slot0 = class("BackYardBaseThemeTemplate", import("..BaseVO")) function slot0.BuildId(slot0) return getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData().id .. slot0 end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.configId = = or "" slot0.userId = slot1.user_id slot0.pos = slot1.pos slot0.player = slot1.player slot0.time = slot1.upload_time or 0 slot0.collectionCnt = slot1.fav_count or 0 slot0.likeCnt = slot1.like_count or 0 slot0.isLike = slot1.is_like or 0 slot0.isCollection = slot1.is_collection or 0 slot0.desc = slot1.desc or "" slot0.rawPutList = slot1.furniture_put_list or {} slot0.imageMd5 = slot1.image_md5 slot0.iconImageMd5 = slot1.icon_image_md5 slot0.sortIndex = 0 end function slot0.WarpPutInfo2BackYardFurnitrue(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2 or {}) do for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7.child) do -- Nothing end table.insert(slot0, BackyardFurnitureVO.New({ id = tonumber(, position = { x = slot7.x, y = slot7.y }, dir = slot7.dir, child = { [tonumber(] = { x = slot13.x, y = slot13.y } }, parent = tonumber(slot7.parent), floor = slot1 })) end end function slot0.SetSortIndex(slot0, slot1) slot0.sortIndex = slot1 end function slot0.GetType(slot0) end function slot0.IsSelfUsage(slot0) return slot0:GetType() == BackYardConst.THEME_TEMPLATE_USAGE_TYPE_SELF end function slot0.GetUserId(slot0) return slot0.userId end function slot0.SetPlayerInfo(slot0, slot1) slot0.player = slot1 end function slot0.ExistPlayerInfo(slot0) return slot0.player ~= nil end function slot0.GetUploadTime(slot0) if slot0.time > 0 then return pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():STimeDescC(slot0.time, "%Y/%m/%d") else return "" end end function slot0.IsPushed(slot0) return slot0.time > 0 end function slot0.GetLikeCnt(slot0) if slot0.likeCnt > 99999 then return "99999+" else return slot0.likeCnt end end function slot0.GetCollectionCnt(slot0) if slot0.collectionCnt > 99999 then return "99999+" else return slot0.collectionCnt end end function slot0.IsLiked(slot0) return slot0.isLike == 1 end function slot0.IsCollected(slot0) return slot0.isCollection == 1 end function slot0.CancelCollection(slot0) if slot0:IsCollected() then slot0.isCollection = 0 slot0.collectionCnt = slot0.collectionCnt - 1 end end function slot0.AddCollection(slot0) if not slot0:IsCollected() then slot0.isCollection = 1 slot0.collectionCnt = slot0.collectionCnt + 1 end end function slot0.AddLike(slot0) if not slot0:IsLiked() then slot0.isLike = 1 slot0.likeCnt = slot0.likeCnt + 1 end end function slot0.ExistLocalImage(slot0) return BackYardThemeTempalteUtil.FileExists( and function () slot0 = BackYardBaseThemeTemplate.BuildId(uv0.pos) return BackYardThemeTempalteUtil.GetMd5(slot0) == uv0.imageMd5 and BackYardThemeTempalteUtil.GetIconMd5(slot0) == uv0.iconImageMd5 end() end function slot0.GetRawPutList(slot0) return slot0.rawPutList end function slot0.GetName(slot0) return end function slot0.GetDesc(slot0) return slot0.desc end function slot0.GetTextureName(slot0) return end function slot0.GetTextureIconName(slot0) return .. "_icon" end function slot0.GetPos(slot0) return slot0.pos end function slot0.ShouldFetch(slot0) return false end function slot0.ShouldFetch(slot0) return false end function slot0.IsPurchased(slot0) return true end function slot0.GetImageMd5(slot0) return slot0.imageMd5 end function slot0.GetIconMd5(slot0) return slot0.iconImageMd5 end function slot0.UpdateIconMd5(slot0, slot1) slot0.iconImageMd5 = slot1 end function slot0.GetAllFurniture(slot0) end function slot0.GetWarpFurnitures(slot0) end function slot0.GetFurnitureCnt(slot0) end function slot0.ContainsFurniture(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:GetWarpFurnitures()) do if == then return true end end return false end function slot0.IsOccupyed(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0:GetAllFurniture()) do if slot1[] and slot9.floor ~= 0 and slot9.floor ~= slot2 then return true end end return false end function slot0.GetUsableFurnituresForFloor(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} slot4 = { [] = slot9 } for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot1) do if slot9.floor ~= slot2 then -- Nothing end end slot7 = {} for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot0:GetAllFurniture()) do if slot4[] then table.insert({}, for slot17, slot18 in pairs(slot12.child) do table.insert(slot6, slot17) end if tonumber(slot12.parent) ~= 0 then table.insert(slot6, tonumber(slot12.parent)) for slot18, slot19 in pairs(slot5[tonumber(slot12.parent)].child) do table.insert(slot6, slot18) end end else table.insert(slot7, end end for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7) do if not table.contains(slot6, slot12) then table.insert(slot3, slot5[slot12]) end end return slot3 end function slot0.MatchSearchKey(slot0, slot1) return not string.lower(slot1 or "") or slot1 == "" or function (slot0) return string.find(string.lower(uv0:GetName()), slot0) end(slot1) or function (slot0) return string.find(string.lower(uv0:GetDesc()), slot0) end(slot1) end return slot0