slot0 = class("Task", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.TYPE_SCENARIO = 1 slot0.TYPE_BRANCH = 2 slot0.TYPE_ROUTINE = 3 slot0.TYPE_WEEKLY = 4 slot0.TYPE_HIDDEN = 5 slot0.TYPE_ACTIVITY = 6 slot0.TYPE_ACTIVITY_ROUTINE = 36 slot0.TYPE_ACTIVITY_BRANCH = 26 slot0.TYPE_GUILD_WEEKLY = 12 slot1 = { "scenario", "branch", "routine", "weekly" } slot0.TASK_PROGRESS_UPDATE = 0 slot0.TASK_PROGRESS_APPEND = 1 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.configId = slot0.progress = slot1.progress or 0 slot0.acceptTime = slot1.accept_time slot0.submitTime = slot1.submit_time or 0 end function slot0.isClientTrigger(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("sub_type") > 2000 and slot0:getConfig("sub_type") < 3000 end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.task_data_template end function slot0.isGuildTask(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == uv0.TYPE_GUILD_WEEKLY end function slot0.IsRoutineType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == uv0.TYPE_ROUTINE end function slot0.IsWeeklyType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == uv0.TYPE_WEEKLY end function slot0.IsGuildAddLivnessType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == uv0.TYPE_ROUTINE or slot1 == uv0.TYPE_WEEKLY or slot1 == uv0.TYPE_GUILD_WEEKLY end function slot0.isFinish(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("target_num") <= slot0:getProgress() end function slot0.getProgress(slot0) slot1 = slot0.progress if slot0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_GIVE_ITEM then slot1 = getProxy(BagProxy):getItemCountById(tonumber(slot0:getConfig("target_id_for_client"))) elseif slot0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_PT then slot1 = getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityById(tonumber(slot0:getConfig("target_id_2"))) and slot2.data1 or 0 elseif slot0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_PLAYER_RES then slot1 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():getResById(slot0:getConfig("target_id_for_client")) elseif slot0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_GIVE_VIRTUAL_ITEM then slot1 = getProxy(ActivityProxy):getVirtualItemNumber(slot0:getConfig("target_id_for_client")) elseif slot0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_BOSS_PT then slot1 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():getResById(tonumber(slot0:getConfig("target_id"))) elseif slot0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_STROY then _.each(slot0:getConfig("target_id"), function (slot0) if pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():GetPlayedFlag(slot0) then uv0 = uv0 + 1 end end) slot1 = 0 elseif slot0:getConfig("sub_type") == TASK_SUB_TYPE_TECHNOLOGY_POINT then slot1 = math.min(getProxy(TechnologyNationProxy):getNationPoint(tonumber(slot0:getConfig("target_id"))), slot0:getConfig("target_num")) end return slot1 or 0 end function slot0.isReceive(slot0) return slot0.submitTime > 0 end function slot0.getTaskStatus(slot0) if slot0:isReceive() then return 2 end if slot0:isFinish() then return 1 end return 0 end function slot0.onAdded(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("story_id") and slot3 ~= "" and function () if not table.contains({ "LevelScene", "BattleScene", "EventListScene", "MilitaryExerciseScene", "DailyLevelScene" }, getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext().viewComponent.__cname) then return true end return false end() then pg.NewStoryMgr.GetInstance():Play(slot3, function () if uv0:getConfig("sub_type") == 29 then if _.any(getProxy(SkirmishProxy):getRawData(), function (slot0) return slot0:getConfig("task_id") == end) then return end pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.TASK_GO, { taskVO = uv0 }) elseif uv0:getConfig("added_tip") > 0 then slot0 = nil if getProxy(ContextProxy):getCurrentContext().mediator.__cname ~= TaskMediator.__cname then function slot0() pg.m02:sendNotification(GAME.GO_SCENE, SCENE.TASK, { page = uv0[uv1:GetRealType()] }) end end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ yesText = "text_forward", noText = "text_iknow", content = i18n("tip_add_task", HXSet.hxLan(uv0:getConfig("name"))), onYes = slot0, weight = LayerWeightConst.TOP_LAYER }) end end, true, true) else slot1() end end function slot0.updateProgress(slot0, slot1) slot0.progress = slot1 end function slot0.isSelectable(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("award_choice") ~= nil and type(slot1) == "table" and #slot1 > 0 end function slot0.judgeOverflow(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0:getTaskStatus() == 1 and slot0:getConfig("visibility") == 1 then slot6 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData() slot9 = slot2 or slot6.oil slot10 = slot3 or not LOCK_UR_SHIP and getProxy(BagProxy):GetLimitCntById(pg.gameset.urpt_chapter_max.description[1]) or 0 slot12 = pg.gameset.max_oil.key_value slot13 = not LOCK_UR_SHIP and pg.gameset.urpt_chapter_max.description[2] or 0 slot14 = false slot15 = false slot16 = false slot17 = false slot18 = {} for slot23, slot24 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig("award_display")) do if slot24[1] == DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE then if slot24[2] == PlayerConst.ResGold then if (slot1 or + slot24[3] - pg.gameset.max_gold.key_value > 0 then slot14 = true table.insert(slot18, { type = DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, id = PlayerConst.ResGold, count = setColorStr(slot28, COLOR_RED) }) end elseif slot26 == PlayerConst.ResOil and slot9 + slot27 - slot12 > 0 then slot15 = true table.insert(slot18, { type = DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, id = PlayerConst.ResOil, count = setColorStr(slot28, COLOR_RED) }) end elseif not LOCK_UR_SHIP and slot25 == DROP_TYPE_VITEM and pg.item_data_statistics[slot26].virtual_type == 20 and slot10 + slot27 - slot13 > 0 then slot16 = true table.insert(slot18, { type = DROP_TYPE_VITEM, id = slot7, count = setColorStr(slot29, COLOR_RED) }) end end return slot14 or slot15 or slot16, slot18 end end function slot0.IsUrTask(slot0) if not LOCK_UR_SHIP then slot2 = pg.gameset.urpt_chapter_max.description[1] return _.any(slot0:getConfig("award_display"), function (slot0) return slot0[1] == DROP_TYPE_ITEM and slot0[2] == uv0 end) else return false end end function slot0.GetRealType(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("priority_type") == 0 then slot1 = slot0:getConfig("type") end return slot1 end return slot0