slot0 = class("Fleet", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.C_TEAM_NAME = { vanguard = i18n("word_vanguard_fleet"), main = i18n("word_main_fleet"), submarine = i18n("word_sub_fleet") } slot0.DEFAULT_NAME = { i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName1"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName2"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName3"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName4"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName5"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName6"), [11] = i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName11"), [12] = i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName12"), [101] = i18n("ship_formationUI_exercise_fleetName") } slot0.DEFAULT_NAME_FOR_DOCKYARD = { i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName1"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName2"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName3"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName4"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName5"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName6"), [11] = i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName1"), [12] = i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName2"), [101] = i18n("ship_formationUI_exercise_fleetName") } slot0.DEFAULT_NAME_BOSS_ACT = { i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName_easy"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName_normal"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName_hard"), i18n("ship_formationUI_fleetName_extra") } slot0.REGULAR_FLEET_ID = 1 slot0.REGULAR_FLEET_NUMS = 6 slot0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID = 11 slot0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_NUMS = 4 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = = slot0.defaultName = uv0.DEFAULT_NAME[] slot0:updateShips(slot1.ship_list) slot0.commanderIds = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1.commanders or {}) do slot0.commanderIds[slot6.pos] = end slot0.skills = {} slot0:updateCommanderSkills() end function slot0.isUnlock(slot0) if ({ nil, nil, 404, 504, 604, 704 })[] then return getProxy(ChapterProxy):getChapterById(slot3) and slot4:isClear(), i18n("formation_chapter_lock", string.sub(tostring(slot3), 1, 1), end return true end function slot0.containShip(slot0, slot1) return table.contains(slot0.ships, end function slot0.isFirstFleet(slot0) return == uv0.REGULAR_FLEET_ID end function slot0.outputCommanders(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.commanderIds) do table.insert(slot1, { pos = slot5, id = slot6 }) end return slot1 end function slot0.getCommanders(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.commanderIds) do -- Nothing end return { [slot5] = getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot6) } end function slot0.getCommanderByPos(slot0, slot1) return slot0:getCommanders()[slot1] end function slot0.updateCommanderByPos(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 then slot0.commanderIds[slot1] = else slot0.commanderIds[slot1] = nil end slot0:updateCommanderSkills() end function slot0.getCommandersAddition(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(CommanderConst.PROPERTIES) do for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do slot7 = 0 + slot12:getAbilitysAddition()[slot6] end if slot7 > 0 then table.insert(slot1, { attrName = slot6, value = slot7 }) end end return slot1 end function slot0.getCommandersTalentDesc(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot6:getTalentsDesc()) do if slot1[slot11] then slot1[slot11].value = slot1[slot11].value + slot12.value else slot1[slot11] = { name = slot11, value = slot12.value, type = slot12.type } end end end return slot1 end function slot0.findCommanderBySkillId(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do if _.any(slot7:getSkills(), function (slot0) return _.any(slot0:getTacticSkill(), function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) end) then return slot7 end end end function slot0.updateCommanderSkills(slot0) slot1 = #slot0.skills while slot1 > 0 do if not slot0:findCommanderBySkillId(slot0.skills[slot1].id) and slot2:GetSystem() == FleetSkill.SystemCommanderNeko then table.remove(slot0.skills, slot1) end slot1 = slot1 - 1 end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7:getSkills()) do for slot16, slot17 in ipairs(slot12:getTacticSkill()) do table.insert(slot0.skills, FleetSkill.New(FleetSkill.SystemCommanderNeko, slot17)) end end end end function slot0.buildBattleBuffList(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2, slot3 = FleetSkill.triggerSkill(slot0, FleetSkill.TypeBattleBuff) if slot2 and #slot2 > 0 then slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2) do