slot0 = class("GuildAssaultFleet", import("..BaseVO")) function slot0.GetRealId(slot0) return tonumber(string.split(tostring(slot0), "_")[1]) end function slot0.GetUserId(slot0) return tonumber(string.split(tostring(slot0), "_")[2]) end function slot0.GetVirtualId(slot0, slot1) return slot1 .. "_" .. slot0 end function slot0.IsSameUserId(slot0, slot1) return uv0.GetUserId(slot0) == uv0.GetUserId(slot1) end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.ships or {}) do -- Nothing end slot0:InitShips(slot1.user_id, { [slot6] = Ship.New(slot7) }) end function slot0.InitShips(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.ships = {} slot0.userId = slot1 for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot2) do = uv0.GetVirtualId(slot0.userId, slot0.ships[slot6] = slot7 end end function slot0.ClearAllRecommandShip(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do slot0:MarkShipBeRecommanded(slot5, false) end end function slot0.SetRecommendList(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do slot7 = uv0.GetRealId( if _.any(slot1, function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) then slot0:MarkShipBeRecommanded(slot6, true) end end end function slot0.MarkShipBeRecommanded(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot1.guildRecommand = slot2 end function slot0.SetShipBeRecommanded(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do if slot1 == uv0.GetRealId( then slot0:MarkShipBeRecommanded(slot7, slot2) break end end end function slot0.GetStrongestShip(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0.ships) do if slot7:getTeamType() == slot1 then table.insert(slot2, slot7) end end table.sort(slot2, function (slot0, slot1) return slot1.level < slot0.level end) return slot2[1] end function slot0.GetShipList(slot0) return slot0.ships end function slot0.IsEmpty(slot0) return table.getCount(slot0.ships) == 0 end function slot0.ExistShip(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.ships) do if slot1 == then return true end end return false end function slot0.GetShipIds(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.ships) do table.insert(slot1, end return slot1 end function slot0.GetShipById(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.ships) do if == slot1 then return slot6 end end end function slot0.GetShipByRealId(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.ships) do if == uv0.GetVirtualId(slot1, slot2) then return slot8 end end end function slot0.GetShipByPos(slot0, slot1) return slot0.ships[slot1] end function slot0.InsertBayShip(slot0, slot1, slot2) = uv0.GetVirtualId(slot0.userId, slot0.ships[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.AnyShipChanged(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = 1, 2 do if slot0:PositionIsChanged(slot1, slot5) then return true end end return false end function slot0.PositionIsChanged(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot5 = slot0:GetShipByPos(slot2) if (slot1:GetShipByPos(slot2) and or 0) ~= (slot5 and or 0) or function (slot0, slot1) if slot0 and slot1 and == then for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.equipments) do if (slot6 and 1 or 0) ~= (slot1.equipments[slot5] and 1 or 0) or slot8 == slot9 and slot8 == 1 and ~= then return true end end end return false end(slot4, slot5) then return true end return false end return slot0