slot0 = class("WorldMapShip", import("...BaseEntity")) slot0.Fields = { hpRant = "number", buffs = "table", fleetId = "number", triggers = "table", id = "number" } slot0.EventHpRantChange = "WorldMapShip.EventHpRantChange" slot0.EventUpdateBuff = "WorldMapShip.EventUpdateBuff" slot0.EventUpdateBroken = "WorldMapShip.EventUpdateBroken" function slot0.Build(slot0) = nil slot0.hpRant = 10000 slot0.buffs = {} slot0.triggers = {} end function slot0.Setup(slot0, slot1) = slot0.hpRant = slot1.hp_rant slot0.buffs = WorldConst.ParsingBuffs(slot1.buff_list) end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) slot0:Clear() end function slot0.GetImportWorldShipVO(slot0) return setmetatable({ triggers = slot0.triggers, isBroken = slot0:IsBroken(), IsBenefitSkillActive = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = false if slot1.type == Ship.BENEFIT_SKILL then if not slot0.isBroken and slot1.limit[1] == slot0.triggers.TeamNumbers then slot2 = true end elseif slot1.type == Ship.BENEFIT_EQUIP then for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot0:getAllEquipments()) do if slot9 and table.contains(slot1.limit, then slot2 = true break end end elseif slot1.type == Ship.BENEFIT_MAP_AURA then slot2 = not slot0.isBroken elseif slot1.type == Ship.BENEFIT_AID then slot2 = not slot0.isBroken end return slot2 end, GetStaminaDiscount = function (slot0, slot1) slot2 = 0 if slot1 == WorldConst.OpReqSub then for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot0:getAllSkills()) do if pg.skill_benefit_template[tonumber(slot6 .. string.format("%.2d", slot7.level))] and slot0:IsBenefitSkillActive(slot9) and (slot9.type == Ship.BENEFIT_EQUIP or slot9.type == Ship.BENEFIT_SKILL) then slot2 = slot2 + defaultValue(slot9.world_extra_effect[1], 0) end end end return slot2 end }, { __index = WorldConst.FetchRawShipVO( }) end function slot0.UpdateHpRant(slot0, slot1) if slot0.hpRant ~= slot1 then slot0.hpRant = slot1 slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventHpRantChange) end end function slot0.IsValid(slot0) return tobool(WorldConst.FetchRawShipVO( end function slot0.IsAlive(slot0) return slot0.hpRant > 0 end function slot0.IsHpFull(slot0) return slot0.hpRant == 10000 end function slot0.IsHpSafe(slot0) return slot0.hpRant >= 3000 end function slot0.GetBuffList(slot0, slot1) return _.filter(_.values(slot0.buffs), function (slot0) return slot0:GetFloor() > 0 and (not uv0 or ~= WorldConst.BrokenBuffId) end) end function slot0.GetBuff(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.buffs[slot1] then slot0.buffs[slot1] = WorldBuff.New() slot0.buffs[slot1]:Setup({ floor = 0, id = slot1 }) end return slot0.buffs[slot1] end function slot0.AddBuff(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.buffs[slot1]:AddFloor(slot2) if slot1 == WorldConst.BrokenBuffId then slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateBroken) end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateBuff) end function slot0.RemoveBuff(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.buffs[slot1] then if slot2 and slot2 < slot3:GetFloor() then slot3:AddFloor(slot2 * -1) else slot0.buffs[slot1] = nil end if slot1 == WorldConst.BrokenBuffId then slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateBroken) end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateBuff) end end function slot0.IsBuffMax(slot0, slot1) return WorldBuff.GetTemplate(slot1).buff_maxfloor <= slot0:GetBuff(slot1):GetFloor() end function slot0.Rebirth(slot0) slot0:UpdateHpRant(pg.gameset.world_death_hpfix.key_value) slot0:AddBuff(WorldConst.BrokenBuffId, 1) end function slot0.Repair(slot0) slot0:UpdateHpRant(10000) slot0:RemoveBuff(WorldConst.BrokenBuffId) end function slot0.Regenerate(slot0, slot1) slot0:UpdateHpRant(math.min(10000, slot0.hpRant + slot1)) end function slot0.RegenerateValue(slot0, slot1) slot0:UpdateHpRant(math.min(10000, slot0.hpRant + math.floor(slot1 / WorldConst.FetchShipVO(, true, false)[AttributeType.Durability] * 10000))) end function slot0.IsBroken(slot0) return slot0:GetBuff(WorldConst.BrokenBuffId):GetFloor() > 0 end function slot0.GetShipBuffList(slot0) slot1 = slot0:GetBuffList(true) if slot0.fleetId and nowWorld:GetFleet(slot0.fleetId) then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot3:GetBuffList()) do table.insert(slot1, slot8) end end return slot1 end function slot0.GetShipBuffProperties(slot0) slot1 = {} slot2 = {} WorldConst.AppendPropertiesFromBuffList(slot1, slot2, slot0:GetShipBuffList()) return slot1, slot2 end function slot0.GetShipPowerBuffProperties(slot0) slot1 = nowWorld slot3 = {} if slot0:GetBuff(WorldConst.BrokenBuffId):GetFloor() > 0 then table.insert({}, slot4) end if slot0.fleetId and checkExist(slot1:GetFleet(slot0.fleetId), { "GetDamageBuff" }) then table.insert(slot2, slot5) end WorldConst.ExtendpropertiesRatesFromBuffList(slot3, slot2) return slot3 end function slot0.GetShipBattleBuff(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:GetShipBuffList()) do if slot7.config.lua_id > 0 then table.insert(slot1, slot8) end end return slot1 end return slot0