slot4[slot11] = slot4[slot0:findCommanderBySkillId(slot3[slot8].id)] or {} table.insert(slot4[slot11], slot9) end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot4) do table.insert(slot1, { slot8, slot9 }) end end for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0:getCommanders()) do for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot9:getTalents()) do if #slot15:getBuffsAddition() > 0 then slot17 = nil for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot22[1] == slot9 then slot17 = slot22[2] break end end if not slot17 then table.insert(slot1, { slot9, {} }) end for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot16) do table.insert(slot17, slot22) end end end end return slot1 end function slot0.getSkills(slot0) return slot0.skills end function slot0.getShipIds(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs({ slot0.vanguardShips, slot0.mainShips, slot0.subShips }) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7) do table.insert(slot1, slot12) end end return slot1 end function slot0.findSkills(slot0, slot1) return _.filter(slot0:getSkills(), function (slot0) return slot0:GetType() == uv0 end) end function slot0.updateShips(slot0, slot1) slot0.ships = {} slot0.vanguardShips = {} slot0.mainShips = {} slot0.subShips = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do if getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot7) then table.insert(slot0.ships, slot7) if slot8:getTeamType() == TeamType.Vanguard then table.insert(slot0.vanguardShips, slot7) elseif slot9 == TeamType.Main then table.insert(slot0.mainShips, slot7) elseif slot9 == TeamType.Submarine then table.insert(slot0.subShips, slot7) end end end end function slot0.getShipPos(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return end if table.contains(slot0.vanguardShips, then return table.indexof(slot0.vanguardShips, slot2), TeamType.Vanguard elseif table.contains(slot0.mainShips, slot2) then return table.indexof(slot0.mainShips, slot2), TeamType.Main elseif table.contains(slot0.subShips, slot2) then return table.indexof(slot0.subShips, slot2), TeamType.Submarine else return -1 end end function slot0.getTeamByName(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == TeamType.Vanguard then return slot0.vanguardShips elseif slot1 == TeamType.Main then return slot0.mainShips elseif slot1 == TeamType.Submarine then return slot0.subShips end end function slot0.insertShip(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot3 == TeamType.Vanguard then table.insert(slot0.vanguardShips, slot2 or #slot0.vanguardShips + 1, if table.indexof(slot0.ships, slot0.mainShips[1]) then table.insert(slot0.ships, slot4, else table.insert(slot0.ships, end elseif slot3 == TeamType.Main then table.insert(slot0.mainShips, slot2 or #slot0.mainShips + 1, table.insert(slot0.ships, elseif slot3 == TeamType.Submarine then table.insert(slot0.subShips, slot2 or #slot0.subShips + 1, table.insert(slot0.ships, end end function slot0.canRemove(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3 = slot0:getShipPos(slot1) if #(slot0:getTeamByName(slot3) or {}) == 1 and (slot0:isFirstFleet() or slot0:isPvpFleet()) then return false else return true end end function slot0.isRegularFleet(slot0) return uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID <= and < uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID + uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_NUMS or uv0.REGULAR_FLEET_ID <= and < uv0.REGULAR_FLEET_ID + uv0.REGULAR_FLEET_NUMS end function slot0.isSubmarineFleet(slot0) return uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID <= and < uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID + uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_NUMS end function slot0.isPvpFleet(slot0) return == FleetProxy.PVP_FLEET_ID end function slot0.getFleetType(slot0) if not then return FleetType.Normal end if uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID <= and < uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID + uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_NUMS then return FleetType.Submarine end return FleetType.Normal end function slot0.removeShip(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do if slot7 == then table.remove(slot0.ships, slot6) break end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.vanguardShips) do if slot7 == slot2 then return table.remove(slot0.vanguardShips, slot6), TeamType.Vanguard end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.mainShips) do if slot7 == slot2 then return table.remove(slot0.mainShips, slot6), TeamType.Main end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.subShips) do if slot7 == slot2 then return table.remove(slot0.subShips, slot6), TeamType.Submarine end end return nil end function