slot0 = class("ShipBluePrint", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.STATE_LOCK = 1 slot0.STATE_DEV = 2 slot0.STATE_DEV_FINISHED = 3 slot0.STATE_UNLOCK = 4 slot0.TASK_STATE_LOCK = 1 slot0.TASK_STATE_OPENING = 2 slot0.TASK_STATE_WAIT = 3 slot0.TASK_STATE_START = 4 slot0.TASK_STATE_ACHIEVED = 5 slot0.TASK_STATE_FINISHED = 6 slot0.TASK_STATE_PAUSE = 7 slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_ATTR = "attr" slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_DIALOGUE = "dialog" slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_SKILL = "skill" slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_CHANGE_SKILL = "change_skill" slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_BASE_LIST = "base" slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_SKIN = "skin" slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_BREAKOUT = "breakout" slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_PRLOAD_COUNT = "preload" slot0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_EQUIPMENTPROFICIENCY = "equipmentproficiency" slot1 = pg.ship_data_blueprint slot2 = pg.ship_strengthen_blueprint slot3 = false function slot0.print(...) if uv0 then print(...) end end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) slot0.configId = = slot0.configId slot0.version = slot1.version slot0.state = uv0.STATE_LOCK slot0.startTime = 0 slot0.shipId = 0 slot0.duration = 0 slot0.strengthenConfig = {} slot5 = "strengthen_effect" for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot5)) do if Clone(uv1[slot6]).special == 1 then slot0:warpspecialEffect(slot7) end slot0.strengthenConfig[slot5] = slot7 end slot0.fateStrengthenConfig = {} slot5 = "fate_strengthen" for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0:getConfig(slot5)) do if Clone(uv1[slot6]).special == 1 then slot0:warpspecialEffect(slot7) end slot0.fateStrengthenConfig[slot5] = slot7 end end function slot0.warpspecialEffect(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3 = string.split(slot1.effect_desc, "|") slot4 = 0 if type(slot1.effect_attr) == "table" then for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot1.effect_attr) do table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_ATTR, slot9, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) end slot1.effect_attr = nil end if slot1.effect_breakout ~= 0 then table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_BREAKOUT, slot1.effect_breakout, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) slot1.effect_breakout = nil end if type(slot1.effect_skill) == "table" then table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_SKILL, slot1.effect_skill, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) slot1.effect_skill = nil end if type(slot1.change_skill) == "table" then table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_CHANGE_SKILL, slot1.change_skill, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) slot1.change_skill = nil end if type(slot1.effect_base) == "table" then table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_BASE_LIST, slot1.effect_base, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) slot1.effect_base = nil end if type(slot1.effect_preload) == "table" then table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_PRLOAD_COUNT, slot1.effect_preload, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) slot1.effect_preload = nil end if type(slot1.effect_dialog) == "table" then table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_DIALOGUE, slot1.effect_dialog, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) slot1.effect_dialog = nil end if slot1.effect_skin ~= 0 then table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_SKIN, slot1.effect_skin, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) slot1.effect_skin = nil end if type(slot1.effect_equipment_proficiency) == "table" then table.insert(slot2, { uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_EQUIPMENTPROFICIENCY, slot1.effect_equipment_proficiency, slot3[slot4 + 1] or "" }) end slot1.special_effect = slot2 end function slot0.updateInfo(slot0, slot1) slot0.startTime = slot1.start_time or 0 slot0.shipId = slot1.ship_id or 0 slot0.level = slot1.blue_print_level and math.min(slot1.blue_print_level, slot0:getMaxLevel()) or 0 slot0.fateLevel = slot0.level == slot0:getMaxLevel() and slot1.blue_print_level - slot0:getMaxLevel() or -1 slot0.exp = slot1.exp or 0 slot0.duration = slot1.start_duration or 0 slot0:updateState() end function slot0.updateStartUpTime(slot0, slot1) slot0.duration = slot1 end function slot0.updateState(slot0) if slot0:isFetched() then slot0.state = uv0.STATE_UNLOCK elseif slot0.startTime == 0 then slot0.state = uv0.STATE_LOCK elseif slot0:isFinishedAllTasks() then slot0.state = uv0.STATE_DEV_FINISHED else slot0.state = uv0.STATE_DEV end end function slot0.addExp(slot0, slot1) slot0.exp = slot0.exp + slot1 if slot0.level < slot0:getMaxLevel() then while slot0:canLevelUp() do slot0.exp = slot0.exp - slot0:getNextLevelExp() slot0.level = math.min(slot0.level + 1, slot2) end if slot0.level == slot2 then slot0.fateLevel = 0 end elseif slot0:canFateSimulation() then slot2 = slot0:getMaxFateLevel() while slot0:canFateLevelUp() do slot0.exp = slot0.exp - slot0:getNextFateLevelExp() slot0.fateLevel = math.min(slot0.fateLevel + 1, slot2) end end end function slot0.getNextLevelExp(slot0) if slot0.level == slot0:getMaxLevel() then return -1 else return slot0.strengthenConfig[slot0.level + 1].need_exp end end function slot0.getNextFateLevelExp(slot0) if slot0.fateLevel == slot0:getMaxFateLevel() then return -1 else return slot0.fateStrengthenConfig[slot0.fateLevel + 1].need_exp end end function slot0.canLevelUp(slot0) if slot0.level == slot0:getMaxLevel() then return false end if slot0:getNextLevelExp() <= slot0.exp then return true end return false end function slot0.canFateSimulation(slot0) return #slot0.fateStrengthenConfig > 0 and slot0.fateLevel >= 0 end function slot0.canFateLevelUp(slot0) if slot0.fateLevel == slot0:getMaxFateLevel() then return false end if slot0:getNextFateLevelExp() <= slot0.exp then return true end return false end function slot0.getMaxLevel(slot0) return slot0.strengthenConfig[#slot0.strengthenConfig].lv end function slot0.getMaxFateLevel(slot0) return slot0.fateStrengthenConfig[#slot0.fateStrengthenConfig].lv - 30 end function slot0.isMaxLevel(slot0) return slot0.level == slot0:getMaxLevel() end function slot0.isMaxFateLevel(slot0) return slot0.fateLevel == slot0:getMaxFateLevel() end function slot0.isMaxIntensifyLevel(slot0) if #slot0:getConfig("fate_strengthen") > 0 then return slot0:isMaxFateLevel() else return slot0:isMaxLevel() end end function slot0.getBluePrintAddition(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getConfig("attr_exp")[table.indexof(ShipModAttr.BLUEPRINT_ATTRS, slot1)] then for slot8 = 1, slot0.level do slot4 = 0 + slot0.strengthenConfig[slot8].effect[slot2] end slot5 = 0 if not slot0:isMaxLevel() then slot5 = slot0.exp / slot0:getNextLevelExp() * slot0.strengthenConfig[slot0.level + 1].effect[slot2] end return (slot4 + slot5) / slot3, (slot4 + slot5) % slot3 else return 0, 0 end end function slot0.getShipVO(slot0) return Ship.New({ configId = tonumber( .. "1") }) end function slot0.isFetched(slot0) return slot0.shipId ~= 0 end function slot0.getState(slot0) return slot0.state end function slot0.start(slot0, slot1) slot0.state = uv0.STATE_DEV slot0.startTime = slot1 slot0.duration = 0 end function slot0.reset(slot0) slot0.state = uv0.STATE_LOCK slot0.startTime = 0 end function slot0.isLock(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0.STATE_LOCK end function slot0.isDeving(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0.STATE_DEV end function slot0.isFinished(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0.STATE_DEV_FINISHED end function slot0.finish(slot0) slot0.state = uv0.STATE_DEV_FINISHED end function slot0.unlock(slot0, slot1) slot0.shipId = slot1 slot0.state = uv0.STATE_UNLOCK slot0.duration = 0 end function slot0.isUnlock(slot0) return slot0.state == uv0.STATE_UNLOCK end function slot0.getItemId(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("strengthen_item") end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.ship_data_blueprint