slot0 = class("CollectionProxy", import(".NetProxy")) slot0.AWARDS_UPDATE = "awards update" slot0.GROUP_INFO_UPDATE = "group info update" slot0.GROUP_EVALUATION_UPDATE = "group evaluation update" slot0.TROPHY_UPDATE = "trophy update" slot0.MAX_DAILY_EVA_COUNT = 1 slot0.KEY_17001_TIME_STAMP = "KEY_17001_TIME_STAMP" function slot0.register(slot0) slot0.shipGroups = {} slot0.awards = {} slot0.trophy = {} slot0.trophyGroup = {} slot0.dailyEvaCount = 0 slot0:on(17001, function (slot0) uv0.shipGroups = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.ship_info_list) do uv0.shipGroups[] = ShipGroup.New(slot5) end for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.transform_list) do if uv0.shipGroups[slot5] then uv0.shipGroups[slot5].trans = true end end uv0.awards = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.ship_award_list) do table.sort(slot5.award_index) uv0.awards[] = slot5.award_index[#slot5.award_index] end for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.progress_list) do uv0.trophy[] = Trophy.New(slot5) end uv0:bindTrophyGroup() uv0:bindComplexTrophy() uv0:hiddenTrophyAutoClaim() uv0:updateTrophy() end) slot0:on(17002, function (slot0) for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(slot0.progress_list) do slot6 = false if uv0.trophy[] then slot8 = uv0.trophy[slot7] slot8:update(slot5) if not slot8:isHide() and slot8:canClaimed() ~= slot8:canClaimed() then slot6 = true end else uv0.trophy[slot7] = Trophy.New(slot5) if uv0.trophy[slot7]:canClaimed() then slot6 = true end end if slot6 then uv0:dispatchClaimRemind(slot7) end end uv0:hiddenTrophyAutoClaim() uv0:updateTrophy() end) slot0:on(17004, function (slot0) slot1 = slot0.ship_info uv0.shipGroups[] = ShipGroup.New(slot1) end) end function slot0.resetEvaCount(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.shipGroups) do if slot5.evaluation then slot6.ievaCount = 0 end end end function slot0.updateDailyEvaCount(slot0, slot1) slot0.dailyEvaCount = slot1 end function slot0.updateAward(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.awards[slot1] = slot2 slot0:sendNotification(uv0.AWARDS_UPDATE, Clone(slot0.awards)) end function slot0.getShipGroup(slot0, slot1) return Clone(slot0.shipGroups[slot1]) end function slot0.updateShipGroup(slot0, slot1) slot0.shipGroups[] = Clone(slot1) end function slot0.getGroups(slot0) return Clone(slot0.shipGroups) end function slot0.getAwards(slot0) return Clone(slot0.awards) end function slot0.hasFinish(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.storeup_data_template.all) do if Favorite.New({ id = slot6 }):canGetRes(slot0.shipGroups, slot0.awards) then return true end end return false end function slot0.getCollectionRate(slot0) slot1 = slot0:getCollectionCount() slot2 = slot0:getCollectionTotal() return string.format("%0.3f", slot1 / slot2), slot1, slot2 end function slot0.getCollectionCount(slot0) return _.reduce(_.values(slot0.shipGroups), 0, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 + (Nation.IsLinkType(slot1:getNation()) and 0 or slot1.trans and 2 or 1) end) end function slot0.getCollectionTotal(slot0) return _.reduce(pg.ship_data_group.all, 0, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 + (Nation.IsLinkType(ShipGroup.getDefaultShipConfig(pg.ship_data_group[slot1].group_type).nationality) and 0 or 1) end) + #pg.ship_data_trans.all end function slot0.getLinkCollectionCount(slot0) return _.reduce(_.values(slot0.shipGroups), 0, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0 + (Nation.IsLinkType(slot1:getNation()) and 1 or 0) end) end function slot0.flushCollection(slot0, slot1) slot3 = nil if not slot0:getShipGroup(slot1.groupId) then slot2 = ShipGroup.New({ heart_flag = 0, heart_count = 0, lv_max = 1, id = slot1.groupId, star = slot1:getStar(), marry_flag = slot1.propose and 1 or 0, intimacy_max = slot1.intimacy }) if OPEN_TEC_TREE_SYSTEM and table.indexof(pg.fleet_tech_ship_template.all, slot1.groupId, 1) then slot3 = true end else if OPEN_TEC_TREE_SYSTEM and table.indexof(pg.fleet_tech_ship_template.all, slot1.groupId, 1) then if < slot1:getStar() and slot1:getStar() == pg.fleet_tech_ship_template[slot1.groupId].max_star then slot3 = true pg.ToastMgr.GetInstance():ShowToast(pg.ToastMgr.TYPE_TECPOINT, { point = pg.fleet_tech_ship_template[slot1.groupId].pt_upgrage }) end if slot2.maxLV < slot1.level and slot1.level == TechnologyConst.MAX_LV then slot3 = true pg.ToastMgr.GetInstance():ShowToast(pg.ToastMgr.TYPE_TECPOINT, { point = pg.fleet_tech_ship_template[slot1.groupId].pt_level, typeList = pg.fleet_tech_ship_template[slot1.groupId].add_level_shiptype, attr = pg.fleet_tech_ship_template[slot1.groupId].add_level_attr, value = pg.fleet_tech_ship_template[slot1.groupId].add_level_value }) end end = math.max(, slot1:getStar()) slot2.maxIntimacy = math.max(slot2.maxIntimacy, slot1.intimacy) slot2.married = math.max(slot2.married, slot1.propose and 1 or 0) slot2.maxLV = math.max(slot2.maxLV, slot1.level) end slot0:updateShipGroup(slot2) if slot3 then getProxy(TechnologyNationProxy):flushData() end end function slot0.updateTrophyClaim(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.trophy[slot1]:updateTimeStamp(slot2) end function slot0.unlockNewTrophy(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do slot0.trophy[] = slot6 end slot0:bindTrophyGroup() slot0:bindComplexTrophy() slot0:hiddenTrophyAutoClaim() end function slot0.getTrophyGroup(slot0) return Clone(slot0.trophyGroup) end function slot0.getTrophys(slot0) slot1 = Clone(slot0.trophy) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.trophy) do slot6:clearNew() end return slot1 end function slot0.hiddenTrophyAutoClaim(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.trophy) do if slot5:getHideType() ~= Trophy.ALWAYS_SHOW and slot5:getHideType() ~= Trophy.COMING_SOON and slot5:canClaimed() and not slot5:isClaimed() then slot0:sendNotification(GAME.TROPHY_CLAIM, { trophyID = slot4 }) end end end function slot0.unclaimTrophyCount(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.trophy) do if slot6:getHideType() == Trophy.ALWAYS_SHOW and slot6:canClaimed() and not slot6:isClaimed() then slot1 = 0 + 1 end end return slot1 end function slot0.updateTrophy(slot0) slot0:sendNotification(uv0.TROPHY_UPDATE, Clone(slot0.trophy)) end function slot0.dispatchClaimRemind(slot0, slot1) pg.ToastMgr.GetInstance():ShowToast(pg.ToastMgr.TYPE_TROPHY, { id = slot1 }) end function slot0.bindComplexTrophy(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.trophyGroup) do for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot5:getTrophyList()) do if slot11:isComplexTrophy() then for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot11:getTargetID()) do slot11:bindTrophys(slot0.trophy[slot16] or Trophy.generateDummyTrophy(slot16)) end end end end end function slot0.bindTrophyGroup(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.medal_template.all) do if slot1[slot6].hide == Trophy.ALWAYS_SHOW then if not slot0.trophyGroup[math.floor(slot6 / 10)] then slot0.trophyGroup[slot8] = TrophyGroup.New(slot8) end if slot0.trophy[slot6] then slot0.trophyGroup[slot8]:addTrophy(slot0.trophy[slot6]) else slot9:addDummyTrophy(slot6) end end end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.trophyGroup) do slot6:sortGroup() end table.sort(slot0.trophyGroup, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0:getGroupID() < slot1:getGroupID() end) end return slot0