slot0.canRemoveByShipId(slot0, slot1) if table.getCount(slot0.vanguardShips) == 1 and slot1 == slot0.vanguardShips[1] then return false, TeamType.Vanguard end if table.getCount(slot0.mainShips) == 1 and slot1 == slot0.mainShips[1] then return false, TeamType.Main end if table.getCount(slot0.subShips) == 1 and slot1 == slot0.subShips[1] then return false, TeamType.Submarine end return true end function slot0.isFull(slot0) if slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then return #slot0.ships >= 6 elseif slot1 == FleetType.Submarine then return #slot0.subShips >= 3 end return false end function slot0.isEmpty(slot0) return #slot0.ships == 0 end function slot0.isLegalToFight(slot0) if slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Normal then if #slot0.vanguardShips == 0 then return TeamType.Vanguard, 1 elseif #slot0.mainShips == 0 then return TeamType.Main, 1 end elseif slot1 == FleetType.Submarine and #slot0.subShips == 0 then return TeamType.Submarine, 1 end return true end function slot0.getSkillNum(slot0) slot2 = { [slot7] = 0 } for slot6, slot7 in pairs({ "zhupao", "yulei", "fangkongpao", "jianzaiji" }) do -- Nothing end slot4 = getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData() slot5 = ys.Battle.BattleConst.EquipmentType for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do for slot14, slot15 in ipairs(slot4[slot10]:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot15 > 0 then for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(Equipment.New({ id = slot15 }):getConfig("weapon_id")) do if slot22 > 0 then if pg.weapon_property[slot22].type == slot5.POINT_HIT_AND_LOCK then slot2.zhupao = slot2.zhupao + 1 elseif slot23 == slot5.TORPEDO or slot23 == slot5.MANUAL_TORPEDO then slot2.yulei = slot2.yulei + 1 elseif slot23 == slot5.ANTI_AIR then slot2.fangkongpao = slot2.fangkongpao + 1 elseif slot23 == slot5.SCOUT then slot2.jianzaiji = slot2.jianzaiji + 1 end end end end end end return slot2 end function slot0.GetPropertiesSum(slot0) slot1 = { cannon = 0, antiAir = 0, air = 0, torpedo = 0 } for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do slot8 = getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData()[slot7]:getProperties(slot0:getCommanders()) slot1.cannon = slot1.cannon + math.floor(slot8.cannon) slot1.torpedo = slot1.torpedo + math.floor(slot8.torpedo) slot1.antiAir = slot1.antiAir + math.floor(slot8.antiaircraft) slot1.air = slot1.air + math.floor(slot8.air) end return slot1 end function slot0.GetCostSum(slot0) slot2 = slot0:getStartCost() if slot0:getFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine then -- Nothing else slot1.oil = slot2.oil + slot3.oil end return { gold = 0, oil = 0, oil = slot0:getEndCost().oil } end function slot0.getStartCost(slot0) slot1 = { gold = 0, oil = 0 } for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do slot1.oil = slot1.oil + getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData()[slot7]:getStartBattleExpend() end return slot1 end function slot0.getEndCost(slot0) slot1 = { gold = 0, oil = 0 } for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do slot1.oil = slot1.oil + getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData()[slot7]:getEndBattleExpend() end return slot1 end function slot0.GetGearScoreSum(slot0, slot1) slot2 = nil for slot8, slot9 in ipairs((slot1 ~= nil or slot0.ships) and slot0:getTeamByName(slot1)) do slot3 = 0 + getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData()[slot9]:getShipCombatPower(slot0:getCommanders()) end return slot3 end function slot0.GetEnergyStatus(slot0) slot2 = "" slot3 = "" slot4 = getProxy(BayProxy) function slot5(slot0) for slot4 = 1, 3 do if slot0[slot4] and uv0:getShipById(slot0[slot4]).energy == Ship.ENERGY_LOW then uv1 = true uv2 = uv2 .. "「" .. slot5:getConfig("name") .. "」" end end end slot5(slot0.mainShips) slot5(slot0.vanguardShips) slot5(slot0.subShips) if false then slot2 = == "" and uv0.DEFAULT_NAME[] or end return slot1, i18n("ship_energy_low_warn", slot2, slot3) end function slot0.genRobotDataString(slot0) slot2 = getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData() for slot7 = 1, 3 do if slot0.vanguardShips[slot7] and slot0.vanguardShips[slot7] > 0 then slot11 = slot2[slot0.vanguardShips[slot7]].level slot12 = ",\"{" for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot2[slot0.vanguardShips[slot7]]:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot11 < 5 then slot3 = "99999," .. slot2[slot0.vanguardShips[slot7]].configId .. "," .. slot11 .. slot12 .. (slot12 and or 0) .. "," end end slot3 = slot3 .. "}\"," else slot3 = slot3 .. "" .. "," .. "" .. ",{" .. "}," end end for slot7 = 1, 3 do if slot0.mainShips[slot7] and slot0.mainShips[slot7] > 0 then slot11 = slot2[slot0.mainShips[slot7]].level slot12 = ",\"{" for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot2[slot0.mainShips[slot7]]:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot11 < 5 then slot3 = slot3 .. slot2[slot0.mainShips[slot7]].configId .. "," .. slot11 .. slot12 .. (slot12 and or 0) .. "," end end slot3 = slot3 .. "}\"," else slot3 = slot3 .. "" .. "," .. "" .. ",{" .. "}," end end return slot3 .. math.floor(slot0:GetGearScoreSum(TeamType.Vanguard) + slot0:GetGearScoreSum(TeamType.Main)) .. "," end function slot0.getIndex(slot0) if uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID <= and < uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID + uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_NUMS then return - uv0.SUBMARINE_FLEET_ID + 1 elseif uv0.REGULAR_FLEET_ID <= and < uv0.REGULAR_FLEET_ID + uv0.REGULAR_FLEET_NUMS then return - uv0.REGULAR_FLEET_ID + 1 end return end function slot0.getShipCount(slot0) return #slot0.ships end function slot0.avgLevel(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot6).level + 0 end return math.floor(slot1 / #slot0.ships) end function slot0.clearFleet(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(Clone(slot0.ships)) do slot0:removeShip(getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot7)) end end function slot0.EnergyCheck(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot3 = slot3 or "ship_energy_low_warn" slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0) do if == Ship.ENERGY_LOW then table.insert(slot4, slot9) end end if #slot4 > 0 then slot5 = "" slot4 =, function (slot0) return "「" .. slot0:getConfig("name") .. "」" end) if PLATFORM_CODE ~= PLATFORM_US or #slot4 == 1 then slot3 = slot3 or "ship_energy_low_warn" for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot4) do slot5 = slot5 .. slot10 end else slot3 = "multiple_" .. slot3 for slot9 = 1, #slot4 - 2 do slot5 = slot5 .. slot4[slot9] .. ", " end slot5 = slot5 .. slot4[#slot4 - 1] .. " and " .. slot4[#slot4] end pg.MsgboxMgr.GetInstance():ShowMsgBox({ content = i18n(slot3, slot1, slot5), onYes = function () uv0(true) end, weight = LayerWeightConst.TOP_LAYER }) else slot2(true) end end function slot0.getFleetAirDominanceValue(slot0) slot1 = getProxy(BayProxy) slot2 = slot0:getCommanders() for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do slot3 = function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 + calcAirDominanceValue(uv0:getShipById(slot1), uv1) end(0, slot8) end return slot3 end function slot0.RemoveUnusedItems(slot0) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(Clone(slot0.ships)) do if not getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot7) then slot0:removeShipById(slot7) end end slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot0.commanderIds) do if not getProxy(CommanderProxy):getCommanderById(slot9) then table.insert(slot4, slot8) end end if #slot4 > 0 then for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot4) do slot0.commanderIds[slot9] = nil end slot0.skills = {} slot0:updateCommanderSkills() end end function slot0.removeShipById(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do if slot6 == slot1 then table.remove(slot0.ships, slot5) break end end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.vanguardShips) do if slot6 == slot1 then return table.remove(slot0.vanguardShips, slot5), TeamType.Vanguard end end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.mainShips) do if slot6 == slot1 then return table.remove(slot0.mainShips, slot5), TeamType.Main end end for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.subShips) do if slot6 == slot1 then return table.remove(slot0.subShips, slot5), TeamType.Submarine end end end function slot0.HaveShipsInEvent(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do if getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData()[slot6]:getFlag("inEvent") then return true, i18n("elite_disable_ship_escort") end end end function slot0.GetFleetSonarRange(slot0) slot3 = 0 slot4 = 0 slot5 = 0 for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot0.ships) do if getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot11) then if ys.Battle.BattleConfig.VAN_SONAR_PROPERTY[slot12:getShipType()] then slot2 = math.max(0, Mathf.Clamp((slot12:getShipProperties()[AttributeType.AntiSub] or 0) / slot14.a - slot14.b, slot14.minRange, slot14.maxRange)) end if table.contains(TeamType.MainShipType, slot13) then slot5 = slot5 + (slot12:getShipProperties()[AttributeType.AntiSub] or 0) end for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot12:getActiveEquipments()) do if slot19 then slot4 = slot4 + (slot19.config.equip_parameters.range or 0) end end end end if slot2 ~= 0 then slot7 = slot6.MAIN_SONAR_PROPERTY slot3 = slot4 + Mathf.Clamp(slot5 / slot7.a, slot7.minRange, slot7.maxRange) end return slot2 + slot3 end return slot0