slot0 = class("Furniture", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.TYPE_WALLPAPER = 1 slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE = 2 slot0.TYPE_DECORATE = 3 slot0.TYPE_FLOORPAPER = 4 slot0.TYPE_MAT = 5 slot0.TYPE_WALL = 6 slot0.TYPE_COLLECTION = 7 slot0.TYPE_STAGE = 8 slot0.TYPE_ARCH = 9 slot0.TYPE_WALL_MAT = 10 slot0.TYPE_MOVEABLE = 11 slot0.TYPE_TRANSPORT = 12 slot0.TYPE_RANDOM_CONTROLLER = 13 slot0.TYPE_FOLLOWER = 14 slot0.INDEX_TO_COMFORTABLE_TYPE = { slot0.TYPE_WALLPAPER, slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE, slot0.TYPE_DECORATE, slot0.TYPE_FLOORPAPER, slot0.TYPE_MAT, slot0.TYPE_WALL, slot0.TYPE_COLLECTION, slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE, slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE, slot0.TYPE_WALL, slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE, slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE, slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE, slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE } slot0.INDEX_TO_SHOP_TYPE = { { slot0.TYPE_WALLPAPER }, { slot0.TYPE_FLOORPAPER }, { slot0.TYPE_FURNITURE, slot0.TYPE_MAT, slot0.TYPE_COLLECTION, slot0.TYPE_STAGE, slot0.TYPE_ARCH, slot0.TYPE_MOVEABLE, slot0.TYPE_TRANSPORT, slot0.TYPE_RANDOM_CONTROLLER, slot0.TYPE_FOLLOWER }, { slot0.TYPE_DECORATE }, { slot0.TYPE_WALL, slot0.TYPE_WALL_MAT } } function slot0.getCloneId(slot0, slot1) return slot0.configId * 10000000 + slot1 end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = tonumber( slot0.configId = slot1.configId or tonumber( slot0.position = slot1.position slot0.dir = slot1.dir or 1 slot0.child = slot1.child or {} slot0.parent = slot1.parent or 0 slot0.count = slot1.count or 0 = slot1.get_time or or 0 slot0.floor = slot1.floor or 0 end function slot0.getDate(slot0) if > 0 then return pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():STimeDescS(, "%Y/%m/%d") end end function slot0.GetOwnCnt(slot0) return slot0.count end function slot0.setCount(slot0, slot1) slot0.count = slot1 end function slot0.isCloneFurnitrue(slot0) return slot0:bindConfigTable()[] == nil end function slot0.isNotForSale(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("not_for_sale") == 1 end function slot0.isForActivity(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("not_for_sale") == 2 end function slot0.addFurnitrueCount(slot0, slot1) slot0.count = slot0.count + slot1 end function slot0.canPurchase(slot0) return slot0.count < slot0:getConfig("count") end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.furniture_data_template end function slot0.bindShopConfigTable(slot0) return pg.furniture_shop_template end function slot0.isFurniture(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") ~= 0 end function slot0.updatePosition(slot0, slot1) slot0.position = slot1 end function slot0.HasPosition(slot0) return slot0.position ~= nil end function slot0.clearPosition(slot0) slot0.position = nil slot0.dir = 1 slot0.child = {} slot0.parent = 0 slot0.shipId = 0 slot0.floor = 0 end function slot0.getConfig(slot0, slot1) if slot0:bindConfigTable()[slot0.configId][slot1] then return slot3[slot1] elseif slot0:bindShopConfigTable()[slot0.configId] then return slot5[slot1] end end function slot0.getTypeForComfortable(slot0) return uv0.INDEX_TO_COMFORTABLE_TYPE[slot0:getConfig("type")] and slot2 or uv0.TYPE_FURNITURE end function slot0.getDeblocking(slot0) return pg.backyard_theme_template[slot0:getConfig("themeId")].deblocking end function slot0.inTheme(slot0) if slot0:getConfig("themeId") == 0 then return false end return table.contains(pg.backyard_theme_template[slot1].ids, end function slot0.isLock(slot0, slot1) return slot0:inTheme() and slot1 < slot0:getDeblocking() end function slot0.isPaper(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("type") == 4 or slot1 == 1 end function slot0.inTime(slot0) return pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot0:getConfig("time")) end function slot0.isTimeLimit(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("time") and type(slot1) == "table" end function slot0.isRecordTime(slot0) return slot0:getConfig("is_get_time_note") == 1 end function slot0.isDisCount(slot0) return (slot0:getConfig("discount") or 0) > 0 and pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot0:getConfig("discount_time")) end function slot0.sortSizeFunc(slot0) return (slot0:getConfig("size")[1] or 0) * (slot1[2] or 0) end function slot0.getPrice(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == 4 and slot0:getConfig("gem_price") or slot1 == 6 and slot0:getConfig("dorm_icon_price") then slot5 = math.floor(slot4 * (100 - (slot0:isDisCount() and slot0:getConfig("discount") or 0)) / 100) return slot4 > 0 and slot5 == 0 and 1 or slot5 end end function slot0.canPurchaseByGem(slot0) return slot0:getPrice(4) and slot1 ~= 0 end function slot0.canPurchaseByDormMoeny(slot0) return slot0:getPrice(6) and slot1 ~= 0 end function slot0.getSortCurrency(slot0) if slot0:canPurchaseByGem() then slot1 = 0 + 2 elseif slot0:canPurchaseByDormMoeny() then slot1 = slot1 + 1 end return slot1 end function slot0.sortPriceFunc(slot0) slot2 = slot0:getConfig("dorm_icon_price") or 0 if (slot0:getConfig("gem_price") or 0) > 0 then return slot1 + 1000000 else return slot2 end end function slot0.isMatchSearchKey(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == "" or not slot1 then return true end slot3 = string.lower(slot0:getConfig("describe")) if string.find(string.lower(slot0:getConfig("name")), string.lower(slot1)) or string.find(slot2, slot1) then return true end return false end function slot0.IsShopType(slot0) return slot0:bindShopConfigTable()[slot0.configId] ~= nil end return slot0