slot0 = class("WorldConst") slot0.Debug = false function slot0.Print(...) if uv0.Debug then warning(...) end end function slot0.DebugPrintAttachmentCell(slot0, slot1) if not uv0.Debug then return end warning(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1) do warning(slot5, #slot6.attachmentList) for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6.attachmentList) do warning(slot11:DebugPrint()) end end end slot0.DefaultAtlas = 1 function slot0.GetProgressAtlas(slot0) return uv0.DefaultAtlas end slot0.MaxRow = 30 slot0.MaxColumn = 30 slot0.LineCross = 2 slot0.ActionIdle = "normal" slot0.ActionMove = "move" slot0.ActionDrag = "tuozhuai" slot0.ActionYun = "yun" slot0.ActionVanish = "vanish" slot0.ActionAppear = "appear" slot0.EnemySize = { 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 3, [99.0] = 99 } slot0.ResourceID = 3002 slot0.ReqName = { "OpReqMoveFleet", "OpReqBox", nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "OpReqRound", "OpReqSub", "OpReqEvent", nil, "OpReqDiscover", "OpReqTransport", "OpReqRetreat", nil, nil, "OpReqReturn", "OpReqTask", nil, "OpReqMaintenance", "OpReqVision", nil, "OpReqRedeploy", nil, "OpReqPressingMap", "OpReqJumpOut", "OpReqEnterPort", "OpReqCatSalvage", "OpReqSwitchFleet", [99.0] = "OpReqSkipBattle" } for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.ReqName) do slot0[slot5] = slot4 end slot0.OpActionFleetMove = -100 slot0.OpActionAttachmentMove = -101 slot0.OpActionAttachmentAnim = -102 slot0.OpActionNextRound = -103 slot0.OpActionEventOp = -104 slot0.OpActionMoveStep = -105 slot0.OpActionUpdate = -106 slot0.OpActionFleetAnim = -107 slot0.OpActionEventEffect = -108 slot0.OpActionTaskGoto = -109 slot0.OpActionCameraMove = -110 slot0.RoundPlayer = 0 slot0.RoundElse = 1 slot0.DirNone = 0 slot0.DirUp = 1 slot0.DirRight = 2 slot0.DirDown = 3 slot0.DirLeft = 4 function slot0.DirToLine(slot0) if slot0 == uv0.DirNone then return { row = 0, column = 0 } elseif slot0 == uv0.DirUp then return { row = -1, column = 0 } elseif slot0 == uv0.DirRight then return { row = 0, column = 1 } elseif slot0 == uv0.DirDown then return { row = 1, column = 0 } elseif slot0 == uv0.DirLeft then return { row = 0, column = -1 } end end slot0.DefaultMapOffset = Vector3(0, -1000, -1000) function slot0.InFOVRange(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot4 = slot4 or uv0.GetFOVRadius() return (slot0 - slot2) * (slot0 - slot2) + (slot1 - slot3) * (slot1 - slot3) <= slot4 * slot4 end function slot0.GetFOVRadius() return pg.gameset.world_move_initial_view.key_value end function slot0.IsRookieMap(slot0) return _.any(pg.gameset.world_guide_map_list.description, function (slot0) return uv0 == slot0 end) end function slot0.GetRealmRookieId(slot0) return unpack(pg.gameset.world_default_entrance.description[slot0]) end function slot0.ParseConfigDir(slot0, slot1) if slot0 == -1 then return WorldConst.DirUp elseif slot0 == 1 then return WorldConst.DirDown elseif slot1 == -1 then return WorldConst.DirLeft elseif slot1 == 1 then return WorldConst.DirRight end end function slot0.Pos2FogRes(slot0, slot1) return "miwu0" .. slot0 % 3 * 3 + slot1 % 3 + 1 end slot0.TerrainStreamRes = { "yangliu_shang", "yangliu_you", "yangliu_xia", "yangliu_zuo" } slot0.TerrainWindRes = { "longjuanfeng_shang", "longjuanfeng_you", "longjuanfeng_xia", "longjuanfeng_zuo" } slot0.TerrainPoisonRes = { "poison01", "poison02" } function slot0.GetTerrainEffectRes(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0 == WorldMapCell.TerrainStream then slot3 = uv0.TerrainStreamRes[slot1] return "world/object/" .. slot3, slot3 elseif slot0 == WorldMapCell.TerrainWind then slot3 = uv0.TerrainWindRes[slot1] return "world/object/" .. slot3, slot3 elseif slot0 == WorldMapCell.TerrainIce then return "world/object/ice", "ice" elseif slot0 == WorldMapCell.TerrainPoison then slot3 = uv0.TerrainPoisonRes[slot2] return "world/object/" .. slot3, slot3 end end function slot0.GetWindEffect() return "world/object/longjuanfeng", "longjuanfeng" end function slot0.GetBuffEffect(slot0) return "ui/" .. slot0, slot0 end slot0.PoisonEffect = "san_low" function slot0.ArrayEffectOrder(slot0, slot1) for slot7 = 