slot0 = class("CommonCommodity", import(".BaseCommodity")) function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.shop_template end function slot0.canPurchase(slot0) if slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_MILITARY then return slot0.buyCount == 0 elseif slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_GIFT_PACKAGE or slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_SKIN or slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_WORLD then return slot0:getLimitCount() <= 0 or slot0.buyCount < slot1 else return uv0.super.canPurchase(slot0) end end function slot0.isDisCount(slot0) slot2 = true if table.getCount(slot0:getConfig("discount_time")) ~= 0 then slot2 = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot1) end if slot0:IsItemDiscountType() then return slot2 else return slot0:getConfig("discount") ~= 0 and slot2 end end function slot0.GetPrice(slot0) slot1 = 0 slot2 = slot0:getConfig("resource_num") if slot0:isDisCount() and slot0:IsItemDiscountType() then slot4 = pg.shop_discount_coupon_template[].discounted_price slot1 = (slot2 - slot4) / slot2 * 100 slot2 = slot4 elseif slot3 then slot2 = (100 - slot0:getConfig("discount")) / 100 * slot2 end return slot2, slot1 end function slot0.IsItemDiscountType(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("genre") == ShopArgs.SkinShop and pg.shop_discount_coupon_template[] ~= nil and function () return getProxy(ActivityProxy):ExistSkinCouponActivityAndShopId( end() end function slot0.getLimitCount(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig("limit_args") or {}) do if slot6[1] == "time" then return slot6[2] end end return 0 end function slot0.GetDiscountItem(slot0) return pg.item_data_statistics[pg.shop_discount_coupon_template[].item] end function slot0.isLevelLimit(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3, slot4 = slot0:getLevelLimit() if slot2 and slot4 then return false end return slot3 > 0 and slot1 < slot3 end function slot0.getLevelLimit(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig("limit_args")) do if type(slot6) == "table" and slot6[1] == "level" then return slot6[2], slot6[3] end end return 0 end function slot0.isTimeLimit(slot0) return slot0:getLimitCount() <= 0 or slot1 < slot0.buyCount end function slot0.getSkinId(slot0) if slot0.type == Goods.TYPE_SKIN then return slot0:getConfig("effect_args")[1] end end function slot0.getDropInfo(slot0) slot1 = nil return (slot0:getConfig("effect_args") ~= "ship_bag_size" or { count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = Goods.SHIP_BAG_SIZE_ITEM }) and (slot2 ~= "equip_bag_size" or { count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = Goods.EQUIP_BAG_SIZE_ITEM }) and (slot2 ~= "commander_bag_size" or { count = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = Goods.COMMANDER_BAG_SIZE_ITEM }) and { type = slot0:getConfig("type"), id = slot2[1], count = slot0:getConfig("num") } end return slot0