ys.Battle.BattleConstPlayerUnit = class("BattleConstPlayerUnit", ys.Battle.BattlePlayerUnit) ys.Battle.BattleConstPlayerUnit.__name = "BattleConstPlayerUnit" slot0 = ys.Battle.BattleConstPlayerUnit slot2 = ys.Battle.BattleConst.EquipmentType function slot0.setWeapon(slot0, slot1) slot3 = slot0._tmpData.base_list slot0._proficiencyList = {} for slot7 = 1, #slot0._tmpData.default_equip_list do table.insert(slot0._proficiencyList, slot0._tmpData.equipment_proficiency[slot7] or 1) end for slot9, slot10 in ipairs(slot2) do if slot9 <= Ship.WEAPON_COUNT then slot11 = slot0._proficiencyList[slot9] slot12 = slot0._tmpData.preload_count[slot9] function (slot0, slot1, slot2) for slot7 = 1, uv0[uv1] do slot9 = uv2:AddWeapon(slot0, slot1, slot2, uv3, uv1):GetTemplateData().type if slot7 <= uv4 and (slot9 == uv5.POINT_HIT_AND_LOCK or slot9 == uv5.MANUAL_TORPEDO or slot9 == uv5.DISPOSABLE_TORPEDO) then slot8:SetModifyInitialCD() end end end(slot1[slot9] or slot2[slot9]) end end slot6 = #slot2 for slot11, slot12 in ipairs(slot0._tmpData.fix_equip_list) do if slot12 and slot12 ~= -1 then slot0:AddWeapon(slot12, nil, , slot4[slot11 + slot6] or 1, slot11 + slot6) end end end function slot0.IsAlive(slot0) return true end function slot0.HideWaveFx(slot0) slot0:DispatchEvent(ys.Event.New(ys.Battle.BattleUnitEvent.HIDE_WAVE_FX)) end function slot0.UpdateHPAction(slot0, slot1, ...) uv0.super.UpdateHPAction(slot0, slot1, ...) if slot1.dHP <= 0 then slot0:DispatchEvent(ys.Event.New(ys.Battle.BattleUnitEvent.ADD_BLINK, { blink = { blue = 1, peroid = 0.1, red = 1, green = 1, duration = 0.1 } })) end end