slot0 = class("BackYardTheme", import(".BaseVO")) slot0.TYPE_SYSTEM = 1 slot0.TYPE_USER = 2 slot0.MAX_USER_THEME = 5 function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2) = slot0.configId = = or "" slot0.type = slot2 or slot1.type or slot0.TYPE_SYSTEM if slot0.type == slot0.TYPE_SYSTEM then slot5 = { floor = 1, furniture_put_list = slot0:getSystemThemeFurnitures(getProxy(DormProxy):getData().level) } slot0:initTheme(slot5) slot0.furnitruesByIds = slot0:getThemeFurnitures(slot5) if slot0:isSameConfigId(slot0.furnitures) then slot0:checkSystemTheme() end else slot0:initTheme(slot1) slot0.furnitruesByIds = slot0:getThemeFurnitures(slot1) end end function slot0.ContainsFurniture(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.furnitures) do if == then return true end end return false end function slot0.isSameConfigId(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot5 ~= slot10 and == then return true end end end return false end function slot0.checkSystemTheme(slot0) slot2 = {} for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.furnitruesByIds) do if not getProxy(DormProxy):getFurniById(slot7) then if slot8.parent ~= 0 then table.insert({}, { pid = slot8.parent, id = slot7 }) elseif table.getCount(slot8.child) > 0 then for slot12, slot13 in pairs(slot8.child) do table.insert(slot2, slot12) end end table.insert(slot2, slot7) end end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do slot0.furnitruesByIds[slot8] = nil end for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot3) do if slot0.furnitruesByIds[] then for slot13, slot14 in pairs(slot9.child) do if slot13 == then slot9.child[] = nil break end end end end end function slot0.initTheme(slot0, slot1) slot2 = getProxy(DormProxy).floor slot0.furnitures = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1.furniture_put_list or {}) do for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot7.child) do -- Nothing end table.insert(slot0.furnitures, BackyardFurnitureVO.New({ id = tonumber(, position = { x = slot7.x, y = slot7.y }, dir = slot7.dir, child = { [tonumber(] = { x = slot13.x, y = slot13.y } }, parent = tonumber(slot7.parent), floor = slot2 })) end end function slot0.getThemeFurnitures(slot0, slot1) slot2 = getProxy(DormProxy):getData().level slot3 = {} slot4 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0.furnitures) do if slot4[tonumber(] then slot4[tonumber(].count = slot4[tonumber(].count + 1 else slot4[tonumber(] = { count = 1, id = tonumber( } end end table.insert({}, { floor = 1, furniture_put_list = slot1.furniture_put_list or {} }) return GetBackYardDataCommand.initFurnitures({ lv = slot2, furniture_id_list = _.values(slot4), furniture_put_list = slot5 }) end function slot0.bindConfigTable(slot0) return pg.backyard_theme_template end function slot0.isUnLock(slot0, slot1) return slot0:getConfig("deblocking") <= slot1.level end function slot0.isBought(slot0, slot1) if slot0.type == slot0.TYPE_SYSTEM then slot5 = "ids" for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0:getConfig(slot5)) do if not slot1[slot6] then return false end end end return true end function slot0.getRemainFurIds(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot6 = "ids" for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:getConfig(slot6)) do if not slot1[slot7] and Furniture.New({ id = slot7 }):inTime() then table.insert(slot2, slot7) end end return slot2 end function slot0.getSystemThemeFurnitures(slot0, slot1) pcall(function () uv0 = require("GameCfg.backyardTheme.theme_" .. end) return or require("GameCfg.backyardTheme.theme_empty"))["furnitures_" .. slot1] or {}, function (slot0) return pg.furniture_data_template[] end) end function slot0.isOccupyed(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot0.furnitruesByIds) do if slot1[] and slot9.floor ~= 0 and slot9.floor ~= slot2 then return true end end return false end function slot0.getUsableFurnituresForFloor(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = {} slot4 = { [] = slot9 } for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot1) do if slot9.floor ~= slot2 then -- Nothing end end slot7 = {} for slot11, slot12 in pairs(slot0.furnitruesByIds) do if slot4[] then table.insert({}, for slot17, slot18 in pairs(slot12.child) do table.insert(slot6, slot17) end if tonumber(slot12.parent) ~= 0 then table.insert(slot6, tonumber(slot12.parent)) for slot18, slot19 in pairs(slot5[tonumber(slot12.parent)].child) do table.insert(slot6, slot18) end end else table.insert(slot7, end end for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7) do if not table.contains(slot6, slot12) then table.insert(slot3, slot5[slot12]) end end return slot3 end function slot0.IsUsing(slot0, slot1) function slot3(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0) do if slot6:getConfig("id") == slot0 then table.insert(slot1, slot6) end end return slot1 end if table.getCount(slot1) ~= table.getCount(slot0.furnitures) then return false end for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot2) do if not slot1[] then return false elseif not slot9:isPaper() then if not slot9.position then return false end slot11 = false for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot3( do if slot16:isSame(slot8) then slot11 = true break end end if not slot11 then return false end end end return true end function slot0.isUsing(slot0, slot1) if slot1.wallPaper then Clone(slot1.furnitures)[] = slot1.wallPaper end if slot1.floorPaper then slot2[] = slot1.floorPaper end return slot0:IsUsing(slot2) end function slot0.getName(slot0) if slot0.type == slot0.TYPE_SYSTEM then return slot0:getConfig("name") end return end function slot0.getIcon(slot0) if slot0.type == slot0.TYPE_SYSTEM then return slot0:getConfig("icon") else return "themeicon" end end function slot0.isOverTime(slot0) if slot0.type == slot0.TYPE_SYSTEM then return _.all(slot0:getConfig("ids"), function (slot0) return not Furniture.New({ id = slot0 }):IsShopType() or not slot1:inTime() end) end end function slot0.getDesc(slot0) if slot0.type == slot0.TYPE_SYSTEM then return slot0:getConfig("desc") elseif slot0.type == slot0.TYPE_USER then return "" end end function slot0.isMatchSearchKey(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 or slot1 == "" then return true end if string.find(slot0:getDesc(), slot1) or string.find(slot0:getName(), slot1) then return true end return false end function slot0.GetDisCount(slot0) if not pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():inTime(slot0:getConfig("discount_time")) then return 0 end return slot0:getConfig("discount") end return slot0