slot0 = class("WorldBossProxy", import("....BaseEntity")) slot0.CacheKey = "WorldbossFleet" slot0.INFINITY = 9999999999.0 slot0.Fields = { refreshBossesTime = "number", cacheLock = "number", otherBosses = "table", boss = "table", isSetup = "boolean", ptTime = "number", isFetched = "boolean", pt = "number", ranks = "table", cacheBosses = "table", fleet = "table", timers = "table" } slot0.REFRESH_BOSSES_TIME = 300 slot0.VIRTUAL_ITEM_ID = 100001 slot0.EventProcessBossListUpdated = "WorldBossProxy.EventProcessBossListUpdated" slot0.EventCacheBossListUpdated = "WorldBossProxy.EventCacheBossListUpdated" slot0.EventBossUpdated = "WorldBossProxy.EventBossUpdated" slot0.EventFleetUpdated = "WorldBossProxy.EventFleetUpdated" slot0.EventPtUpdated = "WorldBossProxy.EventPtUpdated" slot0.EventRankListUpdated = "WorldBossProxy.EventRankListUpdated" slot0.EventUnlockProgressUpdated = "WorldBossProxy.EventUnlockProgressUpdated" function slot0.Setup(slot0, slot1) = slot0:GetMaxPt() - (slot1.fight_count or 0) if slot1.self_boss then slot3 = WorldBoss.New() slot3:Setup(slot1.self_boss, getProxy(PlayerProxy):getData()) if slot3:Active() then slot0.boss = slot3 end end slot0.cacheBosses = {} slot0.ranks = {} slot0.timers = {} slot0.fleet = nil slot0:GenFleet() slot0.refreshBossesTime = 0 slot0.isSetup = true slot0.isFetched = false end function slot0.GenFleet(slot0) slot0.fleet = Fleet.New({ 0, id = 1, name = i18n("world_boss_fleet"), ship_list = slot0:GetCacheShips() }) end function slot0.GetCacheShips(slot0) slot3 = {} if string.split(PlayerPrefs.GetString(uv0.CacheKey .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id), "|") and #slot2 > 0 and (#slot2 ~= 1 or slot2[1] ~= "") then for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot2) do if pg.ShipFlagMgr.GetInstance():GetShipFlag(tonumber(slot8), "inWorld") then table.insert(slot3, slot9) end end end return slot3 end function slot0.SavaCacheShips(slot0, slot1) for slot7, slot8 in ipairs(slot1:getShipIds()) do slot3 = "" .. slot8 .. "|" end PlayerPrefs.SetString(uv0.CacheKey .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id, slot3) PlayerPrefs.Save() end function slot0.ClearCacheShips(slot0) PlayerPrefs.DeleteKey(uv0.CacheKey .. getProxy(PlayerProxy):getRawData().id) PlayerPrefs.Save() end function slot0.UpdteRefreshBossesTime(slot0) slot0.refreshBossesTime = pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() + uv0.REFRESH_BOSSES_TIME end function slot0.ShouldRefreshBosses(slot0) return slot0.refreshBossesTime <= pg.TimeMgr.GetInstance():GetServerTime() end function slot0.UpdateCacheBoss(slot0, slot1) if slot0:IsSelfBoss(slot1) then slot0:UpdateSelfBoss(slot1) else slot0.cacheBosses[] = slot1 slot0:BalanceMaxBossCnt() end end function slot0.BalanceMaxBossCnt(slot0) if table.getCount(slot0.cacheBosses) < pg.gameset.boss_cnt_limit.description[1] then return end slot2 = {} slot3 = {} slot4 = {} for slot9, slot10 in pairs(slot0.cacheBosses) do slot11 = slot10:GetType() if slot10:isDeath() or slot10:IsExpired() then table.insert({}, slot10) elseif slot11 == WorldBoss.BOSS_TYPE_FRIEND then table.insert(slot4, slot10) elseif slot11 == WorldBoss.BOSS_TYPE_GUILD then table.insert(slot3, slot10) elseif slot11 == WorldBoss.BOSS_TYPE_WORLD then table.insert(slot2, slot10) end end if slot1[2] < #slot2 then table.sort(slot2, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0:GetJoinTime() < slot1:GetJoinTime() end) if slot2[1] then table.insert(slot5, slot2[1]) end end if slot1[3] < #slot3 then table.sort(slot3, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0:GetJoinTime() < slot1:GetJoinTime() end) if slot3[1] then table.insert(slot5, slot3[1]) end end if slot1[4] < #slot4 then table.sort(slot4, function (slot0, slot1) return slot0:GetJoinTime() < slot1:GetJoinTime() end) if slot4[1] then table.insert(slot5, slot4[1]) end end if #slot5 > 0 then for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot5) do if slot0.cacheBosses[] and ~= slot0.cacheLock then slot0.cacheBosses[] = nil end end slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventCacheBossListUpdated) end end function slot0.RemoveCacheBoss(slot0, slot1) if slot0.cacheBosses[slot1] then slot0.cacheBosses[slot1] = nil slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventCacheBossListUpdated) end end function slot0.GetCacheBoss(slot0, slot1) return slot0.cacheBosses[slot1] end function