end function slot0.getTaskIds(slot0) return"unlock_task"), function (slot0) return slot0[1] end) end function slot0.getTaskOpenTimeStamp(slot0, slot1) return slot0:getConfig("unlock_task")[table.indexof(slot0:getTaskIds(), slot1)][2] + slot0.startTime + 1 end function slot0.isFinishedAllTasks(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(TaskProxy) return _.all(slot0:getTaskIds(), function (slot0) return uv0:getTaskStateById(slot0) == uv1.TASK_STATE_FINISHED end) end function slot0.getTaskStateById(slot0, slot1) if slot0:isLock() then if slot0.duration > 0 then return uv0.TASK_STATE_PAUSE else return uv0.TASK_STATE_LOCK end elseif pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() < slot0:getTaskOpenTimeStamp(slot1) then return uv0.TASK_STATE_WAIT elseif getProxy(TaskProxy):getTaskVO(slot1) and slot5:isReceive() then return uv0.TASK_STATE_FINISHED elseif slot5 and slot5:isFinish() then return uv0.TASK_STATE_ACHIEVED elseif slot5 then return uv0.TASK_STATE_START else return uv0.TASK_STATE_OPENING end end function slot0.getExpRetio(slot0, slot1) return slot0:getConfig("attr_exp")[slot1] end function slot0.specialStrengthens(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.strengthenConfig) do if slot6.special == 1 then table.insert(slot1, { des = slot6.special_effect, extraDes = slot6.extra_desc, level = }) end end return slot1 end function slot0.getSpecials(slot0) return slot0.strengthenConfig[slot0.level].special_effect end function slot0.getTopLimitAttrValue(slot0, slot1) if slot0.level == 0 then return 0 else return math.floor(slot0.strengthenConfig[slot0.level].effect[slot1] / slot0:getConfig("attr_exp")[slot1]) end end function slot0.getItemExp(slot0) return pg.item_data_template[slot0:getConfig("strengthen_item")].usage_arg[1] end function slot0.getShipProperties(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot2 = defaultValue(slot2, true) for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot1:getBaseProperties()) do slot3[slot8] = slot3[slot8] + (slot0:getTotalAdditions()[slot8] or 0) end if slot1:getIntimacyLevel() > 0 and slot2 then for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot3) do if slot9 == AttributeType.Durability or slot9 == AttributeType.Cannon or slot9 == AttributeType.Torpedo or slot9 == AttributeType.AntiAircraft or slot9 == AttributeType.Air or slot9 == AttributeType.Reload or slot9 == AttributeType.Hit or slot9 == AttributeType.Dodge then slot3[slot9] = slot3[slot9] * (pg.intimacy_template[slot1:getIntimacyLevel()].attr_bonus * 0.0001 + 1) end end end return slot3 end function slot0.getTotalAdditions(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(Ship.PROPERTIES) do slot8, slot9 = slot0:getBluePrintAddition(slot7) end return { [slot7] = slot8 + (slot0:attrSpecialAddition()[slot7] or 0) } end function slot0.attrSpecialAddition(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5 = 1, slot0.level do if slot0.strengthenConfig[slot5].special == 1 and type(slot6.special_effect) == "table" then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6.special_effect) do if slot11[1] == uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_ATTR then slot12 = slot11[2] slot1[slot12[1]] = (slot1[slot12[1]] or 0) + slot12[2] end end end end for slot5 = 1, slot0.fateLevel do if slot0.fateStrengthenConfig[slot5].special == 1 and type(slot6.special_effect) == "table" then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6.special_effect) do if slot11[1] == uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_ATTR then slot12 = slot11[2] slot1[slot12[1]] = (slot1[slot12[1]] or 0) + slot12[2] end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.getUseageMaxItem(slot0) for slot5 = slot0.level + 1, slot0:getMaxLevel() do slot1 = 0 + slot0.strengthenConfig[slot5].need_exp end return math.ceil((slot1 - slot0.exp) / slot0:getItemExp()) end function slot0.getFateUseageMaxItem(slot0) for slot5 = slot0.fateLevel + 1, slot0:getMaxFateLevel() do slot1 = 0 + slot0.fateStrengthenConfig[slot5].need_exp end return math.ceil((slot1 - slot0.exp) / slot0:getItemExp()) end function