slot0 = class("World", import("...BaseEntity")) slot0.Fields = { achieveMapStar = "table", stepCount = "number", cdTimeList = "table", type = "number", atlas = "table", portShips = "table", progress = "number", globalBuffDic = "table", roundIndex = "number", realm = "number", resetAward = "table", activateCount = "number", resetLimitTip = "boolean", achievements = "table", treasureCount = "number", collectionProxy = "table", defaultFleets = "table", goodDic = "table", taskProxy = "table", nowEntrance = "number", fleets = "table", inventoryProxy = "table", staminaMgr = "table", worldBossProxy = "table", baseShipIds = "table", baseCmdIds = "table", colorDic = "table", expiredTime = "number", pressingAwardDic = "table", submarineSupport = "boolean" } slot0.EventUpdateRound = "World.EventUpdateRound" slot0.EventUpdateSubmarineSupport = "World.EventUpdateSubmarineSupport" slot0.EventSwitchMap = "World.EventSwitchMap" slot0.EventUpdateProgress = "World.EventUpdateProgress" slot0.EventUpdateShopGoods = "World.EventUpdateShopGoods" slot0.EventUpdateGlobalBuff = "World.EventUpdateGlobalBuff" slot0.EventAddPortShip = "World.EventAddPortShip" slot0.EventRemovePortShip = "World.EventRemovePortShip" slot0.EventAchieved = "World.EventAchieved" slot0.Listeners = { onUpdateItem = "OnUpdateItem", onUpdateTask = "OnUpdateTask" } slot0.TypeBase = 0 slot0.TypeFull = 1 slot0.TypeReset = 2 slot0.InheritNameList = { staminaMgr = function () return WorldStaminaManager.New() end, collectionProxy = function () return WorldCollectionProxy.New() end, worldBossProxy = function () return WorldBossProxy.New() end } function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1, slot2) uv0.super.Ctor(slot0) slot0.type = slot1 slot0:InheritReset(slot2) end function slot0.Build(slot0) slot0.atlas = nil slot0.realm = 0 slot0.fleets = {} slot0.defaultFleets = {} slot0.portShips = {} slot0.expiredTime = 0 slot0.roundIndex = nil slot0.submarineSupport = nil slot0.achievements = {} slot0.achieveMapStar = {} slot0.nowEntrance = nil slot0:InitWorldShopGoods() slot0:InitWorldColorDictionary() slot0.activateCount = 0 slot0.stepCount = 0 slot0.treasureCount = 0 slot0.progress = 0 slot0.cdTimeList = {} slot0.globalBuffDic = {} slot0.pressingAwardDic = {} slot0.inventoryProxy = WorldInventoryProxy.New() slot0.inventoryProxy:AddListener(WorldInventoryProxy.EventUpdateItem, slot0.onUpdateItem) slot0.taskProxy = WorldTaskProxy.New() slot0.taskProxy:AddListener(WorldTaskProxy.EventUpdateTask, slot0.onUpdateTask) slot0.baseShipIds = {} slot0.baseCmdIds = {} end function slot0.Dispose(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} if slot1 == uv0.TypeBase then slot2 = { worldBossProxy = slot0.worldBossProxy } elseif slot1 == uv0.TypeFull then slot2 = { worldBossProxy = slot0.worldBossProxy } elseif slot1 == uv0.TypeReset then slot2 = { realm = slot0.realm, defaultFleets = slot0.defaultFleets, achievements = slot0.achievements, achieveMapStar = slot0.achieveMapStar, nowEntrance = slot0.nowEntrance, activateCount = slot0.activateCount, progress = slot0.progress, staminaMgr = slot0.staminaMgr, collectionProxy = slot0.collectionProxy, worldBossProxy = slot0.worldBossProxy } end for slot6 in pairs(uv0.InheritNameList) do if not slot2[slot6] then slot0[slot6]:Dispose() end end slot0.inventoryProxy:RemoveListener(WorldInventoryProxy.EventUpdateItem, slot0.onUpdateItem) slot0.inventoryProxy:Dispose() slot0.taskProxy:RemoveListener(WorldTaskProxy.EventUpdateTask, slot0.onUpdateTask) slot0.taskProxy:Dispose() slot0.atlas:Dispose() slot0:Clear() return slot2 end function slot0.InheritReset(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot1 or {}) do slot0[slot5] = slot6 end for slot5, slot6 