot6, slot5) slot4 = slot6 == 0 and slot4 + 1 or slot4 + 2 slot3 = string.byte(slot0, slot2 + 1) end return slot1, slot4 end function utf8_size(slot0) if not slot0 then return 0 elseif slot0 > 240 then return 4 elseif slot0 > 225 then return 3 elseif slot0 > 192 then return 2 else return 1 end end function utf8_len(slot0) slot1 = 1 slot2 = 0 while slot1 <= #slot0 do slot1 = slot1 + utf8_size(string.byte(slot0, slot1)) slot2 = slot2 + 1 end return slot2 end function existCall(slot0, ...) if slot0 and type(slot0) == "function" then return slot0(...) end end