slot0.LockCacheBoss(slot0, slot1) slot0.cacheLock = slot1 end function slot0.UnlockCacheBoss(slot0) slot0.cacheLock = nil end function slot0.canGetSelfAward(slot0) return slot0:GetSelfBoss() and slot1:isDeath() end function slot0.UpdateFleet(slot0, slot1) slot0.fleet = slot1 slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventFleetUpdated) end function slot0.UpdateSelfBoss(slot0, slot1) if slot0.boss and slot1 and not slot1:isSameLevel(slot0.boss) then slot0.fleet:clearFleet() end slot0.boss = slot1 slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventBossUpdated) end function slot0.RemoveSelfBoss(slot0) slot0:UpdateSelfBoss(nil) end function slot0.updateBossHp(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot0.boss and slot1 == then slot0.boss:UpdateHp(slot2) slot0:UpdateSelfBoss(slot0.boss) elseif slot0.cacheBosses[slot1] then slot3:UpdateHp(slot2) slot0:UpdateCacheBoss(slot3) end end function slot0.GetBossById(slot0, slot1) if slot0.boss and == slot1 then return slot0.boss end if slot0.cacheBosses[slot1] then return slot2 end end function slot0.GetSelfBoss(slot0) return slot0.boss end function slot0.IsSelfBoss(slot0, slot1) return slot0.boss and == or slot1:IsSelf() end function slot0.GetBoss(slot0) return slot0.boss end function slot0.ExistSelfBoss(slot0) return slot0.boss ~= nil and not slot0.boss:IsExpired() end function slot0.GetCacheBossList(slot0) slot1 = {} for slot5, slot6 in pairs(slot0.cacheBosses) do if not slot0:IsSelfBoss(slot6) then table.insert(slot1, slot6) end end return slot1 end function slot0.reducePt(slot0) = - 1 slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventPtUpdated) end function slot0.increasePt(slot0) = math.min(slot0:GetMaxPt(), + pg.gameset.joint_boss_ap_recove_cnt_pre_day.key_value) slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventPtUpdated) end function slot0.SetRank(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot0.ranks[slot1] = slot2 if slot0:GetBossById(slot1) then slot3:SetRankCnt(#slot2) end slot0:addTimer(slot1) slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventRankListUpdated, slot1) end function slot0.GetRank(slot0, slot1) return slot0.ranks[slot1] end function slot0.ClearRank(slot0, slot1) slot0.ranks[slot1] = nil end function slot0.GetFleet(slot0) return slot0.fleet end function slot0.addTimer(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return end if slot0.timers[slot1] then slot0.timers[slot1]:Stop() slot0.timers[slot1] = nil end slot0.timers[slot1] = Timer.New(function () if uv0.ranks then uv0.ranks[uv1] = nil uv0.timers[uv1]:Stop() uv0.timers[uv1] = nil end end, 300, 1) slot0.timers[slot1]:Start() end function slot0.GetPt(slot0) return end function slot0.GetMaxPt(slot0) return pg.gameset.joint_boss_ap_max.key_value end function slot0.isMaxPt(slot0) return == slot0:GetMaxPt() end function slot0.GetRecoverPtTime(slot0) return pg.gameset.joint_boss_ap_recover_time.key_value end function slot0.GetNextReconveTime(slot0) return slot0.ptTime end function slot0.updatePtTime(slot0, slot1) slot0.ptTime = slot1 end function slot0.Dispose(slot0) uv0.super.Dispose(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0.timers or {}) do slot5:Stop() end slot0.timers = nil end function slot0.NeedTip(slot0) return function () if uv0.boss and uv0.boss:isDeath() and not uv0.boss:IsExpired() and not uv0.boss:ShouldWaitForResult() then return true end return false end() end function slot0.UpdatedUnlockProgress(slot0) slot0:DispatchEvent(uv0.EventUnlockProgressUpdated) end function slot0.GetUnlockProgress(slot0) slot1 = 0 slot2 = 1 if getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_WORLD_WORLDBOSS) and not slot3:isEnd() then slot1 = slot3.data1 slot2 = slot3.data2 + 1 end slot5 = pg.gameset.joint_boss_ticket.description[slot2] or uv0.INFINITY return math.min(slot5, slot1), slot5, slot2, #slot4, slot4[#slot4] end function slot0.CanUnlock(slot0) slot1, slot2 = slot0:GetUnlockProgress() return slot2 <= slot1 end function slot0.GetCanGetAwardBoss(slot0) return nil end function slot0.ExistSelfBossAward(slot0) if slot0.boss and slot0.boss:isDeath() and not slot0.boss:IsExpired() then return true end return false end function slot0.ExistCacheBoss(slot0) return table.getCount(slot0.cacheBosses) ~= 0 end function slot0.IsOpen(slot0) return getProxy(ActivityProxy):getActivityByType(ActivityConst.ACTIVITY_TYPE_WORLD_WORLDBOSS) and not slot1:isEnd() end return slot0