in pairs(uv0.InheritNameList) do if not slot1[slot5] then slot0[slot5] = slot6() end end end function slot0.NewAtlas(slot0, slot1) slot0.atlas = WorldAtlas.New() slot0.atlas:Setup(slot1) end function slot0.IsReseted(slot0) return slot0.activateCount > 1 end function slot0.IsActivate(slot0) if slot0.type == World.TypeBase then return #slot0.baseShipIds > 0 else return tobool(slot0:GetActiveMap()) end end function slot0.CheckResetProgress(slot0) return pg.gameset.world_resetting_stage.key_value <= slot0.progress end function slot0.GetResetWaitingTime(slot0) return slot0.expiredTime - pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() end function slot0.CheckReset(slot0, slot1) return slot0:IsActivate() and (slot1 or slot0:CheckResetProgress()) and slot0:GetResetWaitingTime() < 0 end function slot0.SetupRealm(slot0, slot1) if slot0.realm ~= slot1 then slot0.realm = slot1 end end function slot0.GetAtlas(slot0) return slot0.atlas end function slot0.GetEntrance(slot0, slot1) return slot0.atlas:GetEntrance(slot1) end function slot0.GetActiveEntrance(slot0) return slot0.atlas:GetActiveEntrance() end function slot0.GetMap(slot0, slot1) return slot0.atlas:GetMap(slot1) end function slot0.GetActiveMap(slot0) return slot0.atlas:GetActiveMap() end function slot0.OnSwitchMap(slot0) slot0:ResetRound() if slot0.submarineSupport then pg.TipsMgr.GetInstance():ShowTips(i18n("world_instruction_submarine_5")) slot0:ResetSubmarine() slot0:UpdateSubmarineSupport(false) end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventSwitchMap) print("switch 2 map: " .. slot0:GetActiveMap().id .. ", " .. tostring(slot0:GetActiveMap().gid)) end function slot0.GetRound(slot0) return slot0.roundIndex % 2 end function slot0.IncRound(slot0) slot0.roundIndex = slot0.roundIndex + 1 slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateRound) end function slot0.ResetRound(slot0) slot0.roundIndex = 0 end function slot0.UpdateProgress(slot0, slot1) if slot0.progress < slot1 then slot0.progress = slot1 slot0.atlas:UpdateProgress(slot0.progress, slot1) slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateProgress) end end function slot0.GetProgress(slot0) return slot0.progress end function slot0.GetCurrentProgress(slot0) slot1, slot2 = nil slot3 = slot0:GetProgress() for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(pg.world_stage_data.all) do if slot4[slot9].start_num <= slot3 and slot3 <= slot10.end_num then slot1 = slot3 - slot10.start_num slot2 = slot10.end_num - slot10.start_num end end return slot1, slot2 end function slot0.CanCallSubmarineSupport(slot0) return slot0:GetSubmarineFleet() end function slot0.IsSubmarineSupporting(slot0) return slot0.submarineSupport end function slot0.UpdateSubmarineSupport(slot0, slot1) slot0.submarineSupport = slot1 slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateSubmarineSupport) end function slot0.GetSubAidFlag(slot0) return slot0:IsSubmarineSupporting() and slot0:GetSubmarineFleet():GetAmmo() > 0 end function slot0.ResetSubmarine(slot0) if slot0:GetSubmarineFleet() then slot1:RepairSubmarine() end end function slot0.SetFleets(slot0, slot1) slot0.fleets = slot1 pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():UpdateFlagShips("inWorld") end function slot0.GetFleets(slot0) return, 1) end function slot0.GetFleet(slot0, slot1) return slot1 and _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return == uv0 end) or slot0:GetActiveMap():GetFleet() end function slot0.GetNormalFleets(slot0) return _.filter(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:GetFleetType() == FleetType.Normal end) end function slot0.GetSubmarineFleet(slot0) return _.detect(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) return