slot0.getOpenTaskList(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("unlock_task_open_condition") end function slot0.getStrengthenConfig(slot0, slot1) return slot0.strengthenConfig[slot1] end function slot0.getFateStrengthenConfig(slot0, slot1) return slot0.fateStrengthenConfig[slot1] end function slot0.getUnlockVoices(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5 = 1, slot0.level do if slot0:getStrengthenConfig(slot5).special == 1 and type(slot6.special_effect) == "table" then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7) do if slot12[1] == uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_DIALOGUE then for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(slot12[2]) do table.insert(slot1, slot17) end end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.getUnlockLevel(slot0, slot1) for slot6 = 1, slot0:getMaxLevel() do if type(slot0:getStrengthenConfig(slot6).special_effect) == "table" then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot8) do if slot13[1] == uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_DIALOGUE then for slot17, slot18 in ipairs(slot13[2]) do if slot1 == slot18 then return slot6 end end end end end end return 0 end function slot0.getBaseList(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = slot0.level, 1, -1 do if slot0:getStrengthenConfig(slot5).special == 1 then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot6.special_effect) do if slot12[1] == uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_BASE_LIST then return slot12[2] end end end end return slot1:getConfig("base_list") end function slot0.getPreLoadCount(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = slot0.level, 1, -1 do if slot0:getStrengthenConfig(slot5).special == 1 then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot6.special_effect) do if slot12[1] == uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_PRLOAD_COUNT then return slot12[2] end end end end return slot1:getConfig("preload_count") end function slot0.getEquipProficiencyList(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} for slot6 = 1, slot0.level do if slot0:getStrengthenConfig(slot6).special == 1 then for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7.special_effect) do if slot13[1] == uv0.STRENGTHEN_TYPE_EQUIPMENTPROFICIENCY then slot2[slot14] = (slot2[slot13[2][1]] or 0) + slot13[2][2] end end end end slot3 = Clone(slot1:getConfig("equipment_proficiency")) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot2) do slot3[slot7] = slot3[slot7] + slot8 end return slot3 end function slot0.isFinishPrevTask(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nil for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:getOpenTaskList()) do if not getProxy(TaskProxy):getTaskVO(slot8) or (slot1 or not slot3:isFinish()) and not slot3:isReceive() then return false end end return true end function slot0.isShipModMaxLevel(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getStrengthenConfig(math.max(slot0.level, 1)).need_lv < slot0:getStrengthenConfig(math.min(slot0.level + 1, slot0:getMaxLevel())).need_lv and slot1.level < slot3.need_lv then return true, slot3.need_lv end return false end function slot0.isShipModMaxFateLevel(slot0, slot1) if slot0:getFateStrengthenConfig(math.max(slot0.fateLevel, 1)).need_lv < slot0:getFateStrengthenConfig(math.min(slot0.fateLevel + 1, slot0:getMaxFateLevel())).need_lv and slot1.level < slot3.need_lv then return true, slot3.need_lv end return false end function slot0.getChangeSkillList(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("change_skill") end function slot0.getFateMaxLeftOver(slot0) slot1 = ShipRarity.SSR <= slot0:getShipVO():getRarity() and pg.gameset.fate_sim_ur.key_value or pg.gameset.fate_sim_ssr.key_value return slot1 - slot0:getFateUseNum() < 0 and slot1 or slot2 end function slot0.getFateUseNum(slot0) slot1 = 0 if slot0:isMaxLevel() then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.fateStrengthenConfig) do if - 30 <= slot0.fateLevel then slot2 = 0 + slot7.need_exp end end slot1 = math.floor((slot2 + slot0.exp) / slot0:getItemExp()) end return slot1 end return slot0