slot0 = class("WSMapObject", import("...BaseEntity")) slot0.Fields = { modelType = "number", modelAction = "string", modelResPath = "string", modelParent = "userdata", modelActionTimer = "table", modelAngles = "table", modelScale = "table", model = "userdata", modelComps = "table", modelResAsync = "boolean", modelResName = "string" } function slot0.GetModelAngles(slot0) return slot0.modelAngles and slot0.modelAngles:Clone() or end function slot0.UpdateModelAngles(slot0, slot1) if slot0.modelAngles ~= slot1 then slot0.modelAngles = slot1 slot0:FlushModelAngles() end end function slot0.FlushModelAngles(slot0) if slot0.model and slot0.modelAngles then slot0.model.localEulerAngles = slot0.modelAngles end end function slot0.GetModelScale(slot0) return slot0.modelScale and slot0.modelScale:Clone() or end function slot0.UpdateModelScale(slot0, slot1) if slot0.modelScale ~= slot1 then slot0.modelScale = slot1 slot0:FlushModelScale() end end function slot0.GetModelAction(slot0) return slot0.modelAction end function slot0.FlushModelScale(slot0) if slot0.model and slot0.modelScale then slot0.model.localScale = slot0.modelScale end end function slot0.UpdateModelAction(slot0, slot1) if slot0.modelAction ~= slot1 then slot0.modelAction = slot1 slot0:FlushModelAction() end end function slot0.FlushModelAction(slot0) if slot0.model and slot0.modelAction then if slot0.modelType == WorldConst.ModelSpine then if slot0.modelComps[1] then slot1:SetAction(slot0.modelAction, 0) end elseif slot0.modelType == WorldConst.ModelPrefab and slot0.modelComps[1] and slot1:HasState(0, Animator.StringToHash(slot0.modelAction)) then slot1:Play(slot2) end end end function slot0.PlayModelAction(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0.model then if slot0.modelType == WorldConst.ModelSpine then if slot0.modelComps[1] and slot5.transform.gameObject.activeInHierarchy then table.insert({}, function (slot0) uv0:SetAction(uv1, 0) if uv2 then uv3:NewActionTimer(uv2, slot0) else uv0:SetActionCallBack(function (slot0) if slot0 == "finish" then uv0:SetActionCallBack(nil) uv1() end end) end end) end elseif slot0.modelType == WorldConst.ModelPrefab then if slot0.modelComps[1] and slot5.transform.gameObject.activeInHierarchy then if slot5:HasState(0, Animator.StringToHash(slot1)) then table.insert(slot4, function (slot0) uv0:Play(uv1) if uv2 then uv3:NewActionTimer(uv2, slot0) else uv3.modelComps[2]:SetEndEvent(function () uv0:SetEndEvent(nil) uv1() end) end end) end end end end seriesAsync(slot4, slot3) end function slot0.LoadModel(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5) if slot0.modelType ~= slot1 or slot0.modelResPath ~= slot2 or slot0.modelResName ~= slot3 then slot0:UnloadModel() slot0.model = createNewGameObject("model") slot0.modelType = slot1 slot0.modelResPath = slot2 slot0.modelResName = slot3 slot0.modelResAsync = defaultValue(slot4, true) if slot0.modelType == WorldConst.ModelSpine then slot0.modelAction = slot0.modelAction or WorldConst.ActionIdle table.insert({}, function (slot0) uv0:LoadSpine(slot0) end) elseif slot0.modelType == WorldConst.ModelPrefab then slot0.modelAction = slot0.modelAction or "idle" table.insert(slot6, function (slot0) uv0:LoadPrefab(slot0) end) end seriesAsync(slot6, function () if uv0.modelScale == nil then uv0.modelScale = uv0.model.localScale else uv0:FlushModelScale() end if uv0.modelAngles == nil then uv0.modelAngles = uv0.model.localEulerAngles else uv0:FlushModelAngles() end uv0:FlushModelAction() if uv1 then uv1() end end) end end function slot0.UnloadModel(slot0) slot0:DisposeActionTimer() if slot0.model then if slot0.model.childCount > 0 then if slot0.modelType == WorldConst.ModelSpine then slot0:UnloadSpine() elseif slot0.modelType == WorldConst.ModelPrefab then slot0:UnloadPrefab() end end Destroy(slot0.model) end slot0.model = nil slot0.modelComps = nil slot0.modelType = nil slot0.modelResPath = nil slot0.modelResName = nil slot0.modelResAsync = nil end function slot0.LoadSpine(slot0, slot1) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetSpineChar(slot0.modelResPath, slot0.modelResAsync, function (slot0) if uv0.modelType ~= WorldConst.ModelSpine or uv0.modelResPath ~= uv1 then PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnSpineChar(uv1, slot0) return end slot1 = slot0.transform slot1:GetComponent("SkeletonGraphic").raycastTarget = false slot1.anchoredPosition3D = slot1.localScale = pg.ViewUtils.SetLayer(slot1, Layer.UI) slot1:SetParent(uv0.model, false) uv0.modelComps = { slot1:GetComponent("SpineAnimUI") } uv2() end) end function slot0.LoadPrefab(slot0, slot1) PoolMgr.GetInstance():GetPrefab(slot0.modelResPath, slot0.modelResName, slot0.modelResAsync, function (slot0) if uv0.modelType ~= WorldConst.ModelPrefab or uv0.modelResPath ~= uv1 or uv0.modelResName ~= uv2 then PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab(uv1, uv2, slot0, true) return end for slot5 = 0, slot0:GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Image)).Length - 1 do slot1[slot5].raycastTarget = false end slot0.transform:SetParent(uv0.model, false) uv0.modelComps = {} if slot0:GetComponentInChildren(typeof(Animator)) then uv0.modelComps = { slot2, slot2:GetComponent("DftAniEvent") } end uv3() end) end function slot0.UnloadSpine(slot0) slot0.modelComps[1]:SetActionCallBack(nil) PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnSpineChar(slot0.modelResPath, slot0.model:GetChild(0).gameObject) end function slot0.UnloadPrefab(slot0) if slot0.modelComps[2] then slot1:SetEndEvent(nil) end PoolMgr.GetInstance():ReturnPrefab(slot0.modelResPath, slot0.modelResName, slot0.model:GetChild(0).gameObject, true) end function slot0.NewActionTimer(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:DisposeActionTimer() slot0.modelActionTimer = Timer.New(slot2, slot1, 1) slot0.modelActionTimer:Start() end function slot0.DisposeActionTimer(slot0) if slot0.modelActionTimer then slot0.modelActionTimer:Stop() slot0.modelActionTimer = nil end end return slot0