slot0 = class("Technology", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.STATE_IDLE = 1 slot0.STATE_STARTING = 2 slot0.STATE_FINISHED = 3 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.configId = slot0.poolId = slot1.pool_id slot0.time = slot1.time slot0.state = slot0.time > 0 and uv0.STATE_STARTING or uv0.STATE_IDLE if slot0.time > 0 and slot0:canFinish() then slot0.state = uv0.STATE_FINISHED end end function slot0.isStart(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0.STATE_STARTING or slot0.state == uv0.STATE_FINISHED end function slot0.isStarting(slot0) return uv0.STATE_STARTING == slot0.state end function slot0.start(slot0) slot0.time = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() + slot0:getConfig("time") slot0.state = uv0.STATE_STARTING end function slot0.getFinishTime(slot0) return slot0.time end function slot0.isFinished(slot0) if slot0.time == 0 then return false end if not slot0:hasCondition() then return slot0.time <= pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() else slot3 = getProxy(TaskProxy):getTaskById(slot0:getTaskId()) return slot0.time <= slot1 and slot3:getConfig("target_num") <= slot3.progress end end function slot0.getState(slot0) return slot0.state end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.technology_data_template end function slot0.hasCondition(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("condition") ~= 0 end function slot0.getTaskId(slot0) if slot0:hasCondition() then return slot0:getConfig("condition") end end function slot0.canFinish(slot0) if slot0:isStarting() and slot0.time <= pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() then if slot0:hasCondition() then if getProxy(TaskProxy):getTaskById(slot0:getTaskId()) and slot3:isFinish() then return true end else return true end end return false end function slot0.finish(slot0) slot0.state = uv0.STATE_FINISHED end function slot0.hasResToStart(slot0) slot3 = getProxy(BagProxy) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig("consume")) do if slot8[1] == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE and getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():getResById(slot8[2]) < slot8[3] then return false, i18n("common_no_resource") elseif slot8[1] == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and slot3:getItemCountById(slot8[2]) < slot8[3] then return false, i18n("common_no_item_1") end end return true end function slot0.reset(slot0) slot0.time = 0 slot0.state = uv0.STATE_IDLE end return slot0