slot0 = class("Equipment", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.EQUIPMENT_STATE_LOCK = 1 slot0.EQUIPMENT_STATE_EMPTY = 0 slot0.EQUIPMENT_NORMAL = 1 slot0.EQUIPMENT_IMPORTANCE = 2 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.configId = slot1.config_id or slot0:BuildConfig() slot0.count = defaultValue(slot1.count, 0) = defaultValue(, 0) slot0.isSkin = defaultValue(slot1.isSkin, false) slot0.skinId = slot1.skinId or 0 end function slot0.BuildConfig(slot0) slot1 = pg.equip_data_statistics[slot0.configId] slot2 = pg.equip_data_template[slot0.configId] slot0.config = setmetatable({}, { __index = function (slot0, slot1) return uv0[slot1] or uv1[slot1] end }) if slot0.config.weapon_id and #slot3 > 0 and pg.weapon_property[slot3[1]] then slot0.config[AttributeType.CD] = slot4.reload_max end end function slot0.GetAttributes(slot0) slot2 = slot0.config for slot6 = 1, 3 do slot8 = slot2["value_" .. slot6] end return { [slot6] = slot2["attribute_" .. slot6] ~= nil and { type = slot7, value = string.match(slot8, "^[%d|\\.]+$") and tonumber(slot8) or slot8 } or false } end function slot0.GetPropertyRate(slot0) return slot0.config.property_rate end function slot0.vertify(slot0) slot2 = pg.equip_data_template[slot0.configId] if slot0.config.value_1 ~= pg.equip_data_statistics[slot0.configId].value_1 or slot0.config.value_2 ~= slot1.value_2 then return false end return true end function slot0.CalcWeanponCD(slot0, slot1) return string.format("%0.2f", ys.Battle.BattleFormulas.CalculateReloadTime(slot0 or 0, slot1 and slot1:getProperties().reload or 100)) end function slot0.GetInfoTrans(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0.value if slot0.type == AttributeType.CD then if not slot1 then slot2 = or i18n("cd_normal") end slot3 = uv0.CalcWeanponCD(slot3, slot1) .. "s" .. i18n("word_secondseach") elseif slot0.type == AttributeType.AirDurability then slot3 = math.floor((slot3[1] + slot3[2] * ((slot1 and slot1.level or 100) - 1)) / 1000) elseif slot0.type == AttributeType.AntiSiren then slot3 = (math.floor(slot3 / 100) > 0 and "+" or slot3 < 0 and "-" or "") .. slot3 .. "%" end return slot2 or AttributeType.Type2Name(slot0.type), slot3 or "" end function slot1(slot0) if string.match(slot0, i18n("word_secondseach")) then slot0 = string.gsub(slot0, i18n("word_secondseach"), "") end if #{ string.match(string.gsub(slot0, " ", ""), "~(%d+)") } > 0 then slot0 = string.gsub(slot0, "~" .. slot1[1], "") end slot1 = { string.match(slot0, "(%d+)x(%d+)") } while #slot1 > 0 do slot2 = slot1[1] slot3 = slot1[2] slot1 = { string.match(string.gsub(slot0, slot2 .. "x" .. slot3, slot2 * slot3, 1), "(%d+)x(%d+)") } end return tonumber(slot0) end function slot0.AlignAttrs(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = 1, #slot0 do if not slot1[slot5] or slot0[slot5].type ~= slot1[slot5].type then slot9 = Clone table.insert(slot1, slot5, slot9(slot0[slot5])) slot1[slot5].value = 0 for slot9 = slot5 + 1, #slot1 do if slot1[slot5].type == slot1[slot9].type then slot1[slot5].value = slot1[slot9].value table.remove(slot1, slot9) break end end end end for slot5 = #slot0 + 1, #slot1 do table.insert(slot0, Clone(slot1[slot5])) slot0[slot5].value = 0 end end function slot0.CompareInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.type == AttributeType.Damage then = uv0(slot1.value) - uv0(slot0.value) elseif slot0.type == AttributeType.CD then = -(uv1.CalcWeanponCD(slot1.value, slot2) - uv1.CalcWeanponCD(slot0.value, slot2)) else = slot1.value - slot0.value end end function slot0.InsertAttrsUpgrade(slot0, slot1) uv0.AlignAttrs(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = #slot0, 1, -1 do if slot0[slot5].value == slot1[slot5].value then table.remove(slot0, slot5) table.remove(slot1, slot5) else slot0[slot5].nextValue = slot1[slot5].value end end end function slot0.InsertAttrsCompare(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.AlignAttrs(slot0, slot1) for slot6 = 1, #slot0 do uv0.CompareInfo(slot0[slot6], slot1[slot6], slot2) end end function slot0.GetPropertiesInfo(slot0) if slot0.config[AttributeType.Damage] then table.insert(({ attrs = {} }).attrs, { type = AttributeType.Damage, value = slot1[AttributeType.Damage] }) end if slot1[AttributeType.CD] then table.insert(slot2.attrs, { type = AttributeType.CD, value = slot1[AttributeType.CD] }) end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:GetAttributes()) do if slot7 and slot7.type ~= AttributeType.OxyRaidDistance then table.insert(slot2.attrs, slot7) end end if slot0:GetAntiSirenPower() then table.insert(slot2.attrs, { type = AttributeType.AntiSiren, value = slot0:GetAntiSirenPower() }) end if slot0:GetSonarProperty() then table.insert(slot2.attrs, { type = AttributeType.SonarRange, value = slot3[AttributeType.SonarRange] }) end slot2.weapon = { lock_open = true, name = i18n(slot0:isAircraftExtend() and "equip_info_24" or "equip_info_5"), sub = {} } for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1.ammo_info) do table.insert(slot2.weapon.sub, slot0:GetWeaponPageInfo(slot8[1], slot8[2])) end slot2.equipInfo = { name = i18n("equip_info_14"), sub = {} } for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1.equip_info) do table.insert(slot2.equipInfo.sub, slot0:GetEquipAttrPageInfo(slot8)) end slot2.part = { slot0.config.part_main, slot0.config.part_sub } return slot2 end function slot0.GetWeaponPageInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = { sub = {} } for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot4.exhibition_list) do table.insert(slot3.sub, slot0:GetWeaponInfo(slot10, slot2, pg.equip_bullet_type[slot1].exhibition_type == 2)) end slot6 = table.remove(slot3.sub, 1) = slot3.type = slot6.type slot3.value = slot6.value return slot3 end function slot0.GetWeaponInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot3 and pg.weapon_property[slot2].bullet_ID[1] or slot2 if slot1 == 1 then return { name = i18n("equip_ammo_type_" .. slot0.config[AttributeType.Ammo]) } elseif slot1 == 2 then return { name = pg.weapon_property[slot2].name } elseif slot1 == 3 then return { type = AttributeType.Damage, value = pg.weapon_property[slot2].damage } elseif slot1 == 4 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_6"), value = pg.bullet_template[slot4].velocity } elseif slot1 == 5 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_7"), value = pg.bullet_template[slot4].velocity } elseif slot1 == 6 then slot5 = pg.bullet_template[slot4].damage_type return { name = i18n("equip_info_8"), value = slot5[1] * 100 .. "-" .. slot5[2] * 100 .. "-" .. slot5[3] * 100 } elseif slot1 == 7 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_9"), value = pg.bullet_template[slot4].hit_type.range } elseif slot1 == 8 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_10"), value = pg.weapon_property[slot2].range } elseif slot1 == 9 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_11"), value = pg.weapon_property[slot2].angle } elseif slot1 == 10 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_12"), value = pg.bullet_template[slot4].extra_param.randomOffsetX } elseif slot1 == 11 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_13"), value = slot0.config[AttributeType.Speciality] } elseif slot1 == 12 then return { type = AttributeType.CD, value = pg.weapon_property[slot2].reload_max } elseif slot1 == 13 then return { name = i18n("attribute_max_distance_damage"), value = (1 - pg.bullet_template[slot4].hit_type.decay) * 100 .. "%" } end end slot2 = { nil, nil, true, true, true } function slot0.GetEquipAttrPageInfo(slot0, slot1) slot2, slot3 = nil if type(slot1) == "table" then slot3 = slot1[2] slot2 = slot1[1] else slot3 = slot0.config.weapon_id[1] slot2 = slot1 end return slot0:GetEquipAttrInfo(slot2, slot3) end function slot0.GetEquipAttrInfo(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot1 == 1 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_15"), value = pg.weapon_property[slot2].min_range == 0 and slot3.range or slot3.min_range .. "-" .. slot3.range } elseif slot1 == 2 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_16"), value = pg.weapon_property[slot2].angle } elseif slot1 == 3 then slot3 = pg.bullet_template[slot2] return { name = i18n("equip_info_17"), value = slot3.range - slot3.range_offset .. "-" .. slot3.range + slot3.range_offset } elseif slot1 == 4 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_18"), value = pg.barrage_template[slot2].random_angle and slot3.angle or math.abs(slot3.angle) + math.abs(slot3.delta_angle) * slot3.primal_repeat } elseif slot1 == 5 then return { name = i18n("attribute_scatter"), value = pg.bullet_template[slot2].extra_param.randomOffsetX } elseif slot1 == 6 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_19"), value = Nation.Nation2Name(slot0.config.nationality) } elseif slot1 == 7 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_20"), value = pg.aircraft_template[].speed } elseif slot1 == 8 then slot3 = pg.aircraft_template[] return { name = i18n("equip_info_21"), type = AttributeType.AirDurability, value = { slot3.max_hp, slot3.hp_growth } } elseif slot1 == 9 then return { name = i18n("equip_info_22"), value = pg.aircraft_template[].dodge_limit } elseif slot1 == 10 then if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_JP or PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_US then return { name = i18n("equip_info_28"), type = AttributeType.Corrected, value = EquipmentRarity.Rarity2CorrectedLevel(slot0.config.rarity, slot0.config.level) } else return { name = i18n("equip_info_28"), type = AttributeType.Corrected, value = pg.weapon_property[slot2].corrected .. "%" } end elseif slot1 == 11 then if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_JP or PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_US then return nil else return { name = i18n("equip_info_29"), value = AttributeType.Type2Name(({ AttributeType.Cannon, AttributeType.Torpedo, AttributeType.AntiAircraft, AttributeType.Air, AttributeType.AntiSub })[pg.weapon_property[slot2].attack_attribute]) } end elseif slot1 == 12 then if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_JP or PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_US then return nil else return { name = i18n("equip_info_30"), value = pg.weapon_property[slot2].attack_attribute_ratio .. "%" } end end end function slot0.GetGearScore(slot0) slot3 = pg.equip_data_by_quality[slot0.config.rarity] return slot3.gear_score + slot0.config.level * slot3.gear_score_addition end function slot0.GetSkill(slot0) slot1 = nil if slot0.config.skill_id[1] then slot1 = getSkillConfig(slot2) end return slot1 end function slot0.GetWeaponID(slot0) return slot0.config.weapon_id end function slot0.GetSonarProperty(slot0) if slot0.config.equip_parameters.range then return { [AttributeType.SonarRange] = slot2 } else return nil end end function slot0.GetAntiSirenPower(slot0) return slot0.config.anti_siren end function slot0.canUpgrade(slot0) return pg.equip_data_template[slot0].next ~= 0 end function slot0.hasPrevLevel(slot0) return pg.equip_data_template[slot0.configId].prev ~= 0 end function slot0.getRevertAwards(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = 0 slot4 = pg.equip_data_template[slot0.configId] while slot3:hasPrevLevel() do for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(pg.equip_data_template[Equipment.New({ id = slot4.prev }).configId].trans_use_item) do if slot1[slot10[1]] then slot1[slot11].count = slot1[slot11].count + slot10[2] else slot1[slot11] = { type = DROP_TYPE_ITEM, id = slot11, count = slot12 } end end slot2 = slot2 + slot4.trans_use_gold end if slot2 > 0 then slot1[id2ItemId(1)] = { id = 1, type = DROP_TYPE_RESOURCE, count = slot2 } end slot5 = {} for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot1) do table.insert(slot5, slot10) end return slot5 end function slot0.canEquipSkin(slot0) return pg.equip_data_by_type[slot0.config.type].equip_skin == 1 end function slot0.hasSkin(slot0) return slot0.skinId and slot0.skinId ~= 0 end function slot0.setSkinId(slot0, slot1) slot0.skinId = slot1 end function slot0.getSkinId(slot0) return slot0.skinId end function slot0.isImportance(slot0) return slot0.config.important == uv0.EQUIPMENT_IMPORTANCE end function slot0.isUnique(slot0) return slot0.config.equip_limit ~= 0 end function slot0.isDevice(slot0) slot1 = pg.equip_data_template[slot0.configId].type return underscore.any(EquipType.DeviceEquipTypes, function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) end function slot0.isAircraft(slot0) slot1 = pg.equip_data_template[slot0.configId].type return underscore.any(EquipType.AirEquipTypes, function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) end function slot0.isAircraftExtend(slot0) slot1 = pg.equip_data_template[slot0.configId].type return underscore.any(EquipType.AirExtendEquipTypes, function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) end function slot0.MigrateTo(slot0, slot1) return Equipment.New({ id = slot1, config_id = slot1, count = slot0.count }) end function slot0.GetRootEquipment(slot0) slot1 = slot0.configId slot2 = pg.equip_data_template[slot0.config.prev] while slot2 ~= nil do slot1 = slot2 = pg.equip_data_template[slot2.prev] end slot3 = slot0:MigrateTo(slot1) slot3.count = 1 return slot3 end function slot0.getNation(slot0) return slot0.config.nationality end function slot0.getConfig(slot0, slot1) return slot0.config[slot1] end function slot0.GetEquipRootStatic(slot0) slot1 = pg.equip_data_template while slot1[slot0] and slot1[slot0].prev ~= 0 do slot0 = slot1[slot0].prev end return slot0 end function slot0.GetRevertRewardsStatic(slot0) slot1 = pg.equip_data_template slot2 = {} while slot1[slot0] and slot1[slot0].prev ~= 0 do if slot1[slot1[slot0].prev] then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot3.trans_use_item) do slot2[slot8[1]] = (slot2[slot8[1]] or 0) + slot8[2] end = ( or 0) + slot3.trans_use_gold end end return slot2 end function slot0.GetEquipReloadStatic(slot0) if pg.equip_data_statistics[slot0].weapon_id and #slot2 > 0 and pg.weapon_property[slot2[1]] then return slot3.reload_max end end return slot0