slot0 = class("WorldTask") slot0.STATE_INACTIVE = 0 slot0.STATE_ONGOING = 1 slot0.STATE_FINISHED = 2 slot0.STATE_RECEIVED = 3 slot1 = pg.world_task_data function slot0.type2BgColor(slot0) if not uv0.Colors then uv0.Colors = { "yellow", "red", "blue", "orange", "green", "yellow" } end return uv0.Colors[slot0 + 1] end function slot0.Ctor(slot0, slot1) = slot0.configId = slot0.progress = slot1.progress or 0 slot0.submiteTime = slot1.submite_time or 0 slot0.acceptTime = slot1.accept_time or 0 slot0.followingEntrance = slot1.event_map_id or 0 slot0.config = uv0[slot0.configId] = or 0 if slot0.config.complete_condition == WorldConst.TaskTypeSubmitItem then slot0:updateProgress(nowWorld:GetInventoryProxy():GetItemCount(slot0.config.complete_parameter[1])) elseif slot0.config.complete_condition == WorldConst.TaskTypePressingMap then slot0:updateProgress(nowWorld:GetTargetMapPressingCount(slot0.config.complete_parameter)) end end function slot0.DebugPrint(slot0) return string.format("任务 [%s] [id: %s] [状态: %s] [进度: %s/%s] [接受时间: %s] [完成时间: %s]",,, ({ "未激活", "进行中", "已完成未提交", "已提交", "已过期" })[slot0:getState() + 1], slot0:getProgress(), slot0:getMaxProgress(), slot0.acceptTime, slot0.submiteTime) end function slot0.isNew(slot0) return == 1 end function slot0.getState(slot0) if slot0.acceptTime == 0 then return uv0.STATE_INACTIVE elseif slot0.submiteTime > 0 then return uv0.STATE_RECEIVED elseif slot0:getMaxProgress() <= slot0:getProgress() then return uv0.STATE_FINISHED else return uv0.STATE_ONGOING end end function slot0.getMaxProgress(slot0) return slot0.config.complete_parameter_num end function slot0.updateProgress(slot0, slot1) slot0.progress = slot1 end function slot0.getProgress(slot0) return slot0.progress end function slot0.isAlive(slot0) return slot0:getState() == uv0.STATE_ONGOING or slot1 == uv0.STATE_FINISHED end function slot0.isFinished(slot0) return slot0:getState() == uv0.STATE_FINISHED end function slot0.isReceived(slot0) return slot0:getState() == uv0.STATE_RECEIVED end function slot0.canSubmit(slot0) if slot0:getState() ~= uv0.STATE_FINISHED then return false, i18n("this task is not finish or is finished") end return true end function slot0.commited(slot0) slot0.submiteTime = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() end function slot0.GetBgColor(slot0) return uv0.type2BgColor(slot0.config.type) end function slot0.GetDisplayDrops(slot0) _.each(, function (slot0) table.insert(uv0, { type = slot0[1], id = slot0[2], count = slot0[3] }) end) return {} end function slot0.GetFollowingAreaId(slot0) return slot0.config.following_region[1] and slot1 > 0 and slot1 or nil end function slot0.GetFollowingEntrance(slot0) if slot0.config.type == 0 then return slot0.config.following_map[1] else return slot0.followingEntrance > 0 and slot0.followingEntrance or nil end end function slot0.IsSpecialType(slot0) return slot0.config.type == 5 end function slot0.IsLockMap(slot0) return slot0.config.target_map_lock == 1 end function slot0.IsAutoSubmit(slot0) return slot0.config.auto_complete == 1 end function slot0.canTrigger(slot0) if nowWorld:GetLevel() < WorldTask.New({ id = slot0 }).config.need_level then return false, i18n1("舰队总等级需达到(缺gametip)" .. slot1.config.need_level) elseif slot2:GetTaskProxy().taskFinishCount < slot1.config.need_task_complete then return false, i18n1("任务完成数需达到(缺gametip)" .. slot1.config.need_task_complete) end return true end slot0.taskSortOrder = { [slot0.STATE_INACTIVE] = 2, [slot0.STATE_ONGOING] = 1, [slot0.STATE_FINISHED] = 0, [slot0.STATE_RECEIVED] = 3 } function slot0.sortFunc(slot0, slot1) if uv0.taskSortOrder[slot0:getState()] == uv0.taskSortOrder[slot1:getState()] then if slot0.config.type == slot1.config.type then if slot0.config.priority == slot1.config.priority then return < else return slot1.config.priority < slot0.config.priority end else return slot0.config.type < slot1.config.type end else return slot2 < slot3 end end return slot0