slot0:GetFleetType() == FleetType.Submarine end) end function slot0.GetShips(slot0) _.each(slot0:GetFleets(), function (slot0) _.each(slot0:GetShips(true), function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, slot0) end) end) return table.mergeArray({}, slot0:GetPortShips()) end function slot0.GetShipVOs(slot0) if slot0.type == World.TypeBase then return, function (slot0) return WorldConst.FetchShipVO(slot0) end) else return, function (slot0) return WorldConst.FetchShipVO( end) end end function slot0.GetShip(slot0, slot1) return _.detect(slot0:GetShips(), function (slot0) return == uv0 end) end function slot0.GetShipVO(slot0, slot1) return slot0:GetShip(slot1) and WorldConst.FetchShipVO( end function slot0.SetPortShips(slot0, slot1) slot0.portShips = slot1 pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():UpdateFlagShips("inWorld") end function slot0.GetPortShips(slot0) return slot0.portShips end function slot0.GetPortShipVOs(slot0) return, function (slot0) return WorldConst.FetchShipVO( end) end function slot0.AddPortShip(slot0, slot1) slot1.fleetId = nil table.insert(slot0.portShips, slot1) pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():UpdateFlagShips("inWorld") slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventAddPortShip, slot1) end function slot0.RemovePortShip(slot0, slot1) for slot5 = #slot0.portShips, 1, -1 do if slot0.portShips[slot5].id == slot1 then slot6 = table.remove(slot0.portShips, slot5) pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():UpdateFlagShips("inWorld") slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventRemovePortShip, slot6) return slot6 end end end function slot0.SetDefaultFleets(slot0, slot1) slot0.defaultFleets = slot1 end function slot0.GetDefaultFleets(slot0) return, 1) end function slot0.TransDefaultFleets(slot0) slot0.defaultFleets =, function (slot0) return slot0:Trans(WorldBaseFleet) end) end function slot0.GetLevel(slot0) return _(slot0:GetFleets()):chain():map(function (slot0) return slot0:GetLevel() end):max():value() end function slot0.GetWorldPower(slot0) underscore.each(slot0.fleets, function (slot0) uv0 = uv0 + slot0:GetGearScoreSum() end) return math.floor(0 * (1 + slot0:GetWorldMapBuffAverageLevel() / pg.gameset.world_strength_correct.key_value)) end function slot0.GetWorldRank(slot0) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(, function (slot0) return slot0:GetLevelCount() / 6 end)) do slot1 = 0 + slot8 * pg.gameset.world_level_correct.description[slot7] end if slot0:GetSubmarineFleet() then slot1 = slot1 + slot4:GetLevelCount() / 3 * slot3[5] end slot5 = nil for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(pg.gameset.world_suggest_level.description) do if slot1 * slot0:GetWorldMapBuffAverageLevel() < slot11 then break else slot5 = slot10 end end return slot5 end function slot0.GetBossProxy(slot0) return slot0.worldBossProxy end function slot0.GetTaskProxy(slot0) return slot0.taskProxy end function slot0.GetInventoryProxy(slot0) return slot0.inventoryProxy end function slot0.GetCollectionProxy(slot0) return slot0.collectionProxy end function slot0.VerifyFormation(slot0) slot1 = {} _.each(slot0:GetShips(), function (slot0) uv0[] = (uv0[] or 0) + 1 end) end function slot0.CalcRepairCost(slot0, slot1) slot3 = WorldConst.FetchShipVO( - slot0:GetLevel() if slot1:IsBroken() then return (_.detect(pg.gameset.world_port_service_2_interval.description, function (slot0) return uv0 <= slot0[1] end) or slot4[#slot4])[2] * pg.gameset.world_port_service_2_price.key_value elseif not slot1:IsHpFull() then slot5 = pg.gameset.world_port_service_1_price.description return (_.detect(pg.gameset.world_port_service_1_interval.description, function (slot0) return uv0 <= slot0[1] end) or slot4[#slot4])[2] * (_.detect(slot5, function (slot0) return uv0.hpRant <= slot0[1] end) or slot5[#slot5])[2] end return 0 end function slot0.GetMoveRange(slot0, slot1) if slot0:GetActiveMap():IsUnlockFleetMode() and not slot1:HasTrapBuff() then return slot2:GetLongMoveRange(slot1) else return slot2:GetMoveRange(slot1) end end function slot0.IsRookie(slot0) return slot0.activateCount == 0 and slot0.progress <= 0 end function slot0.EntranceToDisplayMap(slot0, slot1) if then return slot0:GetAtlas():GetActiveMap() else return slot0:EntranceToReplacementMap(slot1) end end function slot0.EntranceToReplacementMap(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1:GetBaseMap().config.stage_chapter) do if slot7[1] <= slot0:GetProgress() and slot0:GetProgress() <= slot7[2] then return slot0:GetMap(slot7[3]) end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2.config.task_chapter) do if slot0.taskProxy:getTaskById(slot7[1]) and slot8:getState() == WorldTask.STATE_ONGOING then return slot0:GetMap(slot7[2]) end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2.config.teasure_chapter) do if slot0.inventoryProxy:GetItemCount(slot7[1]) > 0 then return slot0:GetMap(slot7[2]) end end if slot2.becomeSairen then return slot0:GetMap(slot2.config.sairen_chapter[1]) end if slot2.isPressing and #slot2.config.complete_chapter > 0 then return slot0:GetMap(slot2.config.complete_chapter[1]) end return slot2 end function slot0.ReplacementMapType(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot0:GetBaseMap().config.stage_chapter) do if slot7[3] == then return "stage_chapter" end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2.config.task_chapter) do if slot7[2] == then return "task_chapter" end end for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot2.config.teasure_chapter) do if slot7[2] == then return "teasure_chapter" end end if slot2.config.sairen_chapter[1] == then return "sairen_chapter" end if slot2.config.complete_chapter[1] == then return "complete_chapter" end end function slot0.FindTreasureEntrance(slot0, slot1) return _.values(slot0.atlas:GetTreasureDic(slot1))[1] end function slot0.TreasureMap2ItemId(slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:GetEntrance(slot2):GetBaseMap().config.teasure_chapter) do if slot8[2] == slot1 then return slot8[1] end end end function slot0.CheckFleetMovable(slot0) return slot0:GetRound() == WorldConst.RoundPlayer and slot1:CheckFleetMovable(slot0:GetActiveMap():GetFleet()) and not slot1:CheckInteractive() end function slot0.IsFeetCageInTerrain(slot0) slot1 = slot0:GetActiveMap() slot2 = slot1:GetFleet() return slot1:GetCell(slot2.row, slot2.column):IsTerrainCage() end function slot0.SetMapAchieveSuccess(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.achieveMapStar[slot1] = slot0.achieveMapStar[slot1] or {} slot0.achieveMapStar[slot1][slot2] = true end function slot0.GetMapAchieveStarDic(slot0, slot1) return slot0.achieveMapStar[slot1] or {} end function slot0.GetAchievement(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.achievements[slot1] then slot0.achievements[slot1] = WorldAchievement.New() slot0.achievements[slot1]:Setup(slot1) end return slot0.achievements[slot1] end function slot0.GetAchievements(slot0, slot1) _.each(slot1.config.normal_target, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, uv1:GetAchievement(slot0)) end) _.each(slot1.config.cryptic_target, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, uv1:GetAchievement(slot0)) end) return {} end function slot0.IsNormalAchievementAchieved(slot0, slot1) return slot0:CountAchievements(slot1) >= #slot1:GetBaseMap().config.normal_target end