0, slot0:GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Renderer), true).Length - 1 do table.insert({}, slot3[slot7]) end for slot8 = 0, slot0:GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Canvas), true).Length - 1 do table.insert(slot2, slot4[slot8]) end for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot2) do slot9.sortingOrder = slot9.sortingOrder + slot1 end end slot0.Flag16Max = 65535 slot0.LOEffectA = 1 slot0.LOQuad = 1000 slot0.LOEffectB = 1001 slot0.LOItem = 2000 slot0.LOEffectC = 2001 slot0.LOCell = 3000 slot0.LOFleet = 3001 slot0.LOTop = 4000 slot0.WindScale = { 0.5, 0.5, 0.75, 0.75, 1 } function slot0.GetWindScale(slot0) return slot0 and uv0.WindScale[slot0] or 1 end slot0.BaseMoveDuration = 0.35 function slot0.GetTerrainMoveStepDuration(slot0) uv0.MoveStepDuration = uv0.MoveStepDuration or { [WorldMapCell.TerrainNone] = uv0.BaseMoveDuration, [WorldMapCell.TerrainWind] = uv0.BaseMoveDuration / 2, [WorldMapCell.TerrainStream] = uv0.BaseMoveDuration / 2, [WorldMapCell.TerrainIce] = uv0.BaseMoveDuration / 2, [WorldMapCell.TerrainFog] = uv0.BaseMoveDuration, [WorldMapCell.TerrainFire] = uv0.BaseMoveDuration, [WorldMapCell.TerrainPoison] = uv0.BaseMoveDuration } return uv0.MoveStepDuration[slot0] end slot0.UIEaseDuration = 0.5 slot0.UIEaseFasterDuration = 0.3 slot0.ModelSpine = 1 slot0.ModelPrefab = 2 slot0.ResBoxPrefab = "boxprefab/" slot0.ResChapterPrefab = "chapter/" slot0.DirType1 = 1 slot0.DirType2 = 2 slot0.DirType4 = 4 function slot0.CalcWorldPowerRank(slot0) return 1 end function slot0.CalcModelPosition(slot0, slot1) return Vector3((slot0.config.area_pos[1] - slot1.x / 2) / PIXEL_PER_UNIT, 0, (slot0.config.area_pos[2] - slot1.y / 2) / PIXEL_PER_UNIT) end slot0.BrokenBuffId = pg.gameset.world_death_buff.key_value slot0.MoveLimitBuffId = pg.gameset.world_move_buff_desc.key_value slot0.DamageBuffList = pg.gameset.world_buff_morale.description function slot0.ExtendpropertiesRatesFromBuffList(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot6:IsValid() then for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6.config.buff_attr) do slot0[slot11] = defaultValue(slot0[slot11], 1) * (10000 + slot6.config.buff_effect[slot10] * slot6.floor) / 10000 end end end end function slot0.AppendPropertiesFromBuffList(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2) do if slot7:IsValid() then for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot7.config.buff_attr) do if slot7.config.percent[slot11] == 1 then slot1[slot12] = defaultValue(slot1[slot12], 0) + slot7.config.buff_effect[slot11] * slot7.floor else slot0[slot12] = defaultValue(slot0[slot12], 0) + slot7.config.buff_effect[slot11] * slot7.floor end end end end for slot6, slot7 in pairs(slot1) do slot1[slot6] = 1 + slot7 / 10000 end end slot0.TaskTypeSubmitItem = 2 slot0.TaskTypeArrivePort = 6 slot0.TaskTypeFleetExpansion = 7 slot0.TaskTypePressingMap = 12 slot0.FleetRedeploy = 1 slot0.FleetExpansion = 2 slot0.QuadBlinkDuration = 1 slot0.QuadSpriteAtlas = "world/object/atlas" slot0.QuadSpriteWhite = "cell_white" slot0.TransportDisplayNormal = 0 slot0.TransportDisplayGuideEnable = 1 slot0.TransportDisplayGuideDanger = 2 slot0.TransportDisplayGuideForbid = 3 function slot0.CalcRelativeRectPos(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) slot4 = slot2.x + slot1.width / 2 slot5 = slot2.x + slot2.width - slot1.width / 2 slot6 = slot2.y + slot1.height / 2 slot7 = slot2.y + slot2.height - slot1.height / 2 function slot8(slot0) return uv0 <= slot0.x and slot0.x <= uv1 and uv2 <= slot0.y and slot0.y <= uv3 end slot10 = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 10) for slot14 = slot3, 0, -50 do for slot19 = 360 / slot9, 1, -1 do if slot8(slot0 + slot10 * Vector3(slot14, 0, 0)) then return slot0 + slot15 end end end return _.min({ Vector2(slot4, slot6), Vector2(slot4, slot7), Vector2(slot5, slot7), Vector2(slot5, slot6) }, function (slot0) return Vector2.Distance(slot0, uv0) end) end function slot0.GetMapIconState(slot0) if slot0 == 1 then return "normal" elseif slot0 == 2 then return "danger" elseif slot0 == 3 then return "danger" end end function slot0.HasDangerConfirm(slot0) if slot0 == 1 then return false elseif slot0 == 2 then return false elseif slot0 == 3 then return true end end slot0.SystemCompass = 1 slot0.SystemMemo = 2 slot0.SystemInventory = 3 slot0.SystemWorldBoss = 4 slot0.SystemCollection = 5 slot0.SystemSubmarine = 6 slot0.SystemFleetDetail = 7 slot0.SystemWorldInfo = 8 slot0.SystemRedeploy = 9 slot0.SystemScanner = 10 slot0.SystemResource = 11 slot0.SystemOutMap = 12 slot0.SystemOrderRedeploy = slot0.SystemRedeploy slot0.SystemOrderMaintenance = 13 slot0.SystemOrderFOV = 15 slot0.SystemOrderSubmarine = slot0.SystemSubmarine slot0.SystemResetCountDown = 16 slot0.SystemResetExchange = 17 slot0.SystemResetShop = 18 function slot0.BuildHelpTips(slot0) slot1 = i18n("world_stage_help") slot3 = 1 for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(pg.gameset.world_stage_help.description) do if slot8[1] <= slot0 then table.insert(slot1, slot3, { icon = { path = "", atlas = slot8[2] } }) slot3 = slot3 + 1 end end return slot1 end slot0.AnimRadar = "RadarEffectUI" function slot0.FindStageTemplates(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.world_stage_template.all) do if pg.world_stage_template[slot6].stage_key == slot0 then table.insert(slot1, slot7) end end return slot1 end function slot0.GetRookieBattleLoseStory() return pg.gameset.world_story_special_2.description[1] end slot0.FOVInRange = 1 slot0.FOVEventEffect = 2 slot0.FOVMapSight = 4 slot0.GuideEnemyEnd = false function slot0.IsWorldGuideEnemyId(slot0) if uv0.GuideEnemyEnd then return false end return table.contains(pg.gameset.world_guide_enemy_id.description, slot0) end function slot0.WorldLevelCorrect(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.gameset.world_expedition_level.description) do for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot6[1]) do if slot1 == slot11 then slot0 = slot0 + slot6[2] end end end return math.max(slot0, 1) end function slot0.GetAreaFocusPos(slot0) slot1 = pg.world_regions_data[slot0].regions_pos return Vector2(slot1[1], slot1[2]) end function slot0.GetTransportBlockEvent() if not uv0.blockEventDic then uv0.blockEventDic = {} for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(pg.gameset.world_movelimit_event.description) do uv0.blockEventDic[slot4] = true end end return uv0.blockEventDic end function slot0.GetTransportStoryEvent() if not uv0.blockStoryDic then uv0.blockStoryDic = {} for slot3, slot4 in ipairs(pg.gameset.world_transfer_eventlist.description) do uv0.blockStoryDic[slot4] = true end end return uv0.blockStoryDic end function slot0.IsWorldHelpNew(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then PlayerPrefs.SetInt("world_help_progress", slot0) PlayerPrefs.Save() return false else if slot0 > (PlayerPrefs.HasKey("world_help_progress") and PlayerPrefs.GetInt("world_help_progress") or 0) then for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(pg.world_help_data.all) do if pg.world_help_data[slot7].stage <= slot0 then if slot2 < slot8.stage then return true else for slot12, slot13 in ipairs(slot8.stage_help) do if slot2 < slot13[1] and slot13[1] <= slot0 then return true end end end end end end return false end end function slot0.ParsingBuffs(slot0) _.each(slot0, function (slot0) slot1 = WorldBuff.New() slot1:Setup({ id =, floor = slot0.stack, round = slot0.round, step = slot0.step }) uv0[] = slot1 end) return {} end function slot0.CompareBuffs(slot0, slot1) slot4 = _.extend({}, slot1) for slot8, slot9 in pairs(_.extend({}, slot0)) do if slot4[slot8] then slot2[slot8] = nil slot4[slot8] = nil end end return { remove = slot2, continue = { [slot8] = slot2[slot8] }, add = slot4 } end function slot0.FetchWorldShip(slot0) return nowWorld:GetShip(slot0) end function slot0.FetchShipVO(slot0) return getProxy(BayProxy):getShipById(slot0) end function slot0.FetchRawShipVO(slot0) return getProxy(BayProxy):getRawData()[slot0] end function slot0.ReqWorldCheck(slot0) slot1 = {} if nowWorld.type == World.TypeBase then table.insert(slot1, function (slot0) pg.ConnectionMgr.GetInstance():Send(33000, { type = 0 }, 33001, function (slot0) slot1 = getProxy(WorldProxy) slot1:BuildWorld(World.TypeFull) slot1:NetFullUpdate(slot0) uv0() end) end) end seriesAsync(slot1, slot0) end return slot0