slot0 = class("GuildBossMissionFleet", import("...BaseVO")) function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot1.fleet_id slot0.userShips = {} slot0.commanders = {} slot0.invaildShips = {} if slot1.ships then slot0:Flush(slot1) end end function slot0.Flush(slot0, slot1) slot0.userShips = {} slot0.invaildShips = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.ships) do for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6.ship_ids) do if slot0:ExistMember(slot6.user_id) then table.insert(slot0.userShips, { uid = slot6.user_id, id = slot11 }) else table.insert(slot0.invaildShips, { uid = slot6.user_id, id = slot11 }) end end end for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot1.commanders) do if getProxy(CommanderProxy):getData()[] and slot8.pos then -- Nothing end end slot0:UpdateCommander({ [slot8.pos] = slot9 }) end function slot0.GetName(slot0) if slot0:IsMainFleet() then return i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName11") else return i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName1") end end function slot0.ExistMember(slot0, slot1) return getProxy(GuildProxy):getRawData() and slot2:getMemberById(slot1) end function slot0.ExistInvailShips(slot0) if #slot0.invaildShips > 0 then return true end if _.any(slot0.userShips, function (slot0) return not uv0:ExistMember(slot0.uid) end) then return true end return false end function slot0.ClearInvaildShip(slot0) slot0.invaildShips = {} for slot5 = #slot0.userShips, 1, -1 do if not slot0:ExistMember(slot0.userShips[slot5].uid) or not function (slot0) slot1 = getProxy(GuildProxy):getRawData() if getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id == slot0.uid then return true end return slot1:getMemberById(slot0.uid):GetAssaultFleet():ExistShip(GuildAssaultFleet.GetVirtualId(slot0.uid, end(slot6) then table.remove(slot0.userShips, slot5) end end end function slot0.GetMyShipIds(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.userShips) do if slot7.uid == getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id then table.insert(slot1, end end return slot1 end function slot0.GetShipIds(slot0) return slot0.userShips end function slot0.GetShips(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData() slot2 = getProxy(GuildProxy):getData() slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0.userShips) do if == slot9.uid then if getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById( then = GuildAssaultFleet.GetVirtualId(, table.insert(slot4, { member = slot1, ship = GuildBossMissionShip.New(slot10) }) end else slot11 = slot2:getMemberById(slot9.uid) and slot10:GetAssaultFleet() if slot11 and slot11:GetShipByRealId(slot9.uid, then table.insert(slot4, { member = slot10, ship = GuildBossMissionShip.New(slot12) }) end end end return slot4 end function slot0.RemoveAll(slot0) slot0.userShips = {} end function slot0.IsMainFleet(slot0) return == 1 end function slot0.ExistUserShip(slot0, slot1) return _.any(slot0.userShips, function (slot0) return slot0.uid == uv0 end) end function slot0.RemoveUserShip(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.userShips) do if slot7.uid == slot1 and == slot2 then table.remove(slot0.userShips, slot6) break end end end function slot0.AddUserShip(slot0, slot1, slot2) table.insert(slot0.userShips, { uid = slot1, id = slot2 }) end function slot0.GetOtherMemberShipCnt(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.userShips) do if slot7.uid ~= slot1 then slot2 = 0 + 1 end end return slot2 end function slot0.ExistSameKindShip(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:GetShips()) do if slot7.ship:isSameKind(slot1) then return true end end return false end function slot0.IsLegal(slot0) slot3 = 0 slot4 = 0 slot6 = 0 slot7 = 0 for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot0:GetShips()) do if slot13 and slot13.ship:getTeamType() == TeamType.Main then slot2 = 0 + 1 if == getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id then slot5 = 0 + 1 end elseif slot13 and slot13.ship:getTeamType() == TeamType.Vanguard then slot3 = slot3 + 1 if == slot8 then slot6 = slot6 + 1 end elseif slot13 and slot13.ship:getTeamType() == TeamType.Submarine then slot4 = slot4 + 1 if == slot8 then slot7 = slot7 + 1 end end if pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():GetShipFlag(GuildAssaultFleet.GetRealId(, "inEvent") then return false, i18n("guild_boss_formation_exist_event_ship", slot13.ship:getConfig("name")) end end if slot2 > 3 or slot3 > 3 or slot4 > 3 then return false, i18n("guild_boss_fleet_cnt_invaild") end slot10 = nil if slot0:IsMainFleet() then return slot2 > 0 and slot3 > 0 and slot9, (slot2 <= 0 or slot3 <= 0 or slot6 > 0 and slot5 > 0 or i18n("guild_boss_formation_not_exist_self_ship")) and i18n("guild_fleet_is_legal") else return true end end function slot0.UpdateCommander(slot0, slot1) slot0.commanders = slot1 slot0.skills = {} slot0:updateCommanderSkills() end function slot0.getCommanders(slot0) return slot0.commanders end function slot0.AddCommander(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.commanders[slot1] = slot2 slot0.skills = {} slot0:updateCommanderSkills() end function slot0.RemoveCommander(slot0, slot1) slot0.commanders[slot1] = nil slot0.skills = {} slot0:updateCommanderSkills() end function slot0.updateCommanderSkills(slot0) slot1 = #slot0.skills while slot1 > 0 do if not slot0:findCommanderBySkillId(slot0.skills[slot1].id) and slot2:GetSystem() == FleetSkill.SystemCommanderNeko then table.remove(slot0.skills, slot1) end slot1 = slot1 - 1 end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7:getSkills()) do for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(slot12:getTacticSkill()) do table.insert(slot0.skills, FleetSkill.New(FleetSkill.SystemCommanderNeko, slot17)) end end end end function slot0.findSkills(slot0, slot1) return _.filter(slot0:getSkills(), function (slot0) return slot0:GetType() == uv0 end) end function slot0.findCommanderBySkillId(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do if _.any(slot7:getSkills(), function (slot0) return _.any(slot0:getTacticSkill(), function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) end) then return slot7 end end end function slot0.getSkills(slot0) return slot0.skills or {} end function slot0.getFleetType(slot0) if id == uv0.MAIN_FLEET_ID then return FleetType.Normal elseif id == uv0.SUB_FLEET_ID then return FleetType.Submarine end end function slot0.BuildBattleBuffList(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2, slot3 = FleetSkill.GuildBossTriggerSkill(slot0, FleetSkill.TypeBattleBuff) if slot2 and #slot2 > 0 then slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2) do slot4[slot11] = slot4[slot0:findCommanderBySkillId(slot3[slot8].id)] or {} table.insert(slot4[slot11], slot9) end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot4) do table.insert(slot1, { slot8, slot9 }) end end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot9:getTalents()) do if #slot15:getBuffsAddition() > 0 then slot17 = nil for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot22[1] == slot9 then slot17 = slot22[2] break end end if not slot17 then table.insert(slot1, { slot9, {} }) end for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot16) do table.insert(slot17, slot22) end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.ExistCommander(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do if == slot1 then return true end end return false end return slot0