function slot0.AnyUnachievedAchievement(slot0, slot1) slot2 = slot1:GetBaseMap() slot3 = slot0:GetMapAchieveStarDic( if _.detect(slot2:GetAchievementAwards(), function (slot0) return not uv0[] end) then slot5, slot6 = slot0:CountAchievements(slot1) return <= slot5 + slot6, slot4 end end function slot0.GetFinishAchievements(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} slot3 = {} for slot8, slot9 in ipairs(slot1 and { slot1 } or slot0.atlas:GetAchEntranceList()) do slot10, slot11 = slot0:CountAchievements(slot9) slot12 = slot9:GetBaseMap() slot14 = {} for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot12:GetAchievementAwards()) do if not slot0:GetMapAchieveStarDic([] and <= slot10 + slot11 then table.insert(slot14, end end if #slot14 > 0 then table.insert(slot2, { id = slot9:GetBaseMapId(), star_list = slot14 }) table.insert(slot3, end end return slot2, slot3 end function slot0.CountAchievements(slot0, slot1) slot2 = 0 slot3 = 0 slot4 = 0 for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot1 and { slot1 } or slot0.atlas:GetAchEntranceList()) do for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot10:GetBaseMap().config.normal_target) do slot2 = slot2 + (slot0.achievements[slot16] and slot0.achievements[slot16]:IsAchieved() and 1 or 0) end for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot11.config.cryptic_target) do slot3 = slot3 + (slot0.achievements[slot16] and slot0.achievements[slot16]:IsAchieved() and 1 or 0) end slot4 = slot4 + #slot11.config.normal_target + #slot11.config.cryptic_target end return slot2, slot3, slot4 end function slot1() return { [TeamType.Main] = {}, [TeamType.Vanguard] = {}, [TeamType.Submarine] = {}, commanders = {} } end function slot0.BuildFormationIds(slot0) slot1 = { [FleetType.Normal] = {}, [FleetType.Submarine] = {} } slot2 = { [FleetType.Normal] = 2, [FleetType.Submarine] = 0 } slot3 = { [FleetType.Normal] = 1, [FleetType.Submarine] = 1 } for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(pg.world_stage_template) do if slot8.stage_key <= slot0:GetProgress() then slot2[FleetType.Normal] = math.max(slot2[FleetType.Normal], slot8.fleet_num) else break end end if slot0:IsSystemOpen(WorldConst.SystemSubmarine) then slot2[FleetType.Submarine] = 1 end for slot7, slot8 in pairs(slot1) do for slot12 = 1, slot2[slot7] do table.insert(slot8, uv0()) end end for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot0:IsActivate() and slot0:GetFleets() or slot0:GetDefaultFleets()) do slot9 = slot8:GetFleetType() if slot3[slot9] <= slot2[slot9] then slot1[slot9][slot10] = slot8:BuildFormationIds() slot3[slot9] = slot10 + 1 end end slot4 = nil for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot0:GetTaskProxy():getTasks()) do if slot10.config.complete_condition == WorldConst.TaskTypeFleetExpansion and slot10:getState() == WorldTask.STATE_ONGOING then slot4 = slot10.config.complete_parameter[1] break end end if slot4 then for slot9 = #slot1[FleetType.Normal] + 1, slot4 do slot1[FleetType.Normal][slot9] = uv0() end end for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot1) do slot6 = 0 + #slot11 end return slot4 and WorldConst.FleetExpansion or WorldConst.FleetRedeploy, slot1, slot6 end function slot0.FormationIds2NetIds(slot0, slot1) slot2 = {} for slot6, slot7 in ipairs({ FleetType.Normal, FleetType.Submarine }) do for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot1[slot7]) do slot13 = {} for slot17, slot18 in ipairs({ TeamType.Main, TeamType.Vanguard, TeamType.Submarine }) do for slot22 = 1, 3 do if slot12[slot18][slot22] then table.insert(slot13, slot12[slot18][slot22]) end end end if #slot13 > 0 then table.insert(slot2, { ship_id_list = slot13, commanders = Clone(slot12.commanders) }) end end end return slot2 end function slot0.CompareRedeploy(slot0, slot1) slot2 = { TeamType.Main, TeamType.Vanguard, TeamType.Submarine } slot3 = {} slot4 = 0 for slot8, slot9 in pairs(slot1) do for slot13, slot14 in ipairs(slot9) do for slot18, slot19 in ipairs(slot2) do for slot23 = 1, 3 do if slot14[slot19][slot23] and not slot3[slot24] then slot3[slot24] = true slot4 = slot4 + 1 end end end end end slot5 = {} slot6 = 0 for slot10, slot11 in ipairs(slot0:GetFleets()) do for slot15, slot16 in ipairs(slot2) do for slot21, slot22 in ipairs(slot11:GetTeamShips(slot16, true)) do if not slot5[] then slot5[] = true slot6 = slot6 + 1 end end end end if slot6 ~= slot4 then return true end for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot5) do if not slot3[slot10] then return true end end for slot10, slot11 in pairs(slot3) do if not slot5[slot10] then return true end end return false end function slot0.IsSystemOpen(slot0, slot1) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(pg.world_stage_template.all) do if pg.world_stage_template[slot6].stage_ui[1] == slot1 and (slot7.stage_ui[2] == 0 or slot7.stage_ui[2] == slot0.realm) then return slot7.stage_key <= slot0:GetProgress() end end return true end function slot0.CalcCDTimeCost(slot0, slot1, slot2) return math.floor(slot0[1] * math.max(slot0[2] - math.max(pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() - slot1, 0), 0) / slot0[2] * math.max(10000 - slot2, 0) / 10000) end function slot0.GetReqCDTime(slot0, slot1) return slot0.cdTimeList[slot1] or 0 end function slot0.SetReqCDTime(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.cdTimeList[slot1] = slot2 end function slot0.GetNowEntrance(slot0) return slot0.nowEntrance end function slot0.SetNowEntrance(slot0, slot1) slot0.nowEntrance = slot1 end function slot0.InitWorldShopGoods(slot0) slot0.goodDic = {} for slot4, slot5 in ipairs(pg.shop_template.all) do if pg.shop_template[slot5].genre == ShopArgs.WorldShop then slot0.goodDic[slot5] = 0 end end end function slot0.UpdateWorldShopGoods(slot0, slot1) _.each(slot1, function (slot0) uv0.goodDic[slot0.goods_id] = uv0.goodDic[slot0.goods_id] + slot0.count end) slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateShopGoods, slot0.goodDic) end function slot0.GetWorldShopGoodsDictionary(slot0) return slot0.goodDic end function slot0.InitWorldColorDictionary(slot0) slot0.colorDic = {} _.each(pg.world_chapter_colormask.all, function (slot0) slot1 = pg.world_chapter_colormask[slot0] uv0.colorDic[Color.New(slot1.color[1] / 255, slot1.color[2] / 255, slot1.color[3] / 255):ToHex()] = end) end function slot0.ColorToEntrance(slot0, slot1) return slot0.colorDic[slot1:ToHex()] and slot0:GetEntrance(slot0.colorDic[slot1:ToHex()]) end function slot0.GetGlobalBuff(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.globalBuffDic[slot1] then slot2 = WorldBuff.New() slot2:Setup({ floor = 0, id = slot1 }) slot0.globalBuffDic[slot1] = slot2 end return slot0.globalBuffDic[slot1] end function slot0.AddGlobalBuff(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0:GetGlobalBuff(slot1):AddFloor(slot2) slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateGlobalBuff) end function slot0.RemoveBuff(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.globalBuffDic[slot1] then if slot2 and slot2 < slot3:GetFloor() then slot3:AddFloor(slot2 * -1) else slot0.globalBuffDic[slot1] = nil end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUpdateGlobalBuff) end end function slot0.GetWorldMapBuffLevel(slot0) return, function (slot0) return uv0:GetGlobalBuff(slot0).floor end) end function slot0.GetWorldMapBuffAverageLevel(slot0) slot1 = slot0:GetWorldMapBuffLevel() underscore.each(slot1, function (slot0) uv0 = uv0 + slot0 end) return 0 / #slot1 end function slot0.GetWorldMapBuffs(slot0) return, function (slot0) return uv0:GetGlobalBuff(slot0) end) end function slot0.GetWorldMapDifficultyBuffLevel(slot0) return pg.gameset.world_difficult_value.description[slot0:GetActiveMap().config.difficulty] end function slot0.OnUpdateItem(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot3:getWorldItemType() == WorldItem.UsageWorldMap and slot0.atlas then slot0.atlas:UpdateTreasure( end slot0.taskProxy:doUpdateTaskByItem(slot3) end function slot0.OnUpdateTask(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3) if slot0.atlas then slot0.atlas:UpdateTask(slot3) end end function slot0.GetPressingAward(slot0, slot1) return slot0.pressingAwardDic[slot1] end function slot0.FlagMapPressingAward(slot0, slot1) if not slot0.pressingAwardDic[slot1] then return end slot0.pressingAwardDic[slot1].flag = false end function slot0.CheckAreaUnlock(slot0, slot1) return pg.world_regions_data[slot1].open_stage[1] <= slot0.progress end function slot0.CheckTaskLockMap(slot0) slot2 = slot0:GetActiveMap().gid return _.any(slot0.taskProxy:getTaskVOs(), function (slot0) return slot0:isAlive() and slot0:IsLockMap() and _.any(slot0.config.task_target_map, function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) end) end function slot0.CheckResetAward(slot0, slot1) slot0.resetAward = slot1 if getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData():getResource(WorldConst.ResourceID) == pg.gameset.world_resource_max.key_value then slot0.resetLimitTip = true end end function slot0.ClearResetAward(slot0) slot0.resetAward = nil slot0.resetLimitTip = nil end function slot0.GetTargetMapPressingCount(slot0, slot1) for slot6, slot7 in ipairs(slot1) do if slot0:GetMap(slot7).isPressing then slot2 = 0 + 1 end end return slot2 end function slot0.ClearAllFleetDefeatEnemies(slot0) underscore.each(slot0:GetFleets(), function (slot0) slot0:ClearDefeatEnemies() end) end function slot0.GetAreaEntranceIds(slot0, slot1) return slot0.atlas.areaEntranceList[slot1] end function slot0.CalcOrderCost(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == WorldConst.OpReqRedeploy then return World.CalcCDTimeCost(pg.gameset.world_fleet_redeploy_cost.description, slot0:GetReqCDTime(WorldConst.OpReqRedeploy), 0) elseif slot1 == WorldConst.OpReqMaintenance then return pg.gameset.world_instruction_maintenance.description[1] * math.max(10000 - slot2, 0) / 10000 elseif slot1 == WorldConst.OpReqSub then if slot0:GetSubmarineFleet() then underscore.each(slot3:GetShips(true), function (slot0) uv0 = uv0 + slot0:GetImportWorldShipVO():GetStaminaDiscount(WorldConst.OpReqSub) end) end return World.CalcCDTimeCost(pg.gameset.world_instruction_submarine.description, slot0:GetReqCDTime(WorldConst.OpReqSub), slot2) elseif slot1 == WorldConst.OpReqVision then return World.CalcCDTimeCost(pg.gameset.world_instruction_detect.description, slot0:GetReqCDTime(WorldConst.OpReqVision), slot2) end end function slot0.GetDisplayPressingCount(slot0) for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.atlas.pressingMapList) do if slot0.atlas:GetMap(slot6):CheckMapPressingDisplay() then slot1 = 0 + 1 end end return slot1 end function slot0.CheckCommanderInFleet(slot0, slot1) if slot0.type == World.TypeBase then return underscore.any(slot0.baseCmdIds, function (slot0) return slot0 == uv0 end) else for slot5, slot6 in ipairs(slot0.fleets) do if slot6:HasCommander(slot1) then return true end end return false end end function slot0.CheckSkipBattle(slot0) return getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData():CheckIdentityFlag() and world_skip_battle == 1 end return slot0