pg = pg or {} slot0 = pg slot0.TimeMgr = singletonClass("TimeMgr") slot1 = slot0.TimeMgr slot1._Timer = nil slot1._BattleTimer = nil slot1._sAnchorTime = 0 slot1._AnchorDelta = 0 slot1._serverUnitydelta = 0 slot1._isdstClient = false slot2 = 3600 slot3 = 86400 slot4 = 604800 function slot1.Ctor(slot0) slot0._battleTimerList = {} end function slot1.Init(slot0) print("initializing time manager...") slot0._Timer = TimeUtil.NewUnityTimer() UpdateBeat:Add(slot0.Update, slot0) UpdateBeat:Add(slot0.BattleUpdate, slot0) end function slot1.Update(slot0) slot0._Timer:Schedule() end function slot1.BattleUpdate(slot0) if slot0._stopCombatTime > 0 then slot0._cobTime = slot0._stopCombatTime - slot0._waitTime else slot0._cobTime = Time.time - slot0._waitTime end end function slot1.AddTimer(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) return slot0._Timer:SetTimer(slot1, slot2 * 1000, slot3 * 1000, slot4) end function slot1.RemoveTimer(slot0, slot1) if slot1 == nil or slot1 == 0 then return end slot0._Timer:DeleteTimer(slot1) end slot1._waitTime = 0 slot1._stopCombatTime = 0 slot1._cobTime = 0 function slot1.GetCombatTime(slot0) return slot0._cobTime end function slot1.ResetCombatTime(slot0) slot0._waitTime = 0 slot0._cobTime = Time.time end function slot1.GetCombatDeltaTime() return Time.fixedDeltaTime end function slot1.PauseBattleTimer(slot0) slot0._stopCombatTime = Time.time for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0._battleTimerList) do slot4:Pause() end end function slot1.ResumeBattleTimer(slot0) slot0._waitTime = slot0._waitTime + Time.time - slot0._stopCombatTime slot0._stopCombatTime = 0 for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0._battleTimerList) do slot4:Resume() end end function slot1.AddBattleTimer(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6) slot0._battleTimerList[Timer.New(slot4, slot3, slot2 or -1, slot5 or false)] = true if not (slot6 or false) then slot7:Start() end if slot0._stopCombatTime ~= 0 then slot7:Pause() end return slot7 end function slot1.ScaleBattleTimer(slot0, slot1) Time.timeScale = slot1 end function slot1.RemoveBattleTimer(slot0, slot1) if slot1 then slot0._battleTimerList[slot1] = nil slot1:Stop() end end function slot1.RemoveAllBattleTimer(slot0) for slot4, slot5 in pairs(slot0._battleTimerList) do slot4:Stop() end slot0._battleTimerList = {} end function slot1.RealtimeSinceStartup(slot0) return math.ceil(Time.realtimeSinceStartup) end function slot1.SetServerTime(slot0, slot1, slot2) if PLATFORM_CODE == PLATFORM_US then SERVER_SERVER_DAYLIGHT_SAVEING_TIME = true end slot0._isdstClient ="*t").isdst slot0._serverUnitydelta = slot1 - slot0:RealtimeSinceStartup() slot0._sAnchorTime = slot2 - (SERVER_DAYLIGHT_SAVEING_TIME and 3600 or 0) slot0._AnchorDelta = slot2 - os.time({ hour = 0, month = 11, year = 2020, min = 0, sec = 0, isdst = false, day = 23 }) end function slot1.GetServerTime(slot0) return slot0:RealtimeSinceStartup() + slot0._serverUnitydelta end function slot1.GetServerWeek(slot0) return slot0:GetServerTimestampWeek(slot0:GetServerTime()) end function slot1.GetServerTimestampWeek(slot0, slot1) return math.ceil(((slot1 - slot0._sAnchorTime) % uv0 + 1) / uv1) end function slot1.GetServerHour(slot0) return math.floor((slot0:GetServerTime() - slot0._sAnchorTime) % uv0 / uv1) end function slot1.Table2ServerTime(slot0, slot1) if slot0._isdstClient ~= SERVER_DAYLIGHT_SAVEING_TIME then if SERVER_DAYLIGHT_SAVEING_TIME then return slot0._AnchorDelta + os.time(slot1) - uv0 else return slot0._AnchorDelta + os.time(slot1) + uv0 end else return slot0._AnchorDelta + os.time(slot1) end end function slot1.CTimeDescC(slot0, slot1, slot2) return or "%Y%m%d%H%M%S", slot1) end function slot1.STimeDescC(slot0, slot1, slot2) return or "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S", slot1 - slot0._serverUnitydelta + os.time() - slot0:RealtimeSinceStartup()) end function slot1.STimeDescS(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot2 = slot2 or "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S" slot3 = 0 if slot0._isdstClient ~= SERVER_DAYLIGHT_SAVEING_TIME then slot3 = SERVER_DAYLIGHT_SAVEING_TIME and 3600 or -3600 end return, slot1 - slot0._AnchorDelta + slot3) end function slot1.CurrentSTimeDesc(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 then return slot0:STimeDescS(slot0:GetServerTime(), slot1) else return slot0:STimeDescC(slot0:GetServerTime(), slot1) end end function slot1.ChieseDescTime(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = "%Y/%m/%d" slot4 = nil slot5 = split((not slot2 or, slot1)) and, slot1 - slot0._ServerUnitydelta + os.time() - slot0:RealtimeSinceStartup()), "/") return NumberToChinese(slot5[1], false) .. "年" .. NumberToChinese(slot5[2], true) .. "月" .. NumberToChinese(slot5[3], true) .. "日" end function slot1.GetNextTime(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) slot4 = slot4 or uv0 slot6 = slot1 * uv1 + slot2 * 60 + slot3 return math.floor((slot0:GetServerTime() - (slot0._sAnchorTime + slot6)) / slot4 + 1) * slot4 + slot0._sAnchorTime + slot6 end function slot1.GetNextTimeByTimeStamp(slot0, slot1) slot2 = uv0 return math.floor((slot1 - slot0._sAnchorTime) / slot2) * slot2 + slot0._sAnchorTime end function slot1.GetNextWeekTime(slot0, slot1, slot2, slot3, slot4) return slot0:GetNextTime((slot1 - 1) * 24 + slot2, slot3, slot4, uv0) end function slot1.ParseTime(slot0, slot1) slot2 = tonumber(slot1) slot2 = slot2 / 100 slot2 = slot2 / 100 slot2 = slot2 / 100 slot2 = slot2 / 100 return slot0:Table2ServerTime({ year = slot2 / 100, month = slot2 % 100, day = slot2 % 100, hour = slot2 % 100, min = slot2 % 100, sec = slot2 % 100 }) end function slot1.ParseTimeEx(slot0, slot1, slot2) if slot2 == nil then slot2 = "(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%s(%d+)%:(%d+)%:(%d+)" end slot3, slot4, slot5, slot6, slot7, slot8 = slot1:match(slot2) return slot0:Table2ServerTime({ year = slot3, month = slot4, day = slot5, hour = slot6, min = slot7, sec = slot8 }) end function slot1.parseTimeFromConfig(slot0, slot1) return slot0:Table2ServerTime({ year = slot1[1][1], month = slot1[1][2], day = slot1[1][3], hour = slot1[2][1], min = slot1[2][2], sec = slot1[2][3] }) end function slot1.DescCDTime(slot0, slot1) slot2 = math.floor(slot1 / 3600) slot1 = slot1 - slot2 * 3600 return string.format("%02d:%02d:%02d", slot2, math.floor(slot1 / 60), slot1 % 60) end function slot1.parseTimeFrom(slot0, slot1) return math.floor(slot1 / uv0), math.fmod(math.floor(slot1 / 3600), 24), math.fmod(math.floor(slot1 / 60), 60), math.fmod(slot1, 60) end function slot1.DiffDay(slot0, slot1, slot2) return math.floor((slot2 - slot0._sAnchorTime) / uv0) - math.floor((slot1 - slot0._sAnchorTime) / uv0) end function slot1.IsSameDay(slot0, slot1, slot2) return math.floor((slot1 - slot0._sAnchorTime) / uv0) == math.floor((slot2 - slot0._sAnchorTime) / uv0) end function slot1.IsPassTimeByZero(slot0, slot1, slot2) return slot2 < math.fmod(slot1 - slot0._sAnchorTime, uv0) end function slot1.CalcMonthDays(slot0, slot1, slot2) slot3 = 30 if slot2 == 2 then slot3 = (slot1 % 4 == 0 and slot1 % 100 ~= 0 or slot1 % 400 == 0) and 29 or 28 elseif _.include({ 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 }, slot2) then slot3 = 31 end return slot3 end function slot1.inTime(slot0, slot1) if not slot1 then return true end if type(slot1) == "string" then return slot1 == "always" end if slot1[1] == nil then slot1 = { slot1[2], slot1[3] } end slot3 = nil if #slot1 > 0 then slot3 = function (slot0) return { year = slot0[1][1], month = slot0[1][2], day = slot0[1][3], hour = slot0[2][1], min = slot0[2][2], sec = slot0[2][3] } end(slot1[1] or { { 2000, 1, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }) end slot4 = nil if #slot1 > 1 then slot4 = slot2(slot1[2] or { { 2000, 1, 1 }, { 0, 0, 0 } }) end slot5 = nil if slot3 and slot4 then slot8 = slot0:Table2ServerTime(slot4) if slot0:GetServerTime() < slot0:Table2ServerTime(slot3) then return false, slot3 end if slot8 < slot6 then return false, nil end slot5 = slot4 end return true, slot5 end